Saturday, January 27, 2018

Vol VI No. 687 - Part 1e - Treason= Death Penalty - a barbaric action prefer the Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the U.S. - This is one of laws to be reviewed/changed

Under Hawaiian Kingdom law, treason is punishable under the death penalty. Time to exercise the law of the land! American law has no matter jurisdiction in a foreign country.

Deldrene Herron Good reporting. Great witnesses for the Federal Grand Jury trial to have this and other judges sanctioned and Kaleikoa compensated for his false arrest, bail and extreme duress.

Kika Lomi Waialae A fee schedule needs to be official sent to the fake state. There will be a record on file of the fine amounts of kidnapping and others. Kaleikoa can then sue them according to the fee schedule. The fee for having my car stolen (towed) is posted at 750K x 3... My car is not in the DMV club and runs with Hawaiian Kingdom PRIVATE PROPERTY plates. A citation was left on my car at 11:00pm one night. An hour later the cop came to retract the citation only I had in my possession at the time. It took 3 hours with the supervisor and a video recording of me returning it. I refused to give it back unless they gave me a retraction receipt. They said they didn’t have a form like that, so he agreed that I could video record it.

Deldrene Herron That's what we mean by, "ONIPA'A!!!
The fake state will figure out other strategic thinking about how to rid itself of their ukus, meaning descenting parties, like us.

Just stay out of jail because they will isolate you add, torture you, starve you and break the spirit until you sign their palapala. If you don't break, the first time, they make your death look like a suicide, "because he was depressed, probably because the judges wouldn't listen to his Hawaiian Kingdom argument".

Dexter Kaiama, or Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation must be funded with "Get Out of Jail Free" cash pot to bail out people, Hawaiian Nationals and 'Aina protectors. A fund for Civil Disobedience that challenges these judges and law enforcement types that are committing Illegal International Human Rights violations and their own constitutional United States of America's laws.

We are using up their patience. They're arming DHL and DLNR officers to the teeth. TMT protestors have had their 15 minutes of media coverage fame. The next step will boil down to Civil war. They shoot, We win.


Kika Lomi Waialae Also consider the fact that since they are forcing the illegal laws backed with guns, that we can also play the game. We must first understand the lawful definition of the words that hey use. Learning the codes and laws is also important. The USA constitution states that a driver license and license plate are for commerce not for private users. That is covered under the right to travel code. A license is a contract between two or entities or “people”. Read the contract. It is voluntary not by law. You sign and agree, you are subjected to any and all fines and fees under the rules. That’s right “rules” the are not laws. Due diligence is in order.

Keola Kaleimamahu Upon peace officers. As prose we should also provide our own interpreters ...but fuck this defacto state.

Kika Lomi Waialae Another thing to research is the all caps name. That too is that
of commerce. It is not you of flesh and blood, so why do flesh and blood claims to be that? That is another way they get you in the court system...




  1. a neutral, friendly non-violent nation with a death penalty law does not make sense.........what do you think? does anyone have the right to take a life? am thinking we need to review the situation...

  2. Kika Lomi Waialae added a photo and a video.
    Under Hawaiian Kingdom law, treason is punishable under the death penalty. Time to exercise the law of the land! American law has no matter jurisdiction in a foreign country.

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