Thursday, February 22, 2018

Vol VI No. 691 Part 1b

Hawai`i Free Press 
Today's News Read
February 18, 2018

SB2922: Billion Dollar Property Tax Slush Fund for HSTA
...the measure seeks a change in the state Constitution, to empower the Legislature to assess a new state property tax....

OHA Audit Released: "Alternate funding process directs money to individuals"
...Some were approved by the OHA Administration without Board of Trustee vote or even knowledge....

Star-Adv: Crabbe Should Resign From OHA
...Crabbe, OHA's chief executive officer, is unworthy of the crucial, gatekeeping position; he should resign for his own egregious dereliction of duty. According to the audit, he ignored "do not fund" recommendations from staff for indefensible spending requests....

SB2323: Senators Caught Lying About Peter Boy Case
...Senator yanks bill after receiving 1,000 testimonies....

Homosexual Child Molestation: KSBE Outlines Terms of $80M Settlement
...A tentative settlement between Kamehameha Schools and the survivors of Dr. Browne's abuse has been reached....

Coco Palms: Registered Sex Offender threatens to 'arrest' Judge Soong
...It turns out that "Moses Enoka Heanu, 'Chief Justice, Court of the Sovereign'" was sentenced in 1998 to five years in the state penitentiary....

Room full of Democrats Silent on Identities of Legislature's Three Secret Sex Harassers
...All five contenders for the lieutenant governor's seat in Hawaii - all Democrats - met in a public forum put on by the LGBT....

Hypocrisy: Hawaii AG Demands Congress End Secret Sex Harassment Settlements--but says nothing about State Legislators
...urging Congress to end secret, forced arbitration in cases of workplace sexual harassment--while Hawaii State Legislators do exactly the same thing....

Waikiki Health Clinic Helps Victims of Child Molesters Avoid Pregnancy
...How about identifying and reporting the molesters?....

Telescope Protesters: No Deal Unless We Control 10,000 Acres around Telescopes
"...Membership in the MKMA excludes the vast majority of kanaka maoli, cultural practitioners and groups, and does not require any of the nine voting members to have any expertise in kanaka maoli traditional practices...."

UH Maui Activists Tear Down US, Hawaii Flags
"...Our identity has been erased, beaten, battered and thrown to the side...."

Brian Schatz Fear of An Anglo America
..."Do you know anyone who says 'Anglo-American heritage' in a sentence?" asked Democratic Hawaii Sen. Brian Schatz. "What could possibly be the purpose of saying that other than to pit Americans against each other?"....

Hawaii AG: Census Citizenship Question Might Depress Count of Non-Citizens Needed to Apportion Legislative Seats
... but Hawaii refuses to count military personnel when drawing state and local districts ....

Soft on Crazy: Mentally Ill Allowed to Run Rampant for Months, latest threat targets 8-week-old baby
... "When he was taken for an involuntary psychiatric evaluation yesterday the officers took him at about 10 a.m. and he was back at his home before 7 p.m...." 

Hawaii: Highest Electric Rates, Lowest Consumption
...Electricity prices are highest in Hawaii but due to low consumption, expenditures are 'only' 4th highest in the USA....

HDoT Tech Disaster Leads to $11M Settlement
...The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) and the Office of the Attorney General are pleased....

Elections: 122 Candidates Pull Papers
...Candidate filing for the 2018 Elections runs from February 1, 2018 through June 5, 2018....

Felon Should Learn to Follow Before Trying to Lead
...But not only did she commit an armed robbery, she continues to be a "greedy-grabby"....

Panicked HSTA Already Hunkering Down for Janus Decision
...Union leadership is pushing a universal membership drive to register non-members. The union's school level leaders have been reaching out to previously unregistered teachers....

Report: Delays at OIP Are Staggering
... in recent years, OIP's average time for review quadrupled, it is deciding fewer matters per year on average, and its backlog is trending upward despite a downward trend in new filings ....

City Agrees to Stop Illegally Towing Cars Belonging to Deployed Military Personnel
... Honolulu auctioned 1,440 cars registered to individuals who had identified themselves as servicemember ....

UH Prof: Sustainability Means Cutting off Mortgage Credit so the Little People Can't Buy Homes
"...By signaling the importance of financial flows we have highlighted a potential leverage point for implementing sustainable policies...."

Hawaii GE Tax hits many products multiple times
...and, by one estimate, ultimately taxes 105.08 percent of the state's personal income....

Honolulu Rail Creates One Tenth of Jobs Promised
...HART rail is being built one segment at a time by a single builder, instead of having, say 4 builders building 5 miles each, simultaneously....

$1.1B for New Airport Concourse
... Construction is scheduled to begin in five years ....

Former AG Mark Bennett Appointed Federal Judge
... If confirmed, Mark J. Bennett of Hawaiʻi will serve as a Circuit Judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ....

ERS Fires Investment Officer After Losses on VIX Puts
...Chattergy told WSJ Hawaii will continue to sell these put contracts, convinced the income will offset market turbulence....

Title IX Lawsuit? DoE discriminates against female athletes
... ACLU sent a letter to the Hawaiʻi Department of Education demanding it take immediate action to cease sex discrimination against female athletes in DOE schools....

Hawaii bail system victimizes taxpayers, too
...government inefficiency is resulting in excessively high costs to Hawaii taxpayers....

