Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Vol VI No. 683 Part 4

Hawai`i Free Press 
Today's News Read
December 24, 2017

How Christmas Came to Hawaii
...As presented by Hoku Paoa Stevenson at the Summer Palace....
Should the government be your Santa?
...Santa is an enthusiastic devotee of the surveillance state....
By Refusing to Resign AG Chin Can Help Work out Deals for Endorsements
...working out deals for campaign support with the wide array of people and organizations who have legal issues before the state....
Sex Harassment: Hawaii Legislators Admit Covering up Four Cases
...Four Hawaii lawmakers have been the subject of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct complaints since 2008 and Legislators refuse to tell us who they are....
Dan Ahuna: Give Mauna Kea to OHA so I can Profit from it
"...Probably the most egregious flaw with the subleases is their rents - or the lack thereof." -- Dan Ahuna
State pension woes raise specter of county bankruptcies
...Hokama also asked Thom Williams, executive director of the ERS, if the debt would still be owed if the county went bankrupt....
Bureaucracy thwarts state modernization
... Hawaii's entrenched state and county bureaucracies delaying the advance of high technology into their own operations ....
DoE: Feds Require 'Minor Adjustments' to our ESSA Plan to Hide Failure
... "Hawaii is well on its way for approval once we make minor adjustments to our consolidated plan," said Superintendent Dr. Christina Kishimoto ....
SCOTUS Keeps Rebuking Lower Courts That Rule Against Trump
... the justices have issued several fairly extraordinary orders in cases involving the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and the latest iteration of the travel ban, which deals rather harshly with trial courts in California, Hawaii and Maryland ....
Ninth Circuit Finds Trump's 3rd Travel Ban Illegal-Stays ruling so Supreme Court Can Overturn it
... the president's efforts to bar over 150 million nationals of six Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States ....
Tupola: Hawaii Families Will Benefit from Tax Cut
...the new tax plan will impact Hawai'i by adding 1,518 new jobs and predicts a $793 after-tax income increase for middle-income families....
Tax Cut Makes Hawaii Democrats Bitter, Spiteful
..."Moral abomination" ..."bad and mean-spirited"....
1000s of Hawaii Bank Employees Win 'Fight for $15' and Score $1000 Bonus Thanks to Republican Tax Cuts
...American Savings said it is handing out bonuses and boosting wages as a result of the passage of the $1.5 trillion Republican tax overhaul, which will save companies money by lowering income taxes. The federal corporate tax rate will be reduced to 21 percent from 35 percent beginning Jan. 1....
Who Gets a Tax Cut Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act?
...To help provide a sense of how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act would impact real taxpayers, we've run the taxes of eight example households....
Important Tax Law Changes for 2018
...State tax law changes impacting businesses and individuals....
Survey: 62% of Hawaii Youth Not Qualified for Military Service
...Crime and Inability to Join Military or Workforce Present National Crisis....
Ige Appoints Lei Learmont to Replace Rep Oshiro in HD46 Wahiawa
...Learmont fills the vacancy created when former Rep. Marcus Oshiro joined the Hawai'i Labor Relations Board in October....
2018 Ballot: Constitutional Convention?
...The biggest exception to this gatekeeper rule is the constitutional convention, where the people elect delegates directly....
New Police Chief Reassigns Union President To Patrol Shift
..."He's chosen not to participate in the peer program any more," Ballard said of Maafala. "It was very disappointing that he chose not to volunteer."....
Caldwell's Latest Police Commissioner - Daughter of HPD Officer Charged with Theft
...he was suspended for five days (for $5000 theft) when he and another high-ranking officer were caught....
Kam Schools Psychiatrist was at Center of Network of Homosexual Child Molesters
...he was also 'treating' Catholic priests in Hawaii who had been caught abusing children....
Rail: Kakaako Developer Demands $200M from HART
...HART is now seeking to condemn more than a dozen parcels owned by the Howard Hughes Corporation....
Caldwell: Affordable Housing is a Monster Which Must be Killed
...Caldwell is calling upon the Honolulu City Council to pass legislation that places a moratorium on their construction....
Hawaii Unemployment Sets Record Low as Labor Force Shrinks
...Labor force drops 1% -- from 690,800 to 684,350 year over year....
Census: Hawaii One of only Eight States to Lose Population
...Hawaii lost 1,145 residents between 2016 and 2017....
Homeless Court clears hundreds of cases--16 Accept Housing
...How Tickets Forced 16 Homeless to accept Housing....
Scientists: Latest Round of Kauai Hysterics Wrong
...Tests by USDA Lab Show No Evidence of Diphacinone in Whale Livers....
