Thursday, November 16, 2017

Vol VI No. 677 Part 3 - GMO's, etc.

David Klein updated the description.
The Physicians Coalition for Responsible Agriculture on Maui is a coalition of health-minded medical doctors and all allied health professionals and citizens of the world supporting healthful, non-toxic, non-GMO, non-experimental, organic, permaculture agriculture on the Hawaiian island of Maui. Please join us in recruiting new members and supporting our causes of stopping agro-chemical experimentation without informed individual consent and of promoting healthful agriculture...
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News Feed

If you ever buy produce from California, watch this. What do you think?

In Salinas Valley, about an hour and a half south of San Francisco, farmers and tech types are joining forces to turn this place into a kind of Silicon Valley for agriculture.

Suzy Case Noticed that there was an organic label. All that high tech for lettuce and people are bent out of shape over hydroponics being allowed in organic?

Reply3 mins
From Kat Reynolds, Piiholo/Olinda:
I wrote Duane asking about glycophosphate alternatives because I am concerned about the effects on my family, pets, wildlife, insects and soil. This is his reply:
"Thank you for reaching out. I would be concerned. The University of Hawaii did a study on Glyphosate in 2012. It showed that Glyphosate can last in in soil for 100 days, in fresh water for up to 200 days and in salt water for over 260 days. Still leaching out its chemicals. Only in a lab, under the perfect conditions, does Glyphosate dissipate in 72 hours. So even after it is dry, it is active. A morning dew or short rain will make it absorbable into the flesh. Not good at all. Scary thing is that Glyphosate is a registered antibiotic. This means it kills all microbial life in areas it's applied, causing inert soil and erosion on slopes. It is also a good grade drying agent used on all wheat, barley, oats, hops, and bread grains before sent out to become bread flour, beer and oatmeal. We eat it and drink it. With mainland crop dusting with Glyphosate, it has been found in most honey. The bees get it on them when pollinating crop dusted fields and take it back to the hive. It is crazy!! Glyphosate is a bioaccumulator in the human body. The more we are exposed the higher the chances of cancer development. Scythe is derived from Geraniums and is an alternative to Glyphosate. Along with Avenger an orange oil base product. Both work just as good and are safe to use. The labels are to be followed for best efficacy. State of Hawaii doesn't recognize any minimum risk Pesticides. Avenger is working on getting that on its label. Neem oil is the best Pesticide based on neem tree oil. Let me know if you have any questions."

GRAIN is a small international non-profit organisation that works to support small farmers and social movements in their struggles for community-controlled and biodiversity-based food systems
Stephen Beidner Good job, Sir Paul, et al. I don't have a problem with people promoting Meat Free Mondays. I used to do so myself. However I agree with Dr. Richard Oppenlander who said that if you go meat free one day a week, then you are helping to destroy the pla...See More
David Klein I went vegan "cold turkey" 33 years ago and never missed meat 1 bit. That saved my life, too.

Since 1973, Monsanto has cited dubious science, like tests on the uteri of male mice, and the EPA has let much of it slide.

Organic Consumers Association
The Philippines just made it illegal to grow GMOs! Perpretrators can even face jailtime.
Prima Mangonon Good pinas/Philippines, you’re saving our people from harmful effects of this GMOs