I Shill for No One!
...Rep Ing and Sen Green bash farmer online....

Just Be Quiet
...When the anti-GMO activists started up on the social media back in 2013, something in me drove me into action....

Hawaii Family Forum Legislative Week in Review
...Marijuana Edibles Passes First Committee in the Senate....

SB1279: Tax-Credit Scholarships for Special Needs Students
...Allows Qualifying Families To Pay For Tuition At Private And Parochial Schools....

Hawaii Legislators Grasping at Straws
...A bill proposed in the Hawaii Legislature would ban the use of plastic straws. But the problem runs much deeper than the straw bill....

Seven Republican Bills on the Move in the Legislature
...Here are some bills introduced by members of our Republican Caucus that are moving through the legislature....

Trump Nominates Kenji Price US Attorney for Hawaii
...Mr. Price is currently the interim U.S. Attorney for the District of Hawaiʻi....

VIDEO: Brian Evans on why he's running for Congress
"... I'm an unconventional Republican ...."

Will Caldwell Bumbling Wipe out North Shore Surf Contests?
...a swelled head puffed up with self-importance....

Russian LNG episode exposes feeble Jones Act argument
...why did LNG that arrived in Boston at the end of January come from Russia - and in violation of Obama-era sanctions against Russia?....

Matson Previews full year 2017 results
...ahead of releasing of their 2017 annual results and earnings conference call scheduled for February 20....

Philly Shipyard: Will major U.S. commercial shipbuilding survive?
...PSI is one of seven active major U.S. shipbuilding yards constructing large self-propelled seagoing ships....

DHHL Funding: A morass in which the courts should not get entangled
...This is Chapter 2 of the story....

Mandatory Funding? DHHL Statement on Supreme Court Nelson Ruling
...The Department is very disappointed in the courts decision on the Nelson case and will confer with counsel on this matter....

Pacific Territories: Trump Admin Proposes Office of Insular Affairs Budget
...President Proposes $608 Million FY 2019 Budget for the U.S. Territories and the Freely Associated States--$111 Million for Palau Compact Agreement is also requested....

Sea Level: Land area of low-lying Tuvalu has increased
...Tuvalu has been held-up globally as case study of a place where sea level rise due to man-made global warming will destroy the ability of people to inhabit it....

Gallup-Sharecare: Hawaii Ranks 3rd in Well-Being
...this report examines well-being across the nation, including how well-being varies by state and which states lead and lag across the five elements of well-being....

Manufacturer Questions Report of Kauai Drone-Helicopter Collision
...In other cases, incidents first reported as drone collisions turned out to involve a bat, an internal malfunction and a plastic bag....

TS Gita: American Samoa Emergency Declaration
...Federal assistance to supplement response efforts in the territory due to the emergency conditions resulting from Tropical Storm Gita....

Bills: Skip ICA, Direct Appeals to Supreme Court
... .The bills, HB 2191 and HB 2194, would return the state court appeals system to the way it was prior to the 2006 amendments ....


  1. New Evidence: Rip off Dead Congressman's Funds to help Elect Chin?
  2. Freddy Rice: Hawaiian Patriot?
  3. Ige: Hanabusa is 'Typical Old-Boy Politician Making Secret Deals on Behalf of Special Interests'
  4. Former Armed Robber Running for Maui Mayor
  5. Hanabusa Supporters Plan to Disrupt Legislative Session
  6. Former Cocaine Dealer's Wife Running for Honolulu Council
  7. Oahu Study: Child Molesters Exploit Drug-Addicted Homeless Youth
  8. Hanabusa: Elect Me and I Will Build Massive Festering Homeless Tent Cities Everywhere
  9. $2.4B Tax Hike: How They Voted
  10. Sex Harassment: Hawaii Legislators Admit Covering up Four Cases
  11. OHA Draft Audit: Millions given to those who "know how and who to ask."
  12. OHA Trustees Confirm Order Requiring LLCs to Open Books
  13. Report: Coco Palms Grifters have no claim
  14. Terrified OHA Crony Flails About Wildly After Being Ordered to Cough up LLCs Check Registers
  15. Progressive Activists are the Main Cause of Inequality 
  16. Clayton Hee: Freddy Rice was Right to Sue
  17. Decline of Hawaii Farmland Caused by Environmentalism, not Development
  18. Conservative Rankings of Hawaii Legislators-2017 Session
  19. Complete List: 35 Hawaii Legislators have a Second Job
  20. $82K Per Bum: Hospitals Rake in $1.2B Treating Homeless Shelter-Refusers
  21. Waihee: If Con-Con Convenes, OHA is Dead
  22. 16 Years of Litigation: Sierra Club Directly Responsible for Lack of Affordable Housing
  23. Electric Buses: Caldwell Helps Al Gore with Billion Dollar IPO 
  24. What A Nuclear Missile Attack On Hawaii Would Look Like
  25. Hawaii 2nd Most Unionized State
  26. Honolulu GOP Against Sanctuary State Bill 
  27. Peter Apo: 'People can just make up stuff, and pronounce cultural claims with little or no validation' 
  28. 'Money Begins Disappearing' from Bikini Atoll Trust Fund 
  29. Ige Asks Legislators to 'Governmentize' Services
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Hawai'i Free Press, Post Office Box 61761, Honolulu, HI 96839

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