Sunday, April 22, 2018

Vol VI No. 699 Part 1aaa2 = Repost: Animosity and Guns Introduced into the Hawaiian Kingdom, A Neutral, Non-Violent Nation by Pirates" in mind.....
1916 - Congress Record - Sen. Owen Treaty of Verona

United Nations Small Arms Register

News for united states gun control

by Amelia Gora (2013)
This article was posted with my article "Animosity AND GUNS INTRODUCED INTO THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM, A Neutral, Non-Violent Nation by PIRATES" in mind.
Theodore Roosevelt - asserted his "stewardship theory" and acted under " the constitution or legislative prohibition." Under his watch the FBI was authorized under emergency.
Howard Taft operated within the public interest and within the "Federal Constitution" or "act of Congress".
Woodrow Wilson in World War I followed Abraham Lincoln in part and relied heavily on Congressional assist.
Germany suspended the rights of their people in World War I.
Great Britain made similar legislation of their people in World War I.
Great Britain again made legislation suspending the rights of their people in World War II.
1950 - Harry Truman put his support behind the United Nations.
1933 - The Korean War was not officially declared a War. State of Emergency declared.
1939 - State of Emergency declared. (terminated in 1952)
1941 - State of Emergency declared. (terminated in 1952)
1950 - State of Emergency declared.
1970 - Postal Union strike - a state of emergency was declared by Richard Nixon.
1971 - Another state of emergency was declared by Richard Nixon.
Note: In Reviewing the "Codes" identified, it is interesting to note that the assumption of buildings in the District of Columbia, leases or properties must be revocable under a State of Emergency.
Note the countries that expressed "State of Emergency" upon their citizens are part of the countries who made in pact in the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona: Prussia....Germany, Great Britain, and the United States.
The purpose of the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona is to break down Monarchy Governments worldwide and move towards a One World Order, New World Order.
Problematic issues outstanding in the U.S. is the fact that the current President Obama is an alien, foreign born, not from the United States, not born in the Hawaiian Islands, but born in Kenya and pushes the goals of One World Order, New World Order under the "State of Emergency" power which in reality causes duress for the citizens, which legally Nulls and Voids all of his activities, empowers people to prosecute him for treason, etc.
Lastly, the criminal assumption of assuming private properties for the One World Orders or bankrupt nations with the intent to benefit off of others are significant goals underlying the devious plans by power hungry mongers, War Mongers moving to assume assets, benefits, minerals, wealth of Non Warring Nations, Innocents, etc.
The District of Columbia, Washington, D.C. is operating on lands owned by England/Great Britain.
What with England/Great Britain being part of/ the head of the One World Order/New World Order, with their "Colony of the Crown" (documented when Prince Charles and his new wife visited the U.S. for the first time after marrying, (not Princess Diana)) the United States making laws on England/Great Britain, foreign soil arouses suspicions doesn't it?
Something certainly seems so wrong about all of this.....
Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!

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by Amelia Gora (2013)
This article was posted with my article "Animosity AND GUNS INTRODUCED INTO THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM, A Neutral, Non-Violent Nation by PIRATES" in mind.
Theodore Roosevelt - asserted his "stewardship theory" and acted under " the constitution or legislative prohibition." Under his watch the FBI was authorized under emergency.
Howard Taft operated within the public interest and within the "Federal Constitution" or "act of Congress".
Woodrow Wilson in World War I followed Abraham Lincoln in part and relied heavily on Congressional assist.
Germany suspended the rights of their people in World War I.
Great Britain made similar legislation of their people in World War I.
Great Britain again made legislation suspending the rights of their people in World War II.
1950 - Harry Truman put his support behind the United Nations.
1933 - The Korean War was not officially declared a War. State of Emergency declared.
1939 - State of Emergency declared. (terminated in 1952)
1941 - State of Emergency declared. (terminated in 1952)
1950 - State of Emergency declared.
1970 - Postal Union strike - a state of emergency was declared by Richard Nixon.
1971 - Another state of emergency was declared by Richard Nixon.
Note: In Reviewing the "Codes" identified, it is interesting to note that the assumption of buildings in the District of Columbia, leases or properties must be revocable under a State of Emergency.
Note the countries that expressed "State of Emergency" upon their citizens are part of the countries who made in pact in the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona: Prussia....Germany, Great Britain, and the United States.
The purpose of the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona is to break down Monarchy Governments worldwide and move towards a One World Order, New World Order.
Problematic issues outstanding in the U.S. is the fact that the current President Obama is an alien, foreign born, not from the United States, not born in the Hawaiian Islands, but born in Kenya and pushes the goals of One World Order, New World Order under the "State of Emergency" power which in reality causes duress for the citizens, which legally Nulls and Voids all of his activities, empowers people to prosecute him for treason, etc.
Lastly, the criminal assumption of assuming private properties for the One World Orders or bankrupt nations with the intent to benefit off of others are significant goals underlying the devious plans by power hungry mongers, War Mongers moving to assume assets, benefits, minerals, wealth of Non Warring Nations, Innocents, etc.
The District of Columbia, Washington, D.C. is operating on lands owned by England/Great Britain.
What with England/Great Britain being part of/ the head of the One World Order/New World Order, with their "Colony of the Crown" (documented when Prince Charles and his new wife visited the U.S. for the first time after marrying, (not Princess Diana)) the United States making laws on England/Great Britain, foreign soil arouses suspicions doesn't it?
Something certainly seems so wrong about all of this.....
Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!

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Quite an excessive showing of police force for a peaceful gathering of Kanaka Maoli at the 125th commemoration of the overthrow!
Oren K Tsutsumi is with Laulani Teale and 2 others.
125 years of Aloha ‘Āina, ‘Onipa‘a: Ma Hope Makou o Lili‘ulani: Skippy Ioane
camera: Peace March
Laulani Teale
camera: Speeches
Scotty Wong
Event pages:
Mahalo to ‘ōlelo community media
Mahalo Nui Loa
See More
Nonohe Botelho So sad! Is this what we can expect from the new Police Chief?
Tammy Harp We must rate pretty high to get such protection. lol
Amelia Gora This is a show about the squatters on our lands, the aliens who show themselves and meanwhile all in the world are watching.....Manage

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