Monday, December 11, 2017

Exposing Corruption in Bishop Estates/KSBE 2017: Sexual Exploitation, Judge Payoff, etc.

EXPOSING CORRUPTION IN BISHOP ESTATES/KSBE 2017 - Sexual Exploitation, Judge Payoff, etc.

                                                                         Article from Hawaii Free Press thru e-mail

Kamehameha School Child Molester Case – Hidden Payoff to Judge Exposed
HNN Update Dec 6, 2017: After Three Years Conflict of Interest, Judge Suddenly Recuses Herself When Outed by Media
by Andrew Walden
It’s 20 years later and Hawaii hasn’t changed a bit. 
Hawaii News Now December 5, 2017 reports ‘Judge in Kamehameha Schools case didn't disclose apparent conflict’:
 …For more than three years, Circuit Judge Virginia Crandall has presided over the lawsuits against Kamehameha Schools and St. Francis Hospital by former students who accuse a psychiatrist of sexual abuse decades ago.
But she didn’t publicly disclose that in the 1990s and the early 2000s, her husband, David Schulmeister, and his law firm, Cades Schutte, represented the Kamehameha Schools, billing as much as $1 million a year…..
Schulmeister and Cades Schutte have represented Kamehameha Schools on a broad range of issues….
Attorney Robert Richards, the special master appointed by state Probate Judge Kevin Chang in 2000, explained the firm's role at the Kamehameha Schools in this way: “(This) firm had an extensive history of legal work for the Trust … it became involved in almost everything, submitted bills on almost everything,” Richards wrote.
“In reviewing the billings, its purpose often seems to be that of an overseer, directing and checking the work of others, often in a duplicative, cost ineffective manner. It was never counsel of record in any of the proceedings and seldom assumed lead status. Nonetheless it submitted very large billings, which were always paid.”
A potential conflict of interest in this case is especially sensitive given the historic and controversial role that the courts played in selecting former Kamehameha Schools trustees….
"Anyone who knows the problems with Kamehameha Schools years ago and the long relationship with the Judiciary would immediately become suspicious,” said University of Hawaii Political Science Professor Colin Moore….
It gets worse.
In 2014, three child molestation lawsuits were filed against KSBE.  All three were assigned to none other than Judge Virginia Crandall.  Within a year, each had been dismissed—and Crandall imposed a gag order which KSBE lawyers are now using to threaten plaintiffs and their attorneys in the current litigation.
The Star-Advertiser Nov 26, 2017 reports:
Kamehameha would not answer questions related to the (current) lawsuit, citing a 2014 gag order issued (by Judge Virginia Crandall) in a similar suit that was dismissed. The school says the order covers the current litigation and prevents the parties from publicly discussing the case. The 2014 order said it would apply to other proceedings arising from claims in that lawsuit.
The school has asked the court to sanction the plaintiffs’ lawyers, accusing them of flagrantly violating the gag order by talking to the press and running newspaper ads seeking additional witnesses.
But the plaintiffs’ attorneys say the order doesn’t apply to the current case and that Kamehameha simply is trying to keep past wrongdoing concealed….
The Honolulu Star-Bulletin, February 12, 2000 informs readers Cades Schutte took in $1.8M from KSBE making it, “the estate's largest outside professional firm.”  The Star-Bulletin continued, “(Cades’) work for the estate is directed by former Judicial Selection Commission member Michael Hare.”
According to the Hawaii Judiciary website, Hare, a Cades-Schutte partner, was the Chairman of the Judicial Selection Commission from 1991-93.  Hare succeeded Broken Trust-era KSBE Trustee Gerard A. Jervis who chaired the JSC from 1989-91. 
In a September 22, 2017 statement naming Crandall, ‘Jurist of the Year’, the Hawaii Judiciary informs readers: “Judge Crandall joined the Judiciary as a Circuit Court Judge of the First Circuit Ninth Division on April 1, 1991.”
Kamehameha School child molester, Dr Robert Browne, killed himself in late October, 1991
What kind of work did Judge Crandall’s husband’s law firm do for the corrupt Broken Trust KSBE Trustees?
In 1994 a ‘legal opinion’ from Cades Schutte was used to justify spending $14,948 of KSBE Trust funds to pay legal fees racked up in a non-KSBE case by methamphetamines addict state Senator Milton Holt.  As Broken Trust authors Samuel King and Randall Roth observed, “Not many employers would pay the legal expenses of a staff member under investigation for public corruption.” -- Broken Trust p 203
In 1995 another ‘legal opinion’ written by Cades Schutte was used by criminal Trustee Lokelani Lindsey in an unsuccessful effort to undermine dissident Trustee Oswald Stender. -- Broken Trust p 243-44
In response to the 1997 ‘Broken Trust’ essay, Michael Hare:
“…criticized the authors for ‘throwing mud’ and ‘tarring people with rhetorical questions and faulty logic.’  Hare said it was wrong for the authors to reveal that his firm received over $10 million in legal fees from Bishop Estate in the years following his term chairing the Judicial Selection Commission.  He did not question the statement’s accuracy; he simply argued that it might lead readers to assume a connection.”  -- Broken Trust p 163 
In 1999 the corrupt Trustees were ousted and replaced by ‘interim trustees.’  Cades Schutte continued to work for KSBE unabated with deputy State Attorneys General describing the firm as ‘stonewalling’ AG investigators. -- Broken Trust p 270 
The interim trustees were currently paying the Cades firm to do what the former trustees had previously paid that firm to do: ‘hinder the attorney general.’ -- Broken Trust p 275
The Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 18, 2000 explains:
…law firm Cades Schutte Fleming & Wright…reviewed photographs of Kamehameha Schools alumni and parents who marched in protest to the former trustees in May 1997, in an apparent attempt to intimidate critics.
Mike Heihre, a Cades partner (and still a partner in 2017) … (is) described as the estate's ‘shadow general counsel’ (by court-appointed special master Robert Richards)….
…Richards recommended that Cades Schutte disgorge about $880,000 of the $1.3 million that it billed the trust between August 1998 and May 1999….
"More than any other law firm involved in this review, (Cades) was to represent the interests of the majority of the split board, namely the interests of trustees Peters, Wong and Lindsey," Richards said. "Except in very limited instances ... the work of this firm cannot be described in any fashion as benefiting the trust."
And what role did KSBE lawyers play in concealing the activities of the child molester Browne?  On this, former Trustees seem unanimous:
Star-Adv Nov 28, 2017:
Oswald Stender… (said) the trustees were told that the school’s attorneys would deal with the matter.
HNN Nov 28, 2017
…former state House Speaker and KSBE Trustee Henry Peters told Hawaii News Now…the abuses were hidden so long because of a "wall of secrecy" erected by then-President Michael Chun and other campus administrators….
…In an August 2016 deposition, Chun said he was relying on advice from the Bishop Estate legal department, which apparently didn't follow up.
Attorney Eric Seitz said that department often bottled things up.
"A lot of stuff that was happening at the school was never really communicated to the trustees,” said Seitz, who represented ex-trustee and former state Senate President Richard “Dickie” Wong….


