Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Vol VI No. 682 Part 1b - Treaties, Mauna Kea

Today—20 December—in Hawaiian History [1849]: Diplomatic representatives of the Kingdom of Hawai'i and the United States of America sign a treaty between the tw...o nations—a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation and Extradition—in Washington D.C.
The treaty was signed by U.S. Secretary of State John M. Clayton and the Hawaiian Special Commissioner to the US, James Jackson Jarves. Treaty ratifications were exchanged and the international agreement went into force at Honolulu on 24 August 1850.
Complete text of the treaty can be found here:
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Koohan Paik shared a link.
15 hrs
Compare and contrast: U.S. occupation of Hawaii / U.S. occupation of Guahan:

Kim Jong Un’s threats against Guam have given new life to the island’s long-suffering independence movement.

Kalama O Ka AinaGroup Admin Solidarity with Independent Guahan!

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13 hrs
Question... when a house burns... why do the trees still stand? More so in the fires of late, why the strange burn patterns? I am not a fide expert but how can something burn in a fire and something don't? when a house burns down does it blow up? or if a house burns does it pick what house to burn? ask yourself....

for eyes that can see, there is something wrong here, the melting/ burning point of common household materials like glass (2600℉) and stainless steel (2800℉)...

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Nuall Ó Briain We are not chickens for the slaughter!

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Reply1 hr
Noelani Josselin Texas tried tired o breakaway from the USA and Hurricane Harvey happened creating thousands of homelessness, California tried breaking away from USA and now these wild fires! IF, our/Kanaka intent is to restore our Kingdom let it be the Kingdom of the most high! MAKUA, biological/Wakea Our Heavenly Creator whom we are connected to biologically! All else will be consumed by demons.

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Reply13 mins
please join us 9-11am and share the link-
Songs of Sovereignty
Aloha Kakahiaka!!#songsofsovereignty today with great music and special guests in the 10oclock hour!! Please share!

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The ongoing victory that is Standing Rock.
In the wake of Oceti Sakowin, a global movement was started to divest from fossil fuels. Billions of dollars of divestment later, and the victory continues.
Keep up the fight.
Stay hopeful
Stay creative...…

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Dallas GoldtoothFollow
The State of New York will freeze all current fossil fuel investments, divest New York’s public pension funds fossil fuel companies, and reinvest in... renewable energy. Together, New York’s pension funds are among the largest in the world, representing a combined $390 billion!

