Thursday, March 29, 2018

Anna Von Reitz: About Judges, etc.

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch

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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Solid Resources and Brief Explanations from Anna Von Reitz

by Anna Von Reitz

I have been asked (indeed, hounded) by people desperately searching for reliable guides to inform their actions in favor of restoring the land-based and lawful government we are all owed. 

This in turn requires some basic understandings, and rather than explain this to each of 390 million people, please read, post, and pass this on. 

All forms of law except Natural Law (Law of Gravity, Law of Heredity, etc.) come from religion. This is because our religion establishes what we consider "right" and "wrong" and that in turn establishes our Law. 

The Law of the Land in the Western World is based on the Mosaic Law of the Bible, which is common to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  The Ten Commandments are the basis of the Law of the Land, which in this country is American Common Law.  The Constitution is also formed under Common Law and is called the "Law of the Land" by the Federal Government to distinguish it as the "law" that they must obey when dealing with us, the people of the United States, and our unincorporated states on the land known as the States of America. 

 Justices, popularly called "judges" in our Common Law Courts are NOT members of any Bar Association, do not hold any titles of nobility, and serve as either Magistrates (as when a Justice of the Peace performs a marriage) or Members of the Court (as when they pronounce the sentence required by the Trial Jury).  

Common Law Justices aka "Judges" do not instruct juries in the sense of telling them what to do or in the sense of interpreting the Law--- that is the job of the juries----justices serve as a resource if juries have questions about court procedures and that sort of thing,  but they do not interfere with or direct or seek to influence the juries in their determinations. Common Law Justices take their instructions from juries, both Grand Juries and Trial Juries.

The Law of the Sea is international in nature and is based on the Law Merchant derived from the Code of Hammurabi (Maritime "Commercial" Law) and the Law of the Sea (Admiralty) which derived from the Satanic Law of Sumeria and the Phoenicians--- the source of the word "phony". This is the "legal" system of the sea jurisdiction as opposed to the "lawful" system of the land.  As you might expect, the Law of the Sea is based on deceit, as it derives from the worship of the Father of All Lies.  

The judges in these courts are either business administrators or acting as priests of the Crown Temple. They are required to be Bar Association attorneys by the rules of their Jural Societies called Bar Associations and have taken Oaths of Nullification, known as the Kol Nidre, which according to the underlying religion of the Sea allows them to void any agreement they make, break their word with impunity and act deceitfully (commit fraud) without consequence.  These characters "simulate" judicial proceedings so as to --- in their own words in the Federal Code of Civil Procedure --- give an "appearance" of justice. These judges use juries as props in a play, and basically bully and "direct" juries to deliver whatever outcome the judge wants. 

Law of the Land = Our Father,  Law of the Sea = Lucifer. 

There is also the Law of the Air, which is global in jurisdiction, and ecumenical.  It has only three laws: keep the peace, do no harm, treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. If you obey these Laws of the Air,  you automatically fulfill all other laws and stand above any other form of law. 

Now that you know where law comes from and realize the distinctions between American Common Law and the international Law of the Sea, you will not be surprised by the rich feast of information contained in the following highly recommended textbook: 

The Excellence of the Common Law by Brent Winters, available on  

This is NOT an inexpensive book ($70), nor is it light-weight, but it is the most readable, responsible, and enlightening book I have ever read concerning the Common Law, and it very helpfully compares and contrasts the Common Law against the sea-going Civil Law.  It is also written in a way that is careful to explain legalese in a way that laymen can easily understand. Anyone who wishes to participate in and restore the American Common Law Court System as a Justice or other Member of the Court --- Clerks, Bailiffs,Sheriffs, Coroners--- should read this book from cover to cover. 

For assistance in setting up lawful county and state governments on the land jurisdiction of the United States and filling vacated Public Offices:  I highly recommend the Michigan General Jural Society publication and handbook called "From De Facto to De Jure". 

