Saturday, November 11, 2017

Vol VI No. 676 Part A

UPDATE on NEW Assault Weapons Bill. Not Looking Good....
WASHINGTON -- California Senator Dianne Feinstein and more than 20 of her colleagues have introduced a bill to ban the sale, transfer, manufature and importation of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines.Feinstein released th
Kui Rodrigues
The Republican Party appears to be talking more about gun control, and not as a negative thing they'd never consider. Are they shifting on gun rights?
Reply8 hrs
Kim Murrell Tipton ban senators instead....
12 mins
Kui Rodrigues Our entire Government needs to be abolished, and we need to start over. Unfortunately most Americans rather watch football, drink beer, and screw. My gut feeling is that not even these III%er, Militia, and "Oath Keeper" groups will do much of anything. If things really turn South (and it's headed in that direction), people are going to want to protect their family first and foremost. There is no National gathering of freedom fighters. And I doubt there are any rel plans on how to deal with what is headed our way.
Reply6 mins

INSIGHT Re: AND JUSTICE FOR ALL HITS PUEO - WILL YOU REPRESENT THE GUILTY? John Bond Explains TOD (rail) at Expense of Pueo- documentation enclosed.


Tom Berg

5:39 AM (18 hours ago)
to MichaelJohnSuzanneKarenMelissacathygPokaLaulaniLeonKaiKioniKaiHeshMililanimePaulettePrincessMaenetteAfsheenDavidMelissaSheilaJavierBORDavid
ALOHA MIKE LEE-  our Native Hawaiian Cultural Practitioner Related to the Pueo-  Your Family Album is being BURNED as if it were Nazi Germany all over again. 

Something so simple as you walking in the thicket at UHWO (BEFORE CHANCELLOR BENHAM INITIATED PROJECT KILL PUEO) is the proof of what happened-  evidence of what the "farmers" are doing......why?   watch how entire Pueo ecosystem @ UHWO was destroyed by UH BOR -  to knowingly and willingly inflict HARM to the Pueo when the Pueo has done no harm or violated any laws to be treated so poorly-  treated with no respect by UH System/and DLNR. 

Inline image

That land is to be developed any month or year now-  for rail parking lots and an elementary school and housing and commercial endeavors-    and this development to transpire like any day now-   soon-   so why would UH permit and encourage the farmer to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars prepping the land putting in the appurtenances for harvesting-   post beam, wires, netting, water, electricity, lighting, rods/poles, processing and food production packaging plant /tent tarp city-   for just a season or two of crops?   

Doesn't sound or look right, from a business perspective.  It's like a car dealership opening a new car lot one month before HART condemns the property -   why ? why invest and build a new car lot when you know the infrastructure for the car lot establishment is very temporary......not sound financial practice here.....very suspect.

Why? The farmer is allowed by law to plow over Pueo-  don't have to report nothin'    ------they, farmers get a waiver to all endangered species protection you know why Benham is bent on defoliating all land as possible in the name of farming-  when in reality-   such a maneuver is to extirpate that bird and its friends- sterilize the property and fast so NO HCP COULD EVER TAKE HOLD on behalf of the Pueo when  the real development - buildings go up. . 


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Laurel Douglass <>
To: Tom Berg <>
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2017, 12:15:16 AM HST
Subject: Re: AND JUSTICE FOR ALL HITS PUEO - WILL YOU REPRESENT THE GUILTY? John Bond Explains TOD (rail) at Expense of Pueo- documentation enclosed.

beautiful footage Tom e Mike...of beautiful he flies in distress
what can he do?

spare them in their homeland...CHANCELLOR Benham.......please.

On Nov 9, 2017, at 11:37 PM, Tom Berg wrote:

Responding to your email John Bond on Transit Oriented Development (TOD) -

Somewhat lengthy email here-  but if you care about Pueo- and saving its plight- you need to know of these updates:

Did you read Dr. Javier's facebook post from the other day-  what does he mean by breeding season- according to USFWS on video w/DLNR, Pueo can breed all year long. There is no "one prime breeding season." 