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Joann Mae Spotted Bear was live.Follow
good morning relation today is DEC 16- 2017 BACK TO TREATY'S AND LAND ISSUES..
Allyson TwoBears, of the Standing Rock EPA, then publicly told Dallas Goldtooth o...f The Indigenous Environmental Network, Chase IronEyes, and others to cover up this story.
Dallas Goldtooth covered up for STANDING ROCK SIOUX TRIBE DAVID ARCHEMBUALT.. and tribal council.. in return they covered up for the de facto UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BANKRUPT COOPERATION OF 1933.
It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only
United states of america is a Bankrupt de facto corporation government with charter number
United States Government CHARTER NUMBER AS FALLOWS. 052714196
28 U.S.C §3002 Definitions:
(15) "United States" Means-
(A) A Federal Corporation---052714196
Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investing BETWEEN - THE
If you do not have fair value in land.. and you are deemed bankrupt.and are NOT a Nation... you ARE committing land theft.
Bonn Germany.. this is where Dallas and Tom Gold tooth were at .. the Question is (what for??? ) at a United Nations meeting.
the land issues that concern Treatys.. and 564 Federal Tribal Members OR NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA as a whole..
The concern for the environment .. the issues at hand concern the world climate change.. the climate changes returns to the lands.. the land issues with the Federal tribal members has been a fight with the United States government white man from 1492 to this time at hand 2017 this moment.
(1493) South America Papal bull declares church under king Ferdinand is entitled to all land in South America: "If the Indians/heathens refuse, he may quite legally fight them, kill them and enslave them, just as Joshua enslaved the inhabitants of Canaan. "
it started with a Hungary white man named Christopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci.. in 1492. men that were prisoners of their own country..
Treaty that started before the Bible. aka known as (Before christian existences).
Before 1300 CE
| "Ramses-Hattusili Treaty" || Treaty between the EgyptianpharaohRamses II and the Hittite monarchHattusili III after the Battle of Kadesh (see *) | Peace of Callias || Ends the Persian Wars. | Peace of Nicias || Athens and Sparta end the first phase of the Peloponnesian War. | Peace of Antalcidas || Sets the boundaries of Greek and Persian territory. | Treaty of Tempea || Ends the Second Macedonian War.the first treaty for mutual self-defence.
c.450 BCE
421 BCE
387 BCE
196 BCE
587 Treaty of Andelot Between Frankish rulers Guntram and Brunhilda. Guntram adopted Brunhilda's son Childebert II.
This is an abominable perpetuation of generational conflicts and heredity racial discrimination leading to war and crimes against man and woman kind.
A contract and partnership must be fair and of equal value to both parties, as they deemed value per value.. thus a fiduciary obligation MUST be upheld by all parties. If a party stops short of fulfilling that obligation then they are in violation of contract and their fiduciary obligation to the other party, between trustees benefactors and beneficiary’s, There for a resolution is not a law, but furthermore.
There is no ALLODAIL TITLE or DEED to the Land the Fort Laramie 1851 and 1868 Treaty it is only negotiates safe passage for Oregon Trail setters with Native Americans.
Public funds: obstructed justice: fraud by trickery: RICO 1951 - 1961
NOTICE: Any levy or lien asserted by any agency, operating as an arm of a foreign entity; which engages in Fraud by Trickery; 18 U.S.C. 4 and which does not recognize the Fort Laramie Treaties of 1851 and 1868 and/or all worldwide Treaties; or, has not secured the proper Writ is herein REJECTED as being VOID AB INITIO.
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Cody Wolfchild I wonder how many locals really understand this.

I know people hit like n love but it doesn’t mean they think we are equally in the same deservance.

I don’t think many want to come out and say we’re not as christian from a king that was supposed to side step the papal bulls but when there’s vid about another nation that’s been occupied and their treaties all the crickets press like as opposed to when there’s a vid of someone saying there’s no annexation treaty and that you’re a neutral independent nation and there’s a whole page to scroll down full of eo’s and ku’e’s.

You’ve heard it from her, the u.s. is a bankrupt corporation with no treaty to exist so take fed rec no scade be like us.

America only attacks you if you’re scared and show fear but if you accept what they’re offering then you’ll have the power to take the gift and smash it right in front of them and their kids.

If you play America hating heathen / savage then Trump can play the race and color card like Dillingham did back in the day.

Join us and fight the dark side of the force from the inside out!

3 hrs
Melissa Leina'ala Haa Moniz
JUNE 14-23, 2018
Please join us in Hilo for the 5th Ka ʻAha Hula ʻO Hālauaola, a gathering of Hula and Oli masters, practitioners and enthusiasts. We are excit...ed to present a 10-day (anahulu) program of workshops, presentations, huakaʻi to sacred, historic and educational sites around Hawaiʻi Island. Our intent is to elevate and expand your knowledge and understanding of Hula and Oli by presenting masters, kumu hula, skilled practitioners and noted scholars of Hawaiian culture and language to share their ʻike with you.
Our journey began in 2001 when the Moʻolelo of Pele and Hiʻiaka was introduced through the first Ka ʻAha Hula ʻO Hālauaola. Like the story, the ʻAha and many of you traveled with us to Maui to learn about Kapōʻulakinaʻu, then to Oʻahu to visit the many sites where the Pele Clan stopped along their journey and finally to Kauaʻi, to Keʻe, the home of Lohiʻauipo and the many wahi pana pertinent to the story. Who can forget chanting “Kunihi ka mauna i ka laʻi ē” while standing in the shadow of majestic Waiʻaleʻale?
Now it is time for Hiʻiakaikapoliopele to hoʻi, return home from her journey through the islands.
This will be the last time that Ka ʻAha Hula ʻO Hālauola will be presented in this format.
So don't miss out. Registration will soon be open for you to reserve your spot for this special program.
We look forward to welcoming you to Hilo.
Me ka haʻahaʻa,
Noe Noe Wong-Wilson, PhD
ʻAha Director
Noe Noe Wong-Wilson
You can go online at and register your name and contact info. On January 1, log in and buy your ticket for the ʻAha. You will receive a link to purchase a ticket for one of Nā Ponohula workshops. The descriptions for Nā Ponohula are online now at
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Posted by NowThis Politics


