Friday, February 28, 2020
Coronavirus - Ongoing Bio-Terrorist Attacks: The King of Bio-Engineered Coronavirus from the U.S. to China and the World...Also, the PREVENTION............
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State of the Nation
Author’s Note: People, the key takeaway from this exposé is this: that the coronavirus was bioengineered as a complex bioweapon that not only morphs and mutates in a highly unique and elusive fashion in vivo, it can also be triggered to significantly exacerbate the virus symptoms via (i) specific electromagnetic frequencies and microwave radiation disseminated by the 5G power grid, (ii) the spraying of specific chemtrail aerosol formulations, as well as (iii) specific vaccine ingredients after receiving a flu vaccination. In the unique case of Wuhan, there was also the additional triggering technique of releasing specific types of toxic industrial pollution which that greater metro area is notorious for. In short, the coronavirus is the “King of Bioengineered Viruses” — a super-bioweapon the likes of which humanity has never experienced before.
[1] Corona discharge
[2] Influenza
Editor’s Note: For a more complete treatment of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic saga, please consult the following series of informative exposés:
WUHAN CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC BIOENGINEERED: Who’s behind it, why now and why China?
Wuhan Coronavirus Bioterrorist Attack Is China’s 9/11, Same Perps
STAGED CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: An International Criminal Conspiracy of Epic Proportions
OPERATION CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: 16 Reasons for the Deployment of this Devastating Bioweapon in 2020
(TLB) Original Article Source
…..ALSO, the PREVENTION:BEST ADVICE from The Coronavirus Coach: The single best way to respond to a coronavirus outbreak near you and your family is to avoid getting it. Protect yourself by strengthening your immune system and fortifying your body by following the excellent guidance provided here: Here’s How Everyone Can Avoid Getting The Coronavirus.
CORONAVIRUS Precautionary Measures and Health Tips
The rapidly unfolding coronavirus pandemic should not be underestimated. Even given what little is known thus far, this bioengineered virus ought to be taken very seriously. Hence, every person on the planet is compelled to get their house in order (especially the medicine cabinet) so that they are ready for any eventuality.
It’s best to take preventative measures—NOW!
List of Basic Things To Do ASAP
First, start to eat right (LOTs of garlic and ginger and turmeric and curried foods). Drink Flu Tea, especially during cold season (the essential ingredients are ginger, cayenne pepper, lemon and honey but don’t heat the lemon or the honey, add them after the fresh ginger tea is brewed). Also drink plenty of warm fluids, specifically herbal teas that are decongestants and expectorants. Herbal teas that have antimicrobial and immune-stimulating properties are important when viral infection symptoms are present.
Be regular about replenishing and/or replacing the intestinal flora with probiotics; beverage and food-based forms are much preferred to nutraceuticals (e.g. capsules). For those with lactose intolerance and/or casein allergies, acquire some coconut, cashew or almond yogurt or kefir. Also, consider probiotic rectal implants when significant flora depletion is suspected.
Be sure to stay away from mucus-producing foods and beverages. Avoid dairy (esp. cheese, milk and ice cream—so sorry!), wheat, white sugar, red meat, eggs, soy, alcohol, artificially sweetened sodas, desserts in general, etc. This is a great time to minimize the intake of processed foods, packaged food, canned food, frozen food and especially junk food and fast food. “Corporate food” in supermarkets ought to be minimized; fresh produce, whole grains, organic ingredients, etc. are much healthier choices. The shorter the distance from farm to table the better.
If restaurant food cannot be avoided, be careful to only order the most cooked items on the menu. Raw foods and dairy products are very exposed to environmental pathogens as well as highly vulnerable to kitchen mismanagement practices and other types of contamination. Don’t eat out unless you must; and go organic, fresh, locally-grown and seasonal IN YOUR OWN KITCHEN. And, remember: “The cure is in the kitchen.”
Start to transition your diet from acidifying foods to alkalizing foods so that you move to approx. 75% alkaline and 25% acidic. Especially avoid constipating foods, beverages and nutraceuticals such as mineral supplements with too much Iron.
Regular Exercise and Stretching, Power Walking, Hatha Yoga, Pilates, Tai chi and Qigong are all great to do. Get as much exposure to Sunlight as possible for natural Vitamin D production. A 20 to 30 minute aerobic walk in nature is the single best way to cleanse the entire lymphatic system—A MUST![1] Don’t power walk outside when the skies are heavily chemtrailed; you’ll feel the health consequences.
Try to sleep well between 10:00 PM and 4:00 AM every night. Keep all technology out of the bedroom including TVs. Remove all light sources, cover the windows, and use an air purifier that generates white noise to cover up distracting night-time sounds.
Change all IT devices in the home from wireless and WiFi to wired connections. Even keyboards and mice ought to be hardwired. Those operating in a 5G environment ought to eliminate all WiFi completely.
Use wired landline phones whenever possible, NOT smartphones. Replace the smartphone with an old-fashioned 4G flip phone. (Wuhan City, China was designated a special “5G Demonstration Zone” in the months prior to the coronavirus outbreak.)
