Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Vol VI No. 685 Part 1c


Hawaii is the only state where whites have always been in the minority. There is this idea that people in Hawaii are racist against white people, that they hate the federal government. So, with a huge diplomatic summit taking place in Honolulu, tensions were high the week that Christopher Deedy shot...

Kumu Cards
Verse 3 Na Mele o Hawaiʻi Nei by Elbert & Mahoe - Written Jan. 1893, published in 1895, this himeni opposed the annexation of Hawaiʻi to the United States. The ...original title was Mele ʻAi Pohaku or The Stone-eating Song, and was also known as Mele Aloha ʻĀina or the Patriot's Song. This song was composed as Ellen Wright Prendergast was sitting in the garden of her father's house in Kapālama. Members of the Royal Hawaiian Band visited her and voiced their unhappiness at the takeover of the Hawaiian Kingdom. They begged her to put their feelings of rebellion to music.
The original title of ‘Ai pohaku reflected the sentiment that the people of Hawai’i would rather eat rocks than sign the papers in support of the annexation. #manao #iolanipalace #iolani #realhawaii #kanaka #kaulananapua #hawaii #kumucards #olelohawaii #oleloeveryday #hilife #hawaiian #maui #oahu #mokuokeawe #kauai #lānai #maunakea #kamehamehaschools #punanaleo #hawaiieducation #imuakamehameha #sovereignty #nationofhawaii #kingdomofhawaii #ku’e #kuepetition #huialohaaina

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Kollin is remembered by my own mother
"Occupation and hegemony literally gives license to kill... The disdain reflected in your statements... that is why you will never be a source of justice for us. You are the face of the occupier."
#JusticeForKollinElderts #NeverAnotherSon #AOLEDOI

Kaci-Cheree Dizon to Aha Aloha 'Aina
Gwen Kim - DOI Testimony: "Mahalo to the Patriots"
"Presently, due to sacrifice in education by Hawaiian patriots over the last 40 years of the Hawaiian renaiss...ance, a tidal wave of outrage is growing. Mahalo to those patriots who went door-to-door gathering the Ku`e Petition and suffered as they were isolated and died for what they believed in. Mahalo to Queen Lili`uokalani, who never gave up her country and was imprisoned for this.
Mahalo to current-day patriots, like Kekuni Blaisdell, Soli Niheu, Kawaipuna Prejean, Joy Ahn, Mel Kalahiki, Uncle Joe Renwick Tassil and to Dawn Wasson, who is going to lead us as we stand with her against the devastation of her Kuleana lands out there for development. We will stand with you Dawn."

The DOI has repeatedly tried to erase and ignore the thousands of people who came out and testified AGAINST Federal Recognition to SET OUR PEOPLE FREE! With one voice we say to the Department of Interior: A'ole, you do not have the authority to interfere with our governance!
All this month share your FAVORITE testimony from the 2014 DOI hearings where > 95% of out people left their jobs early, packed up their families, and waited for HOURS to share the great truths in their hearts.
Tag with #AoleDOI and share why that particular leo moved you!
#AoleDOI #AoleFedRec #REJECTIONofDOIfinalRule #LetHawaiiHappen
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If you haven't seen yet, check out what's happening at Standing Rock
#NoDAPL #NativeLivesMatter #AoleDOI
Police The Police is with Joseph Wiser and 3 others.
Police call those "rescue vehicles".
Full Story:

RIGGING the Swamp with Looted Trillions USA USA USA ....
THE LARGEST AND LONGEST MOST EXPENSIVE CRIME SPREE IN WORLD HISTORY The Gubbermint allows the VAST LOOTINGS ….. It’s ALL an INSIDE JOB Government Coruption Bank Looting – Bing vid…
I am trying to RECOVER what GOOGLE, YAHOO and YOUTUBE Erased for the Corporate Bosses. The Bush, Clinton, Obama CRIME SYNDICATES. America is a GIANT RACKET. Author’s Note : In all the nearl…
Join us: Police The Police

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