Chancellor Bemham is rushing to finish up the clear cut/defoliation at the hearth of Pueo sightings---as close to Hunehune Gulch as the farmers can get to with their plows- - as farmers the other day carved into the berm where Pueo pair were seen coming in and out of a hole-  a nest for sure-  the farmers were obviously out to destroy it. 

Here is a Barn Owl- in awe-  bewilderment-   looking at the damage last night conducted by Chancellor Benham to defoliate and remove- destroy- and take away as much Pueo habitat as possible- witnessed recorded-
This is/was their food supply- they are in shock! 

Want to kill /remove Pueo-  ? Just eat away at the berm- remove it- all foliage/natural habitat the Pueo use-  :

TRACTOR SEEN HERE from photos above IS TEN YARDS AWAY FROM "OLD PUEO GROUNDS"-known nesting site. 

***Here is Mike Lee walking at same spot in photos above showing the landscape as a living/prime/active Pueo home 

The area Mike Lee is walking through-  is now defoliated-  100%  - PUEO HABITAT DESTROYED /ORDERED BY UH BOR/UHWO -- Pueo used to thrive here. 

Please please-   watch-----

Watch MIKE LEE opening entrance IN VIDEO here -  30-SECONDS- for comparison-  for the truth-
***See land before Chancellor Benham took over- shocking- click on video link pasted below :
or kept secret. 
Mike Lee Spotbs Pueo Owl in Flight @ UHWO  (and records Barn Owl in Hunehune Gulch)    - Mike Lee walking over lush grounds now killed off without ever being contacted by UHWO - Mike, as the area Cultural Practitioner, has been kept out of decision making affairs by UH ..... why?


Justice-     "those not guilty shall go free"---- in the movie-   but in real life-   really? 
If you go to the link-  the video is cued to the spot to save time- - just click on link-  

VIDEO LINK PASTED DIRECTLY BELOW-  cued at 4 minute mark-  

Whereby justice is defined- but otherwise, the entire video should be played.

Yet, when you hear justice defined by actor Pacino playing an attorney representing a Judge guilty of raping a woman
IN THE MOVIE SCRIPT-  the woman, just like the Pueo, of whom is innocent, IS guilty of NO crime -
THE WOMAN RAPED WAS innocent of the charges levied on her TO DEFAME THE JUDGE AND
the charge that she, like the Pueo has made /MAKING FALSE ACCUSATIONS such as it EXISTS---  IS A LIVING BEING, HAS VALUE. HAS WORTH. 

And as Pacino would say, "Today, I am going to get (that son of a bitch) DLNR 'exposed'" meaning- -  I am going to expose them here in this email
- albeit not in the courtroom-  but by the power of text of a simple email.    

Watch and see the correlation of how Justice is supposed to be represented--- a very short clip- 


You are fully aware Bond, that everything you describe in your email regarding the TOD
concept being advanced, was permitted on the
basis of one thing-  

That there was nothing in the way of the development @ UHWO- 
Per the DLNR-

Nothing of life having value be it outside of the Red Ilima living within the wilds of the environment @ UHWO-  of which outside of a HCP initiative, nothing 
was deemed "in the way'" per the DLNR to hinder or impede 
the development being sought.

See, DLNR is guilty here..  

And- the point of this email is: 

They (DLNR/DOFAW) "should go straight to fucking jail" as Pacino would release the truth- 

"For raping that Pueo."

And they - DLNR, they said they would do it again, "I heard it so."  Said Pacino to the judge in Pacino's rage. 

OEQC and all within the State Legislature and Attorney General are out of order until the truth is told- that's it- it is that simple- and then we will 
have Justice for All - 

What is the Justice of the email here, Bond? Why respond to your rant about TOD/rail/land reorganization? 


