Friday, January 5, 2018

Volume VI No. 684 Part 1b

Remembering Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli Kamehameha III King of the Hawaiian Islands (…

Kanaloa Koko Hey post me some information about the new reestablishment of the royal order of the crown and it's princess

Amelia Gora ? heard that the treasonous Wilcox family are claiming they have stirpes......and the Portuguese recognizing them? there are legal issues because Robert Wilcox is documented as a treasonous person...he also worked with Celso Moreno to "dethrone the Queen" documented in 1891 or 2 years before the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani.....there are ramifications for treasonous persons...there are many Kamehameha's...they are on record as claiming that the Kamehameha's were no more and that they were next in line, etc. if you look at their genealogies, they are absolutely too if you hear of anything........ Happy New Year!


John Foddrill Sr added 9 new photos.
WIKI-LIKE LEAKS - an update
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We want to make sure the states are not SUPPLANTING FUNDS ! Sec. 458. [42 U.S.C. 658a](f) Reinvestment.—A State to which a payment is made under this…

John Foddrill Sr added 8 new photos.
WIKI-LIKE LEAKS - an update
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John Foddrill Sr added 2 new photos.
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Daryl Kabatoff
Your "Christmas" tree is a pagan fertility idol, the ancient priests of fish-god Dagon would dress up in full length fish costumes and honour the tree by decora...ting it and placing presents at the base of the tree, the relationship being that the tree was worshipped as a symbol of fertility because it remains green throughout the year, while the fish was worshipped as a symbol of fertility because some fish lay great multitudes of eggs. The modern priests of fish-god Dagon stole an Egyptian obelisk and placed it in the centre of Vatican Square, it is a representation of a penis, it is worshipped as a symbol of fertility because of it’s reproductive role. Annually the Catholics place a decorated fertility tree idol next to their fertile obelisk penis, and the Americans follow suit, for everybody follows after the Catholic beast (Revelation 13:3). Instead of bowing to your tree via the placement and retrieval of presents at the base of the tree, why don't you pull your pants down and masturbate beside and onto the decorated evergreen tree? Your first “lady" Mike rammed his penis up your former Indonesian Islamic president’s arsehole and together these perverts turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead, instead of making a new tradition of this, why don’t you instead pull your pants down, masturbate, and decorate your tree with your semen? Make it a tradition.
In 1988 I said that the Catholics stole an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) and placed it in the centre of Vatican Square, then they made miniature representations of their stolen penis and placed them on the roofs of their filthy churches. I said that it is no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with penises on the roofs of their churches. I was arrested under the Mental Health Act and given to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I thought too much about penises, but it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would stick one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus reach their spiritual bliss via orgasm. Christians today love and embrace pagan fertility rites, and they employ Hindu (also Sikh and Islamist) psychiatrists to torture people to death when effective opposition is made against their filthy churches. I begged and begged in vain for assistance to flee the many years of brutal horrid torture but Christians and others only have compassion for their pagan fertility traditions. Repeatedly the Bible condemns the practice of turning trees into decorated idols (Deuteronomy 12:2, 1 Kings 14:23, 2 Kings 16:4, 2 Kings 17:10, 2 Chronicles 28:4, Isaiah 57:5, Jeremiah 2:20, Jeremiah 3:6, Jeremiah 3:13, Jeremiah 10:3-4, Jeremiah 17:2, Ezekiel 6:13, Hosea 14:8) but people love pagan fertility traditions more than The Word of God. People remain compassionless to me and refuse to make even a feeble attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture by buying me a simple single holiday to anywhere and instead, assault me, mock me, urge the authorities to arrest me, and post pictures of their cars, decorated houses and their holidays. Let your traditions and lack of compassion save you. Jesus was full of compassion while you people don’t resemble Jesus in the least.
Your compassionlessness and the compassionlessness of your peers trumps years of psychiatric torture done to me by any and all psychiatrists, your compassionlessness trumps all. People spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols, spent millions of dollars having me tortured for saying so, and then are so cheap and ignorant that they can’t even buy me a cookie in a feeble attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture. So I say, go fuck yourselves, pull your pants down and decorate your God-damned fertility tree idol with your semen!!! And if you are female, or homosexual, take a string of blinkin’ lights and shove them up your God-damned arseholes. Make it a tradition (Proverbs 1:24-26).
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Robin Tru Actually, it's German pagan.


