Thursday, March 29, 2018

Vol VI No. 696 Part 2

Dawn Wasson is at Castle Memorial Hospital...has had a heart attack - message from Ruthann Caudill .... Friends /Family of Dawn K. Wasson Sending prayers.......aloha.

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Mereana Aotearoa · 14 mutual friends
our aroha from Aoteaora New Zealand - sending prayers of much love and healing to you our dear lady of much wisdom truth and love Dawn K. Wasson


Ruthann Caudill Confrontation continues on disputed Laie propery
Posted on December 29, 2009 by Ian Lind | 7 Comments
A Christmas confrontation in Laie between the real estate arm of the Mormon church and a Hawaiian family trying to protect their kuleana land rights a
nd burial sites ended with several arrests after police used pepper spray against four kupuna engaged in a nonviolent protest.

The group, accompanied by supporters, was expected to return to the disputed site early this morning and attempt to stay until Wednesday. An alerts about this morning’s action was sent overnight via Twitter.

Dawn Wasson, a spokesperson for the family, said she and others have fenced the property and intend to block access to the site for 24 hours in order to stop the church’s attempt to take title to the property through “adverse possession”.

The legal status of the family’s claim to the property is not clear. Wasson points points to original Royal land patents and genealogy to support the family’s claims, but Hawaii Reserves Inc., the Mormon’s real estate affiliate, reportedly says it has valid deeds to the area.

Wasson has long advocated the right of Kuleana landowners to reclaim their family properties.

Wasson explains more of the background in a short video posted on

The pepper-spray incident is described in a short video on

The confrontation is the latest chapter in a long-running conflict over what the family says are its kuleana land rights.

Here’s Wasson’s overnight tweet:

Laie Kuleana Occupation 12-29,30-09 24hour KU?E 4am -4more Info : KUPUNA Dawn Wasson 808-692-6901 808-852-8778

In an email, Wasson provided additional information:

We need people to come this morning 4 am, all day and take a stand with us until tomorrow morning. Where? Kamehameha Highway and Cackle Fresh Store, go mauka a quarter of a mile, you will see the camp. Last night we had an irate woman by the name of Roxie Apuakehau from the Mormon church attempt to stop the posting of our fence. She grabbed the poles and tried to shake and pull it out of the ground. Earlier we picketed in front of the Laie Shopping Center near Hawaii Reserves Incorporated (HRI) the Mormon real property management company after which we chanted “HRI get off our land.”

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Ruthann Caudill Aloha,

Southern Poverty Law Rachel Wasser is writing HateWatch about the struggles of Noa and other Kanaka.

My communications with Rachel seem to take new meanings.

Dawn Wasson seems a little bit better this morning.

The family with Dawn are asleep, which is a good sign, too.

It is noon here and 6AM in Hawaii March 25, 2018.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ruthie Caudill
Date: Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: Dawn Wasson heart attack
To: Rachel Gold
Cc: Ruthie Caudill

Dear Rachel,

Dawn Wasson ​is a stalwart in the struggle of the Kanaka and is very connected with Noa and Punohu.

This was Dawn Wasson on Face Book with the Adverse Possession (Quiet Title). I wrote this email to Kauai County Attorney Trask who seems to think I am giving legal advice (not sure where he got that). The date was March 2, 2018

Ruthie Caudill

Mar 2

to Mauna


Do you really think I am giving legal advice to Dawn Wasson?

This is Dawn Wasson on FB today:

E Kauai mano ka lani po listen up, these guys not your friend nor your enemy but CORPORATE AMERICA, that's the enemy and the following persons are and have always been waiting for your demise. These foreigners have always perpetuated you the Kanaka Maoli to die from their diseases, move out of the Hawaiian Kingdom and they using all the methodology to rid of you or those like you. Where are these people: Marjorie Beachill, Ken and Judy Cook, Carl Emberson, Jean and Randall Weir, Judith Cook, Augustus Keat, John Keat, Phillip Sinclair Keat, Pakala LLC, Alan W. Robinson, Bruce Robinson, Keith Robinson, Pamela Lee Robinson McDowell, Nancy Shaw, Barbara Sinclair Foxcroft, David Somers, Lori Robinson-Ague, Stephan Somers, Warren Robinson, Alice Jean Robinson Simikic, Katherine Weir, Randal Weir et al they are all participating in the STEALING of Kanaka Maoli. These are the heirs of the Missionaries and Business men who stole the Kingdom of Hawaii and practice political and economic genocide on the Kanaka Maoli. Expose them treat them like the scum of the earth that they are. They are participating in Quiet Title and Adverse Possession against every man, woman and child and the future Kanaka if you allow them to. Show them the distain by calling out as thiefs, robbers, rapists, war mongers, and do not show them no mercy. Remember the indignities your ancestors had to live by as KAUWA to these people and their ancestors: THERE IS NO MERCY FOR THOSE WHO PLUNDER A CHRISTIAN NATION. iMUA E...

“Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” does not seem to include having​​ land taken away​, poverty, and homelessness forced upon the Kanaka.

Thank you for your best wishes. I will have someone in the family let Dawn Wasson know.


On Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 9:28 AM, Rachel Goldwasser wrote:

I am really sorry to hear that and very glad that she is stable. I hope she has a very swift recovery.


Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 24, 2018, at 5:38 PM, Ruthie Caudill wrote:


Dawn Wasson suffered a major heart attack on Thursday.

I called Harry, Dawn's son at 6:15 Eastern Time. Dawn is stable at Castle Hospital, Honolulu in ICU. Family members are with Dawn, and she is surrounded with Aloha.


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Here is a Top 10 America's Got Talent Singers ever. "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976,…

John Bolton wants to bomb Iran and wage war against Cuba.

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Judson Witham He's a LYING SACK OF TURDS

Ruthann Caudill I can think of many more than five reasons. But he shares Trump’s standards.
Pikanini Pake Well, what can I say, they have to follow the head of heads and Congress is following his shadow. No B****! Election People Vote them OUT!

Noelani Josselin shared a link.
17 hrs

As the Trump administration plans to roll back protections on public lands, some are calling for a counterintuitive plan to save California’s giant trees

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Maria Taylor This article is scare tactic - let's read the plan...there were similar articles about how Trump wants to kill hypernating Alaskan bears - everyone got their panties in a tizzy - the truth is that Trump was giving control over that subject to the people of Alaska to decide. Having the federal gov't step out of State lands is a good thing, generally, because the local people are best able to determine their own uses for resources (or preservation) and local officials are more easily held accountable. So, when I read these types of headlines, "could" is an operative word, and there are no links for people to read the actual text, I am very suspicious.


Kauai Bellstones from Ruthie Ruthann Caudill

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1 Comment
Ruthann Caudill Chad admitted to having tractors on the property. “We had tractors Thursday. We have tractors today [Friday] and will have them tomorrow and Sunday.”

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  • Paul Hoeflich shared America Versus's episode.
    18 hrs

  • Why aren’t the mainstream doctors, big pharma and others are not talking about this?
    We’ve brought together 131 doctors, scientists, and survivors from 27 different countries to reveal their truth… and you can watch it all unfold for FREE, in what some are calling the most important story revealed on this global issue →

    Join millions around the world to watch this explosive docu-series that is taking the world by storm… Click here to watch…
    True, this. It's a sad and needless wounding. Please hold off on judging, ESPECIALLY children!!

    [A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] Most of the people who come to my singing workshops are in their 50s and…

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    Lisa Jones Yep, I was kicked out of church choir because I couldn’t sing. I’ve never been drawn to music since then....

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    Lee Eisenstein Technique, technique, technique. Anyone can learn to sing, if they learn proper singing technique.

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    Liysa K Swart My (ex) husband went to Berkely College of Music, and had a slight lisp. His teacher told him he "had no business" wanting to be a music teacher and musician. I swear, it crushed his soul/

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    Carmel La Someone that tries to bring you down, is already beneath you!

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    May-Lili'uokalani Ross and Terri Napeahi shared America Versus's video.

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    Posted by America Versus

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    We should burn our garbage like Sweden does.

    Leeann Paman Mahalo Maria! I always do the same. I search out and read the articles myself. Too much fakery
    Maria Taylor Hawaii Volcano National Park is under the UNESCO control - the UN is taking care of it. If Trump undoes this, I would be very glad. TRUMP recently defunded UNESCO. Mahalo Noella for posting this and allowing me the opportunity to hopefully encourage people to do some research - especially people in Hawaii who are unaware of what the democrats have done to undermine the people and land.

    Maria Taylor Some would say that accepting United Nations' money to help preserve cultural sites is a good thing. I personally vehemently disagree. I believe the people of Hawaii who have the kuliana and attachment to that land are very capable of caring for it if the authorities would just let them do what they are supposed to do...they are connected, UNESCO isn't. I don't like the though of a possible world gov't changing rules or customs (although UNESCO is not supposed to do Trump isn't the one who did this. Take a look at the UN sites in Hawaii - it's horrifying to me.

    ******************************** Make yourself a sheep and the wolves will eat you! - Benjamin Franklin true in the world of pirates, pillagers, etc.!

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