Because the FEIS for UHWO within the Ewa Development Plan ---when such plans were to come to fruition, had wrote the Pueo off
as non-existent and all under its wings of "importance" (like the Coot, Hoary Bat, Hawaiian Duck, Stilts) as not being here-  

And that characterization by DLNR about UHWO is a false narrative told in the FEIS for UHWO.

DLNR advanced a narrative in their review of the FEIS for UHWO that gave and represented to the Governor an untruthful characterization of the 
Pueo inhabitation within this part of the Honouliuli Ahupua'a.

Such guilt - act of ill will and in bad faith,  conducted by DLNR- the cockiness, the arrogance, the abuse of power
cannot be defended here-  and everyone is out
of order at DNLR until the true narrative about 
UHWO within the FEIS-  be it a SEIS to come, 
is finally told- and duly recorded.

What type of Justice Should Be For All ?   It Is This :

That when the DLNR reviewed the FEIS for UHWO lands and signed off on such lands as having no value of any habitat to any threatened 
or endangered species- that in such review provided to the governor- a review that is clearly, laden 
with the false narrative-   

The woman who was raped by the judge, the Plaintiff, the woman, as one as worthless- like it were the Pueo.....the Pueo does not exist- expendable. 

The comparisons between the scene from the movie with Al Pacino and the treatment of the Pueo (and innocent woman) are too vivid to not see- to not get.  

TOD is here on the landscape of UHWO based on false witnesses-

Fell free to forward to all in in DLNR and the IGE Administration -

Do these developers from "China and beyond for example'" to do the TOD - as conjectured- do they know that they are developing on sacred land- ===no they don't-  why- because a false narrative has been allowed 
in the FEIS 's for all of EWA to permeate the halls of justice.... that this land had nothing of value to the Pueo- and this must get corrected/amended-  

"If DLNR were honest- they would be demanding a SEIS for UHWO, pronto." Berg


These farmers at UHWO know damn well their task and true mission is to find Pueo inhabitation and extirpate Pueo - plow over the land=EVIDENCE :

Pueo home is ten yards from this farmers' onslaught-

Inline image
Inline image
Inline image

On Thursday, November 9, 2017, 7:16:47 PM HST, John Bond <> wrote:

Yes, of course. It's all about TOD's and buying up ROW
and areas all through Ewa-Kalaeloa, Ewa-Kapolei and Ko Olina.
Lots of real estate deals and sales to Chinese investors. Much
of UHWO up for sale, including DLNR lands. Everything PLDC
is happening through the HART Rail scheme.

FTA Money for "commuter rail" used to finance Rail TOD scams

Major new Chinese developer office being set up next to HART Rail downtown ind-kushner-companies-chinese- agency-skirts-visa-investment- 165303365--sector.html

Jupiter, Florida-based U.S. Immigration Fund (USIF), which is working with 
Kushner Companies and private equity fund KABR Group on One Journal 
Square, said it believes both the firm and Qiaowai fully complied with all laws.

Just above HART office, nearby State Legislature, Honolulu Hale

China Oceanwide files $600,000 building permit for work at downtown Alii Tower office
to open early May, 24th floor, Rail TOD's major target for EB-5 VISA "investors."
EB-5 TOD deals will bring in many millions from Chinese investors wanting US land, condos. 
Leeward coast property values will skyrocket driving many local residents out. Maybe
Kushner Companies will be opening up a Honolulu office soon in Alii Tower? ific/news/2017/05/09/china-oce anwide-files-600-000-building- permit-for.html

The Chinese Communist Party is buying up land in West Oahu to build a $2 Billion mega 
resort - just like one in Dubai. It needs an elevated railway to help sell condos and land
like DR Horton has - a tax payer funded rail station amenity that looks good in brochures.


AND JUSTICE FOR ALL HITS PUEO - WILL YOU REPRESENT THE GUILTY? John Bond Explains TOD (rail) at Expense of Pueo- documentation enclosed.