Isacc Witham shared a memory.
I FRIGGIN Told You So ...... I have been SCREAMING THIS since 1982 ......   I TOLD YAH ........ I TOLD the FBI and HUD and CONGRESS and the SECRET SERVICE, US POSTAL, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, FOX lots of Newspapers and The Whole Internet as well .... JUST SAYING ..... LOL…
The REALTY and FINANCING Cons have been going on for many decades ....... It's a REALITY regarding these CRIMES .........

The case of Mrs. Gomer Jones, widow of the Oklahoma athletic director and football coach, is simple and instructive for potential buyers of vacation homesites. When Mrs. Jones went to see the New Mexico lots that her husband had bought for retirement, she broke down and cried and subsequently gave h…

Dear DOJ / FBI / Genie's OUT OF THE BOTTLE .... The Horse Has Left the Gate .... The Greatest Looting in History EXPOSED ....

The Never Ending Bank Jobs – Felonious Balonias The FACTS are Very Simple ….. The Massive Realty Crimes / Dirt Dealing can NO LONGER BE SECRETED or COVERED UP …. The Government Did It USA In…

Isacc Witham THIS is what ACTUAL Swamp Draining Looks Like .... Dear JUST US Department ROT IN HELL The DARK WEB of the Deep State ..... ENJOY THE BLACK BAG WORLD of the Military Industrial Financial Complex .....

The FACTS are Very Simple ….. The Massive Realty…

Women in both the USA and Canada were allowed firearms, including handguns, before they were given the right to vote. The American women had their right to arms guaranteed by their Republic's Constitution, while Canadian women had their right guaranteed by British Law and by precedent shown by our founding Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, who was a great advocate of public gun ownership.

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We want to make sure the states are not SUPPLANTING FUNDS ! Sec. 458. [42 U.S.C. 658a](f) Reinvestment.—A State to which a payment is made under this…