State EIS Rules Undergoing Major Revisions
...Some 600 changes are being proposed for the Hawai`i rules governing implementation of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process. Public comments may be filed by January 12, 2018....
2.5% HECO Rate Hike to Pay for 'Renewable' Energy
...'green' energy: burning your dollars to generate electricity....
Worst Drivers: Hawaii Ranks 6th for Drunk Driving
...and 5th for speeding....
DoH: $1.75B Needed to Replace Cesspools Statewide
...DOH has filed a report with the Legislature identifying 14 priority areas of the state where 43,000 cesspool upgrades are critically needed to protect public health and the environment....
Young Puerto Rican calls for Jones Act repeal
...debate over the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 (Jones Act) has been revived as devastating hurricanes stormed through the Caribbean....
Bloomberg considers Jones Act reform options
...First, grant at least a five-year waiver of the act to Puerto Rico....
The Jones Act Revisited
...The benefits of the act are concentrated among special interest groups, but the costs are broadly dispersed....
Bloomberg: Jones Act political contributions and lobbying
...Still playing with U.S. ports....
Bloomberg: The Jones Act serves no purpose
...the second in a planned series of four editorials focusing on the impacts of Jones Act cabotage on the U.S. economy....
Ige Announces Supplemental Budget
... FY 19 amendments total $85.5 million - an increase of .6 percent over FY 19...FY 19 amendments total $1.497 billion, an increase of 215 percent over FY 19 CIP ....
UH Presents 2018 Budget Request
...UH is currently scheduled to present its budget request to the Senate Committee on Ways and Means in the afternoon of January 9, 2018....
Finalists Named for UH Board of Regents
...a list of candidates to Gov. David Ige to fill one At-Large seat and one Maui County seat for 5-year appointments, beginning July 1, 2018, subject to confirmation by the Hawaiʻi State Senate....
UH Hilo chancellor search begins
...UH President David Lassner will receive input from the committee and stakeholders and will then present a recommendation for appointment to the Board of Regents....
Hawaii 70% Ready: Health Emergency Preparedness
...Hawaii's Flu Vaccination Rate is 49.2 Percent, 18th Highest....
After Years, State finally goes public on Rat Lungworm
...Tourists are attracted to places with well-known Rat Lungworm infestations....
Most Caring Cities? Honolulu Ranks 34th
...share of sheltered homeless persons to number of volunteering hours per capita to share of income donated to charity....
Hawaii 2018 Summer Journalism Internships
...Full-time internships (10 weeks at 40 hours/week) with a $4,040 pay....
  1. Kamehameha School Child Molester Case - Hidden Payoff to Judge Exposed
  2. After Losing Judge, KSBE Tries Apologizing for Letting Child Molester Run Rampant
  3. 200th Anniversary of Henry 'Opukaha'ia
  4. Conflict of Interest: OHA Audit Committee Member Secretly owns OHA's Former Poi Mill
  5. Tech: 'Clinically Psychotic' HGEA Signs Suicide Pact
  6. Full Text--Hawaii Supreme Court Rules 3-2: Anybody Can Now Sue Anybody for Dirtying the Environment
  7. What's in the Secret Air BnB Agreement?
  8. Kawananakoa Estate: Sex, Drugs, and Inequality
  9. $2.4B Tax Hike: How They Voted
  10. Rumors Swirl, List of Suspects-When Will #metoo reckonings reach Hawaii?
  11. Hawaii Mayors commit to Ban Gasoline, Diesel Vehicles by 2045
  12. Randy Roth: OHA Copies Bishop Estate--Misusing LLCs to Hide from Law
  13. Union Organizing Scam: Kupuna Caregivers Only Get Paid if they Sign Up with 'Contracted Service Provider'
  14. Mauna Kea: UH to Trade 10,000 Acres for Telescope Approval, Lease Extension?
  15. Progressive Activists are the Main Cause of Inequality 
  16. Chief of Staff: Ige Dumps McCartney, Fuchigami Takes Over
  17. Decline of Hawaii Farmland Caused by Environmentalism, not Development
  18. Conservative Rankings of Hawaii Legislators-2017 Session
  19. Ethics: Top HTA Execs Busted Taking Travel Upgrades
  20. Defense Department to Investigate Chinese Aid to Micronesia
  21. Throwing Money at Housing Won't Work
  22. 16 Years of Litigation: Sierra Club Directly Responsible for Lack of Affordable Housing
  23. How Affirmative Action Hurts Asian-Americans in College Admissions 
  24. Should Surfrider be Licensed to Pass Out Property Tax Exemptions?
  25. Hawaii: Homelessness and Poverty Do Not Correlate
  26. Fake Data Behind Coral Bleaching Report 
  27. Peter Apo: 'People can just make up stuff, and pronounce cultural claims with little or no validation' 
  28. Hawaii among worst states for economic freedom 
  29. Increase in Snorkel deaths in Hawaii needs to be addressed by the state of Hawaii Legislature
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Hawai`i Free Press Inc, Post Office Box 61761, Honolulu, HI 96839

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