Sunday, January 28, 2018

Vol VI No. 688 Part 2 -Active Information Posted Early - Claiming Our Royal Families Lands with Alii and Poe Kanaka ame haole supporters

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    HAWAIIANs, stand up for your rights!!!!
    The Fake “State’s” OWN Constitution and statutes require 20% of revenues from PUBLIC LAND TRUST lands STOLEN from the Hawaiian Kingdom to be set aside for NATIVE HAWAIIANS.
    In 2016, the “State” made $394 MILLION from STOLEN HAWAIIAN LANDS....
    20% of this amount is $78.8 MILLION. HAWAIIANS should get this much EVERY YEAR.
    HOWEVER, ONLY $15.1 MILLION is set aside each year for HAWAIIANS – less than 4% of what the State makes from STOLEN HAWAIIAN LANDS.
    The FAKE “STATE” must STOP SHORTCHANGING Hawaiian charter schools, legal services, health programs, financial assistance, mālama ‘āina groups, and the HAWAIIAN community as a whole.

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    Kawika Lewis The Time has come...Kūpaʻa Kākou👊🏽

    Lā K. Ea time to lead another march thru the airport gates and collect rent again - hopefully OHA & other prominent Hawaiians can be on the front lines of that one!

    Sierra Knight In Alaska each person each gets money from oil profits in the 'state'
    Hawaiians could demand the same kind of reimbursement from their land



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    Posted by Freedom


    Earl Morton Shout Out!!!... I love all of you too.


    Kika Lomi Waialae commented on this.
    The simple reason that the judge did this is because unless Kaleikoa spoke english, the judge could not use the tricks and traps of the judiciary system. The english that we believe we know the definition of is not the true meaning. The language being spoken is actually called babble. Suffer means consent, human means monster and monsters has no rights. English speaking man walks the earth under assumptions and presumptions and this is how they are tricked and trapped in the courts. Do your research on this and you too will discover the truth.

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    Mileka Lincoln is at Hawaii News Now.
    I often hear from frustrated viewers who wish we could go more in-depth on a story than the typical amount of time we get in a newscast. If you were outraged by... the Maui judge's decision to issue an arrest warrant for a man who chose to address the court in his Native Hawaiian language, or if you think the notion of providing someone who is fluent in English with an interpreter at tax-payers expense... then this video is for you! This is our FULL COVERAGE from Hawaii News Now - Sunrise this morning, in which we brought several legal experts in to discuss this case -- including Sherry Broder, who helped write the Constitutional Amendment that made ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi an official state language; Kaʻanoʻi Walk, a Hawaiian language immersion school graduate who went on to earn his law degree at Mānoa and who wrote a law review article on ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi speaking rights that has since been cited in Hawaiʻi statute; and Justice Steven Levinson, who served on the Hawaiʻi State Supreme Court. You'll also hear from Kaleikoa Kaeo, the defendant in this case, and Peter Carlisle, a former Honolulu Mayor and Prosecutor. PLEASE SHARE!!
    Here's some background: A Maui judge withdrew a bench warrant he issued against a Hawaiian man who refused to speak English in court. Now, the state judiciary says it will review the statewide policy on providing interpreters for people who choose to speak in ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi. Kaleikoa Kaeo was arrested last year for trying to block construction of a solar telescope on Haleakala. His trial was supposed to begin on Wednesday. Kaeo was present in court, but only addressed the Maui judge in Hawaiian, which Judge Blaine Kobayashi said he couldn't understand. Judge Kobayashi therefore claimed Kaeo was officially not present and then issued a $750 bench warrant for his arrest. On Thursday, the warrant was abruptly recalled with no explanation from the Judge or the Hawaiʻi State Judiciary. Kaeo, a University of Hawaiʻi professor, says he has been involved with numerous cases where he defended himself in Hawaiian with an interpreter. In December, Maui prosecutors filed a motion saying an interpreter was a waste of taxpayer money because Kaeo was fluent in Engligh. Kaeo says this is the first time an interpreter was denied to him. A hearing over Kaeo's request for a Hawaiian language interpreter is scheduled for February. When the bench warrant went out for Kaeo's arrest, many in the Hawaiian community were outraged -- now that it's been recalled, they want clarity. Kaeo himself says he has no idea why the judge took back the arrest warrant less than 24 hours after issuing it. Hawaii News Now contacted the state Judiciary multiple times throughout the day yesterday, but our requests for an explanation went unanswered. However, we were sent this statement: "There is no legal requirement to provide Hawaiian language interpreters to court participants who speak English but prefer to speak in Hawaiian. In those cases, judges have the discretion to grant, or deny, a request for an interpreter." In 1978, ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi was recognized as an official language of Hawaiʻi, along with English. However, court cases are primarily conducted in English, with interpreters provided at tax-payers expense for those who speak other languages. Court interpreters are independent contractors and not Judiciary employees. Depending on their performance on written and oral exams, court interpreters are paid $25 to $55 per hour with a two-hour minimum.
    For more coverage, watch the behind-the-scenes interviews on my Instagram (@milekalincoln) #InstaStory LIVE and stay tuned to #HawaiiNewsNow! #HINews #HawaiiNews #HNN #WeAreYourSource
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    Kika Lomi Waialae Ok great! Now lets do in depth reporting of the illegal occupation in the Hawaiian Kingdom by the USA. Lets talk about the fact finding event that is about to happen here on the palace grounds. Also report on why it was delayed to around March rather on the 125th anniversary of the illegal occupation at the scene of the crime. Lets get real! Remember, the Hawaiian Kingdom government is ready to be in control of our country. You will be a reporting agency that would probably want to continue to do business in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Will the Kanaka and Hawaiian people feel the same or will we send you packing too? Remember, you are mostly all illegal immigrants in the Hawaiian Kingdom and may be subjected to deportation!