Tom Berg

Nov 9 (2 days ago)
to JohnMaenetteKamana‘oponoPh.D.OponoMikeMichaelKioniKananiEvelynKaiKaiDavidAfsheenDenbyJavierJennyStateAllAllMelissaAssociationPrincessPrincePoka
Responding to your email John Bond on Transit Oriented Development (TOD) -

Somewhat lengthy email here-  but if you care about Pueo- and saving its plight- you need to know of these updates:

Did you read Dr. Javier's facebook post from the other day-  what does he mean by breeding season- according to USFWS on video w/DLNR, Pueo can breed all year long. There is no "one prime breeding season." 

Inline image


Chancellor Bemham is rushing to finish up the clear cut/defoliation at the hearth of Pueo sightings---as close to Hunehune Gulch as the farmers can get to with their plows- - as farmers the other day carved into the berm where Pueo pair were seen coming in and out of a hole-  a nest for sure-  the farmers were obviously out to destroy it. 

Here is a Barn Owl- in awe-  bewilderment-   looking at the damage last night conducted by Chancellor Benham to defoliate and remove- destroy- and take away as much Pueo habitat as possible- witnessed recorded-
This is/was their food supply- they are in shock! 

Inline image

Want to kill /remove Pueo-  ? Just eat away at the berm- remove it- all foliage/natural habitat the Pueo use-  :

Inline image

TRACTOR SEEN HERE from photos above IS TEN YARDS AWAY FROM "OLD PUEO GROUNDS"-known nesting site. 

Inline image
Inline image
***Here is Mike Lee walking at same spot in photos above showing the landscape as a living/prime/active Pueo home 

The area Mike Lee is walking through-  is now defoliated-  100%  - PUEO HABITAT DESTROYED /ORDERED BY UH BOR/UHWO -- Pueo used to thrive here. 

Please please-   watch-----

Watch MIKE LEE opening entrance IN VIDEO here -  30-SECONDS- for comparison-  for the truth-
***See land before Chancellor Benham took over- shocking- click on video link pasted below :
or kept secret. 
Mike Lee Spotbs Pueo Owl in Flight @ UHWO  (and records Barn Owl in Hunehune Gulch)    - Mike Lee walking over lush grounds now killed off without ever being contacted by UHWO - Mike, as the area Cultural Practitioner, has been kept out of decision making affairs by UH ..... why?


Justice-     "those not guilty shall go free"---- in the movie-   but in real life-   really? 
If you go to the link-  the video is cued to the spot to save time- - just click on link-  

VIDEO LINK PASTED DIRECTLY BELOW-  cued at 4 minute mark-  

Whereby justice is defined- but otherwise, the entire video should be played.

Yet, when you hear justice defined by actor Pacino playing an attorney representing a Judge guilty of raping a woman
IN THE MOVIE SCRIPT-  the woman, just like the Pueo, of whom is innocent, IS guilty of NO crime -
THE WOMAN RAPED WAS innocent of the charges levied on her TO DEFAME THE JUDGE AND
the charge that she, like the Pueo has made /MAKING FALSE ACCUSATIONS such as it EXISTS---  IS A LIVING BEING, HAS VALUE. HAS WORTH. 

And as Pacino would say, "Today, I am going to get (that son of a bitch) DLNR 'exposed'" meaning- -  I am going to expose them here in this email
- albeit not in the courtroom-  but by the power of text of a simple email.    

Watch and see the correlation of how Justice is supposed to be represented--- a very short clip- 


You are fully aware Bond, that everything you describe in your email regarding the TOD
concept being advanced, was permitted on the
basis of one thing-  

That there was nothing in the way of the development @ UHWO- 
Per the DLNR-

Nothing of life having value be it outside of the Red Ilima living within the wilds of the environment @ UHWO-  of which outside of a HCP initiative, nothing 
was deemed "in the way'" per the DLNR to hinder or impede 
the development being sought.

See, DLNR is guilty here..  

