Thursday, November 16, 2017

Vol VI No. 677 Part 1d - SQUATTER Catholic Church - St. Augusine's by-the-sea in Waikiki


Rents and Leases Due: Saint Augustine by the Sea Catholic Church on Our Royal Families Lands, Konohiki too ---Legal Notice

Land Owners/Land Lords with Liens that the land that St. Augustines Church is built On

Amelia Gora /span>>

2:50 AM (5 minutes ago)
to staugustinebyt.,   
1848 -  The Mahele was passed by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.  He gave Alodio to his people and to aliens /foreigners were granted only fee simple - 30 years leases.
1848 - Land Owners/ Land Lords with Liens:
  The Royal Patent was conveyed to Kenao.  Kenao married Nahuina (female).  Kenao received the land from my ancestor Keawepoole, konohiki of Waikiki.
His daughter was Kailihao.  His hanai/adopted daughter was A. Keohokalole, member of the House of Nobles.
Kailihao married Kaioiole and had several children.  One was named Kaopu/Kaopumomona.  The others were Paahao, et. als.
Kaopu/Kaopumomona married Kekapu/Inoaole.  He legally adopted Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini.
Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini married Joseph Gora and had John Gora and siblings.
John Gora married Mary Castro, descendant of David Keawe/Pauahi/Kalua/Keawepoole the konohiki of Waikiki, lands surrounding the St. Augustine Church in Waikiki.
John Gora and Mary Castro had Amelia Gora and siblings.
I, Amelia Gora am one of the owners of the land which St. Augustine's sits on and hereby present a billing for rents due in the amount of $50,000 per month.  Additionally, I and my families are artists and would like to sell our paintings on the fence, as well as along the walls,.
I, Amelia Gora am one of the true Trustees of Queen Liliuokalani's Trust.  She declared that she did not sign the Trust Deed with the Trustees named Samuel Damon, Curtis Iaukea, et. als.
I, Amelia Gora am one of the heirs of A. Keohokalole and husband Caesar Kapaakea who were the parents of King David Kalakaua, Queen Liliuokalani, Leleiohoku, and Miriam Likelike.
I, Amelia Gora am one of the Trustees of our Royal Families Trust.
The Bank of record for our Royal Families Trust is under my name at the Hawaiian Telephone Credit Union.
Rents can be paid at any of the Hawaiian Telephone Credit Union locations.
Queen Liliuokalani is on record as talking with the Bishop as shown below:

The Honolulu republican. (Honolulu, T.H.) 1900-1902, July 14, 1901, Image 1

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

Inline image 1  
Inline image 2  
Inline image 3  
Inline image 4
 1854 - Father Modestus Favens, SS.CC., was said to have built the first chapel in Waikīkī as early as 1854
1898 -   the predominant weekly activity was Sunday afternoon devotions and religious instruction. In 1898, during the Spanish American War, many American soldiers were encamped near Diamond Head. At their request, Msgr. Gulstan Ropert, SS.CC., authorized the first Mass for these soldiers in the chapel. The chapel was deemed much too small for continued military use and a temporary wooden frame structure was erected by the military authorities with a roof and open sides thatched with coconut palm fronds. Msgr. Ropert blessed the new structure and entrusted it to the care of Father Valentin Franckx, SS.CC. Father Franckx later made improvements to the chapel by putting in flooring, galvanized roofing and lattice walls. When the soldiers left, the community in Waikīkī continued to frequent the chapel on Sundays when Father Valentin said Mass.
1901 -  Ropert approved plans to build a more permanent church and in 1901, on the feast day of Saint Augustine, he dedicated the new church under the title of its festal namesake, as the carpenters took a break while the services were conducted. Waikīkī was being touted as a tourist destination and the number of parishioners and visitors continued to grow.
1910 - The church underwent enlargement in 1910, essentially by cutting the building in two and moving the back to the beach.
1920 -  the church acquired a right-of-way access to Kalākaua Avenue.
1925 -  The church again underwent enlargement in 1925, essentially by cutting the building in two and moving the back to the beach.

Note:  U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani.  The entity Territory was created by U.S. President William McKinley's Proclamation made in 1900 after the Army, Navy, and Federal Representatives helped to develop the Territory, an illegal set up.
There was no Annexation, and it was an illegal act to criminally assume lands of a neutral, friendly, non violent nation.
Your cooperation in paying rents and accommodating our outdoor gallery to display our paintings will be greatly appreciated.
The shared use of the gate, etc. for displays by other artists would be ok provided that rent be shared in additon to the rent for the use of property is also added into the Hawaiian Telephone Credit Union account as well; otherwise, we move to use the gate exclusively for our art.
The expected date is Friday, January 6, 2017 and thereafter.
We would also like a room for our use as well.
We appreciate your accommodations.
Amelia Gora, a Royal person, descendant of Kamehameha and heir of Kamehameha in multiples of bloodlines.  Also a descendant of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, Kalaniopuu, Kaumualii, Nuuanu, John Young, Isaac Davis, et. als.

Saint Augustine by the Sea Catholic Church

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saint Augustine by the Sea Catholic Church is a parish of the Roman Catholic Church of Hawai‘i in the United States. It falls under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Honolulu and its bishop; it is staffed by the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Located at 130 Ohua Avenue, adjacent to Kalākaua Avenue in Waikīkī, Saint Augustine by the Sea ministers primarily to visitors, as Waikīkī contains the highest number of domestic and international visitors in the State of Hawai‘i.
The parish campus is the home of the Damien Museum which houses several relics of Saint Damien of Moloka‘i and related historical artifacts. A 20-minute video is shown about Father Damien and his work with Kalaupapa leprosy settlement.
The current clerics of the parish include Father Lane K. Akiona, SS.CC., pastor, and Father Lucius, SS.CC., parochial vicar.


