Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Vol VI No. 696 Part 1d

Hawai`i Free Press 
Today's News Read
March 25, 2018

Prince Kuhio's Fight to Americanize Hawaii

...Working to rehabilitate Hawaiians and make Hawaii ready for statehood, Kuhio focused his efforts on an American idea--homesteading....

Hanabusa Campaign Plan: Send swarms of homeless into streets as absentee ballots drop

...Can David Ige block Hanabusa's plan for his campaign summer?....

Poll: Hanabusa leads Ige 47-27

...Meanwhile, in the Republican primary 40 percent would vote for Carroll while only 28 percent would support Tupola....

Sources: OHA Trustees to 'Suspend' Crabbe

...the trustees are going to "suspend" OHA CEO Kamana`o Crabbe so he has to stay out of the office but still gets full pay and benefits....

OHA Criminal Activity Since 2012: A Handy Guide for FBI Agents

...six years of  'public corruption, misappropriation' allegations at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs....

Caldwell Lying About Federal Ultimatum?

...Pine wanted to see the FTA's ultimatum in writing. So far, the closest thing to that is a Feb. 23 letter that Caldwell sent to FTA officials summarizing what they told him....

Caldwell Invented $214M Rail Deficit by Changing Budget Assumptions

...That shortfall in the plan to finish the $8.165 billion project resulted because state lawmakers used a more generous revenue projection than city officials did, the mayor said.....

Assisted Suicide Clears Last Committee: Headed for Full Senate Vote

...The assisted suicide bill passed 4-1 unamended by the Senate Judiciary Committee....

Hawaii Passed A Law Requiring Pro-Life Clinics To Promote Abortion. SCOTUS Is Poised To Strike It Down

...The U.S. Supreme Court heard a First Amendment challenge Tuesday to a California law requiring pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to post information about state-funded abortions.... Hawaii and Illinois have similar laws....

Hawaii's Good Friday Holiday - What's Up With That?

...If you ask how "a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary" squares with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, let us explain....

Sex harassment: Souki Resigns--Three More Legislators Remain Hidden

...Sex Harassment: Hawaii Legislators Admit Covering up Four Cases....

Can Ethics Commission Lift Veil of Secrecy from Hawaii Sex Harassment Complaints? harassment complaints have been secretly adjudicated against three unnamed State Representatives and one State Senator....

Domestic Violence: Shame on Clayton Hee

...Clayton Hee subjected his ex-wife, Lyla Berg, to physical & verbal abuse, persistent infidelity, lived off her assets and absconded with her money - and now he wants to become Governor....

Leaving GOP, Djou Eyes Council, Mayoral Races

...Reading Charles Djou's 'Why I'm Leaving The GOP' statement published today, one might think Djou's decision was all about Trump....

Charles Djou: Why I'm Leaving The GOP

...We are the leader of the free world, not because we are great (or need to be great again), but because we are good....

Council Coup: Ernie Martin Chair Again

...we are concerned about the handling of Rail and the Mayor's proposed budget....

Grassroot: Bond plan for rail a bad sign for taxpayers, would violate city ordinance

...Caldwell's plan to use $44 million in bond debt is an ill-founded, potentially illegal attempt to payoff administrative costs related to the construction of the over-budget, behind-schedule Honolulu rail system....

Voter backlash no longer a threat to tax hikes?

...For years, it was conventional wisdom that as tax-happy as the Hawaii Legislature might be, it still would avoid raising taxes in an election year....

Poll: 72% of Native Hawaiians Support Telescope

...72% of Native Hawaiians expressed support for the telescope, while 23 percent were against and 5 percent were undecided.....

SPLC: Legendary resort the site of battle between sovereign citizen, developers and the State of Hawaii

...activists resort to sovereign citizen tactics in a desperate effort to prevail....

Kauai: DLNR Clears Activists from State Land Near Coco Palms

...The squatters were allowed to pack up personal possessions and valuables. What remained, including tents and other camping gear, was collected and loaded into trucks....

Sovereignty Activists to Tear down US Flag at DoE Schools

...students across the state to participate in a flag walkout on March 29, asking them to lower the American flag on campus in a show of protest....

