Thursday, January 18, 2018

MORE HISTORY, LEGAL INFORMATION, BACKGROUND SUPPORTING THE ARRESTS OF THE TRUSTEES of the Fraud Trusts - Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani and Bernice Pauahi Bishop aka's

Responses to Legal Notice for Queen Liliuokalani's/Liliuokalani Trustees and Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees to be Arrested...

The following Comments are in response to :


Amelia Gora (2018)

Genocide Activities File for the Trustees of Both Liliuokalani Trust and the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trust - due to Fraud Deeds; Conspiracy; Defrauding Heirs; Trustees Cannot own Alodio Titles, etc.

Christine Kakalia  Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 9:57 AM

To: Amelia Gora

Cc: Christine Kakalia  

Aloha Cousin,

It was so good to talk to you this weekend and to hear of all you are doing on the farm.  You have sheep now!….yay!!  I did not want this day to go by without thanking you for this email.

Looking back at our Kingdom’s history  surrounding  the Overthrow of our Queen brings tears, but I will never give up hope that God will help us correct the wrongs done to us.  Our omnipotent Heavenly Father  is the One,  who is keeping you strong to continue disseminating the truth surrounding the present occupation.    I pray the United States will not just believe an apology is enough but will return what is not theirs to the rightful owners.  God knows the truth and the truth will be revealed. I continue to trust in Him and in His timing.   Onipa’a!

Love you,


Aloha Cousin,

Our Kingdom's history brought tears to my eyes when Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli stated that "someone poisoned me" and died several days later.

The history of Hawaii has been written by many defrauders whose sole purpose was to undermine the true owners of a neutral, non violent nation.

I had written several articles on the "haters of people of color" recently showing the support system of those who assisted in defrauding our people.

There are No statutes of limitations on Fraud.

The foundation of laws in the Hawaiian Kingdom are what makes for a civilized society.

The documented identity thieves - the Territory of Hawaii are the continuations of Fraud, Piracy, racketeering, etc.  This can be seen in the PA PELEKANE Case, 1912,  HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii - Supreme Court Law Library, Archives - Honolulu, Hawaii, and Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

Fraud continued is not O.K.  It's contrary to being a civilized nation, simple as that.

Therefore, the exposure of the Truths leads to the facts that an uncivilized entity is in our midst, likened to the story about the Emperor Has No Clothes... because the truth revealed is basically showing the ongoing frauds exposed for all to see.

The Bully Pulpit/American Presidents/the haters which is the subject of the articles reveals the foundation of the frauds, showing the Warmongers, their backgrounds, etc.

By looking at the history, genealogies, and legal business, all Nations should be aware of the so called leaders motivations when interacting with others.

To continue under barbaric basis which is what the Provisional government turned Republic then Territory and the State are all steps which were opposed by our people, our Royal Families every step of the way.

The motivation of finances or lack of is the reason the moves of pirates on the high seas premeditated to take over a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation.

Rule of Law is the foundation of our Kamehameha ancestors notably so from the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

Kamehameha II - Liholiho and his wives were dealt evils because of his honest move to return the bones of Captain James Cook when they went to England.  His motivation was also to learn the laws of England and was open to new knowledge not knowing they/English were Hater's, documented in the articles written recently.  See references below.

As you know, the missionaries were mercenaries of the U.S. and moved to assume lands, assets, mineral rights, etc.

Kamehameha III- Kauikeaouli was a brilliant man who managed to lock the lands up for himself, his heirs, and successors - all his relatives, not Aliens - foreigners. And to his people he gave forever lands ....see:

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Kamehameha's Love to his people is his Giving of lands, "in allodial title".... Important: Keep For Your Records...

Polynesian. (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, January 05, 1850, Page 134, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:



Polynesian. (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, January 05, 1850, Page 134, Image 2 Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Ho...

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Also See:

More References:

Also see the articles showing Why the U.S. owns nothing according to Laws which is the basis of all laws in the Hawaiian Islands:

Akua Watches.
The contractual agreements made between the U.S. and Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli does Not involve the People of the U.S. nor the Pirates, Racketeers...but they are the subjects talked about and persons who are to be prosecuted.  Read Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America which was ratified by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli after his conveyances of Alodio titles/forever titles to his people.

The Treaty(ies) made was only between Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, his heirs and successors - his family only and the United States President.  The identity thieves have been revealed in the PA PELEKANE case of 1912.

The issues uncovered is way more interesting than a chess

May God continue to take care of all of his people of truth and the extra motivation of exposing the truth is that Queen Liliuokalani did say and maintain that if corrections are not made, the United States (and other conspirators) will fall apart.  ;)

Love you cousin..............Malama Pono.


p.s. our Royal Families have been on the records in opposing every step of the way...even opposed Statehood, and the Judge King disregarded the opposition....but the record is there....which means the state is not.....legally non existing and cannot operate off of identity theft, etc.  ...Talk with you later.... Hauoli Makahiki Hou!