Daryl Kabatoff
What A Mess - Story by Daryl Kabatoff
What a mess. Canadian Liberals helped bomb Serbia into submission to force the establishment of an Islamic state in Europe.... Then Harper comes along and trains and arms one group of Islamists who treat their cattle better than women over another group of Islamists who treat their cattle better than women, and allows Canada to be flooded with Islamists, during which time the majority of the Christians are slaughtered in the middle-east. Then the Liberals return to power and bring in increased numbers of Islamists from the middle-east, and give money to Indonesia (Islamist Justin Trudeau gave $14.25 million dollars to Islamists in Indonesia shortly after his rise to power), which has been engaged in slaughtering West Papuans and Papuans for the last fifty years.
Shortly before the Liberals carpet bombed Serbia to force the establishment of an Islamic state of Bosnia, I spoke out against pagan traditions brought into churches and they began to repeatedly arrest me and torture me... I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and periodically people who are void of compassion tell me that I am sick and in need of God’s healing power. They have compassion for the Islamists who butcher the Papuans and the West Papuans (many of which were Christians) and sent the Indonesian Islamists huge piles of cash after an Indonesian island was struck by a tsunami. They have compassion for the Islamists who butchered Christians in the middle-east and assist them to immigrate to Canada, and they come with the wealth stolen from the Christians they killed and buy up rental housing in Canada, jack up the prices and fill the units with their Islamist family members. And the Chinese are pumping a huge rich golden Papuan slurry into their ships to be processed back home in China, then the Chinese use some of this wealth to buy houses in Vancouver and throughout British Columbia and various other regions of Canada, and to buy grain, lumber and assorted other Canadian resources and Canadian companies. And some of the rich golden Papuan wealth is used by China in order to assist them to take control of the continent of Africa.
What a mess. There were people in Canada being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities (and people dying as a result of psychiatric drugs) before the Liberals came to power federally, the Liberals inherit the victims of psychiatric abuse and allow the continuation of the practice of psychiatry, and more people are chosen to be psychiatric victims during the Liberal reign, then the next party comes along and inherits the pool of psychiatrists together with their pool of psychiatric victims. And then the Libertarians and other western Canadian separatists are outraged, but not over the issue of psychiatry, they do not address the issue of psychiatry and are poised to inherit a pool of psychiatrists together with their pool of psychiatric victims and will no doubt continue to add to their numbers.
Every three weeks I got to defend my sanity in front of a psychiatric appeal panel hearing, not an easy thing to do when my head is pounding in pain and my jaw is locked open, my tongue and lips are dry and have turned to leather, if awake I’d slur my speech. If awake and capable of speaking I would say that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, and that people were inadvertently bowing to their decorated idols via the placement and retrieval of presents at the base of the tree. Psychiatrist Dr. Gene Marcoux heard me say that at one of the psychiatric appeal panel hearings and responded by saying I was deluded because everybody does it. The middle-class Christians (these are people who adopted Catholic fertility rites) seated on the appeal panel smiled and nodded in approval to Dr. Marcoux’s words and gave him permission to torture me for yet another three weeks. Then the New Democratic Party (NDP) came to power in Saskatchewan in 1991 and their first piece of legislation gave more power to the psychiatrists and less power to me and other psychiatric abuse victims. Somebody would complain about my words and then normally a police officer would approach me and say “You have a history of mental illness, you are under arrest.” Then I would get tortured for three weeks and have an appeal, then get tortured for another three weeks and then get a depot drug injection on the very last day of the six week period, this depot drug injection would leave me in a greater state of nauseous horror for over a month after my release. The physically nauseous aspect of the horror would subside close to two months after the administration of the depot drugs, then somebody would complain about my words and then a police officer would say “You have a history of mental illness, you are under arrest.” Then I would get tortured for three weeks and have an appeal, then get tortured for another three weeks and then get a depot drug injection on the very last day of the six week period, this depot drug injection would leave me in a greater state of nauseous horror for over a month after my release, and then somebody would complain about my words and on and on...
So the Saskatchewan New Democratic Party (NDP) came along in 1991 and passed legislation allowing the psychiatrists to force medication upon the victims after the victims had been released from their six weeks of forced “treatment.” Then the NDP get voted out of power and the subsequent political parties maintain the new NDP law. Then the residents of Alberta vote the New Democratic Party into power, for nobody in Alberta cares of the rights of psychiatric victims. They turn trees into decorated idols, employ predominantly Hindu (also Sikh and Islamic) psychiatrists to torture people who dare to speak out against apostate traditions in the so-called Christian churches, and even allow their own children to be drugged in schools and their seniors to be drugged in nursing homes. The residents of Fort McMurray turned evergreen trees into pagan fertility idols, they bent over and got on their knees in order to reach way down low under the lowest of the branches and make a decorated deposit, but they failed in some way to appease their pagan fertility-tree-god and their city was burned, then while fleeing for their lives they appealed to their “Mother Nature” to bring rain (couldn’t make this up if I tried). A day before the city started burning I asked Jesus to grant fire some knowledge of His Holy Spirit, and now fire continues to operate with a better understanding.