    Kika Lomi Waialae I called News Now the day that they reported on this incident. I complained on how little words they used and that they never report the truth rather they twist and spin stories when it comes to Hawaiian issues. I also informed them that they are condu...See More

    Amelia Gora The Kingdom of Hawaii had a two court system, one for the foreigners and another for the kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli check out the post:
    Nadine Aquino and Frederick Torres-Pestana shared Del Beazley's post.

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    Posted by Del Beazley

    Del Beazley
    Ku I luna Ku ‘oko’a
    Update: On Kaleikoa

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    Kika Lomi Waialae Understand that his all cap name is not him, man in flesh and blood! They cannot arrest him! It is kidnapping and a war crime in his case!

    Kika Lomi Waialae The punishment for the law of the land needs to be put in action now!Manage

    Kika Lomi Waialae We are not waiting any longer! Heads will begin to roll, SOON!!!

    Kaena Ehukai Colburn Got a chance to here these two guys speak last Wednesday. My mind is fresh in the movement but my naau
    Is 100 behind it unity, action and making it common knowledge


    Silence is Fraud!

    Kaukaohu Wahilani and 4 others were tagged in this.

    Deb Mader Creagh was live.
    Kumu/Professor Kaleikoa Ka’eo shares his mana’o from what happened to him today in the courtroom. Kaleikoa was present to defend himself for protecting Haleakal...
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    Robert Ebanez added 30 new photos.
    These lands belong to the rightful original Mahele Title holder in the Royal Patent since the 1848 Mahele .(land divison)
    It is either Crown lands, Government lands , or Kuleana lands.
    In others it belongs to the Hawaiian Kingdom.
    The clear titles are Allodial and it cannot be sold, mortgage, leased, our purchased unless by consent of the Monarch and the Hawaiian Kingdom Legislature of 1840.
    I hope these Hawaiian Familes are aware of this as well as Mark Zuckerberg ownwer of Facebook .
    The Hawaiian Kingdom Laws still applies because it is the law of the lands.
    This is the truth.
    There was no Treaty of Annexation it was an unconstitutional Joint Resolution that was passed by the United States Congress in 1898.
    No lands were ever ceded to America.
    No American laws apply since America has no jurisdiction over their Territorial waters which is 3 miles off the coast of California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska.
    Hawaii is 2500 miles away from America.
    This is why my Royal family descendants of King Keawe ike-kahi-Ali'i-o-ka-Moku and Queen Kalani-kau-lele-ai-iwi and other living lineal descendants are claiming the rightful heirs of these lands
    These lands belong to the Hawaiian Kingdom and all its Hawaiian Nationals , Settlers and subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
    This is the truth.
    Aloha Kapu Malama Pono
    Robert Ebanez
    Hawaiian Royalist
    Hawaiian Loyalist
    Hawaiian National
    United States Air Force Veteran
    3 Great-grandson of High Chief Keli'ikanaka'ole and High Princesses Keli'ipa'ahana of Ka'u.
    Keli'ikanaka'ole was King Kamehameha I uncle since the King's mother Keku'apoiwa II was Keli'ikanaka'ole's half sister.
    Respect the Pono elders.
    Amelia Gora shared her post.



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