Assemble a first aid kit with Colloidal Silver or Silver Hydrosol, Zinc supplements, Turmeric power or extract, Vitamin C and Vitamin D. Have a CAL-MAG-POT mineral supplement handy.
Acquire some Anti-microbial Essential Oils (especially Oils of Oregano, Basil, Thyme & Peppermint). Get some Thieves essential oil and an atomizer to diffuse in the ambient environment, especially the bedroom before sleep!
Also, have Olive Leaf extract, Pau d’Arco tea and an Echinacea & Goldenseal combo in the medicine cabinet. Buy some Grapefruit Seed extract, in liquid form, for all sorts of medicinal and body care applications.
Keep some food-grade Hydrogen Peroxide in the fridge in the event that low-dose HP therapy becomes necessary.
Buy some BAC-HP homeopathic remedy to quickly subdue any bacterial infections that can weaken immunity. (See purchase link below)
Mouth care should include daily tongue scraping first thing in the morning followed by a Sovereign Silver mouth bath (hold 1 tbsp of silver in mouth for 20 to 30 minutes after teeth-brushing.[2] Then spit it out and thoroughly rinse mouth with water. For us health nuts, this can be followed with 15 t0 20 minutes of oil pulling by swishing around in the mouth 1 tbsp of either sesame or coconut oil. (The toothbrush should be washed with peppermint soap after each use and soaked in hydrogen peroxide at least once a week.)
For those who get really sick or really are ambitious, do a coffee enema.[3] There’s no quicker way to cleanse and refresh the liver blood. Moreover, performing a gallbladder flush / liver cleanse is an effective way to decongest the liver which then enhances the detoxification pathways during sickness, disease or injury.
Take a crash course in strengthening your immune system at this website: The Health Coach. For those who are chronically experiencing any form of immunosuppression, it’s imperative to do an immune system checkup. Particularly for those folks who have suffered from any of the chronic degenerative diseases or Third Millennium Maladies or Alphabet Soup Ailments (e.g. CFS, EBV, AIDS, HIV, COPD, MS, ALS, Lupus, Lyme, Morgellons, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune disorders), conducting a systematic immune system audit is a MUST. Whereas a strong immune response is the BEST defense against the coronavirus, even a compromised immune system can be quickly strengthened. For example, an infected root canal or cavitation site can be properly remediated thereby removing a constant burden from the immune system.[4]
Wash hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with an anti-microbial soap after being out in public but especially after handling all mail and parcels; raw food items; and food packages such as boxes, plastic bags as well as beverage cups, cans and bottles.
Regularly sanitize all door handles and faucet handles as well as vehicle door handles and the steering wheel. Be sure to keep Ethyl Alcohol and Distilled White Vinegar on hand to disinfect contaminated surfaces, especially in the kitchen and bathrooms. There are different packaged wipes, which use alcohol to kill pathogenic micro-organisms on contact, to keep in the vehicle as well as hand sanitizers that do the same for the home and office.[5] . Above all, avoid touching your eyes, ears, nose or mouth (your head, for that matter) with unwashed hands.
This particular strain of coronavirus could develop into a serious situation (i.e. Pandemic) which will then require great vigilance and resolve. Be alert to any unusual symptoms in the home and workplace for yourself and others. Stay away from any individual who is presenting any type of flu symptoms.
Avoid all public places, when practical, for the rest of this flu season. If you are the family caregiver or a healthcare provider, take all the extra precautionary measures to avoid exposure (wear masks, wash hands, etc.). Disinfect, Sanitize and Keep Clean whatever, wherever and whenever necessary. The kitchen and bathrooms need to be especially clean since that’s where most illness and disease begin.
Lastly, pray for divine protection and guidance for yourself, your family and friends, and your co-workers. Pray, especially, for the people of China and all of humanity: that a speedy and successful resolution to this worldwide health challenge will be found and implemented post-haste.
— The Coronavirus Coach
(An Integrative Health Consultant & Biomedical Researcher)
Submitted by The Coronavirus Coach
The Health Coach
The Health Coach
Health References
[3] Coffee Enema
Purchase Link
Common Symptoms of Wuhan Coronavirus
SMOKING GUN: China Bought Weaponized Wuhan Virus From U.S.
InfoWars - Alex Jones Channel
Published 8 days ago |
Published 8 days ago |
Dr. Francis Boyle joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the smoking gun linking the weaponized Wuhan virus to the U.S.
"Also, support your body by getting all the vitamins and minerals you need with the Ultra 12 and Vitamin Mineral Fusion Combo now at 50% off!" -and-wellness/infowars-life /vitamin-boosting-combo?ims= qgxzx&utm_campaign=u12vmf50&utm _source=undervideodescription &utm_medium=Banner&utm_content =u12vmf50
"Also, support your body by getting all the vitamins and minerals you need with the Ultra 12 and Vitamin Mineral Fusion Combo now at 50% off!"
Posted by hwnwahine at 2:49 AM
facebook: Forever Young by Rod Stewart Shower the People by James Taylor
Boost up your Health, Keep Healthy....we may be in for a rough ride!