This invaluable handbook is available for free download from the Anti-Corruption Society website and  I am attaching a pdf "final draft" copy of it to be published on my website and distributed to my email distribution list. This is the most correct and comprehensive guide of its kind ever published and following it ensures that both the people and their Jural Societies act within the correct rules and right capacities so that they cannot be accused of subversion or insurrection. 

For assistance in threading through the confusing maze of deceptively similar names and other means of misrepresentation and mischaracterization that have plagued us all for generations, I highly commend the work of Robb Ryder, and especially his YouTube video entitled "The Stile of this confederacy" available at this link: 

Spend the hour this video requires and take notes.  Then revisit it and take notes again. Repeat until you are able to easily tell the difference between "United States of America" and "The United States of America" and the various other distinctions used to confuse and defraud Americans. 

These resources will enable you to (1) restore the American Common Law Courts, (2) rebuild your lawful government, and  (3) translate your way through the best attempts of lawyers to obscure the true parties of interest in any "legal" process. 

God bless Brent Winters, Michigan General Jural Society, and Robb Ryder who have done inestimable service for their fellowman and especially for the American people who stand in such need of these helps and instructions now. 

See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website


  1. Thank you Anna, for posting this, and I will certainly buy the book on the common law, and download the ebook when becomes available, and any other pertinent information that is introduced. All of this has been so well hidden for years, but now, thanks to our Lord and His invention called the internet, the world of Lucifer are starting to crumble.

