Thursday, December 14, 2017

Vol VI No. 681 Part 1a

  1. Laulani Teale
    11 hrs
    The "hope" for overcoming Trumpitis etc. is NOT supporting known human rights abusers (such as Ms. Gabbard, sorry to say). It is RECOGNIT...ION OF THE LAND YOU LIVE ON as a neutral nation under an ILLEGAL, BRUTAL and generally WRONGFUL MILITARY OCCUPATION BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and calling for our rightful INDEPENDENCE to be restored. This is your RESPONSIBILITY to this land and nation. And the world -- peace in Hawaiʻi is one of humanity's best shots at stability and world peace. But that ainʻt gonna happen as long as there is war at home. And make no mistake, there is war at home. So which side are you on?
    Serious question. Are you a perpetuator of colonization or a healer of this awful situation? The time has come to choose.
    It is not, repeat NOT the job of Kanaka alone to keep calling for what is right till we are blue in the face. Your silence is what keeps us looking like the "fringe" to the world, as we give our lives to making the right thing happen. This in itself is not right. YOUR SILENCE IS COLONIZATION IN ACTION.
    Don't like angry Hawaiians? Then please have some guts and STAND WITH US as is your responsibility, in your daily life. Those are extremely frustrated Hawaiians, actually, and YOU have the power to change that.
    Speak out and stop avoiding the issue -- use the right terms: "Invasion", not "overthrow". "Occupation", not "State". Etc etc. I know it is awkward. You think it is not awkward for us?? Hello. Speak some frickin awkward truth for a change. We do it every day.
    Don't act like it is our responsibility to educate yʻall either. The info is already there. Everyone has the choice to see it and act upon it or ignore it. And if you choose the latter, please come to terms with the fact that that is in fact precisely the definition of ignorance. Like that term applied to yourself? No? Then stop being it already. Stop ignoring the truth, and you may honestly be able to tell yourself that you are "not an ignorant American like those Trumpsters."
    And if you have no guts to do any of this, but stand with us in spirit, I can tell you lots of good places and people to donate to instead of political campaigns and more useless costco shit. May I remind you, we in the active movement are not only doing all this work, but also mostly PAYING FOR IT out of our own pockets. And then getting dissed for being too poor to fix our broken cars etc.
    So there it is. Time to take a stand. Stand for peace, restoration, human rights and pono, or stand for continued militarization, destruction, occupation and colonial displacement. And silence is the latter. That is the truth.
    Pass it on.

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  2. Paul's still going strong at 74. 53 years of admiration of the best musician ever. "McCartney credits anti-aging foods like vegetables and fruits as part of a plant-based vegan diet. Although he's now vegan— McCartney has avoided eating animals and has been a vegetarian since 1975." (Foods for Better Health)
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        Discover the Natural Diet Plan that has helped tens of thousands of health seekers overcome IBD, and get my free report: “The 17 Dietary Causes of Colitis & Crohn’s & the Reasons Why Some Get IBD & Some Don’t”. -Dr. Dave Klein
        Dr. Douglas N. Graham
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        This is the way animals show their gratefulness to the human who saved them
        Melanie Clink Animals LOVE and, people that show LOVE to animals are my kind of people!😘
        Mary-Louise Burt I am not too sure about grabbing the fish.........but...

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