And- the point of this email is: 

They (DLNR/DOFAW) "should go straight to fucking jail" as Pacino would release the truth- 

"For raping that Pueo."

And they - DLNR, they said they would do it again, "I heard it so."  Said Pacino to the judge in Pacino's rage. 

OEQC and all within the State Legislature and Attorney General are out of order until the truth is told- that's it- it is that simple- and then we will 
have Justice for All - 

What is the Justice of the email here, Bond? Why respond to your rant about TOD/rail/land reorganization? 


Because the FEIS for UHWO within the Ewa Development Plan ---when such plans were to come to fruition, had wrote the Pueo off
as non-existent and all under its wings of "importance" (like the Coot, Hoary Bat, Hawaiian Duck, Stilts) as not being here-  

And that characterization by DLNR about UHWO is a false narrative told in the FEIS for UHWO.

DLNR advanced a narrative in their review of the FEIS for UHWO that gave and represented to the Governor an untruthful characterization of the 
Pueo inhabitation within this part of the Honouliuli Ahupua'a.

Such guilt - act of ill will and in bad faith,  conducted by DLNR- the cockiness, the arrogance, the abuse of power
cannot be defended here-  and everyone is out
of order at DNLR until the true narrative about 
UHWO within the FEIS-  be it a SEIS to come, 
is finally told- and duly recorded.

What type of Justice Should Be For All ?   It Is This :

That when the DLNR reviewed the FEIS for UHWO lands and signed off on such lands as having no value of any habitat to any threatened 
or endangered species- that in such review provided to the governor- a review that is clearly, laden 
with the false narrative-   

The woman who was raped by the judge, the Plaintiff, the woman, as one as worthless- like it were the Pueo.....the Pueo does not exist- expendable. 

The comparisons between the scene from the movie with Al Pacino and the treatment of the Pueo (and innocent woman) are too vivid to not see- to not get.  

TOD is here on the landscape of UHWO based on false witnesses-

Fell free to forward to all in in DLNR and the IGE Administration -

Do these developers from "China and beyond for example'" to do the TOD - as conjectured- do they know that they are developing on sacred land- ===no they don't-  why- because a false narrative has been allowed 
in the FEIS 's for all of EWA to permeate the halls of justice.... that this land had nothing of value to the Pueo- and this must get corrected/amended-  

"If DLNR were honest- they would be demanding a SEIS for UHWO, pronto." Berg


These farmers at UHWO know damn well their task and true mission is to find Pueo inhabitation and extirpate Pueo - plow over the land=EVIDENCE :

On Thursday, November 9, 2017, 7:16:47 PM HST, John Bond <> wrote:

Yes, of course. It's all about TOD's and buying up ROW
and areas all through Ewa-Kalaeloa, Ewa-Kapolei and Ko Olina.
Lots of real estate deals and sales to Chinese investors. Much
of UHWO up for sale, including DLNR lands. Everything PLDC
is happening through the HART Rail scheme.

FTA Money for "commuter rail" used to finance Rail TOD scams

Major new Chinese developer office being set up next to HART Rail downtown ind-kushner-companies-chinese- agency-skirts-visa-investment- 165303365--sector.html

Jupiter, Florida-based U.S. Immigration Fund (USIF), which is working with
Kushner Companies and private equity fund KABR Group on One Journal
Square, said it believes both the firm and Qiaowai fully complied with all laws.

Just above HART office, nearby State Legislature, Honolulu Hale

China Oceanwide files $600,000 building permit for work at downtown Alii Tower office
to open early May, 24th floor, Rail TOD's major target for EB-5 VISA "investors."
EB-5 TOD deals will bring in many millions from Chinese investors wanting US land, condos.
Leeward coast property values will skyrocket driving many local residents out. Maybe
Kushner Companies will be opening up a Honolulu office soon in Alii Tower? ific/news/2017/05/09/china-oce anwide-files-600-000-building- permit-for.html

