Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Vol VI No. 695 Part 2 - Pirates in the Hawaiian Islands - the illegal State etc.

Shane Sinenci
FYI, so the Hana Ranch Partners have put over 400 acres of prime Hana Coastline up for sale. Many of these properties were only accessible to Hana residents for... fishing and gathering because you needed permission to drive thru ranch property. These shorelines are prime areas for spawning marine species and estuaries for juvenile fish and limu varieties. Some of these properties are filled with historical and plantation era burials that are not presented to potential buyers. As Maui continues to be inundated by out of state and foreign buyers, we are constantly reminded by our kupuna to cover and hide, and preserve our precious 'aina #aloha'aina
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Heidi Holomua shared:
As Kamehameha Schools has their song contest this Friday, may our opi'o remember...our history, our Kupuna, and our charge.
Onipa'a kakou. Onipa'a. ❤️

As the world trembles in the wake of the American…

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Healani Sonoda-Pale added 3 new photos.
FACTS regarding SB 3090 (Mauna Kea Management Authority) Testimony:
FACT 1: There were nearly 900 testimonies submitted in opposition.
FACT 2: Only 8 testimon...ies were submitted in support. One of those testimonies in support was OHA's testimony.
FACT 3: 72% of all testimonies in opposition were from registered Hawai'i voters.
FACT 4: 58% of the testimonies in opposition were Kanaka Maoli.

INFORMATION and POINTS made at the Maui meeting on 3/14/2018 regarding SB 3090:
-100% of Mauna Kea is Hawaiian Lands that still belong to the Kanaka Maoli people yet only two seats on the Authority are required to be Kanaka.
-Senator Kahele still has not answered Professor Kaeo's question "How will this bill deter the TMT from being built?"
-The effective date of this bill (IF passed) could be as early as July 1, 2018. The effective date will be decided in conference. Which means that there is a real chance that Governor Ige will appoint the Authority.
-IF passed this Bill will over ride the UH master lease on Mauna Kea.
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Shane Sinenci
FYI, so the Hana Ranch Partners have put over 400 acres of prime Hana Coastline up for sale. Many of these properties were only accessible to Hana residents for... fishing and gathering because you needed permission to drive thru ranch property. These shorelines are prime areas for spawning marine species and estuaries for juvenile fish and limu varieties. Some of these properties are filled with historical and plantation era burials that are not presented to potential buyers. As Maui continues to be inundated by out of state and foreign buyers, we are constantly reminded by our kupuna to cover and hide, and preserve our precious 'aina #aloha'aina
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Kehaulani La'a Sharing please and thank you!

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Abraham Kaio Due to the UN DRIP Natives have gathering rights

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So why can’t we have both a walk out and walk up?

Jennifer Rogers
For anyone who is in support of "Walk up and not walk out" today: Implying that if kids were friendlier it would stop someone from shooting up their school is v...ictim blaming and its distracting from the conversations we need to have about the real problems underlying gun violence in America.
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Susurrus Surfeuse I think these kids have proven that they can handle that kind of "multitasking" 😉

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