Thursday, April 12, 2018

Vol VI No. 698 Part 2

Idiocy Is Bringing The End Of The World

Idiocy Is Bringing The End Of The World

Paul Craig Roberts

Here is Jason Ditz on the coming end of the world:

Vladimir Soloviev explains the failure of Putin’s policy of appeasement:

If you were the president of France or the prime minister of the UK, would you permit criminally insane Washington to drag you into military conflict with Russia?

I didn’t think so. I wouldn’t either. So what’s with Macron and May? What’s with the French and British governments? What’s with the French and British media? I read recently that former UK Labour prime minister Tony Blair is now worth $100 million, his payoff for lying to the UK government and people in order to support the George W. Bush regime’s invasion of Iraq. Have Macron and May been promised the same?

It makes no sense for the UK and French governments to make themselves targets of a military power against which they have no possibility of defense. It makes no sense that their peoples and media sit silently while one French president and one British prime minister endanger not only France and the UK but the entirety of Europe. What’s with the European Union? There is only silence as Europe, and the world with it, are taken to the brink of annihiliation. This makes no sense.

People in Ghouta, doctors in Ghouta, and Russian experts who have arrived on the scene report that there is no sign of any chemical attack. Not only did Syria not use chemical weapons against the civilians that it liberated, there was no chemical attack, not even a false flag one staged by the US supported mercenaries who have been driven out of Ghouta by the Syrian Army. In other words, the chemical attack is entirely a hoax.

To keep the hoax from being confirmed by independent investigation, Washington vetoed a UN Security Council resolution to send in neutral experts to evaluate the claim of chemical attack. Why would Washington prevent an investigation that would prove Washington’s allegation? Clearly, Washington would only prevent an investigation that would disprove the false allegation. There is no doubt whatsoever that Washington’s allegation is false and is being used as an excuse to force Russia to fight or to accept Washington’s hegemony in the Middle East.

What if there was a chemical attack? Why does it matter to people who are killed whether it was by bullets, bombs, missiles, or chemicals? Why is it so bad to use chemicals instead of Hellfire missiles? Why is it OK for Washington and Israel to blow up schools, hospitals, weddings, funerals, market places, and homes full of women and children with missiles, but not OK to kill people with chemicals? Why is it worth starting World War 3 over a hoax chemical weapons attack or a real one?

Americans, for the most part a clueless people, have no awareness of the risk that the criminally insane government in Washington is taking with their lives. What if the Russians mean what they say and do not again turn the other cheek and back down? What happens if Russia replies to force with force?

Why is it that only a few Internet sites are asking this question?


Easter from a Reader

From a Reader: I read with great interest, your column regarding the calendar on your Apple laptop, as I had discovered, in the weeks leading up TO Easter, that the calendar on my ATT Samsung Galaxy Express Prime with Android (whatever) OS, had a whole bunch of silly/stupid holidays, but again, NO EASTER. Forward to December…no Christmas! Going BACKWARD, to…
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Parkland Obituaries

Parkland Obituaries Some readers report finding some convincing obituaries and some less so. For example, some readers report what appear to be more like news stories than obits in which people who did not know the victim are very mushy about it as if it is an orchestrated PR event. Some readers say that the Parkland shooting is more convincing…
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Does Anyone Know if There Is an Explanation for the Absence of Obituaries for the Alleged Parkland School Shooting Victims?

Does Anyone Know if There Is an Explanation for the Absence of Obituaries for the Alleged Parkland School Shooting Victims?
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More on Apple & Easter

More on Apple & Easter Reader Richard sends this information: Subject: Apple Calendar Settings The newest versions of the iOS, at least for the iPhone, no longer have an Alternate Calendar option for “Christian”. They offer Chinese, Hebrew & Islamic. You can see this by going to Settings > Calendar > Alternate Calendars. This is for people who want to…
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Apple and Easter

Apple and Easter Here is the wrapup I promised. Some readers report that Easter is marked on their Apple calendars and others say not. It seems it might depend on the year the computer was made. This reply from Scott perhaps is the best explanation. Scott says it only appears this year that Apple has ignored Easter. The problem, he…
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Today is economics day

Check out Michael Hudson’s account of the mistake in Trump’s protectionism in the guest section and read my account of the disappearing US economy in the articles section.
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American Committee for East-West Accord

American Committee for East-West Accord Dear readers: A number of you have asked about a reliable website with information about US/Russian relations. I recommend this one:
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I have returned

Dear Friends, I told you I would be back this week, but it is only by the skin of my teeth. When I returned my rental car at the Atlanta airport on Sunday, December 17, I inquired about the location of the train that takes you to the terminal. The response was that the train was not working, but busses…
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CNN Mounts New Attack On President Trump