  2. Thank you for posting this. I needed a little guidance to get started and this is just what I was looking for. God bless you Judge Anna.
  3. Oh yea thank u anna o look forward to educating myself to help humanity. I was wondering what u thought of monetizecolb ur birth certificate? Because they have a 18 month course to be a me.ber of the BAR. I did see that u were friends with them. Just wondering cuz they have a huge pay out with the bc. Do u know of that is money they give u on ur own trust?
  4. Ms.Anna, Greetings & many thanks for your service to humanity. What is that status of a Naturalized Citizen in this maze of semantic deceit, do I have stile to bail out of the de facto and claim de jure in court?
  5. All this information is essential to keep going over as it is directly opposed to what we have been brainwashed into believing. I have intuitively known tht something was wrong as has almost everyone of my friends and family. We finally have been set free with the truth, time for action.
  6. Dear Anna: I admire your dedication and hard work at unravaling and sharing the history of all this fraud and corruption. And Michican state is to be commended for their commitment at their attempt to a lawful return of our original form of govt.(a republic). I read the 56 pages they drafted and appearantly sent to the HAUGH court, and its publication in the "WALL STREET JOURNAL" as an international publication to the world informing the world as to its new status(supposedly). But if you or anyone else, like that document proclaims, is going to be a "peaceful" transition to a lawful government after 150+years of fraud, your either nieve or have way more faith that people will do the right thing and recogonize our new found status. All we won is a small battle. The war has yet to be won. And you know all to well about the mentality of these Corporate elitist. They will never give up power peacefully....NEVER. We dont have enough time to form jural societies and basically forming new governments to replace ones already in place that will use all the law enforcement they already have establist in order to protect themselves against losing their positions of authority. Especially when people by the millions are suffering everday as we talk...still losing their homes to fraudulent foreclosures,bank accounts being wiped out by taxing agencies, paychecks being levied, and on and on. That document is missing an important page...Until such time as we can can form these lawful societies, we demand under "Emergency Conditions" that the lawful public office of Sherriff(an American National) filled "immediately" by educated, informed, and patriotic men and woman, volunteering (without pay) temporarily to step up in all counties of America as unelected officials having absolute and Supreme Authority over all Corp US officials now in office, to either arrest or force their removal, in order to avoid the possibility and bloodshed that will result if this is delayed by even one more day. It has to be quick and a consorted and sufficenly planned and executed so there are no arguements about who the New Sherriffs in town are and their almost unlimited authority over everyone to accomplish this "PEACEFUL TRANSITION" to our original REPUBLIC. And ,therefore now, we also request the HAUGH court and the international community at large for their military backing, or forceing our own military to back all these Newly unelected Sherriffs to accomplice our goal uncontested, for the peoples own safty and ours. Our goal being a "PEACEFUL"transition to a lawful republic, whos intention with the world as a whole will also be peaceful since we will no longer be using "private debt instraments" as currency, but "REAL MONEY". As God is my witness..Thats what is missing judge Anna...
    1. Spot On - but let me add: There will NEVER be a peaceful transition in THE NEW WORLD (ORDER) - AMERICA.
    2. how true - wasn't one of your forefathers who said the price of liberty is bought with the blood of patriots? or something to that effect
  7. Does anyone agree with me about the above statement. We dont need Donald Trump, because he is only in charge of 10 square miles of our country. We are in charge of the rest...right.
    1. We signed the W-9 and applied for a checking account, so now you are a Federal Citizen not just an United States Citizen under your State.
    2. under the laws of commercial contracts and fraud a citizen can only be a citizen to only one state at a time where as a corporation can be of two sometimes more depending on the greatest amount of there business in and since the all caps name is a corporate trust is how we can be a citizen of the federal state the state which you "reside"[dwell] and then a United States citizen. For the living man/woman aka people aka natural and or private citizen can have only one dwelling for many who believe in a higher power our dwelling is beyond this world. When the term reside is used it means hear doing business but will return to your domicile but all I.R.C. U.S. citizens there dwelling is Washington D.C. and they reside in one of the 50+ states I don't use that term anymore I have never been to Washington D.C. Thats from my research
  8. Dear Anna: I admire your dedication and hard work at unravaling and sharing the history of all this fraud and corruption. And Michican state is to be commended for their commitment at their attempt to a lawful return of our original form of govt.(a republic). I read the 56 pages they drafted and appearantly sent to the HAUGH court, and its publication in the "WALL STREET JOURNAL" as an international publication to the world informing the world as to its new status(supposedly). But if you or anyone else, like that document proclaims, is going to be a "peaceful" transition to a lawful government after 150+years of fraud, your either nieve or have way more faith that people will do the right thing and recogonize our new found status. All we won is a small battle. The war has yet to be won. And you know all to well about the mentality of these Corporate elitist. They will never give up power peacefully....NEVER. We dont have enough time to form jural societies and basically forming new governments to replace ones already in place that will use all the law enforcement they already have establist in order to protect themselves against losing their positions of authority. Especially when people by the millions are suffering everday as we talk...still losing their homes to fraudulent foreclosures,bank accounts being wiped out by taxing agencies, paychecks being levied, and on and on. That document is missing an important page...Until such time as we can can form these lawful societies, we demand under "Emergency Conditions" that the lawful public office of Sherriff(an American National) filled "immediately" by educated, informed, and patriotic men and woman, volunteering (without pay) temporarily to step up in all counties of America as unelected officials having absolute and Supreme Authority over all Corp US officials now in office, to either arrest or force their removal, in order to avoid the possibility and bloodshed that will result if this is delayed by even one more day. It has to be quick and a consorted and sufficenly planned and executed so there are no arguements about who the New Sherriffs in town are and their almost unlimited authority over everyone to accomplish this "PEACEFUL TRANSITION" to our original REPUBLIC. And ,therefore now, we also request the HAUGH court and the international community at large for their military backing, or forceing our own military to back all these Newly unelected Sherriffs to accomplice our goal uncontested, for the peoples own safty and ours. Our goal being a "PEACEFUL"transition to a lawful republic, whos intention with the world as a whole will also be peaceful since we will no longer be using "private debt instraments" as currency, but "REAL MONEY". As God is my witness..Thats what is missing judge Anna...
  9. I understand the Birth Certificate theory and used in court. The court did not want to turn the recorder on when I let them know that I was in court as a live woman. My concern has always been, OK who enforces our right to request common law? Unless our rights are enforced, then this knowledge does not help.
    1. To date, the court has refused to provide me with a copy of the transcript recording of me stating that I was alive and to 'Settle' the account. I wrote to the Vatican about it, but was ignored.
  10. All that Anna says is all true and many of us know this. However, try to use these tools and the Courts are likely to demand you be institutionalized for mental health issues for 6 mo. This of course is to ward off people from going into court and using these truthful tools.
    I once encountered a heartful attorney outside traffic court and asked him about the admirality court vs. common law. He quickly and honestly told us not to ''go there' or we would have far more problems than the
    relatively small issue we had, even though the cop was totally wrong.
    I knew he was referring to the Court probably mandating a mental incompetency evaluation. So my sentiment is, what good does it do to know all this stuff, when it is that risky to use it. We the People are already screwed. I'm a fighter, but I'm not going to put my head in their noose. Rather, I tend to be diligent and just stay out of their way, keep a low profile in all things. I grin knowing the Lord is gonna serve them up their just recompense, and it won't be long.
    1. One additional note: When a traffic cop says 'can I see your drivers license'......remember he asked to SEE it. So pull it out and tell him 'you can SEE it, but you cannot HAVE it''. Cops assume you will just hand it over to them. You do not need to do any more than what they asked for......SEE it. Hold it up and let them SEE it. If they persist in you giving it to them, stand your ground and repeat they can see it but cannot have it.

