Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Reminders that the Royal Families Exists and have the Superior/Paramount Titles in the Hawaiian Islands

U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back Twice in 1894 and 1897 With Political Cartoons of the Period" Researched by Amelia Gora (2017) ...
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Ruthann Caudill I was totally unaware until yesterday that Heirs were notified by the Newspaper for illegal Quiet Title actions. This particular Quiet title included Dawn Wasson and Punohu. Not very smart choice Robinson Partners.Manage
Ruthann Caudill Fraud and no one has stopped this Fraud? I would like to know your opinion on this, please.
Ruthann Caudill Kanaka lands have been Quite Titled and then Fee Simple which is permanent and absolute tenure of an estate in land with freedom to dispose of it at will, especially in full fee simple absolute a freehold tenure, which is the main type of land ownership.
Amelia Gora We have land laws of a Constitutional Monarchy government which is Not the same as the Demonic/er ...Democratic government..... read the latest posting http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/.../the-ten...Manage
Ruthann Caudill Yes, I agree.

After a very disappointing DC connection today, I feel that the laws that are set have not and will not be upheld by the Federal Government.
...See More
Amelia Gora There's mega fraud in the land records...for example, Sanford B. Dole and his brother are listed as having Alodio titles in Mokuleia for hundreds of acres...checking the dates, Dole was approximately 8-9 years old at the time of conveyance....and Alodi...See MoreManage
Ruthann Caudill Amelia Gora what is the answer to stop the Fraud. What has been tried so far?
Has any complaint been filed in US Federal Court?
Amelia Gora Several steps have been taken....the Supreme Court attorney said that we have to go to the court of original jurisdiction.... the Kingdom of Hawaii court will convene soon read the new posts: http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/.../assassinated...Manage
Ruthann Caudill Amelia Gora I understand the need to rid Hawaii of foreign influence.
Amelia Gora The 1849/1850 Treaty has answers especially Article XIV .... also it applies to only the descendants/heirs and successors of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli or the bloodlines, not Identity thieves see: http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/.../royal-tidings...Manage
Amelia Gora Thursday, February 2, 2017
Royal Tidings Post: The Royal Families Exist...Cause to Expel Pirates, Pillagers According to the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America

The Royal Tidings normally goes out to the Royal Families and Friends. The following message is posted for the World to see, read..........

From: Amelia Gora
Date: Sun, Jan 22, 2017 at 9:35 AM
Subject: Royal Tidings No. 2017 - 0122 Kingdom of Hawaii Exists with Kamehameha's Heirs and Successors vs. Alien, Identity Thieves Ramifications Documented for the Records
To: Amelia Gora , Amelia Gora

Kamehameha's Are Heirs, The Stepsiblings and Hanai/Hanai Hookama are Successors - Living Human Beings Not the entity State, etc.
Kamehameha's Are Heirs, The Stepsiblings and Hanai/Hanai Hookama are Successors - Living Human Beings Not the entity State, etc.

researched by Amelia Gora (2017)

The Kamehameha's are foremost and are the heirs ....over the hanai and hanai hookama - adopted children of Kamehameha. The hanai and hanai hookama with the stepchildren from another father become the successors. They are all human beings vs. entities such as the Provisional government, Republic of Hawaii, developed and proclaimed Territory, and State of Hawaii - non breathing of a alien/foreign setup a sham setup by false flag, terrorist activities of a foreign nation, etc.

Bloodline First, and Hanai Second (Entities No Place at All) in the Kingdom of Hawaii?

Hi, yes bloodline first ......also, there are two kinds of hanai as documented by Samuel Kamakau:

1) keiki hanai/hanai
2) keiki hookama/hanai hookama, a hanai who inherits sovereignty.

The keiki hookama/ hanai hookama were:

Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV
Hueu Davis
Kale Davis
Peke Davis

The significant parts of their genealogies are that they were the descendants of the father of Kamehameha Keouakupuapaikalaninui.

Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV was a Kamehameha and designated successor of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, Peke Davis were from the sibling of Kamehameha named Keliimaikai/Kealiimaikai. After their father Isaac Davis was murdered, their grandfather John Young/Olohana and Kamehameha adopted them. Their mother was Grace Kamaikui.

Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli also adopted the three.

There are many Kamehameha's who are the heirs, and the stepchildren from Kalaniopuu, and Kaumualii. The stepchildren with the hanai hookama became "successors". Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho was both heir and successor.