Father Modestus Favens, SS.CC., was said to have built the first chapel in Waikīkī as early as 1854. The chapel was about twenty-feet by forty-feet with a steeple. Mass was seldom said in this chapel - the predominant weekly activity was Sunday afternoon devotions and religious instruction. In 1898, during the Spanish American War, many American soldiers were encamped near Diamond Head. At their request, Msgr. Gulstan Ropert, SS.CC., authorized the first Mass for these soldiers in the chapel. The chapel was deemed much too small for continued military use and a temporary wooden frame structure was erected by the military authorities with a roof and open sides thatched with coconut palm fronds. Msgr. Ropert blessed the new structure and entrusted it to the care of Father Valentin Franckx, SS.CC. Father Franckx later made improvements to the chapel by putting in flooring, galvanized roofing and lattice walls. When the soldiers left, the community in Waikīkī continued to frequent the chapel on Sundays when Father Valentin said Mass.
Ropert approved plans to build a more permanent church and in 1901, on the feast day of Saint Augustine, he dedicated the new church under the title of its festal namesake, as the carpenters took a break while the services were conducted. Waikīkī was being touted as a tourist destination and the number of parishioners and visitors continued to grow. The church underwent enlargement in 1910, and 1925, essentially by cutting the building in two and moving the back to the beach. In 1920, the church acquired a right-of-way access to Kalākaua Avenue.

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Did you know that we got Hate Looks when we approached the Minister of the Church named Akiona? 
Well, another biling was sent to St. Augustine's by-the-sea Catholic Church for rents and the last date for response was 11/3/2017 - Friday.
Well, it's now 10 months later from the initial contact, second billing, and then a Honolulu Police Department Report was filed on November 8, 2017, This is parts of the Police Report:
Report No. 17-422845
Wahiawa Police Station
The undersigned freey and voluntarily provides the following statement:
effective Friday, 11/3, 2017 fied today 11/8/2017.
St. Augustines by-the-sea Catholic Church was informed that our families are the legal owners of the property and we have the Superior/Paramount titles of the land.
The minister Akiona claimed they had the titles but actually do not.
Multiple ownership 3 claims is hereby entered for the Waikiki lands:
1)  Kenao (k) landowner
daughter:  Kailihao married Kaioiole
       stepson:  Kaopumomona
      adopted:  Elizabeth Kaimiola (sibling)
       son:  John Gora (siblings)
   daughter:  Amelia Gora (siblings)
2) Gift Deed  2nd marriage of  Nahuina (w)
                              Keohokalole/ K. Kapaakea (w)
                     her daughter:  Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani
            her hanai:  Kahakuakoi/Kaaumoana
                               /                                      /
                  Opunui (k)                           Mary (Maria)
                  children:                                             son:  Joseph
           Kapehe (w)                                               son:  John
           son (William Linekona Hokuloa)
Statement Form Continuation Page
Page 2 of 2 pages
Statement of Amelia Gora  Rpt. No. 17-422845
Three claims to Waikiki lands where the Church St. Augustine etc. sits on.  See attached documents:
*  Royal Patent 3038 Land Commission 1617 and Survey Notes Series 294-71 submitted.
*  Register of claim - Serie 286-3
* Foreign testimonies - Series 287-2
* Marriage Record of Kenao and Nahuina (w)
* Vital Statistics Collection - Series 223-25
*  Bureau of Conveyances Gift Deed to K. Kapaakea (Keohokalole Kapaakea)
  Keohokalole Kapaakea mother of Queen Liliuokalani deeded land - her 1/3 interst dower interest
Liber 14 page 271-273.
* A fraud Trust was created in 1909  see documents.
The Fraud Trust allowed the Church to use Trust land of Queen Liliuokalani.
  2 X recorded:
*  Queen Liliuokalani denied  signing a Trust with Smith, Iaukea, and Cleghorn.  Evidence:  Sam Parker's Testimony and her Will.
*  True Trust created in 1872 and am one of the current Trustees of her real Trust.
    See Case Law/Precedence Kekiekie vs. Dennis, Volume I, Hawaiian Reports.
1.  Kenao (k) landowner heir thru Kaopumomona.
2.  Queen Liliuokalani's true trustees descendant thru two lines - thru Opunui
3.  thru May (Maria).
4.  for the records, Keawepoole was the Konohiki who gave Kenao the land (see testimonies) he too was my ancestor being the father of Mele Keawe.
I enter Tresspass charges and Squatters status for the Church St. Augustine's who are criminallyt claiming properties of our Royal Families and myself.
Amelia Gora signature                                                            Signed by Investigator's Signature 
Date:  11/8/2017  Time:  8:40 AM  Date:  11-8-17   Time:  0840
Police Report Stamped:  REDACTED COPY
                                           HONOLULU POLICE DEPARTMENT
                                           RECORDS & IDENTIFICATION DIVISION

 Note:  Went to HPD - Honolulu to pick up a copy of the report and the names were blackened out - the names such as Akiona, Smith, Iaukea, and Cleghorn, etc.
Isn't that tampering?.....the clerk said it was because of Privacy Notice.  So if anyone asked for a copy, their copies would also be blackened out.
The above report will also be used for other legal filings as documented from the Hawaii Supreme Court letter of 1998 which directs that either the Police or Prosecutor's office be contacted.
The Prosecurtor's office claimed that the letter was questionable and that reports should be made at the Attorney General's office.



Once again, we look through history to identify the Whore of Revelation 17. We look at the very beginning of the Roman Catholic ...

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