Saturday, November 11, 2017

Vol VI No. 676 Part 3

Hi everyone, Judson Witham is the administrator of this group...funny but Sherri Kane had requested to be a member and I clicked 'approve'...... must be a gliche....enjoy Judson's and Sherri's posts.... have Happy Holidays! ...will keep reading good Whistleblower info......
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David Black
ALOHA to our brothers and sisters in the beautiful state of Hawaii.
To the corrupt businesses, corporations, lawyers, judges and politicians of Hawaii. The time for change is now. No longer shall the people be oppressed by corruption, abuse of power and your greed. You have stole their money, you have stole their land, and you have stole their homes.
We know who you are. We know what you have done.
You know who we are. You know what we can do.
Your time is up. There are no more warnings. We are here.
You will now live in the fear you have inflicted upon the people.
We have forgotten such words our society has found guidance and value in: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness."
"Think For Yourself, Question Authority" - Timothy Leary
To effectively reform the system that has enslaved us, we must consider following the advice and example of those who have preceded us. Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and JFK are good places to start. All took fierce positions against central banking, government corruption and corporate power.
The time has come for us to unite, the time has come for us to stand up and fight!
YOU are Anonymous!
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

News Feed


Sherri Kane shared a link.
Paul J. Sulla, Jr, the corrupt Hilo drug dealing land thief who stole our home now has it up for sale. I bet he and his partners in crime won't tell the unsuspecting buyer what kind of hell they will be getting into with Sulla and our lawsuits if they buy this place. The case is under 2 state court appeals and 1 federal case against the title company. Warn every body you know that is in the real estate & title company business that they are aiding and abetting a Grand theft scheme.


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Tom Thele I just got the realtor's info. I sent an email stating i'm interested.

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12 hrs
Sylvia Moke Your awesome!

12 hrs
Debra Kekaualua Title guarantee INSURANCE co, must refund and return this hale to the rightful owners.

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12 hrs

Tracy Adams shared a link.
Is it just me? Am I the only one noticing these towers popping up all over?

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Mel Wildman You're just lucky its not a Trump Tower....

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Reply11 hrs
he main supply of ayahusaca/DMT a schedule one narcotic. He runs an illegal church according to the DEA who confimed this but had the gall to tell us, the victims, to get them a buy. My husband is a retired oral surgeon and our life savings was in this stolen property. The FBI told us that since a judge is involved, they do not have the resources to do anything about it. Interesting since the FBI is being exposed right now. The police investigation have been diverted because of the FBI. Sulla is a big time crook that should be put in prison. He is also accused of stealing the inheritance of another family and their elderly father was ripped off by him and mysteriously died shortly after. Another victimized family is part of this stunted GJ investigation. Another family's inheritance had been stolen from their elderly father who was found bloodied and deceased in his apartment shortly after another lawyer named Nancy Budd on behalf of the Hawaii Community Foundation stole this man's money. The investigation also involves the murders and rapes of 2 little girls. I am hoping that you can look into this. A retired police detective has been investigating these crimes. His name is Jim Benish. He recently wrote a book about it called The Fifth Sense.
Tim Reis Sherri Kane I am sorry to hear about your experience. I have read a little about your ordeal and it sounds like a nightmare. I also mahalo your husband for his courage in disseminating his research.

If it is justice that you seek, I encourage you an
d your husband to understand your status as a "protected person" as defined by International Humanitarian Law.

I would also encourage you to reach out to Hui Aloha Aina o Hilo or Waimea if you would like further information.

These two associations are branches of the Hawaiian Patriotic League, which passed a resolution to provide notification of the prolonged occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom. The significance of this resolution is to begin the process of competent legal action against injustices and injuries that occur within the territory of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

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October 29 at 4:46amEdited
Sherri KaneGroup Admin Many Mahalos to you.
The best report ever on LameStream Media.

"Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane (a.k.a., “The HOROKANE”) are at the forefront of exposing the world’s worst villains, including the “shadow governors” and “Militant Media” advancing terrorism,…

Darryl Kalua Publicity who're going to back to your moronic show, stop kissing dons ass. Nobody cares what you think.

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ReplyOctober 29 at 12:10am

Trisha Kehaulani Watson-Sproat
I've decided to post a bit of history on the Land Board situation. And I think many of you are going to be interested.
First, a little history on the particular seat currenting being occupied on the Land Board. In 2014, Native Hawaiians were successful in passing Act 104, which amended the law to have seat set aside to "ensure assistance to the board to better administer the public lands and resources with respect to native Hawaiian issues and concerns, the public land trust obligations, and the recognition of native Hawaiian cultural values that are intrinsically tied to the ‘āina." Much like the OHA Trustees, which by law don't have to be Hawaiian or the many culture seats on various boards across the state which are not expressly Hawaiian, it was widely understood that because DLNR oversees the ceded lands, it would be respectful and appropriate to appoint a qualified Native Hawaiian to this seat.
It was not about meeting certain qualifications, it was about having someone who could represent Hawaiians who had their lands taken from them. Lands that are overseen by DLNR. The key language, therefore, is not in HRS 171-4, but in HRS 26-15.
The first person appointed to this seat was Hawaiian. Yet, when she needed to resign early... and you're going to love this...
No one else was even allowed to apply.
I'm going to let that one sink in... when the seat opened, no one, NO HAWAIIANS, were given the opportunity to even APPLY. The governor immediately appointed a NON-HAWAIIAN “to the board to better administer the public lands and resources with respect to native Hawaiian issues and concerns.”
***native Hawaiian issues and concerns***
How do I know this, you ask? Because I personally inquired about applying when it was announced the previous board member was resigning and was told Sam was being given the seat. End of story.
So this is far more insidious than people realize, and for me, it has nothing to do with TMT. It has to do with all the decisions before the Land Board, and that Hawaiians have a right to have a seat at the table and have a right to have their voice heard.
I also want those of you who aren't Hawaiian to ask yourselves if you would take this seat away from wanting, highly qualified Hawaiians? Ask yourself what kind of person would? What kind of person does that? What kind of person justifies himself staying in it when asked to resign by Hawaiians? Who does that?
Hawaiians weren't even given an opportunity to apply for a seat they had advocated for. And I didn't ask for it to be given to me, I simply asked for the opportunity to apply. And there are many other highly qualified Hawaiians who I am sure would have loved the opportunity to apply.
We were never given the chance.

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Sherri KaneGroup Admin Darryl Kalua, You are on all my groups and even insulted me now you like my posting? Who do you work for?

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ReplyOctober 30 at 7:13am
Best Report Ever by the Lamestream Media

"Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane (a.k.a., “The HOROKANE”) are at the forefront of exposing the world’s worst villains, including the “shadow governors” and “Militant Media” advancing terrorism,…

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The Japanese Yakuza runs the court system in Hawaii and Inouye was head of the U.S. MKULTRA program and the government is all about that. They allow crooks like Sulla to go free cause he is promoting Ayahuasca, which is made with demonic intentions and replaces religion and creates zombies.

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More government corruption in Hawaii. Criminals are murdering babies and they are walking free.

On June 15th, 2017 Ocean Wright’s mother Sassidy Curry sent her 2-year-old daughter to Hawaii which was court ordered, to get to know her biological father Chris Wright. Ocean Wright

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Elaine Kauai This is a military family. Whole different animal. Please donʻt blur the lines with Hawaiiʻs people.

