Thursday, November 16, 2017

Vol VI No. 677 Part 4

Fwd: [CPRDV] Ayuda por vieques. Help for vieques


Tony Castanha

10:48 AM (22 hours ago)
 to papbullslist-l

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robert Rabin [bieke_pr] <>
Date: Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 7:31 AM
Subject: [CPRDV] Ayuda por vieques. Help for vieques
To: Bieke_Pr <>

English below

Amig@s solodari@s con Vieques
A dos meses d Maria seguimos el Proceso de recuperación en casas, escuelas y núcleos de trabajo.  Grupos solidarios de la isla grande y la diáspora han aportado Grande's cantidades de provisiones.

Pero todavía falta ayuda, en particular, para las familias más humildes q muchas veces no se benefician de las ayudas ni del gobierno ni de las entidades privadas

Faltan:  insecticida (spray y/o cobras), baterías de todos los tamaños, luminarias solares, carnes enlatadas, atún, mosquiteros, radios pequeños AM/FM, pañales de adultos; triple antibiótico

Donativos monetarios para cubrir necesidad es básicas de viajes a la isla grande, recetas, entre otras ...

Puede enviar provisiones y/o donativos a
Incubadora Microempresa Bieke
PO box 1424. Vieques  Puerto Rico 00765

En lucha, en solidaridad
R Rabin


Friends of Vieques
Two months after Maria we continue the process of recuperation in our homes, schools and workplaces ..
Solidarity groups from Puerto Rico and the Diáspora have sent large quantities of provisions

But we still need help; especially the poorest families who often times don't benefit from government or private assistance efforts

We need:  insecticide (spray and/or cobras- coils); batteries of all sizes; solar lights; canned meats and tuna; mosquito nets; small am/FM radios; adult pampers; triple antibiótico cream

Monetary donations are also welcome to cover basic costs for transport to the main island, prescriptions, etc

Donations and provisions can be sent to

Incubadora Microempresa Bieke
PO box 1424. Vieques  Puerto Rico 00765

In struggle, in solidarity
R Rabin

Sent from my iPhone

Posted by: Robert Rabin <>


ICH: Exposed: Secret ISIS Fighters Withdrawal Deal

ICH Newsletter via 

Nov 13 (3 days ago)
to me
 Not For Profit - For Justice
100% Non Commercial, Fearless, Forthright & Independent 

November 13, 2017

Exposed: Secret Raqqa ISIS Fighters Withdrawal Deal 
Secret deal let hundreds of ISIS fighters escape from Raqqa under the gaze of the US and British-led coalition.
This Isn't the First Time Saudi Arabia has Threatened the Stability of Lebanon
By Robert Fisk
The whole purpose of this assault on Lebanon's sovereign integrity is to force the fall of the government.
Trump Points To Falsehoods In "Russian Hacking" Claims - Media Ignore What He Says
By Moon Of Alabama
Neither the Washington Post nor the NY Times mention the crucial points Trump spelled out.
Mocking Trump Doesn't Prove Russia's Guilt
By Ray McGovern
"The Kremlin is convinced the United States is laying the groundwork for regime change in Russia"
Will America Survive Washington?
By Paul Craig Roberts
We are ruled by mindless, insane, psychopaths who believe that the US is invulnerable.
Washington's Drug of Choice in the War on Terror
By Alfred W. McCoy
How a Failed Drug War Will Defeat Trump's Afghan Adventure.
We Sent Them To War, Now It's Our Turn To Pay
By Peter Van Buren
We pass by 40,000 veterans homeless on any given night.
Paying Off Post-9/11 U.S. War Debt Could Cost $8 Trillion
By Caroline Houck
The post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, have been fought with borrowed money, enough to require up to $8 trillion in interest payments.
In Case You Missed It
Breaking The Silence: Truth And Lies In The War On Terror' 
By John Pilger
Pilger explains that US actions have nothing to do with fighting terrorism but are instead part of an opened-ended war for global dominance.
In China, Trump Becomes the Capitulator-in-chief
By Tony Burman
Trump signaling that China is supplanting the U.S. in the global order.
China's 'Petro-Yuan' is Set to Challenge the U.S. Military-Backed 'Petro-Dollar'
Timothy Alexander Guzman
As the U.S. dollar continues to lose its status as the world's premiere reserve currency, the reality of a world war seems inevitable.
Republican House Members Think a $450K Salary is Middle Class
By Nicole Goodkind
Republicans issued a fact sheet about their new tax cut plan that referred to Americans earning $450,000 a year as "low- and middle-income.
The Assault On RT America
By Chris Hedges
The United States is a surveillance state. Civil liberties have been eviscerated.