House Budget Would Close All Homeless Shelters and Send Homeless to Massive festering Tent Cities

...Legislators have a plan to instantly double the number of homeless on the streets....

Big Island Homeless Tent City Ends in Abject Failure-Legislators want to Copy It

...Out of 51 homeless people who went through Camp Kikaha since it opened in August, more than half - 28 people - were kicked out, arrested or left on their own and may be homeless again....

Hawaii County Homeless Tent City Shut Down due to Fire Risk

...but Harry Kim wants Ige to give an emergency proclamation and $25K to open another one....

Is Affordable Housing Constitutional?

...On April 13, 2018, at 11:30am at the State Capitol room 312....

Hawaii's biased constitutional convention ballot question

...this seemingly innocuous question is highly biased because it doesn't specify whether it refers to the federal or Hawaii Constitution....

Iranian Government Hacked Hawaii State Computer System

...hackers got access to Hawaii state computers using a technique called "password spraying".... 

Hawaii Scores $54M Windfall as Senior Partner in Tobacco Industry

...and they still want to raise your taxes....

Are There Risks From Secondhand Marijuana Smoke? Early Science Says Yes.

...people would never tolerate those levels of cigarette smoke in a public place anymore. So why were they OK with pot smoke?....

Maui Tax and Spend: Massive Property Tax Hikes to Cover $114M in New Spending

...Spending would increase by $114.8 million, or 16.3%, over current period....

Schatz: Federal Budget Includes Many Hawaii Pork Barrel Projects

...a very familiar looking laundry list of Hawaii spending allotments.... 

Budget Boosts American Samoa Spending, Military Pay, Veterans Funding

...A military pay increase of 2.4%....

Hawaii 3rd-Least Federally Dependent State Government

...some states receive a far higher return on their federal income-tax contributions than others....

The California Stupidity Fund

...some Hawaii lawmakers are actively considering similar legislation....

Elections: 217 Candidates Pull Papers

...Candidate filing for the 2018 Elections runs from February 1, 2018 through June 5, 2018....

Kakaako United President Announces Run for State Senate

...Sharon Moriwaki is the founding president of Kakaako United, a nonprofit volunteer organization that fights for a better life for area residents and businesses through smart development and accountability....

Keli'i Akina Interviews Rowena Akana: OHA Audit

...Rowena Akana has never been silent about her passion to reform the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Unafraid to stand out, she has called for the removal of the current CEO....

Crabbe Stabs Telescope Protesters in Back--Supports SB3090

...OHA Testifies in support of SB3090....

Sacrificing Safety Is an Unintended Consequence of the Jones Act

...On a 2015 voyage from Jacksonville, Florida, to Puerto Rico, the Jones Act-eligible cargo ship El Faro sailed directly into Hurricane Joaquin and sank, losing all 33 crew members....

Hawaii Among Least Innovative States Thanks to Failing Schools

...Rank 47th - 8th Grade Math & Science Performance....

Concealed Carry: Anti-Reciprocity Resolutions to Be Heard

... House Concurrent Resolution 37 and House Resolution 29, sponsored by Representative Gregg Takayama (D-34), requests Congress to not enact S. 446, H.R. 38, or any "concealed carry reciprocity" legislation ....

Hawaii Smallest Firearms Industry in USA

...2018's States Most Dependent on the Gun Industry....

Hawaii Counties Ranked by Health Indicators

...our annual County Health Rankings show that where we live makes a difference in how well and how long we live....

Rate Hikes Coming: Ige Names Green Energy Maven to PUC

...your green is burned to create their energy....

Hawaii Vacation Rentals: Impact on Housing and Economy

...Hawaii is only building half of the units necessary to keep up with demand....

Feds Certify Hawaii Public Transit as 'Safe'

...Hawaiʻi has obtained federal certification of its rail transit State Safety Oversight (SSO) program...