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ReplyOctober 28 at 11:23am
Sherri KaneGroup Admin You should know what this post is about more then most people. This is not about a Hawaiian family. This is a about the corrupt government in Hawaii allowing a killer(s) to go free as per Jim Benish's new book, The Fifth Sense.
Lea Devaney Actually, my sons' dad is a psychotic abuser himself from Hawaii, who has gotten away with a slap on the wrist. Isn't the point of this group to report corruption in Hawaii? Do we even have any real detectives here? Police officers are family and friends of people who belong in jail. They get rid of evidence for these criminals. We have political corruption by our mayor, William Kenoi, who also got away free and clear. Also, the drug epidemic here is beyond horrid and getting worse. "Managers" do cocaine and meth at the workplace and get away with it. I've done my part making big mistakes and paying for it by the LAW. I learned my lesson. Why are so many criminals who are repeat offenders in Hawaii getting away with detrimental crime toward innocent people? Meaning they don't have the criminal record they SHOULD have and deserve. Why is Hawaii lacking so heavily? Because the laws are not strict and enforced enough. Plain and simple.

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October 28 at 12:03pm
Lea Devaney Wow, I'm going to have to read whole article later. Thank you for sharing. Unreal.
Sherri KaneGroup Admin Lea Devaney Check this out too Our story is also included.

New book describes how a 70 yr…

October 28 at 2:23pm
Interesting that Lydon Johnson is allegedly part of the KKK considering the FBI director at the time J. Edgar Hoover worked with the late Ted Gunderson, who headed the Los Angeles FBI. Gunderson claimed he defected from the FBI, (without disclosing he worked with the CIA), and befriended Dr. Leonard Horowitz on the Conspiracy lecture circuit, and then behind Dr. Len's back he sent a group of gang stalking black ops white supremacists, such as the fake Dr. True Ott…/ who serves as Controlled Opposition and was part of a huge smear campaign to discredit Dr. Len with attacks against him and me for telling the truth. Note: Paul J. Sulla Jr, a lawyer, land thief, Big Island drug dealer and ayahuasca shaman, who has 6 connections to the CIA, and who stole our 27 acre land and home is connected to True Ott. That should come as no surprise since the CIA has their hand in every pot. Note: Sulla is the largest and main supply of ayahuasca from Hawaii to the mainland. If you are getting your ayahuasca from the U.S, then you are more then likely getting it from Sulla. No doubt, that you unknowingly have become an experiment, and are under CIA surveillance but you are also getting a brew made with demonic intentions.
Another interesting point to note is that Gunderson married the founder of the church of satan Anton LaVey's ex-wife, Diana. This cult is also part of the Deep State and a CIA operation. This is why PizzaGate is alive and well today.

What Post reporters found combing through thousands of pages of newly released documents from the CIA, FBI and other agencies.

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Adam Asing shared his first post.
Mahalo for da add Debra Kekaualua🤙🏽

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Thank you Sheri for the add on.

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With all the corruption in this state, this is where the AG's attention lies......
The new law mandates that any person caught looking at their phone while walking across the street will receive a $35 fine.

The new law mandates that any person caught looking at their phone while walking across the street will receive a $35 fine.
Sally Collier But would they look up to see the sign lol:):):) xx

October 26 at 7:44am
Sarah Chi they'll only bust the locals, tho. Hands off the tourists!

October 27 at 1:57am
Draining the Swamp in Hawaii....Robert Silverman is the owner of the Good Times Bar in Kauai.…/ Silverman somehow acquired a percentage of a family trust fund stolen from an elderly man named Jack Stahley, who was ripped off and then found mysteriously bloodied and deceased in his apartment, which appears to be a homicide and now a coverup. Silverman worked with a corrupt attorney named Nancy
 Budd and the Hawaii Community Foundation who stole the rest of the Stahley family's inheritance. There is also rumors of illegal gambling, money laundering, and drug dealing coming through this establishment allegedly by the group Anonymous. . It seems that on global scale, everything is being brought into the light. Time to eliminate the corruption on the Hawaiian islands.

Corruption scandal involving Nancy J. Budd and 75 year old Jack L. Stahley who was found deceased in his Kauai condo on January 27, 2012. Posted by family.

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