Hard News
 Dozens of Syrians reported killed in air strike on Aleppo market

Ten reportedly killed in US-led Coalition shelling of village in eastern Syria

Trump, Putin agree 'no military solution' in Syria

Erdogan says those who see no military solution in Syria should pull troops out

Netanyahu signals Israel will act with free hand in Syria: 
Netanyahu said on Monday he has put the United States and Russia on notice that Israel will continue to take military action across the frontier in Syria

Israelis Plan Further Attacks on Syria, Hezbollah: 
Israel signaled Sunday that it plans to continue launching aggressive strikes on alleged Iranian-allied forces

Israel's military leadership appears to have concluded that a war with Lebanon's Hezbollah is likely

Saudi Arabia Is Opening a New Front Against Iran, and Wants Israel to Do Its Dirty Work

Israel instructs diplomats to support Saudis: Cable

European conference declares Israel 'apartheid regime

Jonathan Cook : The dark operations of UK's powerful Israel lobby - News Analysis -

Watch: Israeli Control Of U.S. Politicans:

U.S. Senators and Congress members with dual Israeli citizenship

Arab states spent $130bn to destroy Syria, Libya, Yemen: Algerian PM

Iraqi forces find mass graves of people they say were killed by Isis

Five IS members killed in airstrikes on Salahuddin-Diyala borders

Iraqi army frees six villages from Islamic State in western Anbar

Russia, Saudi Arabia sign air defense contracts

Thousands protest in Yemen against Saudi blockade

Yemen: Saudi-led coalition 'to reopen some ports'

Why the United States will never leave Yemen

Russia, Saudi Arabia sign air defense contracts

Lebanese president says PM Hariri has been 'kidnapped': official

Erdogan rejects 'moderate Islam' as a Western tool to weaken Muslims

Iran-Iraq Earthquake Kills More Than 450

Iran sticks to key limits of nuclear deal - U.N. watchdog report

France raises prospect of new sanctions on Iran over ballistic program

U.S. kills 40 alleged Islamists in four days of Somalia

Attacks in CAR capital leave 7 dead, over 20 injured

Tortured dead bodies found near Libyan capital

UN peacekeeping arms losses could equip an army: report: 
UN-backed peacekeepers have lost enough guns and ammunition in sub-Saharan Africa over the past two decades to arm an army, according to a study by the Small Arms Survey.

Navy SEALs Investigated in Green Beret's Death Also Under Scrutiny in Theft: Two Navy SEAL commandos under investigation in the strangling of an Army Green Beret soldier in June in Mali have also been under scrutiny in the theft of money from a fund used to pay confidential informants

8 Afghan Officers Killed by Taliban Militants Wearing Night-Vision Goggles

Trump allows US troops to jointly conduct operations with Afghan force

ISIS supporting US Senator John McCain BLASTS Trump, Putin and Assad in one tweet

Demonization of RT, Sputnik Marks the Death Rattle of the Washington Consensus

Rise of the machines: Is it time to take killer robots seriously?;
The debate over whether tech will enhance mankind or completely eradicate it is well covered.

The Arctic Silk Road: A Huge Leap Forward for China and Russia

World Scientists' Warning to Humanity: 
Humanity must practice a more environmentally sustainable alternative to business as usual.

Venezuela, Russia Agree on Debt Restructure as Bondholders Meet

The Internet Crackdown Begins: 

U.S. Senator Al Franken Wants Google, Facebook And Twitter To Censor Political Speech

Security Breach and Spilled Secrets Have Shaken the N.S.A. to Its Core: 
America's largest and most secretive intelligence agency had been deeply infiltrated.

House to vote on giving Amazon $53 billion deal to become main Pentagon supplier

How the American dream turned into greed and inequality

Let us be Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley
Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,801 

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,430
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001
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