      Doctors are also very tricky. Even if you go for a hangnail, they will eventually say 'we are going to give you a flu shot'. At that, IF you do not object, you will get one of those poisons shot into you. Very tricky. That is when you gotta say NO you are NOT! They do the same thing with their prescriptions....'I'm gonna give you something for your cholesterol, or whatever'.
      Learn to say NO.
    2. The answer to all your questions is Jurisdiction. Do not give it to them. Do not give them, nor really anyone, your name. When they call your name in court, you should not be there anyway, do not answer. If in custody, deny it. Do not answer any questions. If you are arrested, or pulled over, give no I'd or name exercise your right to 5th amendment at all times. No photo, no fingerprints, no saliva, hair, nothing, so they cannot prove you are the name
      Never claim the name!
  11. What is the difference between Natural Law as mentioned and Common Law? Is there a difference?
    Thank you, Anna and Paul!
  12. From Oct. 2016 when some of my e-mail friends/exchanges were discussing your work. (I never took BH up on his below suggestion.) I paypaled you a donation about March-Apr of this year:
    "Anna apparently writes such preachments and much more outrageous nonsense in books, articles, and emails that truth-hungry people read, with the result that they become confused and misinformed. Many such gullible readers, having embraced Anna's specious fiction, then become convinced that Anna knows all about the history of government and the law. Then the gullible promulgate the nonsense and confuse others. It might seem innocent enough, but it makes Anna and her followers look like delusional fools to intelligent and competent students of law and history. And that eventually gets the myth monger's victims in trouble because they foolishly act on the myths.

    I ask that you write to Anna von Reitz at avannavon at gmail dot com (cc to bob at bobhurt dot com) to inform her of any errors you detect in her statements, and ask her to stop promulgating specious fiction."

    My e-mail records show I wrote to you on 11/9/16 offering "May I be @ your aid."
    Yesterday, I looked up your latest work @ your webSite. Again, I think we are on a parallel course as such and wonder if I could be of any use being born in the 10 mile sq. District of Columbia of English-Scottish blood? I expatriated from the Matrix-grid in about 1987 for what good that did. Seems "they" don't keep their records to well, as when I checked-up @ the Court House years later, there was no evidence of what I did. One Court House only showed that 2 cases against me had been dismissed, but since about 2010 they had dropped the Judge's important evidence-recorded reasons why! (What good is a [Court] System if no records are kept? Yet "they" can record ALL phone calls & e-mails via NSA or somesuch!)