Normally I was tortured by Brahmin Hindus, having white Dr. Gene Marcoux “treat” me was an anomaly, and his “treatment” taught me about new darker and deeper levels of psychiatric horror. Marcoux once bluntly told me that my posters were crazy, and if he ever caught me putting up posters on Saskatoon City streets again then he would have me returned to him for further “treatment.” Every three weeks I got to sit in front of a psychiatric appeal panel and try to obtain my release and the residents of Saskatchewan instead allowed legislation to keep people who irritated their ears shut away and tortured. I complain for years about this horror, never knowing just when I would be arrested again for speaking, and all Alberta residents can do is elect the New Democratic Party (NDP), they care little that the NDP record is one of stripping people of their human rights. Then Western separatists in Canada want to separate the west from Canada, but psychiatric torture is not an issue for them. Subsequent parties come to power and inherit psychiatric abuse victims and continue to allow them to be “treated” in their hospitals and asylums then pass off these victims to the next party to come to power. The assorted political parties don’t address the issue of Catholics employing Hindu, Sikh and Moslem psychiatrists torturing people to death in psychiatric facilities because they are desperate to obtain the Catholic vote, and also the Hindu, Sikh and Moslem vote.
And it gets worse. In the 1990’s the socialist New Democratic Party (NDP) of Saskatchewan passed legislation allowing the Moslem immigrants to sponsor their own family members to come to Saskatchewan Canada, under the condition they were residents of Saskatchewan who were employed. Suddenly very wealthy Moslems who were living in mansions in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario flooded into Saskatchewan and purchased or rented houses and obtained whatever jobs they could find, many of these people never worked a day on their lives and they came to Saskatchewan and got any job they could find, many found poor paying jobs in the meat packing industries, others opened Halal grocery stores for they needed to show in some way that they were employed and able to sponsor their own family members to come to Canada, they needed to start the Halal grocery stores because it was a way to provide employment to their own people, and because Halal was a taxation that allowed them to raise money for jihad. The price of housing in Saskatchewan shot up to unaffordable levels, many white people were left homeless. There were no programs to teach trades to the poor white kids, some immigrants came with skills and took the jobs. Then the government decided to get more involved in trades and have people trained in the assorted trades, but 20% of the positions were reserved for recent immigrants (mostly Moslems), 20% of the positions were reserved for women (many were Moslem immigrants), 20% of the positions were reserved for handicapped (many were Moslem immigrants), 20% of the positions were reserved for First Nations (they are being actively being recruited into Islam in the prisons). And those poor white kids who were unable to get a seat in the trades school had to compete for low paying jobs with temporary foreign workers, and many of the white kids were not eligible for most jobs (nor were they eligible to buy guns) because they had criminal records from marijuana possession (while many of the Moslems had no criminal records because they came with bogus names and bogus histories). Some of the Moslem immigrants ended up being employed by government owned Sasktel and were sent into houses to set up internet and home security for the white folks. Sasktel provides “usenet" access, of the many thousands of usenet groups they pipe into people’s homes include “alt.snuff”, where people would post videos of women being raped and killed. And several of the usenet groups that Sasktel pipes into homes over their fiber network include groups dealing with pedophilia. Some people get charged and face prison time for downloading and viewing the utter shit that Sasktel and other internet providers are free to pipe into the homes. These usenet groups that the service providers feed into your homes are selected by them for your consumption, they do not have to pipe “alt.snuff” and assorted pedophilia groups into your homes but they choose to do so.
The Canadian political parties now focus on cutting back on coal and other energy use when they should instead be providing compensation to the victims they tortured, in an effort to make up the losses they inflicted on those who spoke out against their false traditions. Instead of cutting back on psychiatrists or compound interest on a bogus national debt, they instead boost Islamic immigration and speak of cutting down on our ability to heat our homes. They make it very difficult for white people to obtain training in trades and instead import Islamists and give these untrained Islamists the opportunities. The white people are the major reservoir of Judaism and Christianity and are targeted by Satan for extinction (see Revelation 12:17), now rather than pay reparations for torture against their white victims, the Islamic co-opted politicians instead plan to totally dismantle Canadian energy self-sufficiency. They ignore that the ongoing El Nino - La Nina cyclical climate changes were historically taken advantage by Moslems to push their Islamic agenda (read about the Moslems attacking China in Late Victorian Holocausts by Mike Davis). And all the political parties are silent about Canadians paying an estimated $1.2 billion dollars every six days just to service the compound interest on the bogus national debt. Nations have the right to make their own debt-free currency, while Canadians are slaves who slave away for half of every year to pay the interest on the bogus debt (see The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics by Michael Rowbotham). Real money always was and always will be gold and silver coins (see Get Really Rich In The Coming Super Metals Boom by Gordon