Mals, Italy, has long been known as the breadbasket of the Tyrol. But recently the tiny town became known for something else entirely. A Precautionary Tale tells us why, introducing readers to an unlikely group of activists and a forward-thinking mayor who came together to ban pesticides in Mals by…
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Hawaii Warning Consumer ALERT!!! Realtor Kelly Moran working for drug dealer Paul J Sulla, Jr, illegally trying to sell Stolen Real Estate
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Punohu Kekaualua He's selling your house? Have you left the property yet? And are you still registered as the owner?
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Yesterday at 7:38am
Sherri KaneGroup Admin Yeah we are still the owners but he got judge Ibarra who is now retired to sign up on a writ of ejectment after giving us no trial on the part with the house, not the part with the steam vents. The case is in Appeals and it is illegal for them to be selling it and not even revealing to interested parties what is going on. Here is the story.
Attorney Paul J Sulla involved in Real Property…
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Reply14 hrs
Krista Mista Barbara trying to run a guilt trip. Lame.
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16 hrs
Sherri KaneGroup Admin Yup. she has some nerve telling me not to publicize the facts. She says wait for the courts. Ha! That's a good one!
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Reply14 hrs
Tiffany McCormick Potter The courts are only as fair as the judges are. To say "wait for the courts" is a really unsupportive thing to say. People wait years upon years for the courts, making a bad situation feel worse.... Never tell someone waiting for a day in court something like this. It rubs salt in the wounds 😥
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Reply2 hrsEdited
Kika Lomi Waialae
So I was asked for a sneak peek of the many meetings that are not so public. Ok, sneak peek it is...
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Some of us wonder why it is taking no long to get rid of the corruption in hawaii. It runs so deep.....
Don’t come looking at Gramama Obama’s Bank Tucked away on the 10th floor of South Beretania…
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Rusty Shiroma So very deep
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November 12 at 10:49am
WL Costa We unite, as one, combine resources and buy lands in mass amounts. We give ourselves a competitive voice. No matter how deep the scars may be, we as a community CAN shush them out
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November 12 at 3:46pm
Sherri KaneGroup Admin That would be a great idea but first Sulla must go to prison or he will find a way to steal any land any of us have.
Attorney Paul J Sulla involved in Real Property…
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November 13 at 12:10pm
WL Costa If we can get everyone (all who want to attempt a new land protection plan) to invest $150.00 each we could buy substantially large portions of land. Once we have acquired enough land we should be able to tip the political scales in our favor. The late...See More
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ReplyNovember 13 at 1:37pm
Sherri KaneGroup Admin WL Costa We bought 27 acres that was stolen by Sulla. How do you stop someone like this that pays off the judges so we get no trial?
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ReplyNovember 13 at 2:08pmEdited
WL Costa Imagine a court hearing..... Sulla vs 100,000 people
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ReplyNovember 13 at 4:24pm
WL Costa You just made my stomach churn..... I know I know how they work.... I'm losing my battle as we speak...... we need unity.... I have already won the heart of Peter Kubota attorney .... we only need more support and more legal grounds
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ReplyNovember 13 at 4:25pm
WL Costa Sherri.... this corporate greedy muther ugh.... just put a porn shop next to a hula halau.... where young children frequent.... money seems to deter logic..... it leads me to believe that we can BUY their thinking
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ReplyNovember 13 at 4:51pm
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ReplyNovember 13 at 4:51pm
WL Costa The red "open" sign is the porn shop.... the foreground is the halau..... photo taken 3 seconds ago.... while kids enter I'm watching old men exit.... this shit needs to end
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ReplyNovember 13 at 4:53pm
Sherri KaneGroup Admin WL Costa Who has this this porn shop? Sulla?
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November 13 at 9:24pm
Sherri KaneGroup Admin WL Costa Women are getting raped in Sulla's drug church and keiki's as young as 8 years old are being given ayahuasca.
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November 13 at 9:25pmEdited
Hi everyone, Judson Witham is the administrator of this group...funny but Sherri Kane had requested to be a member and I clicked 'approve'...... must be a gliche....enjoy Judson's and Sherri's posts.... have Happy Holidays!  ...will keep reading good Whistleblower info......
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We got another live one that wormed his way into this group to spy. They reveal themselves by the questions they ask! Time to clean up again!
Tanaka Troy: "i dont get it, what exactly are the judges, lawyers, fbi, police, prosecutors, and mainstream media complicit in? are you saying the entire country thinks the opposite of what you believe the truth to be? fill in the blanks..."
How can someone that is this clueless be in this group? This is exactly what we are battling against. His words that are intended to censor us.
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Mike Leibbrandt I agree some vetting needs to be done
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17 hrs
Benny Ramos Plenty No Face SNAKES! Just delete there FAKE ASSES! LOL! I do it all the Time. Even those with faces. Check there profile PG you'll notice it doesn't match up with the bullshit Picture and there name. Darn KEPALOS!
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11 hrs
Sherri KaneGroup Admin Yep you are right on! This one says the entire country thinks the opposite of what I believe, well not the woken up people of Hawaii who know the justice system ain't worth crap!
6 minsEdited
Mana Maoli
Local crafts, food and games in support of Hālau Kū Mānaʻs Kīhāpai class. Funds will support these 4th and 5th graders year-end huakaʻi to Lanaʻi.
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Mana Maoli
Hana hou tita!!
Meet Kalikookalani, a beautiful composer, singer and ʻukulele player.
Sheʻs a 2nd grader at Kula Kaiapuni ʻo Nahiʻenaʻena in Lahaina.
Hereʻs her original song, "Me and The Ocean", filmed at one of her favorite places to be - the ocean!
Catch her on KHON2 News "Take 2" show tomorrow morning at 8:50am.
Mahalo to her mom Gretchen Losano for sharing!
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Amelia Gora cute da bebe!  nice musik!
ReplyJust now

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