    I have always felt I was not a part of any one State, but in service to all, so I never filed in any local. My van-car is registered in Arizona under a General Delivery address, but the Native-American who worked at the office back in about 2010 said I was "just like them" when I told her I was a "homeless migrant" so she put in my record that I live on "BLM land." (I ask: How many do you know who can be listed/recorded [on their records] as such?) These years I am not "Real ID compliant" so I cannot get my drivers license renewed. Finally after decades of fighting them in court, they are telling me "You are not a resident!" So recently, I put on the back of it (had since 1999 used a license signed "under TDC"): "Retired Not for hire."

    I have 7 e-books available on Amazon listed under: by: Duncan Phelps
    Thank you for your Time. If I can be of use/action, let me know.
    I will donate $ help for now.
  13. This is a wealth of information! So much that I don't know what to do to get started. How do I become "Free"? Anyone know? Thank you.
  14. This is a wealth of information! So much that I don't know what to do to get started. How do I become "Free"? Anyone know? Thank you.
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  20. My son was born in the Kingdom of Tonga aka Tonga in 1981 when I lived there. His father and I were both born in our respective states in United States of America. He is a citizen born abroad and had to have his birth recorded in order to get a passport when we returned to live in CA. My question is what state do I put for his birth when I file a Private Indemnity Bond (AMR100011 RA393427640US ???
  21. Dear people,

    the sad truth is that we are living in a state of perpetual war going back all the way to Abraham;

    Maxim - Laws are silent amidst arms.

    However, the law of war is subject to the law of peace;

    HOWEVER, ask yourself, how to the peaceful protect themselves from the law of war?

    Maxim - In a state the laws of war are to be especially upheld.

    Without having to resort to violence as a defense?

    We all know it is going to end in martial law, no rights, no remedy;

    Therefore, choose your criminals; we are focusing on our Constitutional Court of SA Justices; assemble a jury, file a charge; summons them, declare a jury, find them guilty and get a warrant for their arrest;

    Then, declare your marshals and militias to protect the people;

    And, take as many brave as you can and go and make civilian arrest of the criminals, making sure you have lawful justices to replace with, and make sure all documents such as bills and procedures are in place; and, educate and forewarn the protectors of your constitutional hill, you are coming and they must protect and assist you, not the criminals; the line in the sand;

    This is what it is going to come to; a global war between governments and their people;

    Maxim - It is lawful to repel force by force, provided it be done with the moderation of blameless defense, not for the purpose of taking revenge, but to ward off injury.

    To the meek we say: prep and run for the hills; we all know in our hearts that we are now in the time of sorrows and tribulation; and, a total collapse is the only way to break the yoke of an evil system;

    Get real, stop following false prophets of hope; there is no remedy; the only remedy is to unite and that just ain't going to happen;

    United we stand, divided we fall apart; in peace
  22. "Excellence of the Common Law;" Amazon prices now range from $250 to $10,121 (not a typo). I ordered it from for $45 plus $5 shipping.
  23. I deeply respect Judge Anna for boldly speaking out about these things. Frankly I'm having a hard time with it all. I've been in meetings where this is discussed, I have copies of the manual From DeFacto to DeJure, I have filed a UCC Financing Statement, sent a check on a closed account to the Federal Reserve bank with a red stamp (i think? it's been so long ago) on it saying Accepted For Value (which was promptly returned to me), and a dozen other actions which accomplished exactly ZERO. I was fighting a bank trying to save my home from foreclosure. I fought them in FEDERAL court for two years, but ended up losing it in a county court that was supposed to be a mere hearing, but which turned into a bench trial. I'd sincerely like to know what is the proof that any of this vast corpus of information is actually the truth. What is the proof that any of this is true? I'm not trying to make light of anyone, but I'm just trying to understand it all.
    Thank you for hearing me.

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