Thursday, December 14, 2017

Vol VI No. 681 Part 3

Island of Oahu; Waianae Mountain Range: Army (with DLNR…

Melissa Leina'ala Haa Moniz is with Laulani Teale and 8 others.
Please help me share this Ki’i in honor of Robert “Bobby” Ebanez.
These are Bobby’s words. I will ku pa’a and carry on his work in pono.

Remembering Bobby  Comment

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Robert Ebanez shared his post.

This morning was a beautiful day in paradise. The US Federal Government is illegally occupying Hawaii since 1893. There was NO Treaty of annexation by America ,...therefore there is no ceded lands because we as heirs and beneficiaries hold Allodial titles to the Kingdom of Hawaii .
The US Corporation has made slaves of the Hawaiian people and the American people by scheming the Treasury money and traded bonds on the international market for years without the knowledge of the Hawaiians and American citizens.
The Pope of the Vatican is plagued with serious charges of sexual abuse of children and adults and follows a devilish ritual for Satan in human sacrifice of orphans and homeless people.
The Elitist are the ones who creates Wars for profit and is willing to kill their own citizens in America to deceive the global community of their agenda.
Elitist are the super rich people, like Rothschild, Bush, etc.
It is a spiritual war and we are winning. Have faith in God (Akua) and the blessings will come. Continue praying for the evil people to see the light of Akua.
Aloha Malama Pono
Robert Ebanez
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Robert Ebanez shared his post.

Walter Ritte, Leon Siu, Kalama O Ka Aina, Brandon Makaawaawa Robert Armitage Sr. Ekolu Kalama, Frederick Torres-Pestana. Bumby Kanehele, Henry Noa, Atooi, Hanal...e Hopfe Donald Batino Kaulia Leighton R. Tseu, Lynette Cruz, Laulani Teale, Mililani B Trask,Healani Sonoda-Pale and the Royal Order of Kamehameha and other Aliʻi associations.
We need to come together as One and fight for Justice of our Kingdom because our lands are being illegally sold to foreigners for over 198 years since Kamehamehaʻs death in 1819. Our people have suffered enough.
So please letʻs coordinate a meeting at Iolani Palace soon .
My phone number is 808-636-3842.
Mahalo Nui
Robert Ebanez
A letter to Congressman Jeff Flake.
Iʻm a direct descendant of King Kamehameha I and King Kekaulike of Maui. The United States is illegally occupying Hawaii since the overthrow of 1893. Congress passed annexation of our country by a Joint Resolution in 1898.
Our Kingdom still exist under International Law. The metes and bounds for the United States is 3 miles off the coast of California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska.
Hawaii is 2,500 miles away so the United States Military has NO jurisdiction over Hawaii.
We want the US Military to vacate the islands immediately for it has been 124 years of the illegal occupation of our country. Those individuals living today who continues to perpetuate the War Crimes of genocide to our people will be adjudicated by our Hawaiian Kingdom Laws and under International law, however, I would be willing to purview those that have conducted serious crimes of Treason. Under Hawaiian Kingdom law death is the punishment for Treason.
Iʻm willing to compromise the penalty of death of Treason by life in prison instead, subject to a mercy law of the Kingdom of Hawaii Ko Pae Aina.
I have in my possession an Official letter to The Honorable Sally Jewel, Secretary, Department of the Interior from you and Senators LamarAlexander, Tom A. Coburn, M.D. and Mike Lee.
The main issue; Is Hawaii a State of the United States of America by annexing our Sovereign Neutral Country in 1893 ? We were never given the opportunity to vote on Statehood in 1959 for the Independence of Hawaii on the ballot.
Iʻm looking forward in meeting with you on this urgent matter towards justice for our people.
Aloha mai,
Robert Ebanez
Interm Moʻi of the Kingdom of Hawaii Ko Pae Aina
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Presentation on Hokule'a
Please help support the Hālau ʻŌhiʻa Hawaiʻi Stewardship program at their Pāpale Lau Niu Workshop Fundraiser coming up this Saturday 12/16 from 9:30-2:30 pm in Hilo!! Spaces are filling up quickly so register as soon as possible!
I ola nō ka niu a me ka ʻōhiʻa 🌀 Mahalo piha!

Please help support the Hālau ʻŌhiʻa Hawaiʻi Stewardship program at their Pāpale Lau Niu Workshop Fundraiser coming up this Saturday 12/16 from 9:30-2:30 pm in ...Hilo!! Spaces are filling up quickly so register as soon as possible!
I ola nō ka niu a me ka ʻōhiʻa 🌀 Mahalo piha!