Tom Berg

Jan 17 (1 day ago)
to me
Remediation needs to come to the courtroom.  

The country needs to conclude this matter.

Rather than adhere to the Rule of Law,

it be the policy of both congress and the executive 

to wait for memory and blood to fade, so the arena

of justice has no ears remaining to witness the foul.

What you are doing Amelia Gora, is providing a courtroom

right here in your text.  The problem is, those in power

with the authority to act, are waiting for someone else

to trigger the remediation and conclude the disposition of

property during the USA conquest.

For certainly, the documentation provided in your plea,

is more detailed than any landowner displaced in Eastern 

Germany, who had their land too, taken.  When displaced Germans 

from Eastern Germany went to the courts to get their property back

after the war--- to have their titles be in good standing as recognized 

in and by the court, they were granted with such titles immediately.

It is evident, then, that the confiscation of Hawaiian lands is more

violent, more obscene and dastardly than any outright Nazi under

Hitler's rule who claimed ownership of land owned by individual

families within Eastern Germany for centuries.   Hitler confiscated

those lands in Eastern Germany without firing a bullet.

The Jews, Gypsies, and non-Arians of Eastern Germany were provided remedy-

title to their property, and ownership returned and honored.

Imagine if when Germany united- after the wall came down, 

all those displaced who returned, were not given their land back.

For some reason, the USA has refused to offer Native Hawaiians

with the same rights to title for being displaced.   The model is there

to return the land, Germany did it, why can't we? 


Hi Tom,

Guess you're not too familiar with the major laws of the Kingdom of Hawaii and how we are a Constitutional Monarchy government with alodio titles or forever lands to our people.  K

Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli gave his people lands forever.  See:


The pirate enterprise called the Provisional government was founded by the Premeditation efforts of the United States government as found in research.