Friday, December 08, 2017
After Losing Judge, KSBE Tries Apologizing for Letting Child Molester Run Rampant
By News Release @ 2:12 PM :: 1416 Views :: Education K-12, Ethics
A personal message to our Kamehameha Schools ‘ohana
News Release from KSBE, December 8, 2017  (two days after they lost their bought n paid for judge)
Aloha pumehana kākou,
Kamehameha Schools is the living legacy of our Princess, Bernice Pauahi Bishop. She envisioned a vibrant future for the Hawaiian people and knew that education would be critical to their success. As CEO of Kamehameha Schools and servant of the Princess, I look forward to working every day to ensure that her dreams are realized so Native Hawaiians can rise in their own homeland and beyond.
As we recount some 130 years of pride and accomplishment by Native Hawaiians, no one — neither the Schools, nor the community — was prepared for the horrific revelation that our precious haumāna were secretly abused and physically and emotionally traumatized from 1962-1984 by Dr. Robert Browne, Chief of Psychiatry at St. Francis Hospital. And, after abuses were reported, not nearly enough was done. Truly, this represents the very darkest days for an institution charged with caring for and educating the most innocent among us, our keiki.
On behalf of Kamehameha Schools, I’d like to take this time to apologize to these victims of Dr. Browne and their families who suffered alongside them. Kamehameha Schools is deeply and truly sorry.
I’d also like to express to our Hawaiian community, and especially to all of our haumāna and their ʻohana, our sincere apologies for doubts these incidents may have raised about the leadership and conduct of the institution and legacy we belong to, revere, and fight for. More is expected of us.
We are working tirelessly to make amends, and this is my promise to you:
  • We will do what is pono for these victims of Dr. Browne’s abuse.
  • We will not allow incidents of abuse to go unnoticed, unreported, or unaddressed.
  • We will listen, learn, improve, and work hard every day to keep our keiki secure and safe.
It is with fullest humility that I express my heartfelt aloha to the victims, their ʻohana, and others who have suffered and to the many alumni, staff, community members and leaders who have challenged us to do more. In this season of hope and light, I pray blessings upon us all as we work our way forward together to bring healing and justice to the hurt, and restore honor and pride to our Princess and her people to whom we are forever devoted.
Ke aloha o Ke Akua me kākou a pau,
Jack Wong