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Laulani Teale added a post from December 8 to her timeline.
22 hrs

Diplomacy is an extremely creative art, and it is at the core of building peace. The mainstream hyper-emphasis on concepts such as "neutrality" (which is often well-masked racism, classism, etc) and "impartiality" (often meaning not really knowing anyone very well at all) might be fine for business mediation, but not so good for kanaka situations because they can result in junk outcomes such as

No automatic alt text available.compromise, if taken too far. And you can't compromise pono.
Real peacebuilding i...n a cultural context requires deep understanding of those involved and their real needs, lots of genuine love for everyone, and skills in creative diplomacy. It also requires skills shared by mainstream mediators,such as confidentiality in regard to personal matters, and also delicate handling of volatile situations, discernment, and very thick skin (because you WILL get whacked).
We need more peacebuilders. This is the new paradigm for humanity itself, and has the potential to reduce or replace many of the oppressive functions of governments, such as police, courts, armies, etc that we really need to get the f over, while rebuilding the essence of our cultures, and our ability to manifest pono.
It is also super duper needed on the front lines of major battles, because da odds guys are really frickin good at dividing us, and we cannot let hewa win.
So if you are tough, creative, able to love everyone, able to keep quiet about stuff you can't share, willing to take some (sometimes brutal) whacks, and willing to work for Akua (read: free but with spiritual benefits), and able to work within the original culture of the land you stand on, you might want to consider being a peacebuilder.
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Beki Light Peacebuilder

1 hr
Laulani Teale I'm recruiting. Can u tell? Heh heh
Susan Rosier U know I'm down for it! Exposing truth with understanding everyone has been brainwashed

Melenahe Martin Diplomacy should only be orchestrated by those between the signs of Libra to Sagittarius.
Laulani Teale Ha!! Wait...Capricorns as diplomats?
(Lol I say that because my daughter Noa Helela is a 6-planet Capricorn heh heh)
And wait...I'm a Pisces!!

Melenahe Martin well yeah, Capricorns ???? (I am just joking I hope you know, wink wink). Pisces, the ones I know do a great job, there is some deep judgement involved though- not always a bad thing)
Laulani Teale Lol most of the time we get in trouble for being too swimmy.
Melenahe Martin a very good word, swimmy.
U'i Kahue Liking it! I'm Pisces too!
Pono Kealii question: when you reference "akua" are you referring to the western Christian monotheistic appropriation of our traditional polytheistic cultural and spiritual traditions ?

I understand the "ke akua" belief to be an Christian effort to subvert our traditional spiritual by inserting their monotheistic "one creator god" belief system into our traditional Hawaiian spirituality.

I say this because I was raised in our culture and know our traditional pantheon of gods and that there was no mention of ke akua prior to the European cultural and spiritual invasion of Polynesia.

Laulani Teale Akua is Akua as far as I am concerned. One of the benefits of this extremely hard job is that you get to relate to your Boss the way you want to. Except when He/She/They kick(s) your butt.
Laulani Teale Akua can be one and Akua can be 40,000. We have the capacity to relate to all within us.
Millicent Cummings The slave holders have used religion to divide and conquer for a long time now...Kinda outdated. We all need to kick the habit of participating in this great divide and let every single person worship or not worship in their own unique way. Just because a person is Hawaiian doesn't make their spirituality identical to another Hawaiians. The old Hawaiians upon learning of the God in the black book taught many a missionary what it meant to be Christian for example and had no problem including Christ into their hearts because that principle of goodness was already there. Akua is beyond the parameters of anyone idea or perspective anyway! We could be enjoying our different perspectives instead of arguing about them.
Millicent Cummings I'm all good with everything except keeping quiet LOL! IMUA!
Laulani Teale Yeah, the keeping quiet part is SUPER hard. But an essential discipline of the art.

6 mins
Shana Logan Peace, like sovereignty, starts with the ohana. If our ohana is not pono, how can we expect the world to change? If peace cannot be achieved with ohana, peace cannot be achieved in the world. Maybe not all agree, but all can at least be at peace with each other and not allow hewa in. The destruction of the ohana is the downfall of our people, destroying one kanaka at a time, sometimes a whole family. Ohana is the cornerstone of our lahui. Invest in it.
We Kanaka should have special privileges such as, Free parking anywhere, exempt from all taxes, and special House rent rates.

Hanale Hopfe We gotta move to Ni'ihau then !