CNN Mounts New Attack On President Trump Now that CNN’s fake news story of Russiagate has collapsed, this morning CNN is demanding Trump’s resignation as President on the basis of sexual harassment charges. The charges are suspect. Billionaires do not need to sexually harass women. Women are abundantly available to them. Mud-slinging is all American politics is about. How about…
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Be Back Soon

Dear Readers, I will be away the rest of this week. Be back with you next week.
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Taking the week off

Dear friends and supporters, I did not intend to take this week off, but need a break to recover from the effort of putting my home back together. I will be back with you after Thanksgiving. PCR
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Life in a Third World Country

Dear Readers, This is my fifth day of camping out awaiting the restoration of a functioning house. Nevertheless, I have been able to write a column: Whatever the hardship, it is nothing compared to the aftermath of a nuclear war.
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THE COST OF WAR FOR THE U.S. TAXPAYER SINCE 9/11 IS ACTUALLY THREE TIMES THE PENTAGON’S ESTIMATE Jack Moore Newsweek, Nov. 8, 2017 The United States military has spent more than $5.6 trillion on conflicts since 2001, more than three times the Pentagon’s actual estimate, according to a new study.
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The Persecution of Norman Finkelstein

The Persecution of Norman Finkelstein The courageous Norman Finkelstein is being persecuted by corrupt police apparently working for two corrupt lawyers.
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Fats Domino, an icon of my time

Fats Domino, an icon of my time Paul Craig Roberts I used to listen to him play in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Al Hirt’s club, I think, on Bourbon St.  Somewhere I have Fats’ autograph.  Used to talk to him after he played.  Here is Vladimir Putin singing Blueberry Hill:
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Thank you for your support

Dear Readers: Thank you for your response to my quarterly request for donations. This website has committed supporters. In turn, you have my commitment. Since this website was established, I have posted 2,000 columns, interviews, and guest articles. The website will be 6 years old on December 31 of this year. You have kept me busy. PCR
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Website email again working

Dear Readers, For more than one month the website’s google email would not function. If you have sent during June 28-August 1 questions, comments, interview requests, republication requests, I did not receive them. We have the email working. Other parts of the website continue to have problems. Most likely the website will be redone. If so, hopefully any downtime will…
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I have taken down the Baxter Dmitry article

I have taken down the Baxter Dmitry article. Apparently, he is one of these people who like to make practical jokes out of serious matters. PCR
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PCR Given Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award

PCR Given Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award Dear friends, donors, readers: If any of you have been discouraged by the claim of the shadowy organization, PropOrNot, that I am a Russian agent/dupe, or by the ADL’s claim that I am an anti-semite because I report Israel’s mistreatment of Palestinians, or by the claim that I am a conspiracy theorist…
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UPDATE to Brad Pitt pedophile ring story

UPDATE to Brad Pitt pedophile ring story: Neon Nettle appears to be no more reliable than the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC and the rest. Such a pedophile ring might exist, but I can’t find a reference to Brad Pitt asserting such a ring. Nevertheless, here is Australia’s 60 Minutes with a report on a British pedophile ring:…
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Certain features of the website have been closed until problems are resolved

The website might have to be reconstructed. In that event it might be down for a day or two. If so, I will give advanced notice in Announcements.
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Stephen Lendman’s website

Stephen Lendman’s blog was taken down. I do not know the details or reasons. He has a new website where his recent articles are posted:
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Website Email

Until today, the website has not been able to receive your feedback email since June 8. This part of the email is again functioning. The website still does not receive mail in the interview request and republication request categories. The last received was June 6. This explains why you haven’t had any response.
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Newsletter and Website Functionality

Newsletter and Website Functionality There are problems with the CTA plugin that controls the newsletter signup, the links to the books, and other features. The plugin has been disconnected so that the website loads correctly. Until the problem is resolved, newsletter signups and other functions will not be working.
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PCR misrepresented on

UPDATE: The misrepresentation of my article has spread to Natural News. PCR misrepresented on A reader has alerted me to the misrepresentation of my position by Jayson Veley on UPDATE: I sent a comment on the article challenging its misrepresentation of my position, as did readers who alerted me to the misrepresentation. Neither my comment nor the…
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Censorship or Glitches?

