Thursday, November 23, 2017

Vol VI No, 678 Part 1C

Hawai`i Free Press 
Today's News Read
November 19, 2017

The hidden story of the third Thanksgiving: 1623--giving thanks for freedom
...Plymouth Colony Governor William Bradford called this system "communism", two hundred ninety six years before the Russian revolution....
Hawaii Democratic Party Chair is 'Socialist', Wants 'Revolution'
...Revolutionary Idea: Overthrow yourself....
DDOS Attack on Hawai'i Free Press tied to Gabbard's Cult?
...Krishna Consciousness is when you know the Krishnas did it....
Were Unions Staging Slowdown at State Hospital?
...According to the staffer, some workers feel overworked, frustrated and upset over mandated overtime. "That's creating a lot a lot of people being quite pissed off and quite frankly, they've kind of given up.  They don't care," the worker said....
Sex, Drugs and Insanity: Employee Spills Beans on Mental Hospital
..."How did Randall Saito get away?" Palenapa asked. "They (hospital employees) help the patients get away because they feel sorry for the patients that have been there a long time."....
Hospital Reform? Randy Perreira Says "F*** You"
..."Andrew Walden of the Hawai'i Free Press, actually called HHSC the 'HGEA job trust'"....
Video: Find out what OHA's Mauna Kea Settlement Terms will be
...OHA Will Get Millions from Mauna Kea Lawsuit Settlement....
Telescope Protesters: Gon Must go because he is Asian
...three were arrested protesting against Gon....
FBI Investigating How HGEA Allowed Lunatic to Escape
...Documents: Hospital escapee had sexual relations with at least 3 staff....
Hawaii State Hospital Employees Game Overtime System
...A federal court order is being ignored so union members at the Hawai'i State Hospital can manipulate work rules....
Hospital Crisis: How to Use Union Work Rules for Fun and Profit
...Hawaii public hospital workers earn less but cost more than their private sector counterparts.  How is that possible?....
Meet the Corrupt Hawaii Judge Who Let Saito go to Mental hospital instead of Prison
...In 1987, he was arrested in a gambling raid in Alewa Heights and pleaded guilty....
By Escaping, Saito may have Shortened his Incarceration
...If Saito is sane and is convicted of escape, the maximum penalty is only five years in prison....
AirBnB Plan - Taxation without Legalization
...would not allow the state to disclose rental property owners' names or rental locations to the city for enforcement purposes, according to an Airbnb representative.....
DoTax: No End to Litigation, Part 2
...The Department apparently regards the taxpayers here as lower life forms and wants to give them no respect....
Tupola: FTA review of HART recovery plan finished 'early 2018'
...FTA also stated that they are watching to see what HART's new strategy to build the City Center portion of the guideway will look like....
With Tax Increase in Hand, HART Begins Planning to Run Rail to UH Manoa
...The HART board may be resurrecting a route plan far more ambitious than the one submitted to federal transit officials...
SHOPO Raises Total 17%
...Police officers in Hawaii will receive annual pay raises over the next four years in an arbitration award expected to cost the city of Honolulu $96 million....
UH English Department Backs out of ANTIFA Endorsement
...When asked whether department members "are aware of the endorsement, and if so, whether you approve of it," only one professor replied, telling Campus Reform that "we are, and I am."....
Billionaire Could Pull the Plug on Civil Beat at any Moment
...Tech giants really are experimenting with all of us....
What These 3 Doctors Think Should Be Done for Children Who Think They Are Transgender
... Three doctors, specializing in pediatrics, biology, and psychiatry, are criticizing what they say is the reliance on feelings over facts ....
HECO Biofuel Contract-$7.69 per gallon
...Last year biodiesel represented 2 percent of HECO's oil and diesel consumption. (Translation: Its an expensive fig leaf for diesel plants.)....
State Capitol Signs up for Non-Existent Seawater Air Conditioning Scheme
...a seawater jet powered by Hawaii tax credits is used to shoot pies up into the sky--electricity is generated by harnessing the energy of the pies as they fall back to Earth....
Republican Tax Cut Plan Would Give $3174 to Average Hawaii Household
...The increase in family incomes is the result of both the income tax cuts and the broader rise in productivity and wages due to economic growth....
Understanding the Congressional tax bill
...There's a lot of news out there about the tax bills before the Congress, and nearly all of it is confusing....
UHERO: 25 Years Later we still don't know what Sustainable Tourism is
...the report concludes that Hawaii is not yet at the stage of overtourism....
Ninth Circuit Partly Lifts Trump Travel Ban Blockade
...The Ninth Circuit on Monday partly granted an emergency motion by the Trump administration and lifted a preliminary stay on most aspects of President Donald Trump's ban on entry into the United States....
US Supreme Court agrees to weigh in on law that forces pro-life centers to promote abortion
...This California case will likely set the precedent for Hawaii's case....

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