Saturday, January 20, 2018

Remembering the Criminal Dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani 125 Years Ago: Pirates Sellouts Moved to the Front of Patriots ----likened to the story the Emperor Has No Clothes...

Laulani Teale and 5 others commented on this.
March was awesome. There were a few moments that were shockingly not, however, and this was one of them. Check this out! They actually halted the march just before it entered the Palace, placed former governor Waihee and OHA in front, and then entered as if they had been leading it all along. Okay, so who let them do this? Who was in charge of the decision? What is this??
Watch how the OHA Trustees and Former Governor ended up in the front of the procession. Very interesting. Watch the ACTIONS.
Entry procession not march. March halted.
Pomai Wright OHA trustees, what a misnomer.
Ken Burch ironic, isnʻt it, how the word "trust" can be perverted into something which promotes division, suspicion, blind obedience to corrupt "leaders", greed and more.
Pomai Wright Sadly I agree.
Ron Cawthon Dis-Trustees...not alot of people know in 1974 legislation was headed to the U.S. Congress to pay Hawaiians $1 billion dollars, over 10 wasn't really created settle all claims Hawaiians have, the intention was to help Hawaiians with the proc...See More
Ron Cawthon while technically they are "Americans"...the problem is the continuation of the Republic of Hawaii...opps a mean the state of Hawaii..
Mark Miller I have been on Wikipedia all day researching and writing on the 1993 march. I think I can answer this. In 1993, that iconic image is when everyone stopped so the elders could enter first.Manage
Laulani Teale Yeah. But not the politicians from the state
Mark Miller Laulani Teale there was a lot of uncool stuff from that point but hey...aloha is still a smile and move forward.
Mark Miller But the march really was awesome to see!
Mark Miller The original march was from Aloha Tower to the Palace. The march from the Royal Mausoleum to the Palace seems to have originated in 2015. I didn't see the Trasks but I hope they were considered elders to enter before others. I saw the uncle Hank was already on the grounds and that made me smile.
Mark Miller Laulani Teale, I honestly feel this was actually supposed to be an attempt to get the marchers from the 1993 image and the oli chanters (Kumu Hina) upfront. It looks like there was a little disorganization at this point but even the politicians are elders. While a governor, he was the first kanaka to rule Hawaii since the overthrow. That's gotta count for something...right?
Theresa Keohunani Taber actually, what marchers from the 1993 were upfront? I didn't see any... and WHY is anyone surprised about OHA trustees joining the Lahui at the front? Propping like they marched in leading the Lahui? Let's not even go there... typical OHA style... but I expected that
Mark Miller Theresa Keohunani Taber That is an excellent point but perhaps we need to ask if this was part of the organizing this year. If it was not....then this needs to something we remember for next year.

If anyone is only showing up or taking part for the li
melight.....their kupuna will surely let them know.

I want to extend aloha as much as possible because we all have to remember that there are always other people who will think "Why are they doing that?"

I do not support the idea of OHA but have too many facebook friends that have been a part of it to question individuals trying to place themselves before others. It is not my place to question that but it is the place of many and they, as you, should never be ignored for your concerns. But always try to have aloha first to temper reaction and remain pono. it is truly important.
Laulani Teale Mark Miller I think the main problem is that it is just not appropriate to honor 125 years of the survival of a crime with the faces of those whose only fame is through their position in the criminal organization. There are so many others who really represent the lahui, not the State of Hawaii. I’m just saying. Being the first Hawaiian governor might count for something, but not in this context. This should be about the movement, and liberation from the hewa that began 125 years ago.
That being said, I was in both the 1993 march and this one, and I will say that this one was more powerful. 1993 was bigger, but the climate has changed and the people are more serious about liberation now. Which is why it is such a shame for it to be marred like this in the mainstream perception.
Mark Miller Laulani Teale I'm so glad you were in both of these marches! No, I agree with you, especially in that the government of the occupiers is not really someone you want to be the face upfront of your march and the very thing you are marching for.

I notice
...See More
Ah Lui Ex-Governor Waihee did meet at The Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center in Waianae, West Oahu as told to me by Kalani Asam when I visited.

Professor Salvadore also confirmed Waihee did come to the center and did shared his concern that the lie w
as still being promoted: Federal Recognition (aKAKA Bill, Kau Inoa, Kanaiolowalu Not a discussion about the truth to Free Hawaii.
Shana Logan Marchers were there for the Queen. OHA is what she would call, "Annexatonists." I think they are confused about history and their place in it. If OHA trustees are for a relinquishing of our Sovereign Kingdom, and because they have miserably failed in t...See More
Ku'ulei Perez I agree Shana.
Deldrene Herron Kupuna should always go first followed by na Pua regardless of whether they did the walk or not. Protocol . Not OHA. NOT former politicians. Not "kahuna". Same at luau. Kupuna and keiki eat first. Period.