McLendon), free people are allowed to own guns and are paid in real money while slaves are denied gun ownership and are paid with paper certificates of debt. Canadians are slaves who are denied ownership of guns and land… your Canadian firearms license only grants temporary possession of some firearms, for the new bogus Canadian constitution recognizes neither the right to own guns nor land. Many Canadians who were charged with assorted non-violent criminal offences have been stripped of their right to own guns, and this is while the government has abrogated it’s constitutional responsibility to provide security by allowing a flood of Latin American, Asian and African murderers into Canada. Canadians are ignorant slaves, some of whom cheerfully laugh at those who lose their rights to a fair trial and end up on the receiving end of years of brutal psychiatric torture. Canadians are slaves who agree to the purchase of Islamic oil rather than developing their own energy self-sufficiency, and by so doing assist in the slavery of women in the Islamic countries, and assist in the impoverishment and slavery of all in our own country.
All Canadians really want is to be able to keep their traditions which are actually pagan fertility traditions that are in opposition to God’s first four Commandments (their ‘Christmas” traditions are in direct violation with God’s first three Commandments while their Sunday Sabbath is a violation of God’s Fourth Commandment). They offer their compassion to Islamists because these people are their brothers and sisters in filth who share in holding pagan fertility traditions. Just as some Christians cap their churches with Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises), Islamists cap their mosques with minarets, again these are representations of penises. They have only scorn, libel, assaults and torture for me when I point out the pagan nature of their traditions, and they bend over backwards to provide housing for Islamists. So very brutal have I been treated, I lost years of my life to torture then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of yet another arrest and round of torture, and annually Christians close their hearts to me and leave me homeless. They spent millions of dollars having me tortured for years, they annually spend billions of dollars decorating their homes and churches with pagan fertility symbols, they have absolutely zero compassion in their hearts and instead smugly tell me that I need to come to Jesus for healing. I get tortured by predominantly Brahmin Hindus, Saskatoon politicians respond by placing a statue of Gandhi in downtown Saskatoon with his back turned to the facilities where I was tortured by the Hindus (The University of Saskatchewan and Saskatoon City Hospital), and now the Liberals return to power federally and give two billion dollars to the Hindus and to the Islamists in Mumbai India, and this money they stole from the Canadian pension fund. The Liberals hand out massive amounts of bogus paper money to people in Islamic nations, the Liberals are largely responsible for the huge numbers of Islamic immigrants, so many Islamists entered into Canada in just the last 20 years that those numbers exceed the entire population of Canadian Aboriginal Indians. After importing and pledging to continue to import and support untold many more Islamists, Justin Trudeau then had the audacity to stand in front of the United Nations and claim he was concerned about the poor status of the native Canadian aboriginal Indian. People voted Trudeau into power even after he revealed himself to be a Moslem and pledge adherence to their Sharia Law, people voted for him because he said he would legalize marijuana, but under his legalization plan people will face massive fines and jail time if they are caught growing their own plants or have marijuana in their saliva when driving. Trudeau’s “legalization" of marijuana provides for far greater penalties while Islamists continue to fly in daily shipments of their Khat from Africa and Asia without ever facing charges. Islamists have taken over the ownership of many courier outlets in order to facilitate the movement of drugs and weapons inside of Canada.
Dagon's fertility tree and Egyptian phallic traditions are of the greatest of importance to Americans as well. Americans follow after Rome by sticking an Egyptian representation of a penis in Washington, and each winter follow after Rome by placing a decorated evergreen tree next to the Egyptian representation of a penis, because everybody follows after the Catholic beast (Revelation 13:3). The penis is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to the role it plays in reproduction, while the evergreen tree is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year. The Americans (and others) honour their war dead by placing statues of dead soldiers next to or on top of Egyptian penises, and by bowing to these penises when they place evergreen tree wreaths at the base of the dink. They even have the audacity to decorate the graves of the fallen with evergreen tree wreaths (pagan symbols of fertility), they use the dead as an opportunity to push their pagan fertility tree whoreship. The Americans elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist because he appeared to share their values when he posed with his cross-dressing “wife” Mike in front of trees turned into decorated idols (Mike played football in college and wears size 12 shoes). The tradition of turning trees into decorated idols is so important to Americans, that they would allow a homosexual Indonesian Islamist to rule over them just as long as that homosexual Indonesian Islamist adhered to the pagan fertility traditions and published the necessary photos to prove his acceptance of the fertility tree traditions. The homosexual Indonesian Islamist Barack Obama played the role well when he turned trees into decorated idols with the medals of the American war dead, and Americans were pleased rather than outraged, for it became another way for the sheep to engage in pagan filth.