  1. More Premeditation Evidence: ROBERT WILCOX, CELSO MORENO ...
    Oct 29, 2017 · More Premeditation Evidence: ROBERT WILCOX, CELSO MORENO, ... More Premeditation Evidence: ROBERT WILCOX, CELSO MORENO, ... by Amelia Gora ...
  2. American Agent/American Operative: Celso Moreno
    Oct 09, 2017 · overview by Amelia Gora Celso Moreno an employee of the ... Premeditation to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani documented in Celso Moreno's article: The ...
  3. Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : Keep for the Records with ...
    Jan 16, 2011 · Keep for the Records with other articles: What Every Kanaka Needs To ... by Amelia Gora, ... Atlantic Cable Company employee Celso Moreno came to Hawaii ...
  4. Premeditation to Take Over Hawaii By the United States
    Nov 12, 2015 · Premeditation to Take Over Hawaii By the United States ITATION EVIDENCE compiled by Amelia Gora ... King Kalakaua befriended Celso Moreno who worked for ...
  5. Legal Notice - Corrected and Article, The Rape of ALOHA ...
    Sep 17, 2014 · Legal Notice - Corrected and Article, The Rape of ALOHA (2014) by Amelia Gora ... Moreno, Celso. 146) Morgan, James F.
  6. Diary: More Evidence on Pearl Harbor - Fraud Claim by the ...
    More Evidence on Pearl Harbor - Fraud Claim by the U.S. ... research by Amelia Gora ... King Kalakaua befriended Celso Moreno who worked for the Atlantic Cable Company.
  7. HAWAIIAN HISTORY BOOKS - Kamehameha Descendants
    Kamehameha Descendants. ... Celso Moreno, friend of King ... Report prepared by Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha’s descendants, a Royal Person, ...
  8. **********************
  9. Read the above note to my cousin posted above.  History in research reveals the truth which is exposed for all to see via the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web.
  10. The following is a brief look at the laws, issues which shows why the entity State of Hawaii actually is the Pirate Capitol of the Pacific:
  11. 1820 - Mercenaries/Missionaries arrived after the death of our ancestor Kamehameha died in 1819.
  12. 1824 - Kamehameha II - Liholiho died after delivering Captain Cook's remains/bones/iwi and died after contacts with the flu.  His wife Kamamalu also died.  His purpose of going to England was to receive education about government operations.
  13. Note:  Dr, Gerritt Judd went along,, along with Rives a childhood friend.  There were missing monies.... Rives took off and did not return with the bodies of our Royal Families.....Judd was later dismissed for questions of missing monies from the Treasuries during Kamehameha IV's - Alexander Liholiho's time.
  14. The Judd's complemented themselves for being the lawmakers....when in actuality they were treasonous SOB's.
  15. 1824 + - Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli passed laws and gave his own people Alodio lands.  To Aliens/ foreigners/hater's he gave 30 year leases/Fee Simple titles/freehold...they could never own Alodio titles.
  16. Disabilities were documented for the United States and England.  They could Never own lands in the Hawaiian Islands.
  17. 1851 - Judge William Lee in the case:  The King vs. Anderson and Russell, HAWAIIAN REPORTS shows that "every fraudulent combination, mutual understanding, or cocerting together of two or more to do what is obviously and directly wrongfully injurious t another, is a conspiracy........they were guilty."
  18. The above case is case precedence.  When you add the facts of the premeditation issues of Thurston, Dole, William O. Smith, Celso Moreno, Robert Wilcox, Charles Reed Bishop, et. als. ....they were guilty.
  19. Add more players to the Piracies documented....they too are guilty.
  20. As you know, Royal persons are not subject to the laws, the Government of the Kingdom of Hawaii is made up of Royal persons from a Constitutional Monarchy, Monarchy government which was recognized since 1910 by our ancestor Kamehameha and many of the leaders of an ancient 1,650+ year old nation in the middle of the Pacific.
  21. 1998 - I complained to the Supreme Court about the frauds and they directed me to go to the court of original jurisdiction, file complaints with the police and the prosecutors.
  22. The court of original jurisdiction is the court of Kamehameha III  Kauikeaouli who had appointed my ancestors as Judges.  They included my own direct ancestors.  See the following articles for more information:
    1. Who Are the Descendants/Heirs of the Original Judges In ...
      Jul 03, 2017 · Who Are the Descendants/Heirs of the Original Judges in the Hawaiian Kingdom? ... Hawaiian Islands by Amelia Gora ... Descendants/Heirs of the Original ...
    2. Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth
      Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli ... became Judges in the Hawaiian Kingdom affecting important documents ... some-of-the-highlights-of-research-materials-by-amelia.
    3. News from the Hawaiian Kingdom: Genocide Evidence: Why the ...
      Oct 25, 2015 · Why the United States/U.S.A. Owns NOTHING In the Hawaiian Islands by Amelia Gora ... Owns NOTHING In the Hawaiian ... of the Hawaiian Kingdom ...
    4. News from the Hawaiian Kingdom: Judges - Exposing the Frauds
      Oct 25, 2015 · Judges - Exposing the Frauds ... Exposing Frauds Through the Judges in the Hawaiian Islands ... Amelia Gora History (30+ years ...
    5. Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : Keep for the Records with ...
      Jan 16, 2011 · Keep for the Records with other articles: What Every Kanaka Needs To ... KNOW ABOUT THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM, A ... to topic written by amelia gora
    6. Article: Hawaiian History - Premeditation Issues: The ...
      The Premeditation Issues of WARMONGERING nations against neutral Hawaiian Kingdom and the moves to ... Amelia Gora (2010) The ... Honolulu before Judge ...
    7. Tribunal Affairs: Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko ...
      Feb 21, 2015 · Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Me ka Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii No. 2015-02-21 from the ...
      Jul 11, 2010 · ... OUR HAWAIIAN MONARCHY: FOCUS ON FACTS ... by Amelia Gora, a Royal person ... Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands/Kingdom of ...
    9. OpEdNews|The Royal Families In The Hawaiian Islands and ...
      Diary: The Royal Families In The Hawaiian Islands and the Problematic Masons/Freemasons - Remembering the Criminal dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani by Americans in ...
    10. IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: U.S. Constitution in the 1900 ...
      Jan 30, 2017 · U.S. Constitution in the 1900 Newspapers; Background Affecting the Hawaiian ... http://amelia-gora.blogspot ... he had served notice to Judge King ...


Read message to my cousin above and visit/review all the links for more information.

The Royal Families exists, which also means the Kingdom of Hawaii exists.

Ramifications are ongoing.

Mahalo for your comments, suggestions.

Also, wanted to let you know that the Honouliuli issues are still ongoing because there are Frauds documented in the claims to the lands.

Miriam Kekauonohi, the landowner and konohiki was married to Charles Kanaina as well and the court cases shows his claims against Levi Haalelea who married Anaderia Amoe.  Amoe was not entitled to anything.

Reason being that Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli was one of the heirs as well....he was a brother/ hanai brother of Miriam Kekauonohi and he too was an heir along with all the siblings/ stepsiblings/ hanai/adopted siblings there are many of us who have interests in the Alodio lands.... the conspirator's are guilty and have been guilty since 1851 based on the case precedence in the HAWAIIAN REPORTS, law set in place during the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli himself.


p.s. Mike Lee is one of the Konohiki for Honoluliuli, and I was wondering if you would like to be an assistant konohiki or a Peace Maker because of all of you fine work in defending the owls, the lands, etc.  Take Care and Happy New Year!

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