  1. Gun Control Rallies: How Today's students have been Brainwashed to prepare for this moment their whole lives
  2. OHA Audit Released: "Alternate funding process directs money to individuals"
  3. Star-Adv: Crabbe Should Resign From OHA
  4. Coco Palms Occupiers Threaten "Civil War"
  5. FBI joins investigation into OHA spending, contracts back to Beginning of Crabbe Administration
  6. Crabbe: Who is the Auditor to Judge ME?
  7. 'Dan Inouye is a Rapist'-My Name is Mark Kaniela Saito Ing and I approved this Message
  8. Will New Council Leadership Torpedo Plan to Loot City Coffers to pay for Rail?
  9. $2.4B Tax Hike: How They Voted
  10. Students across Hawaii walk out of classrooms - But Some Shy Away from Gun Control Message
  11. Hanabusa Led Senators who Killed Reappointment of Margery Bronster on Behalf of Broken Trustees
  12. OHA Trustees Confirm Order Requiring LLCs to Open Books
  13. Report: Coco Palms Grifters have no claim
  14. Senate Passes $72M in Tax Hikes
  15. Progressive Activists are the Main Cause of Inequality 
  16. Bond funding scheme for rail shows need for audit
  17. Decline of Hawaii Farmland Caused by Environmentalism, not Development
  18. Criminal Al Hee's Scam Company Sandwich Isles Communications Closing--All Workers Laid Off
  19. White House studies permanent Jones Act waiver for Puerto Rico
  20. $82K Per Bum: Hospitals Rake in $1.2B Treating Homeless Shelter-Refusers
  21. Poverty Trap Hawaii: 75% Low Income Renters Spend More Than 50% on Rent
  22. 16 Years of Litigation: Sierra Club Directly Responsible for Lack of Affordable Housing
  23. Adjusted for Cost of Living, Hawaii Taxes Highest in USA 
  24. A Month Later Crabbe Still Hasn't Released LLC Records to Trustees
  25. Income Tax: Hawaii 2nd Highest n USA
  26. Study: Hawaii Obamacare Prices to Jump 50% by 2021 
  27. Hawaii AG Sues Trump in Desperate Bid to Keep Health Insurance Expensive 
  28. DBEDT: Hawaii Households get $710M from Republican Tax Cuts 
  29. Narcissists
Quick Links
Hawai'i Free Press, Post Office Box 61761, Honolulu, HI 96839

News from Hawaii Free Press March 25, 2018

Hawaii Free Press Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 7:05 PM
Hawai`i Free Press 
Today's News Read
March 25, 2018

