Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Mataio Kekuanaoa Obituary 12/17/1868

Mourning for Mataio Kekuanaoa, 1868.

The Kawaiahao Choir:—We heard that tonight, this choir will go to the grounds of Iolani Palace [not the one standing today], where they will mourn for Kaimihaku who silently passed on:—with loving dirge songs under the direction of their chiefly leader, Liliu Loloku Weleniaikekiionohi, the head of that Choir. All those who go there should leave their worldly frivolity outside of the walls of that solemn place, and when you do enter, it should be with a modest and humble disposition; and listen to everything that is going on within and mourn with all the mourners, for it is not something small that wells up within you, O Hawaii, for we are now bereft a cornerstone.
(Au Okoa, 12/17/1868, p. 2)
Ke Au Okoa, Buke IV, Helu 35, Aoao 2. Dekemaba 17, 1868.

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