Gov. David Ige is urging the state Supreme Court to issue a quick decision on the Thirty Meter Telescope case.
Additional Links...
Telescope permit decision appealed to Hawaii Supreme Court
Hawaii land board allows TMT construction to move forward
A look back at the TMT project — and what could happen next
"They've heard it before. We're hoping they make a speedy decision,” Ige said Tuesday on Hawaii News Now Sunrise.

The governor is hoping the high court will fast track the case because the project faces a looming deadline.
"We're working toward a deadline of April 2018 to either build here on Mauna Kea or in the Canary Islands,” said TMT spokesman Scott Ishikawa.
Native Hawaiian opponents are asking the high court to overturn the state Land Board's approval for the $1.4 billion project.
They believe the 18-story telescope will desecrate land sacred to Hawaiians, but supporters say it will provide scientific and economic benefits.
Kealoha Pisciotta said rushing the Supreme Court is a bad idea.
"It's not appropriate, we need the Supreme Court to take the time that they need to make sure that our constitutional protections are assured,” she said.
"We're kind of tired of being forced to be on a timeline for a development that isn't even from Hawaii."
Legal experts said the high court can take anywhere from one month to a year to issue a ruling.
Copyright 2017 Hawaii News Now. All rights reserve
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Gov. David Ige is urging the state Supreme Court to issue a quick decision on the Thirty Meter Telescope case.

Pearl Patterson We need to replace him!
Gov. David Ige is urging the state Supreme Court to issue a quick decision on the Thirty Meter Telescope case.
Additional Links...
Telescope permit decision appealed to Hawaii Supreme Court
Hawaii land board allows TMT construction to move forward
A look back at the TMT project — and what could happen next
"They've heard it before. We're hoping they make a speedy decision,” Ige said Tuesday on Hawaii News Now Sunrise.

The governor is hoping the high court will fast track the case because the project faces a looming deadline.
"We're working toward a deadline of April 2018 to either build here on Mauna Kea or in the Canary Islands,” said TMT spokesman Scott Ishikawa.
Native Hawaiian opponents are asking the high court to overturn the state Land Board's approval for the $1.4 billion project.
They believe the 18-story telescope will desecrate land sacred to Hawaiians, but supporters say it will provide scientific and economic benefits.
Kealoha Pisciotta said rushing the Supreme Court is a bad idea.
"It's not appropriate, we need the Supreme Court to take the time that they need to make sure that our constitutional protections are assured,” she said.
"We're kind of tired of being forced to be on a timeline for a development that isn't even from Hawaii."
Legal experts said the high court can take anywhere from one month to a year to issue a ruling.
Copyright 2017 Hawaii News Now. All rights reserve
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Gov. David Ige is urging the state Supreme Court to issue a quick decision on the Thirty Meter Telescope case.

NowThis Politics was live.
The House is nearing its final vote on the GOP tax bill, which provides 83% of its benefits to the richest 1% and causes 13 million people to lose health care. We’re live on the House floor for the debate.

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