The Chinese Communist Party is buying up land in West Oahu to build a $2 Billion mega
resort - just like one in Dubai. It needs an elevated railway to help sell condos and land
like DR Horton has - a tax payer funded rail station amenity that looks good in brochures.
11.17 GB (74%) of 15 GB used
Last account activity: 1 hour ago

Fwd: Native American Heritage Month and D.C. Announcements


Tony Castanha

3:33 PM (8 hours ago)
 to papbullslist-l

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Utah Diné Bikéyah <>
Date: Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 8:01 PM
Subject: Native American Heritage Month and D.C. Announcements

Dear Bears Ears Supporter -

Native American Heritage Month has begun.  As we celebrate within our communities we continue our work towards preserving and protecting the cultural resources of ancestral Native American lands at Bears Ears and beyond.
It is rumored President Trump is coming to San Juan County, Utah in early December to reduce Bears Ears and Grand Staircase National Monuments, according to reports from Senators Hatch and Lee. See SL Tribune article (here) and UDB's response (here.) In anticipation of this visit, we will need your help.
On December 2nd at 1pm, at the Capitol rotunda in Salt Lake City, Bears Ears Tribal leaders, UDB, and a large collaboration of allies from across Utah will be hosting a Rally Against Trump's Monumental MistakePlease join us to show the President that Utahns #StandsWithBearsEars and #HonorTribes and we want our shared legacy protected.  
Have you purchased your tickets yet? This 300 person event will sell out, so get your tickets soon. UDB expresses a huge thanks to our indigenous food partners for contributing traditional delicacies made entirely of pre-colonial ingredients to showcase the first indigenous dinner - one that the state of Utah hasn't seen for a looong time.
Click Here For Tickets

The purpose of the Traditional Foods Program is to strengthen traditional food cultures that are deeply rooted and spiritually connected to all of our relatives here on Mother Earth.

Join us as we nourish our bodies with delicious and nutritious food, including flavors from Bears Ears National Monument. Thanks to the many food donations from local and indigenous farmers, dozens of silent auction donors, and many others.
UDB Traditional Foods Program Director, Cynthia Wilson, was out last month harvesting juniper branches (below) to ensure our menu includes a rich source of calcium from the finely sifted, juniper ash (above.) The juniper tree itself has much to offer in teachings and cultural uses for indigenous people, beyond flavor and nutrition. This evergreen shrub is valued by some cultures as the "Mother of all Trees" due to the powerful gifts it brings to create hogans, sweat lodges, construct rug weaving looms, to provide artwork for beading, bark cushioning for cradle boards, dye for moccasins, and medicines to aid in digestion. We will invite guests to welcome this holistic food source into your body through our indigenous dishes with the blessings it offers! 
Alisha Anderson
"A Weathering" Bears Ears montage
Alisha's work is breathtaking and heart wrenching and astonishingly original. Alisha uses video narrative to record powerfully simple installations that demonstrate a profound attention to the people and place of Bears Ears. Each of the six videos/installations in the Bears Ears series (all under 10 mins) echoes in the mind and heart of the viewer. Viewers are transformed into active participants in the creation, or destruction, of Alisha's hauntingly introspective aesthetic.

We strongly encourage you to take a few minutes to participate in the story Alisha has let be told through her inspiring work.
Partnering with UDB, the University of Utah College of Social Work and Westminster College each hosted a screening of "A Weathering" followed by lively and in-depth discussions by Native leaders and community members.

The first two screenings were hosted by Virgil Johnson, Chairman of the Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation, and James Singer, co-founder of Utah League of Native American Voters.

The next screening and dialogue will be held at Salt Lake Community Collegeon November 29th.  Full details can be found on UDB's Facebook Event page.

Pueblo Feast Days

The harvest festivals, also known as feast days, are based on each Pueblo's own respective traditional calendars, which have been influenced by Christian/Catholic and Islamic traditions within each 19 Pueblo's Societies. All Pueblo societies are structured similarly even while they exhibit a diversity of languages and customs that set each Pueblo apart.