I did not do walk cause I couldn't walk th
at far so I sat under tree by gazebo and watched. Some were encouraging me to go to the gate but I told them no. Age before beauty does not apply in our culture. Age, Na Kupuna, always lead the way when acknowledged.
Mark Miller I have to say....yeah, this was what I thought was uncool. When I saw that Uncle Hank was already inside the palace walk I had to wonder why the chants came before the kupuna had entered. Even in ancient times the kahuna class would never have gone before the elders. If I am wrong i hope to be corrected with aloha but please...if I am wrong...correct me.
Deldrene Herron Uncle Bill Maioho knew Protocol for Mauna'ala. Groups or individuals called outside thegate asking permission to enter with proper chants. We taught this at Ho'omaika'ika'i to Na Haumana. After all that teaching these comments turns my na'au, and Hina's too. We need to be better organized, next time. No huhu Tita. they're still learning. That's what we need a House of Nobles for. They kept the Legislature and the people informed and monitored protocols. That was their duty under the Mo'i. They were keepers of the mo'okuauha'u, the "gate keepers", what was known as kaukau ali'i. Education, education, education. Let's get back on track. Throw away the negative and if necessary, build a new government from all the good and discard the bad. Always ask, what would our ancestors expect of us?
Mark Miller Deldrene Herron "what would our ancestors expect of us?" I ask that every day in this respect. In 2015, some had the honor to approached Uncle Bill to request the first entrance in commemoration of her Majesty Queen Liliuokalani for the first march fro...See More
Mark Miller And "negative' is in the eye of the beholder.......
Deldrene Herron E aloha Mark. You are my cousin. See it's in our D. N.A. A.W.Haalilio was my third great grandfather, first cousin to Lunalilo. Kanaina probate #2426 has our connection to Kilinahe, Kekauluohi, Lunalilo, Keholo, Kamakaiwa, Namuo, Kealiikanakaole all the way to Moana and all her husbands. Our family website has it all. My son, Maurice Kealohaina Namokueha "Eha" and I put it together. We dedicated our work to the Chiefs of Hawai'i. It includes lands titles, Mahele, genealogies, international treaties, maps, it's like the archives in one site. All Buke Mahele awards and also a store. We also teach others how to build your own site.

I am related to the Wai family also. It took me nearly 40 years to complete and my son took four years to get it all online. We also put our books on Amazon and Kindle in 17 languages. It's a search engine so it may be slow because there's so much information to choose from. Share it. Manawahi.
Hinaleimoana Wong Deldrene Herron did I read correctly that my comments turn your na’au?
Laulani Teale Hinaleimoana Wong I am sure she will correct me if I am mistaken, but I think she means the whole conversation. I feel a little sickened by it too, even though all the comments are good. It is the subject. I debated posting about it at all, but it is important.
It was such an awesome event!!! To hear the next day that the main photo of the whole thing was of State people (I not talking about you, I talking about those whose ONLY deeds of fame in our lahui are through State power) who had been placed at the end is jus total ho’onaukiuki, blech! That is so not cool. Mainstream perception is a big deal in this kind of a context, because it is an image of us being good with these guys “leading the way”. As IF!! This is not your fault. If I were in your position I would have just grabbed the hand that was next to me. But I am still wondering how this arrangement happened. Don’t think they jumped in at the front without permission by accident!
Anyway, this is a small thing in comparison to the event itself, which was SO awesome. Mahalo nui!!
Deldrene Herron Hina you know I meant your na'au and mine was not right when the protocol was not followed by OHA and those who did not march taking center stage. LvU mana whine.
Ken Burch How about next year everybody for complete independence and restoration of the nation go to the palace in the wee hours before the fakers are out of bed. Enter the grounds, and remain there peacefully all day, completely in control of all that happens that day. Should be easy to fill the grounds with so many that the fakers will have difficulty deciding how to handle it all, HAHA 🤔 Even set up hundreds of tents and refuse to vacate, at least occupy the grounds if not the palace itself. In others words, act independently from those fakers who are aligned with the occupier instead of the Hawaiin Nation. Do not cooperate with them. . Let them follow instead of lead. When they arrive, ask them if they support the Queen and the immediate return of the palace to the very people it was stolen from.. Video broadcast and film their answers live Lots of peaceful warriors to maintain the peace and film all who try to break it through violent means. 🤔
Mary Alice Ka'iulani Milham One video I saw showed a kane in red short cape diercting marchers off to the side so the trustees, Kamana'opono and Waihe'e could be in front of the as they entered the gates. No idea, but appeared to be of one of the royal societies? Hard to imagine they would play that part...
Laulani Teale Ok that is what I thought I saw too.
I am going to have to say, next time, please do not put the Royal Order in charge of directing the entrance!!!! THIS is what happens.
Laulani Teale Speaking to the whole lahui, lol
Ken Burch Laulani Teale next year why not just ignore them💪💜💪 if they do anything like that....they are not leaders....we need to follow real leaders....not fake leaders....they should not even be organizing at all
Laulani Teale Ken Burch yeah I would, IF IT WERE NOT ON THE FRONT PAGE OF THE EFFING PAPER. That is where the false narrative becomes truly unacceptable. People do not question an image like that; they swallow it whole. We cannot have crap like that, and when it does happen it needs to be called out.
I also want to straighten the facts so that innocent people are not wrongly blamed. If no one says anything, it looks like Hina and Lanakila did something uncool. Some will jump to this conclusion because of other issues they might personally have. I think by this being raised, it has been shown that they in fact had nothing to do with it, regardless of appearances. And that is super important.
Amelia Gora The Societies are JUST CLUBS united as ACTORS and have Not been supporting Hawaiians....they have SOLD OUT to American occupation including the military....their moves outside of the entrance was to usurp those who are truly Queen Liliuokalani supporters and giving the False sense to the public that they were in charge.......for the past four (4) years those patriots from Waianae and others similar planned the event. OHA is part of the fraud/sham state and just another criminal conspirator set up pretending to be supporting the people when really they are PIRATES, Conspirators continuing and perpetuating fraud, deceit, and a shameful show of offensive SELLOUTS supporting SQUATTERS in the Hawaiian Islands today.....and intended to show the media which shows the world that the supporters of the usurpers continue on..but once the World gets the message that the Pirates moved to the forefront then those will be shamed, and when their time comes to meet their maker and their ancestors will not be happy....
Amelia Gora p.s. chanting Pirates, Pirates or singing songs like YO HO HO AND A BOTTLE OF RUM would have surely made those who cut in shamed............... of course the media would cut out kanaka maoli singing that ....lolManage



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