Thursday, February 8, 2018

Vol VI No. 689 Part 1B

Ka Pou Kākoʻo
Kia’i Kānāwai
Compliance Enforcement
Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Na Lāma Kukui
Suite 200
560 N. Nimitz Hwy
Honolulu, HI  96817

FROM:   Michael Kumukauoha Lee  
              OHA Beneficiary

February 7, 2018


The committee(s) on AEN/WTL/HRE has scheduled a public hearing on 02-09-18 2:15PM in conference room 224.

Aloha Mr. Kai Markell,

I object to the decimation of wildlife habitat conducive to the Hawaiian short-eared owl (Asio flammeus sandwichensis), the pueo, of which is endangered on Oahu.

An ornithologist working on Project Pueo (Dr. Javier Cotin) substantiated and quantified the presence for pueo at the University of Hawaii West Oahu Makai Parcel, non-campus lands; Private Development Lands, East Kapolei, Oahu, last year.

In short, the intent and purpose of SB2078 is to identify where it is on Oahu that pueo are proliferating and to map the locations as a tool to monitor and manage the species.

Because the State of Hawaii is already in receipt of a report that identifies where pueo are currently inhabiting, and what habitat exists for pueo where, and this data already mapped for the State, what purpose does SB2028 serve?

If SB2078 were to pass and the concept to tag, monitor, manage, and possibly captive breed the pueo to enhance recovery efforts - the passage of HB2629 would do just that.  HB2629 is to achieve that result being sought by SB2078 right now.  Link to HB2629:

The University of Hawaii West Oahu (UHWO) campus has a 150-acre pueo habitat in existence today on the non-campus lands.  If not protected today, it will be lost tomorrow.

SB2078, albeit well intended, is compounding the cumulative harm to my Native Hawaiian Cultural Practices by delaying the protection needed now of known pueo habitat on State owned land.

SB2078 will delay protecting and preserving the pueo habitat in existence at UHWO for another two-years, after which, the 150-acre pueo habitat known to exist at UHWO will be decimated and extinguished from the UHWO property.

SB2078 can be improved by amending it and adding new language to dedicate the 150-acre pueo habitat preserve at UHWO.  SB2078 is the vehicle and tool to implement and activate HRS Chapter 195D (1) of which provides the necessary funding and access for the State to acquire habitat for endangered species.  This in turn, would then satisfy the original intent and purpose of SB2078, to save pueo habitat.  Link to HRS Chapter 195D:

Mr. Markell, I give you permission to forward and publish this testimonial as a guide to ensure the cumulative harm to my Native Hawaiian Cultural Practices is not further compromised.

My suggestion for immediate resolve is, that per the confines of HRS Chapter 195D, your office initiate relief to the pueo and protect our Hawaiian rights per Article XII, Section VII, of the State of Hawaii Constitution, by providing testimony to the three committees at the hearing on the 9th of February that State land is available right now that can be used to study the pueo.

UHWO has the jurisdiction and authority per HRS Chapter 195D, to request from the State, that the 150-acre pueo habitat as defined in HB2629, can be dedicated to a land use policy to research the pueo- right on campus, at a university setting- and as such, would be a natural fit and most cost effective. 

Please consider contacting Dr. Javier Cotin who was the ornithologist identified that quantified the pueo at UHWO via the Project Pueo Report.  Link to report:

Chapter195D is and does what SB2078 proposes to do----- they both seek the same ends. 

Hence, SB2078 is redundant, and would be considered obsolete if the State Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Forestry and Wildlife simply initiated Chapter 195D at UHWO- the place to research the pueo would then be secure- and since the pueo habitat already exists on State land, doable today.

Aloha Ke Akua Pono Nui;,
Michael Kumukauoha Lee
Telephone: 808-683-1954

2 Attachments
 Not For Profit - For Justice
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They are afraid, the Empire is afraid.  The Empire is afraid that the people of the United States might find out about the truth, they are afraid that something like that could erupt in their own territory -- a Bolivarian movement"  - Hugo Chavez -  President of Venezuela 

"Silence, they say, is the voice of complicity. But silence is impossible. Silence screams. Silence is a message, just as doing nothing is an act. Let who you are ring out & resonate in every word & every deed. Yes, become who you are. There's no sidestepping your own being or your own responsibility. What you do is who you are. You are your own comeuppance. You become your own message. You are the message. In the Spirit of Crazy Horse" - Leonard Peletier

