Sunday, April 15, 2018

Atooi Challenges the Courts

0:06 / 14:17

Hawaii a Legal State? - No Proof - Megeso Walks Out

Published on Jun 24, 2015
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Is Hawaii a legal state of the United States? Does an illegal state have legal authority or legal jurisdiction over a sovereign child & minister of God? Does the United States have legal jurisdiction over the Hawaiian Kingdom?
Important Info: Who Owns Hawai`i's Lands? - A Visit With Joyclynn Costa No Jurisdiction ---kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli can use this......can aliens/foreigners use this too...think so.....pass on, share widely! ;)
Wrong. Wrong wrong. Judge you will be held liable for violating the citizens right to travel under the common law to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Thompson v. Smith 154 sec. 579 Sue the Prosicuting attorney who is illegally representing a State of Hawaii
OMG! how embarrassing on both sides who know nothing about the true history of Hawaii...for this person to claim he is with the Polynesian Nation of Atooi, is ridiculous...had he known the truth he would do a better presenter of the facts...not cool. Jurisdiction is the issue, the burden of proof lays with the Ct. and American laws...but Atooi does NOT have quality history, facts and individuals who can speak the truth or sound like a robot...DO NOT MAKE A$$$ of yourself and drag in our Kingdom's rights in the wrong were not prepared and should have stayed home and watched cartoons.
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Let me clear the air of confusion for you all......THIS COURT "HEARS CASES" PERTAINING TO U.S. STATE LAWS BEING VIOLATED! SHOOTZ! I HEAR IT! DON'T YOU?! This is a fact: If your NOT AN AMERICAN CITIZEN, but are in fact a sovereign subject of the Kingdom of Atooi (Which is aka Sandwich Islands, Archipelago of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii, Republic of Hawaii, etc) BY LAW there is NO jurisdiction of STATE OVER SOVEREIGNTY! If you respect the law, you don't get caught. If you disrespect the law, then more laws are enforced on top of that one making amendments, tweaks, add-ons....STUPID!!!! IF THE STATE OF CORPORATE AMERICA CAN NOT PROVIDE IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE THAT SOVEREIGN SUBJECTS OF HAWAII MUST ADHERE TO......PROVE IT ALREADY!!!! Find that annexation papers baby.....or be known as a war criminal! Beheadings haven't been done in a long time by our people for go ahead.....find those papers OR DIE!!!!!
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Um.. um... Ah.. and um.. ah... Um.. um
That judge is soooo stuck-up!
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State the federal government do not have jurisdiction . research documented before going in front of a judge not too bright..Atooi is a joke and not to smart?
a person and a citizen are considered to be a corporation he keeps making mistakes. he is simply a man of the Republic and nothing more.
I agree with Kawehiokalaninui both sides is wrong why? 1. The State is here and did not comply to international law on following Hawaiian Kingdom law of 1864, that they are here on prolong occupation. 2. The Kingdom of Atui is bogus group of people that also did not follow Hawaiian Kingdom law through a election process and before that happens, the United State would have to de occupy the Hawaiian island with their military, Govt. and people that follow the United States. I did the same thing by asking the judge and the prosecutor for irrefutable facts, showing that the united States courts on the Hawaiian island have the jurisdiction to conduct their business, I even had the judge ask and the prosecutor saying that they don't have any and, I simply said thank you and walk out of the courtroom because it's a kangaroo court. an illusion almost being discovered. Plant food!!!
Sovereign idiots.
my apologies to anyone who is offended by this video. If one looks closely at all the videos, I stand strong as a Sovereign Child of God. God is my one true authority. I am also a member/citizen of the PKOA. I do NOT receive money for standing in my truth as created by God to have my right to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness, as does every individual. I will never give up my sovereign rights to life to any man or illegal court. As a minister I can only Bless those who do not respect my inherent rights given to me by a higher authority. God Bless!
+Megeso Kou No, you are some crazy fuck. PKOA is just some silly bullshit made up to take money from people.
You are crazy if you think that there is a jurisdiction. Like those people who pretended to see the emperor's new clothes in Andersen's fairy tale. None of them wanted to be called crazy or get punished so they all pretended to see the fantastic new clothes. No matter how many millions of brainwashed fools like to give away their freedom and allow themselves to be ruled by the scum of the earth called politicians, and their "laws", they are still WRONG. All of them motherfuckers. Just like all of those who advocated slavery at the time. (and they were a majority, let us not forget) BTW I'm speaking generally. All humans are free unless they submit their freedom to the rulers, regardless where they were born.
Megeso Kou you need to learn the word game that they play so that you understand not to say the words that make you a corporation or give them jurisdiction
Why is he holding a stalk of sugarcane?
The court has jurisdiction a bunch of crooks
Mr Dennis's kingdom of A-Toolie is of course souzerain to the kingdom of Right-Berk, but that's by the by [Toolie is English slang for useful idiot, does he know that?]
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they say people , person traveling on roads .its fraud and idenity theft and in blacks law book a person is a fiction so prove your a person no contract , no case
He needed more feathers on his stick
The old hag and the stuck up woman-child are living the lie
I hope more and more people use this defense, it's true the "fake state" has no jurisdiction over the Kingdom of Hawaii. We the people of Hawaii have been under illegal occupation since January 17, 1893. People need to wake up to the TRUTH. The Kingdom of Hawaii STILL Exists, there is no treaty of annexation, no joint resolution, nothing to prove that Hawaii is legally a State in the Union. So Judges Where's the Paperwork.. where's the proof that says Hawaii was annexed.. where's the proof of jurisdiction if America stole Hawaii and the Kingdom still exists? We need to ASK THE QUESTION...
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A 7 dollar driver education fee ??? Omg the founding fathers would be rolling in their graves
It's so obvious whos side the judge is on
All this over 40 dollars lol these people are criminals  

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