Friday, March 30, 2018

Vol VI No. 696 Part 1f

control of people or psyops used by Trump and haters

Parkland students, David Hogg and Aalayah Eastmond, speak about gun control and their experience on that horrific day.

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Thomas Cummings Get rid of mass-murder, rapid-fire guns as he and other young folks all over America want to do.

Maria Taylor I don't support George Soros sponsored people or events. They are trying to cause a civil war in American just like they did to the middle eastern countries - don't buy into it.

Hinano Kaleleiki That's right let the kids make the decisions then when you know what happens. We lose and it's no ones fault but the adults these kids do not know the world as we do. Keep your guns and buy more because your going to need them when the government decides it's your turn to go, because you'er expendable. They are shameless warmongullers pirates of the world, you put them there.

Maria Taylor The kids are the next generation of voting democrats....

Maria Taylor Obama, Bush(es), Clintons, all NWO enforcers for sure. NWO requires unarming USA and ridding it of its constitutional rights and bill of rights
Ku'ulei Perez I agree, get rid of the assault weapons at friggen least. Weak minded adults need to stop being manipulated it is not about taking the guns away, it is taking what the hell they selling those guns for, out from easy access. no dang brainer.

Maria Taylor Those who break the law don't care about the laws...

Ku'ulei Perez And we will have those people anyway, but wouldn't it be better to not have those weapons sold legally? I mean, what people are losing is their common sense. So maybe closing the schools is the answer. Or locked gates with arm guards is the answer. How is it that other places like Japan are successful with their strict gun laws or polity or rules? But the U.S. oh no that would mean we heading for the gas chambers. Fear of God is a good thing but living fearfully is not living at all.

Maria Taylor The movement is against the NRA and gun rights. Gun laws have been a disaster in gun free zones. Remember the "gun free zone" on a military base when a guy opened fire and risking legal action, the military didn't shoot him or have guns? It's an "inch by inch" removal of the 2nd amendment - but no doubt about it - they DO want the 2nd amendment to be abolished.

Jason Potts Ku'ulei Perez How do you explain the low murder rate in Switzerland when every household has a firearm? Maybe these places don't have gangs like we do or a southern border that has drugs and weapons pouring in.

Jason Potts Virginia tech shooter used a handgun and killed 32 students. Should we ban handguns too?

Jason Potts Ku'ulei Perez Who should control who has these type of weapons. Our government? The same government that handed thousand of ar15s and ak47s to the mexican cartels during operation fast and furious and project gunrunner?

Ku'ulei Perez So no children was killed? Was that made up? Yes get rid of rapid fire guns.

Maria Taylor I didn't say nobody was killed. I said laws restricting our rights is a slippery slope and an Agenda 21 mandate. There are laws against murder - yet people murder. There are laws against drunk driving, yet many are killed by drunk drivers. In this particular and most recent act of illegal violence, there are many unanswered questions, such as...why wasn't this child who was most definitely on the radar for mental illness, taken care by the FBI; why were there witnesses who say there were multiple shooters, why did this again happen during a "drill," and why did the police stand down? On the list of things wrong with this picture, gun laws are lower priority and it is my personal opinion, they don't work.

All of our rights are being chipped away - free speech, freedom of privacy, freedom of illegal search and seizure - we have the gov't spying on its citizens, we have a media who is sanctioned and instructed to air and report propaganda - the Deep State is bi-partisan. Agenda 21 was signed by Bush and fully implemented , come hell or high water, by Clinton, Obama, Bush, and many in Congress.

The MINUTE we allow our freedoms to be removed, any and all of them, is the minute we become complicit with our slavery - it's might already be too late. Agenda 21/2030 is marketed to appear to be beneficial to us (and some of it is...) BUT it is a bait and switch. To ignore the true fight about the NWO and nationalism is going to back fire in the long run.
Maria Taylor Agenda 21 and 2030 are POLICIES adopted by the United Nations and members of it - the World Bank promotes Agenda 21 programs and policies - the Federal Gov't provides incentives to the States and Counties to implement these agendas. The refugee crisis...See More

Maria Taylor Amelia Gora, thank you for letting me share these - no one likes violence or wants dead children, but pealing back the onion skin and it really is alarming. I hate that the media and elite are controlling the narrative.

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Ku'ulei Perez When a food is deemed dangerous or can cause great harm it is banned. That is all I would like to see done, ban automatic weapons from being sold. Is that giving in to agenda 21? I personally would not want to see more children killed or anyone too easily able to purchase such a weapon from the gun shops. or online.

Maria Taylor Gun deaths are sensationalized and politicized. The elite and globalists and media jump on each and every opportunity to promote Agenda 21, including gun confiscation and bans.

But no, restrictions and caution that doesn't infringe on the inalienable rights is good, but someone intent on buying a gun or killing people will do it regardless of the laws. Be very careful...spying on Americans can be justified by the "war on terror," etc. etc. etc. The protests were organized by these same elitists and globalists - a little side benefit of the issue is an American social/civil war amongst its citizens, i.e., the great division. I'm just trying to show a bigger picture.

Does my position make me a supporter of child killing? NO! My heart breaks for the families. I can't imagine what they must feel - but not joining the democratic band wagon doesn't render me compassion-less. There is very little news on shootings stopped by responsible, armed citizens...why? And because lives saved isn't news. Because it runs contrary to Agenda 21 is my opinion.


Hinano Kaleleiki The appeal is genuine and your reason maybe valet. But to knowingly deprive one of your member of purchasing a weapon of superior to most other will limit your ability to be competitive with other such as the government or law enforcement agencies that are currently not working for you or me. The justice system and department only enforce the laws they feel like enforcing. Today they work as revenue maker. In short racketeering and exstortion. I've spent five years in court fight for my lands. No justice I got recalled in to the service and when I came home they built a sub-division on my property. No justice for the protector of your rights. But if I had a good weapon of choice I could have keep those pirates out of my country and my lands. But unfortunately they have more money than I do. This land has been in the family from the ending of the 1700 from the souvereignt himself. These bandits are assisted by the justice department and the county state and federal government which is currently operating out side of their boarders which is against treaties law and there protected from unlawful sizer or taking under article of constitution and tread laws. So the laws give us the same Advantage as everyone else w
The weapon isn't bad it's the asshole Devin's it.


Amelia Gora If your Royal Patent says alodio, then gather your docs with the case precedence because no one can take your land away under the alodio titles... check out empower yourselves with information...questions? or contact the various konohiki around the islands.........aloha. also complaints about the judges etc. can be made to the Honolulu police department, prosecutor's office, attorney general, or Supreme Court who documented that the court of original jurisdiction must help....which is why we are pulling the departments together which includes the Judicial group, etc........Manage

Tis so funny about America right now
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