UDB would like to wish the Pueblo Societies well during their upcoming feast days.
Utah Diné Bikéyah- Out & About
Ute tribe
National Congress of American Indians Annual Convention
Oct 15-20, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Photo Order left to right: 
Luke Duncan, Chairman, Ute Indian Tribe
Nizhone Meza, UDB Legal & Policy Director
Harold Cuthair, Chairman, Ute Mtn Ute Tribe
"Dancing The Bears Ears" was a huge success! Thanks to Repertory Dance Theatre, "Z" Dance, and the Utah Humanities Council for honoring Native people and the land through motion.
Read more at: With Powerful Rhythms 
Ida Yellowman, UDB Volunteer
Mary Benally, UDB Board Member
Willie Grayeyes, UDB Board Chairman

Navajo Voices on Bears Ears
"Are you willing to make the right decision and protect...(the land) for future generations, or are we going to go down the wrong path and trade it in for money... We are honored to invite you to come to Bears Ears to take part in that responsibility. Share in that story but to come in a good and respectful way. If five tribes can lay down their previous struggles or battles with each other and take up a good conversation, a wonderful welcoming of everyone, then I think we can do that with everyone else here too." Angelo Baca, UDB's Cultural Resources Coordinator

Shift Conference- 
Jackson Hole, WY, Nov. 1st-3rd

UDB was honored to receive the "People's Choice" award among non-profits working to protect public lands. Our message was one of healing, collaboration, and finally recognizing
the wisdom and leadership of Native people. The 2017 summit was a wonderful opportunity to meet "emerging leaders," dedicated non-profits, innovative businesses, and funders who are doing inspiring work across the west.

We were especially impressed to see the emerging conservation voices among Hispanic, African American, and Native American conservation organizations. There is a movement underway for us as humans to re-connect to the earth that is both emotional and inspiring. Thank you to Christian Beckwith and other SHIFT organizers who invited UDB to give the opening keynote address and be a part of this wonderful conversation!

Utah Diné Bikéyah Board, Staff and Volunteers at the Navajo Nation Parades!

UDB is very grateful we had the opprotunity to be out amongst the Navajo community members and say Ahéhee’, thank you, for the support. 

Lush Charity Pot

Thank you to @LUSHCityCreek 's support through its Charity Pot and inviting us to educate the public about Native American Tribes, ancestral lands, and Bears Ears.

Thank you LUSH!

Learn more about Lush Charity Pot
Harvard Divinity School hosted
Shash Jaa’: Bears Ears
A film by UDB's Angelo Baca

Following the screening  Angelo Baca, Sally Jewell, and Terry Tempest Williams held a panel discussion on Bears Ears National Monument and how it can be a model for the protection of sacred places and public lands.
Thank you Sally and Terry for sharing your wisdom and actions around Bears Ears and so many other important lands.
Recent Media
Read The Salt Lake Tribune's Article Covering the Announcement Here: Trump Headed to Utah in December With Plans To Shrink Bears Ears and Grand Staircase

New York Times: Trump Attacks Teddy Roosevelt’s Grand Legacy

Earther: Tribes Prepare to Fight Trump's Plan to Shrink a Sacred Monument in Utah

NARF: Tribal Leaders Extremely Disappointed Over Anticipated Action By Presdident Trump to Shrink Bears Ears National Monument 

Salt Lake Tribune: Stephen Trimble: Mr. President, it’s not too late to save Bears Ears

PANDOS' Cassandra Begay with President Obama
PANDOS' (Peacefully Advocates for Basic Human and Environmental Rights) attended the Obama Foundation Summit and was able to speak about the importance of community outreach and engagement of the Native community moving forward. She very graciously thanked President Obama for protecting Bears Ears.
Sign a new petition to President Trump, asking him not to waste his political capital on attempting to reduce or undo something so popular. Add your voice!
Sign the petition

[Message clipped]  View entire message

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