Censorship or Glitches? In the past few days several readers have told me via emails that they experienced some censorship in relation to my website. With regard to the guest contributions of May 12, several readers in Europe said they were not allowed to tweet the article on the digital revolution and Engdahl’s article on controlling the food supply. Another…
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Women’s March Organized by Known Terrorist

Sometimes the previous link fails, so here is the story from a different source. Or just use google. There are a number of sources for the report. Women’s March Organized by Known Terrorist
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Have a look at who is organizing the “Women’s Marches”

What extraordinary dupes some American women are!
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For those who think the Arctic ice is not melting
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Support Information Clearing House is a good site that needs support. If you can find a spare dollar or two, consider sending them to ICH.
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Quarterly Call For Readers’ Financial Support

Dear Readers, I appeal to you four times a year. This is my quarterly call for your support of your site.
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I have returned

I have returned
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I am taking a few days off

I appreciate readers’ inquiries as to my whereabouts. Everything is OK. I am taking a few days off. Be back soon.
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Report that Trump hung up on Australian PM is Fake News

Everywhere it is taken for granted that President Trump was rude on the telephone to Australia’s prime minister and hung up on him. The low grade morons at CNN repeat this endlessly as a fact, and even David Stockman, several levels higher than CNN in intelligence, assumes that this fake news report is true. But the Prime Minister of Australia…
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The West Has Arrived at Total Absurdity

The West Has Arrived at Total Absurdity
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State Dept War Criminals Resign In Mass

Resignations deprive NYTimes and WashingtonPost of fake news leaks.
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Trump and the CIA

Trump and the CIA So how come Trump is playing goody-goody with the CIA, some readers ask? Come on, guys and gals. You can figure this out for yourself. There are two obvious reasons. One is that Trump thinks the attacks on him were political from the top and did not involve the rank and file. The other is…
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The Washington Post & New York Times Are “Disappointed” in Trump’s Inaugural Address

The Washington Post & New York Times Are “Disappointed” in Trump’s Inaugural Address The Post and Times are beside themselves over President Trump’s forceful attack on the rapacious and immoral American Ruling Establishment for whom the two pretend newspapers are such faithful servants.
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Twitter & Facebook–the New Censors of Truth

Readers: Flood Facebook and Twitter with this: The shitheads at Facebook and Twitter are working hand in hand with the CIA to censure truthtellers and have taken actions against Russian websites that post my columns. The lowgrade morons at Twitter and Facebook are going to bring their American monopolies to an end as the rest of the world organizes…
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Former Newspaper Editor Who Exposed CIA Found Dead

Former Newspaper Editor Who Exposed CIA Found Dead
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It works the same in every country

Whether or not Goering said this or not, it is the truth. “Naturally, the common people don’t want war, but after all, it is the leaders of a country who determine its policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag people along whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliamentary system or a communist…
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What Obama Means By “The Russian Threat”

What Obama Means By “The Russian Threat” Paul Craig Roberts What does Obama mean when he alleges Moscow “continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.” He does not mean that Russia is a threat in the ordinary meaning of the word. To understand what Obama means by threat,…
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And the CIA Fell for It!

And the CIA Fell for It! And it is called an “intelligence agency”!
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Fake News at the New York Times

Fake News at the New York Times An Uncle Tom at the New York Times wrote on January 9 that “Donald Trump is as much Russia’s appointment as our elected executive. The legacy of his political ascendance will be written in Cyrillic. A hostile foreign power stole confidential correspondence from American citizens and funneled that stolen material to a willing…
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Is Trump Bending?

“Trump acknowledges Russia role in U.S. election hacking” If this is not a fake news headline and the Reuters report is correct, Trump is bending to the pressure. And to no avail. Intelligence officials and Senate leaders say that Trump’s admission is not enough and that he must punish Russia, not establish normal relations. Trump is being pushed hard…
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What’s Going On Here?

What’s Going On Here? On its face, this federal power grab doesn’t make any sense.
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Fake News from the Boston Globe

Here is the Presstitute Boston Globe Earning its CIA Subsidies with a massive unsupported accusation: NEWS ALERT Russia carried out a comprehensive cybercampaign to upend the US presidential election, an operation that was ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin and ‘‘aspired to help’’ elect Donald Trump by discrediting his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, US intelligence agencies concluded in a report released Friday. The…
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NYTimes Uses Fake News Headline to Report Trump’s Meeting With CIA

NYTimes Uses Fake News Headline to Report Trump’s Meeting With CIA NYTimes email report on Trump’s briefing with CIA: “Donald Trump, after an intelligence briefing, conceded that Russia was among the possible culprits in the hacking of the D.N.C.” Contrast this Fake News Headline from the CIA asset known as the NYTimes with what Trump actually said: See my…
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The 2,700 members of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Continue Their Efforts

The 2,700 members of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Continue Their Efforts–Reply-Card.pdf
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Hillary Clinton on Vladimir Putin

“He came. He saw. I was toast.”
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