Hawai`i Free Press 
Today's News Read
December 10, 2017

Kamehameha School Child Molester Case - Hidden Payoff to Judge Exposed
...After three years on the case, judge suddenly recuses herself....
After Losing Judge, KSBE Suddenly Admits Child Sex Abuse
...two days after they lost their bought n paid for judge....
Kauai, Maui: GE Tax hike on the Move
...Kauai Council uses traffic as excuse--Will Maui Council go along with same scam?....
Who is Gabbard's Guru?
..."Gabbard's life would be unrecognizable without Butler's influence."....
Tech: 'Clinically Psychotic' HGEA Signs Suicide Pact
...The seeming political power play is actually a sign of Perreira's weakness....
HGEA will Make Hanabusa Governor if Tech Projects are not cancelled
...Another tech project, another case of HGEA sabotage....
State tax director abruptly resigns
...State Tax Director Maria Zielinski has resigned in the wake of reports that state tax officials instructed a consultant on which subjects "should and should not" be addressed in its supposedly independent monitoring reports on the progress of a new $60 million tax computer system....
Rumors Swirl, List of Suspects-When Will #metoo reckonings reach Hawaii?
...there have been water cooler whispers, for sure. Lists of possible suspects. Old stories from back in the day. Rumors about creeps we all know. But so far, no victims coming forward....
Honolulu Airport is Named for a Rapist
..."Rename the airport Annelle Amaral International Airport."....
Hawaii Lawmakers--We're all fine with Conflicts of Interest
...Hawaii lawmakers are used to hearing the criticism that they often vote in their own interests. Most work outside jobs, and bills often come up that could benefit their sources of income....
Borreca: Hawaii Democrats Can and Should Eliminate all 5 Republicans from Legislature in 2018 the Hawaii GOP goes from five to none....
Feds Investigating Hawaii DHS Coverup in Peyton Valiente Case?
...Chelsea Valiente said federal officials are investigating the way the state Department of Human Services handled Peyton's case.....
HPD Coverup: AG Drops Case of Assault on Toddler Peyton Valiente
...It was difficult to have to break the news to the parents that our findings did not result in charges against a perpetrator....
After Death of 9 year old Girl, Lawyers give Psychologists Opportunity to Cover up for CPS
...CPS had been in contact with Hilo girl starved to death since she was a toddler....
7-2 Supreme Court Allows Latest Travel Ban To Take Full And Immediate Effect
...The Department of Justice asked the justices to lift lower court orders barring enforcement of the proclamation while legal challenges are adjudicated....
Trump: Major Changes in Management of Federal Monuments
...Interior will make sure local voices are not drowned out by "large, well-funded NGOs and special interests"....
OHA Audit: Three Questions
...The Hawai'i Auditorʻs Performance Audit Of OHA Is About To Be Publicly Released....
Hanabusa: Protesters Agreed to Approve Telescope in Exchange for Hawaiian Language School at UH Hilo
... Nobody Backs Hanabusa Claim ....
Hula Halau to be banned from Yale?
...Native American student group accuses Polynesian dance group of 'appropriating Hawaiian and Tahitian culture'....
Lalamilo: Big Island Wind Farm Wants Permit to Kill Bats, Petrels
...The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service received an application from the Lalamilo Wind Company LLC for an incidental take permit of the endangered Hawaiian hoary bat and the endangered Hawaiian petrel....
Ex-vice chairman of Real Estate commission, wife indicted for theft
...The former vice chairman of the state Real Estate Commission and his wife have been indicted for allegedly embezzling more than $200,000 from two East Hawaii clients....
Ethics Fine: Guard Must Return Cash after $10K Inmate Payoff