"History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the greatest liars: the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth." - - H. L. Mencken - (1880-1956) American Journalist, Editor, Essayist.
February 05, 2018
Mattis Threatens Military Action Over Alleged, Syria Gas Attack, Then Admits 'No Evidence'
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The only way anti-Assad fighters can survive at this point is by triggering massive US military intervention (by claiming "Assad is gassing his own people!").
Why Aren't Americans Outraged Over Trump's Escalation of Drone Strikes?
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There is something profoundly wrong with a society that isn't disturbed by Trump's indifference to civilian deaths.
FISA-Gate: The Plot To Destroy Our Republic
By Justin Raimondo
After Trump won, they FBI executed a plan to frame him for "collusion" and oust him.
Christopher Steele Wrote Another Trump Memo, Given Info By Clinton Contact Through Obama State Department
By Jim E
More chicanery from the Clinton campaign and the Obama Administration to tank the Trump campaign!
The Church of America
By Sheldon Richman
The keepers of the Official View have a vested interest in denying the commonality between religion and nationalism


Hard News
Air strikes kill at least 23 in Syria's Ghouta: Monitor

Russian jet pilot 'pulled grenade pin' to avoid capture in Syria's Idlib

Who is using chlorine as a chemical weapon in Syria?

WMD Claims in Syria Raise Concerns over U.S. Escalation:
U.S. officials are making unsubstantiated claims about weapons of mass destruction - this time in Syria - while the media fails to ask tough questions, reports Rick Sterling.

Report: Thousands of escaped ISIS fighters "awaiting orders" in Syria

Isis 'far from finished' as jihadi fighters regroup in Syria

Turkish Soldier Killed in Syria Shelling

Turkey/Syria: Border Guards Shoot, Block Fleeing Syrians

Iran urges Turkey to stop army offensive in northern Syria

International arms watchdog: Most ISIS weaponry was purchased by the US and Saudi Arabia before being shipped to opposition forces in Syria and Iraq.

17 militants killed in Iraq airstrikes: Military source

Explosion leaves seven people killed, injured in northern Baghdad

Six paramilitary personnel killed in armed attack against checkpoint in Diyala

HRW: Iraq forcefully displaced 235 families over Daesh ties

Yemenis protest after US kills 7 people in Shabwa

Houthis: 46 Saudi air strikes in 48 hours

Israeli settler killed in West Bank stabbing attack

Exploding Phones and Poison Toothpaste: Israel Linked to Over 2,700 Murders

PA: Japan to recognise Palestine state, increase aid

Children protest after Israel demolishes only school in Palestinian community (VIDEO)

45 Palestinian schools under Israeli demolition threat

Israel begins issuing deportation notices to thousands of African refugees

'UAE buying arms from Israel'

"I Refused to Secretly Spy" - An Iranian-American Turned Down the FBI and Wound Up With a Prison Sentence

Dozens killed & injured in twin bomb attack in Libya's Benghazi

Suspected IS Fighters Killed in Libya Firefight

Suspected jihadists kill two soldiers in Mali

'Over 100 militants killed' in Afghanistan in 24 hours

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'15 Pakistani soldiers killed in massive "retaliation" by Indian Army'

Maldives declares state of emergency as crisis deepens

China accuses US of 'Cold War mentality' over nuclear policy

Iran's Rouhani raps new U.S. nuclear plan as threat to Russia

US is Arming Neo-Nazis in Ukraine:

The US has provided military assistance to the Azov Battalion, known as a bastion of neo-Nazism within the Ukrainian armed forces

The Saker; US sanctions, baffled Russians, hot air and history

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Tillerson says US considers Venezuela oil sale restrictions

Chile sex abuse letter contradicts Pope over 'cover-up'

Dow Plunges 1175, The Biggest Point Drop In History:
The previous largest point drop for the Dow was 778 points. That was in September 2008, in the midst of the financial crisis.

No Slap On The Wrist: Wells Fargo Plunges After Federal Reserve Bars Lender's Growth

FBI Accused Of Blocking Key Details On "Trump Dossier" Author

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Trump calls Dems "treasonous" for not applauding his State of the Union

Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley
Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,801

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,430
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001
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Feb 5 (3 days ago)
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Here are the stories you missed on KevinMD.  Thank you for your continuing readership.


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The rise in consumerism and value-based care is forcing physicians to change the way they do business. Learn how you can continue to put patients first without jeopardizing revenue.

The Connected Clinician: How to receive pages on your smartphone, PHI on your pager, and more. Read the blog post now.
Patient misidentification can lead to medical errors, patient harm, and costly inefficiencies for providers. Get the facts on patient misidentification, and learn how to avoid it from organizations that use biometrics to do so.

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Visit Kevin's speaking page to find out more.

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