Prince Kuhio's Fight to Americanize Hawaii
...Working to rehabilitate Hawaiians and make Hawaii ready for statehood, Kuhio focused his efforts on an American idea--homesteading....
Hanabusa Campaign Plan: Send swarms of homeless into streets as absentee ballots drop
...Can David Ige block Hanabusa's plan for his campaign summer?....
Poll: Hanabusa leads Ige 47-27
...Meanwhile, in the Republican primary 40 percent would vote for Carroll while only 28 percent would support Tupola....
Sources: OHA Trustees to 'Suspend' Crabbe
...the trustees are going to "suspend" OHA CEO Kamana`o Crabbe so he has to stay out of the office but still gets full pay and benefits....
OHA Criminal Activity Since 2012: A Handy Guide for FBI Agents
...six years of  'public corruption, misappropriation' allegations at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs....
Caldwell Lying About Federal Ultimatum?
...Pine wanted to see the FTA's ultimatum in writing. So far, the closest thing to that is a Feb. 23 letter that Caldwell sent to FTA officials summarizing what they told him....
Caldwell Invented $214M Rail Deficit by Changing Budget Assumptions
...That shortfall in the plan to finish the $8.165 billion project resulted because state lawmakers used a more generous revenue projection than city officials did, the mayor said.....
Assisted Suicide Clears Last Committee: Headed for Full Senate Vote
...The assisted suicide bill passed 4-1 unamended by the Senate Judiciary Committee....
Hawaii Passed A Law Requiring Pro-Life Clinics To Promote Abortion. SCOTUS Is Poised To Strike It Down
...The U.S. Supreme Court heard a First Amendment challenge Tuesday to a California law requiring pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to post information about state-funded abortions.... Hawaii and Illinois have similar laws....
Hawaii's Good Friday Holiday - What's Up With That?
...If you ask how "a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary" squares with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, let us explain....
Sex harassment: Souki Resigns--Three More Legislators Remain Hidden
...Sex Harassment: Hawaii Legislators Admit Covering up Four Cases....
Can Ethics Commission Lift Veil of Secrecy from Hawaii Sex Harassment Complaints? harassment complaints have been secretly adjudicated against three unnamed State Representatives and one State Senator....
Domestic Violence: Shame on Clayton Hee
...Clayton Hee subjected his ex-wife, Lyla Berg, to physical & verbal abuse, persistent infidelity, lived off her assets and absconded with her money - and now he wants to become Governor....
Leaving GOP, Djou Eyes Council, Mayoral Races
...Reading Charles Djou's 'Why I'm Leaving The GOP' statement published today, one might think Djou's decision was all about Trump....
Charles Djou: Why I'm Leaving The GOP
...We are the leader of the free world, not because we are great (or need to be great again), but because we are good....
Council Coup: Ernie Martin Chair Again
...we are concerned about the handling of Rail and the Mayor's proposed budget....
Grassroot: Bond plan for rail a bad sign for taxpayers, would violate city ordinance
...Caldwell's plan to use $44 million in bond debt is an ill-founded, potentially illegal attempt to payoff administrative costs related to the construction of the over-budget, behind-schedule Honolulu rail system....
Voter backlash no longer a threat to tax hikes?
...For years, it was conventional wisdom that as tax-happy as the Hawaii Legislature might be, it still would avoid raising taxes in an election year....
Poll: 72% of Native Hawaiians Support Telescope
...72% of Native Hawaiians expressed support for the telescope, while 23 percent were against and 5 percent were undecided.....
SPLC: Legendary resort the site of battle between sovereign citizen, developers and the State of Hawaii
...activists resort to sovereign citizen tactics in a desperate effort to prevail....
Kauai: DLNR Clears Activists from State Land Near Coco Palms
...The squatters were allowed to pack up personal possessions and valuables. What remained, including tents and other camping gear, was collected and loaded into trucks....
Sovereignty Activists to Tear down US Flag at DoE Schools
...students across the state to participate in a flag walkout on March 29, asking them to lower the American flag on campus in a show of protest....
House Budget Would Close All Homeless Shelters and Send Homeless to Massive festering Tent Cities
...Legislators have a plan to instantly double the number of homeless on the streets....
Big Island Homeless Tent City Ends in Abject Failure-Legislators want to Copy It
...Out of 51 homeless people who went through Camp Kikaha since it opened in August, more than half - 28 people - were kicked out, arrested or left on their own and may be homeless again....
Hawaii County Homeless Tent City Shut Down due to Fire Risk
...but Harry Kim wants Ige to give an emergency proclamation and $25K to open another one....
Is Affordable Housing Constitutional?
...On April 13, 2018, at 11:30am at the State Capitol room 312....
Hawaii's biased constitutional convention ballot question
...this seemingly innocuous question is highly biased because it doesn't specify whether it refers to the federal or Hawaii Constitution....