14 hrs
Ace Talavera Brah all da kanaka need to unify each island. The way King Kamehameha did.
Ke Hawaiian Aupu'ni Ali'i It's already unified, we just need America out period

12 hrs

Lyall Moana Roy Kakoo


From Kealoha Pisciotta:
Aloha Mauna Kea and Kai Palaoa Ohana, I am wanting to share about National Environmental Policy Act (NEIS) and comment period regarding NOAA and the National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS) issuance of a “Take” permit to the Navy Sonar Corridor between California — Hawai’i, that would effectively allow for thousands of our Ocean Ohana to be hurt, harmed and even killed. Below is a action alert from Earth Justice that allows u to send in ur comments to the Navy regarding this unbelievable action—see below.
For those of u also tracking the situation of Kai Palaoa, my self and Roxanne Stewart being prosecuted by NOAA for the burial of a Kanaloa (Whale) that had died. About two weeks ago an Administrative Law Judge found us “guilty” for violating the US Marine Mammal Protection Act and we are being charged and fined by NOAA. We intend to appeal this decision in a Court of Law, so please stay tuned and stay with us —we really appreciate all of the Aloha and support u all have given us.
My main point of sharing about our case at this at this time is to point out the total and complete hypocrisy in this entire situation. NOAA/NMFS cite us who simply buried a dead Kanaloa, while they issue a permit the Navy to “take” (which includes killing) thousands of Kanaloa (Marine Mammals and other Ocean Ohana) this permit including killing endangered species because Sonar is indiscriminate.
Here and now we need u all to make our voices heard and reworded for a better world!!! Please take time to tell the Navy ur thoughts and feelings—speak from ur heart ❤️ and from within the Aloha!!!
Because in the end such heartfelt Truth and Aloha is the only thing that has made this world a better place.
I can explain more later about our case but for now please please speak for our beloved Ocean Ohana who cannot speak for themselves—Earth Justice has made it easy to do —check out link below.
Aloha and Mahalo nui loa,
Kealoha ha Pisciotta
From Earth Justice:
Thousands of whales, dolphins and other marine mammals could suffer permanent injury—and even death—from warfare training exercises if the Navy walks back their agreement to a reasonable testing and training plan.
Over the next five years, the Navy wants to fire tens of thousands of rockets, missiles and projectiles and blast sonar for tens of thousands of hours in waters off Hawai‘i and Southern California that are home to dozens of vulnerable marine mammal species. To marine mammals, the deafening sounds from Navy activities can be fatal. In the dark depths of the ocean, these mammals rely almost entirely on sound to “see” their world. It’s how they feed, mate, communicate and navigate. If a whale or dolphin can’t hear, it can’t survive.
Before the Navy can adopt its testing and training plan, it needs to consider public input under the National Environmental Policy Act, or NEPA. You have only until December 12 to tell the Navy to commit to a reasonable plan that achieves military preparedness while maximizing marine mammal safety.
After a landmark settlement with Earthjustice in 2015, the Navy voluntarily agreed to safeguards for whales, dolphins and other marine mammals, protecting vast swaths of vital ocean habitat. But these common sense measures are conspicuously missing from Navy’s draft plan for the next five years of training and testing around the Hawaiian Islands and off Southern California.
The settlement proved that the Navy can both protect our nation and minimize harm to whales and dolphins by limiting the use of sonar and explosives in vital habitats.
The waters off the coast of Southern California are a globally important feeding area for endangered whales, and, for numerous small, resident whale and dolphin populations off Hawai‘i, the islands are literally their only home.
For years, scientists have documented that mid-frequency sonar wreaks havoc on the ocean environment, causing serious impacts to marine mammals, such as permanent hearing loss, lung injuries, strandings, habitat abandonment and even death.
The Navy already acknowledged that it doesn’t need to train in every square inch of the ocean and that it can take reasonable steps to reduce the deadly toll of its activities. Tell it to examine and pursue alternatives that protect both the nation and irreplaceable marine life.

Thousands of whales, dolphins and other marine mammals could suffer permanent injury—and even death—from warfare training exercises if the Navy walks back their agreement to a reasonable testing and training plan.

Kalama O Ka AinaGroup Admin Mahalo for sharing!

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ReplyDecember 6 at 12:27pm
Lynda Williams Here is one letter from my physics student! More coming!

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There will always be those who collaborate against the people
And there will always be those of us who will fight... To the last Aloha Aina 🔥💪

Ron Williams Jr
I had never seen an actual annexation club card, until today—lunch break at the archives. I found the membership card of J. A. King, #624.
The "Annexation Club" was founded on 21 March 1893. Its president was the Kanaka Maoli lawyer and former Representative John William Kalua of Maui.
On 1 May 1893, when Kalua, representing the Annexation Club, testified in front of US Minister Blount, he claimed that there were 700 members of the club—there were over 100,000 people in Hawaiʻi.
On the 4th of July 1894, Kalua read the declaration of a Republic in Hawaiʻi, in Hawaiian, from the Palace steps. In September of that year was rewarded with a judgeship, becoming the new Circuit Court judge in Wailuku, Maui, replacing Justice William Henry Daniels who had refused to take the Oath of Allegiance to the Republic.

Kaili Kamai Mahalo Dr. Niheu for sharing Prof. Williams post.

2 hrs
Kalama O Ka AinaGroup Admin He's got amazing research

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