Thursday, November 23, 2017

Vol VI No. 678 Part 2

    Political Cartoons from Various

    The online Kanaka Maoli community.
    Amelia Gora also posted at

    Text: "See-saw! Uncle Sam in Hawaii" The evening world,…

    ReplyRemove Preview31 mins
    Pikanini Pake And to think they said we are racist when we say "haole", when the takeover was based on race - our queen was of a different hue, no where in the world can the white race be beneath a leader of different color. Really sick!

    22 mins
    Tom Berg exposes the Breach of Contract for Honolulu

    The online Kanaka Maoli community.
    1987 .... NOTICE TO DONALD TRUMP and FBI Director Chris Wray ... This is what Swamp Draining Actually Looks Like ...

    The MEGA Lootings and Frauds can NO LONGER BE HIDDEN … My Work and My Claims about the GARGANTUAN Scams is now PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE …. JBW It’s been a very long road. TAKE NO…
Amelia Gora shared Judson Witham's post.
11 mins
1987 .... NOTICE TO DONALD TRUMP and FBI Director Chris Wray ... This is what Swamp Draining Actually Looks Like ...

The MEGA Lootings and Frauds can NO LONGER BE HIDDEN … My Work and My Claims about the GARGANTUAN Scams is now PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE …. JBW It’s been a very long road. TAKE NO…

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Protect All WildLife
This is Michael Lombardi of New Jersey who bravely (NOT) killed this #Bear as it hibernated.
He doesn't want his picture shared. You shouldn't have posted it then DIPSTICK!

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Paul Gerard You want to be a real hunter...join the military.

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19 hrs
Leslie Keller 😡😪

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Reply18 hrs
Ronald Loui hunting skills not so much a problem 300 years ago. now, they're not really skills, are they? and they just scream, "I am a loser of a human being, please spit on me because I am disgusting. Someone should blow my brains out with a gun because what goes around comes around." this argument about conservation has a rebuttal: if you really want to conserve endangered animals and feel the thrill, how about photographing them -- more dangerous most of the time -- instead of hunting them?

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6 hrsEdited
Leslie Keller Perfectly said Ronald!!👍🏻

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Reply6 hrs

Hurricane Marie - Uncounted Deaths


Tony Castanha

Nov 20 (3 days ago)
 to papbullslist-l
*Would love to comment more but zero time right now.. still fending, no power where I live in the "Bello" Monte for over two months now, since huracan Irma. The mayor of San Juan is right... the death count is likely 10 times the gov.'s estimate. No one believes the government (unless you're staunch "PNP"), and know of their b.s. political games and incompetency at the expense of the population.  

PUEO @ UHWO: DOFAW One Question RE: SEIS Protocol - Can't You Answer?


Tom Berg

AttachmentsNov 17 (6 days ago)
to DavidAfsheenPublicDLNRKaiKaiMichaelKioniKananiSheilaStateMikeWillEvelynMelissaJavierCatherineCatherineCarrollCarrollCarrollMarjorieJennyJaynaNinaDonna
Aloha Mr. Dave Smith- head of DLNR's Division of Forestry and Wildlife,

Just one question-  highlighted in yellow pasted below-  can you at least offer an answer? Mahalo for your assistance and cooperation. 

***Go ahead and skip my rant here- and go straight to the bottom of this email to the big bold question highlighted in yellow and answer when you can- that would be fantastic. 

To my understanding, a Pueo nest observed by a certified ornithologist on a parcel of property undeveloped- but slated for development-  triggers a possible Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) and or Incidental Take Permit (ITP) be executed-   especially when the NEW condition being observed on the property by the certified ornithologist is a nest of Pueo of which endangered species was originally omitted in the FEIS as an occupant utilizing the property.  

Note that I did not mention any Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement here-  for per the law, no need for a nest be revealed and exposed for a SEIS to be triggered- for it is within the scope of the SEIS itself that nest(s) of and for the NEW Condition (Pueo) is determined/investigated.  And thusly, the findings produced per the SEIS may or may not trigger a HCP and or ITP be finally executed/ordered per the amended FEIS. 

The FEIS for UHWO's 500-acres reviewed by DLNR/DOFAW 
agreed with the EIS assessment undertaken by PBR Hawaii that concluded in the FEIS that there was not an inch- not a stitch of shrubbery, not a blade of grass, not a swath of trees, nor waterway of any kind that housed a smidgeon of wildlife within the UHWO parcel of property of which any wildlife of any kind possessed any worth and had any significance of value whatsoever-  (excluding the Red Ilima /plant). 

The land at UHWO was characterized overall as a wasteland per the FEIS -  as if it were located in Siberia somewhere remote and hence void of possessing any type of habitat critical or of need to any threatened or endangered specie(s) of bird(s) that was actually there-----and I have repeatedly witnessed these endangered species utilize UHWO property over time such as the Hawaiian Duck, Hoary Bat, Coot, and of course, the last to remain to be witnessed, the Pueo.  

The law clearly dictates, that per the FEIS for UHWO, it states any new condition SHALL-  it says SHALL-  require a SEIS be executed-  shall be prepared...why are you at DOFAW not preparing a SEIS as the law dictates? 
Inline image

Question to you-   why is DOFAW, refusing to adhere to the law and order a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for UHWO to substantiate if any Pueo nests are indeed present on the property now that a certifiable ornithologist (Dr. Javier Cotin- on contract with DLNR) has confirmed a pair of Pueo at UHWO? 

For in my opinion, the investigatory trigger for a SEIS has been met - no Pueo nest need be present to have the requisite met-  for it is by law, that an SEIS is required by OEQC (in the FEIS for UHWO)- when the NEW Condition transpires/being Pueo now on the property-  and here is the exact language to be reinstated into the re-codification of the newly proposed EIS law(s) being crafted and proposed regarding SEIS protocol:

Inline image

October 4, 2017 Pueo Sighting @ UHWO


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