Barack Obama hates women so much that he would prefer to ram his penis up his boyfriend Mike’s arsehole and have his boyfriend Mike do the same to him, rather than have normal sexual relations with a real woman. Barack Obama’s governing policies included funding and training Islamic armies who devastated the remaining Christians in middle-east, and the war material he provided continues to exist and continues to be directed against Christians, with Israel, Nigeria and the European nations about to face the greatest of the Islamic wrath. People do not care, they think themselves open-minded by allowing their children's washrooms to be shared with sexual perverts, they think themselves open-minded by engaging in unnatural sexual perversions, they think themselves open-minded to allow their children to be indoctrinated into Islam in their schools, they think themselves open-minded by following after the Catholics and adopting Catholic fertility traditions (Egyptian penises and decorated trees), they think themselves open-minded when they use their children as tools and publish photos of their children engaged in honouring Catholic fertility rites (eggs and trees turned into decorated idols). So important has the pagan “Easter” (sun rises in the east) celebration become, that parents willingly pay a halal tax to Islamists (used to fund jihad) in order to purchase chocolate eggs and chocolate bunnies (pagan symbols of fertility). While Christians and women face Islamic slaughter, Islamic rape and Islamic slavery, the homosexuals, lesbians and average Americans blindly march on in ordered goose step with the homosexual Indonesian Islamist who funded the slaughter, rape and slavery of Christians and women. When Americans and others adopt the pagan fertility traditions being taught by the Catholic church (such as Egyptian representations of penises on church roofs), God turns His back and allows America and other nations to be overthrown and ruled by members of alternative fertility cults.
The media, the entertainment industry, the educational and political institutions and even the medical institution all work for the churches to teach people to turn trees into decorated idols. All of your institutions are united in teaching you to turn trees into decorated idols… the institutions profess to separate church from state but this is a lie, we live under a corrupt church-state… the supposedly "non-religious" institutions teach you to adopt pagan fertility rites because they work for the priests of Dagon and the high priestess of Dagon. Why do you teach your children to adopt pagan fertility rites? …is it because of the pope (the high priest of Dagon teaches you to turn trees into decorated idols), is it because of the Queen of England (the high priestess of Dagon teaches you to turn trees into decorated idols), is it because of the media, or Hollywood, or the schools, is it because of Obama or some other political leader, is it because of Santa, Snow White, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, one of the reindeer or one of the seven dwarfs (all are used to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols), is it because of the courts (some courts have decorated evergreen trees or decorated tree boughs), or do you do it because as the brutal psychiatrist Dr. Gene Marcoux said, “Everybody does it!!!” Do you hear voices in your God-damned heads telling you to turn trees into decorated idols? I begged and begged for assistance to flee the brutal horror of psychiatric torture, do you hear voices in your God-damned heads telling you to ignore or mock me? Or do you hear voices in your God-damned heads telling you to phone the police on me? I criticized your churches for teaching pagan traditions in place of God’s Commandments and then lost years of my life to brutal torture, and not a single one of you has the compassion in their hearts to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere, you people don’t have the decency in your hearts to even attempt to try to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture. So-called Christians have exchanged both compassion and God’s Laws for traditions, let your traditions save you. I cry out to God against you!!! Jesus was full of compassion, you people don’t resemble Jesus in the least.
There are repeated condemnations in Scripture against your decorated evergreen trees (Deuteronomy 12:2, 1 Kings 14:23, 2 Kings 16:4, 2 Kings 17:10, 2 Chronicles 28:4, Isaiah 57:5, Jeremiah 2:20, Jeremiah 3:6, Jeremiah 3:13, Jeremiah 10:3-4, Jeremiah 17:2, Ezekiel 6:13, Hosea 14:8), yet you still think your tree sacrifice is pleasing to God!!! Every institution on Earth is teaching you to fall in line with Catholic/Dagon dogma and turn trees into decorated idols, and you think that by engaging in the pagan practice that you are making a pleasing sacrifice to God!!! An estimated 100,000,000 Christians were killed by the Catholic church in an attempt to force the changing of God’s Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday, and now people think they are offering a pleasing and acceptable sacrifice to God when they tithe to a Sunday church that teaches them to adopt the Catholic tradition of turning trees into decorated idols. The tradition of turning trees into decorated idols is so important, that Americans would elect and re-elect a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who appeared to adhere to the tradition. Your tradition of turning trees into decorated idols is so important, that you would gleefully spend millions of dollars having predominantly Hindu psychiatrists torture me for years in an effort to make me shut up about it. I get brutally tortured by American trained psychiatrists for years in Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada after pointing out your pagan traditions are in opposition to God’s Commandments, and Americans respond by gleefully coming to Canada in order to go hunting and fishing.
As gleeful Peter Cooke of Sherwood Park Alberta said on November 11th 2016 at 11:57 pm, "As matter of fact Daryl, my family is celebrating the pagan tradition of putting up not only one tree this year but two. Come on over and help us out. Now Daryl, I don't "mock you when you complain about catholic psychiatrists" sexually torture you, I CELEBRATE it. In fact, it's part of the reason we are putting up two tree's this year.”
I cry out to God against you people, it generally results in utter devastation and many deaths. Keep laughing.
Daryl Kabatoff
Box 203 Blaine Lake
Saskatchewan Canada S0J 0J0

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