...In or around November 2009, Respondent Kanazawa-Yee and two other ACOs, ACO A and ACO B, planned to obtain money from Inmate....
HUD: Hawaii #1 State for Homelessness
...Hawaii still leads nation in homeless count per capita....
Airports Division spreads the red tape
...The pilot program requires the rideshare drivers to pay 7 percent of each fare to the state Airports Division....
ACS Hawaii 5-Year Report: Growth Data for Your Community
...The U.S. Census Bureau released its 2012-2016 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates on December 7, 2017....
Ige Appoints DLIR Director to Head DoTax
...Takayama has served as the director of the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR) since April 2015. She will assume her new position on Monday, Dec. 11....
Voluntary Additional Tax?
...This will give Warren Buffett et al a chance to "walk the walk" and pay millions more....
Officials Announce First DoD-Wide Audit
...The Defense Department is starting the first agencywide financial audit in its history....
Elder Abuse: Hawaii Ranks 22nd
...2017's States with the Best Elder-Abuse Protections....
Continuing to Doubt the North Koreans Could be Dangerous to Hawaii
..."This is like thinking a man pointing a gun at you wouldn't figure out how to pull the trigger and kill you,"  Ward said....
Kauai: PCBs Found in Westside Kauai Water Tank
...where are all the protesters?....
Top Four HS Teams to Face Off in Hawaii LifeSmarts Competition
...Saturday, February 3, 2018 at the University of Hawaii at Manoa's Campus Center Ballroom from 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m....
Moody's: UH Bonds Stable as Long as Legislature Continues to Pony Up
...The rating is tempered by significant expense pressures across the 10-campus system, declining enrollments, and extensive capital needs with a large backlog of deferred maintenance....
Pasha Hawaii charged in labor dispute
...It may also lead to speculation that Pasha and the shipbuilder Keppel have not yet completed their ship design....
Nominees Sought for Two Judicial Vacancies on Oahu
...The Judicial Selection Commission is accepting applications and nominations to fill the following anticipated judicial vacancies in the First Circuit (Oahu)....
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  2. How Hawaii Civil Rights Commission Covers Up Sex Harassment Reports
  3. 2018 Elections: 20% Turnover in House?
  4. Conflict of Interest: OHA Audit Committee Member Secretly owns OHA's Former Poi Mill
  5. To Help Campaign Contributors, Hanabusa Blocks Missile Defense for Hawaii for 6 Years
  6. Dan Inouye was a Rapist
  7. What's in the Secret Air BnB Agreement?
  8. Kawananakoa Estate: Sex, Drugs, and Inequality
  9. $2.4B Tax Hike: How They Voted
  10. Four Years After Sheep Sex Scandal--Brian Schatz in Charge of Sex Harassment Investigations
  11. The Truth About OHA Audits
  12. Randy Roth: OHA Copies Bishop Estate--Misusing LLCs to Hide from Law
  13. ConCon: OHA Admin Pushing to Abolish OHA Board of Trustees?
  14. Mauna Kea: UH to Trade 10,000 Acres for Telescope Approval, Lease Extension?
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  16. Zoning, Land-Use Planning, and Housing Affordability
  17. Decline of Hawaii Farmland Caused by Environmentalism, not Development
  18. Al Hee Minion Robin Danner Grabs for Control of Crooked Sandwich Isles Scam Company
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  24. Should Surfrider be Licensed to Pass Out Property Tax Exemptions?
  25. Oahu Workshops: Learn to Raise Your Voice at the State Capitol
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  28. State's Hyperbaric Treatment Center to remain closed through February 
  29. What These 3 Doctors Think Should Be Done for Children Who Think They Are Transgender
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