In the case of PA PELEKANE (1912) the Territory turned State of Hawaii through the Attorney General documented that the "Territory" is the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii". ...Identity theft documented.

Note: Queen Liliuokalani said that the Provisional government was an entity. It turned into another entity Republic of Hawaii with Oppositions to annexation by Queen Liliuokalani and her subjects = about 40,000.

* U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani before President McKinley went into office.

the New President McKinley had the Army, Navy and Federal officials "develop" the Territory, another entity.

U.S. President McKinley directed by Proclamation the entity Territory.

"HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 11 - IN RE AH HO, et. al. shows on page 665 "In the exercise of the power conferred by the first of these two provisions, the President of the United States, on August 12, 1898, directed by proclamation, that "the civil, judicial and military powers in question shall be exercised by the officers of the Republic of Hawaii, as it existed just prior to the transfer of sovereignty, subject to his power to remove such officers and to fil vacancies," and after reiterating the second of these and other provisions of the Resolution, further directed that, "under these various provisions, the Government of the islands will proceed without interruption." The intention of Congress was to continue the existing government of the islands in operation without interruption, except in so far as it might be inconsistent with the Constitution or treaties of the United States or with the terms of the Resolution. Subject to this limitation only, the judicial power was to continue as it existed just prior to the transfer of sovereignty."
"Article 82 of the Constitution of Hawaii vested the judicial power of the Republic in one Supreme Court and in such inferior Courts as the Legislature might, from time to time, establish; and Article 85 provided: "The Judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and equity, arising under the Constitution and Laws of the Republic, and Treaties; to all cases affecting Public Ministers and Consuls, and to all cases of Admiralty and Maritime Jurisdiction."....
HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 11, RH 345.4 H31 v.11 (date of the case is January 1899)"

The Territory became the State of Hawaii, another entity, through the Executive Order by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Opposition was documented by one of Kamehameha's descendants named Harold Abel Cathcart, He was a cousin of my great grandmother Mele Keawe/Kauweloa.

'Opposition was documented so Sovereignty shall be' said my paralegal instructor who was a State Prosecutor, turned Judge named Randall Lee.

The opposition by a Kamehameha legally negated Statehood, negated the State an entity which was "developed" and put together, 'proclaimed' by a U.S. President McKinley even after U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani.

The Kamehameha's were and continue to maintain that the Kingdom of Hawaii exists.

The Kamehameha Dynasty continued because Keohokalole, mother of David Kalakaua, Liliuokalani, Miriam Likelike, Leleiohoku, was adopted by a Kamehameha named Nahuina....she was the daughter of Kapule son of Hanuna, one of the four (4) children of Kaoleioku the Oldest Son of Kamehameha and Kanekapolei. He was the sibling of Kiwalao, Keoua Ahuula, Keoua Peeale, et. als. and all of Kamehameha's children, stepchildren, and hanai/hanai hookama.

The entity State and its cabal remain an illegal entity, a documented Pirate etc. amidst the Kamehameha's.

We have the right as a Sovereign nation to expel the aliens who infiltrated a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation with Treaties in place.

Ruthann Caudill Many people claim there is no Treaty. I find the date interesting. The Laie Valley was occupied and 7,000 acres are now challenged by Dawn Wasson.
Ruthann Caudill Can you send me in email ruthiejim13@comcast.net. I had a problem with the Hawaiian Department of Interior yesterday, and would like to forward your information to the man in Hawaiian Affairs.
Amelia Gora the 1849/1850 Treaty is a permanent amity and friendship treaty, a contractual agreement of our King, his heirs and successors, and U.S. President Zachary Taylor....no one else...the usurpers was a premeditated conspiracy against our Queen.....there was no Annexation, an illegal move on the part of the Provisional government which was neither de facto nor de jure but an entity because they represented only a 1/3 part of the Constitutional Monarchy............lots of legal issues...............remember that the Mormons are also masons and freemasons who are not the land owners.... ... the laws of the land are the Constitutional Monarchy government not Americans.....alodio land titles are the superior/paramount titles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWpTbe8ua_M who is the man in Hawaiian Affairs? there are lots of pretenders in Hawaii and we are not...for example, I am one of Kamehameha's descendants in 4 lines, Kalaniopuu's descendants in 4 lines, Kaumualii's descendant in 2 lines, John Young and Isaac Davis descendants/heirs in 3 lines, etc. we are genealogy based and are ready to challenge actors... well gotta go......nice talking with you..........aloha..........keep in touch hawaiianhistory@gmail.comManage

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