Iranian Government Hacked Hawaii State Computer System
...hackers got access to Hawaii state computers using a technique called "password spraying".... 
Hawaii Scores $54M Windfall as Senior Partner in Tobacco Industry
...and they still want to raise your taxes....
Are There Risks From Secondhand Marijuana Smoke? Early Science Says Yes.
...people would never tolerate those levels of cigarette smoke in a public place anymore. So why were they OK with pot smoke?....
Maui Tax and Spend: Massive Property Tax Hikes to Cover $114M in New Spending
...Spending would increase by $114.8 million, or 16.3%, over current period....
Schatz: Federal Budget Includes Many Hawaii Pork Barrel Projects
...a very familiar looking laundry list of Hawaii spending allotments.... 
Budget Boosts American Samoa Spending, Military Pay, Veterans Funding
...A military pay increase of 2.4%....
Hawaii 3rd-Least Federally Dependent State Government
...some states receive a far higher return on their federal income-tax contributions than others....
The California Stupidity Fund
...some Hawaii lawmakers are actively considering similar legislation....
Elections: 217 Candidates Pull Papers
...Candidate filing for the 2018 Elections runs from February 1, 2018 through June 5, 2018....
Kakaako United President Announces Run for State Senate
...Sharon Moriwaki is the founding president of Kakaako United, a nonprofit volunteer organization that fights for a better life for area residents and businesses through smart development and accountability....
Keli'i Akina Interviews Rowena Akana: OHA Audit
...Rowena Akana has never been silent about her passion to reform the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Unafraid to stand out, she has called for the removal of the current CEO....
Crabbe Stabs Telescope Protesters in Back--Supports SB3090
...OHA Testifies in support of SB3090....
Sacrificing Safety Is an Unintended Consequence of the Jones Act
...On a 2015 voyage from Jacksonville, Florida, to Puerto Rico, the Jones Act-eligible cargo ship El Faro sailed directly into Hurricane Joaquin and sank, losing all 33 crew members....
Hawaii Among Least Innovative States Thanks to Failing Schools
...Rank 47th - 8th Grade Math & Science Performance....
Concealed Carry: Anti-Reciprocity Resolutions to Be Heard
... House Concurrent Resolution 37 and House Resolution 29, sponsored by Representative Gregg Takayama (D-34), requests Congress to not enact S. 446, H.R. 38, or any "concealed carry reciprocity" legislation ....
Hawaii Smallest Firearms Industry in USA
...2018's States Most Dependent on the Gun Industry....
Hawaii Counties Ranked by Health Indicators
...our annual County Health Rankings show that where we live makes a difference in how well and how long we live....
Rate Hikes Coming: Ige Names Green Energy Maven to PUC
...your green is burned to create their energy....
Hawaii Vacation Rentals: Impact on Housing and Economy
...Hawaii is only building half of the units necessary to keep up with demand....
Feds Certify Hawaii Public Transit as 'Safe'
...Hawaiʻi has obtained federal certification of its rail transit State Safety Oversight (SSO) program...
  1. Gun Control Rallies: How Today's students have been Brainwashed to prepare for this moment their whole lives
  2. OHA Audit Released: "Alternate funding process directs money to individuals"
  3. Star-Adv: Crabbe Should Resign From OHA
  4. Coco Palms Occupiers Threaten "Civil War"
  5. FBI joins investigation into OHA spending, contracts back to Beginning of Crabbe Administration
  6. Crabbe: Who is the Auditor to Judge ME?
  7. 'Dan Inouye is a Rapist'-My Name is Mark Kaniela Saito Ing and I approved this Message
  8. Will New Council Leadership Torpedo Plan to Loot City Coffers to pay for Rail?
  9. $2.4B Tax Hike: How They Voted
  10. Students across Hawaii walk out of classrooms - But Some Shy Away from Gun Control Message
  11. Hanabusa Led Senators who Killed Reappointment of Margery Bronster on Behalf of Broken Trustees
  12. OHA Trustees Confirm Order Requiring LLCs to Open Books
  13. Report: Coco Palms Grifters have no claim
  14. Senate Passes $72M in Tax Hikes
  15. Progressive Activists are the Main Cause of Inequality 
  16. Bond funding scheme for rail shows need for audit
  17. Decline of Hawaii Farmland Caused by Environmentalism, not Development
  18. Criminal Al Hee's Scam Company Sandwich Isles Communications Closing--All Workers Laid Off
  19. White House studies permanent Jones Act waiver for Puerto Rico
  20. $82K Per Bum: Hospitals Rake in $1.2B Treating Homeless Shelter-Refusers
  21. Poverty Trap Hawaii: 75% Low Income Renters Spend More Than 50% on Rent
  22. 16 Years of Litigation: Sierra Club Directly Responsible for Lack of Affordable Housing
  23. Adjusted for Cost of Living, Hawaii Taxes Highest in USA 
  24. A Month Later Crabbe Still Hasn't Released LLC Records to Trustees
  25. Income Tax: Hawaii 2nd Highest n USA
  26. Study: Hawaii Obamacare Prices to Jump 50% by 2021 
  27. Hawaii AG Sues Trump in Desperate Bid to Keep Health Insurance Expensive 
  28. DBEDT: Hawaii Households get $710M from Republican Tax Cuts 
  29. Narcissists
Quick Links
Hawai'i Free Press, Post Office Box 61761, Honolulu, HI 96839

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