Thursday, April 19, 2018

Vol VI No. 699 Part 2

Joyclynn Costa

Amelia Gora shared a link.
18 hrs
Vladimir Putin yesterday said that “95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are…

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Hawaiian Kingdom:
If any in the Kingdom thinks it is easy forming Leadership. Think again. It is an Task of Great Obsticals. I do not see this happening in the Time Frame of Importance. People of Low Rank claiming Moi. Then there are those who are running for King. Anybody know their Platform? I havent heard a Peep. Then you wonder why the Royal Family has been silent for so long. May be it is better to Kuli Kuli my Mouth. Accept what is, and go down in History as it is what it is.
I truely see, no real effort for the Cause. 40 years of Observation, says all the Kingdom wants is Recognition for Benefits. Flying a Plane without a Pilot, can only last so long.
Feeling frustrated over Kingdom dissensions. The only sound that stands out are Coqui Frogs and Crickets Chirping. Show me a better answer if you can. Truth!
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Kainoa Bugado Ahhh, this one is something that needs to be observed up close. As in living in the islands. I'm a new comer and see the dissension slightly different from the average kanaka. I'm the last 2yrs, valuable information has been provided and repeated to al...See More
Inez Zoyla Larson It hurts I'm hurting right now. I'll talk to you about it later if you're free. I'm so tired and i feel like Everytime i get up to fight i get hurt...this time I'm someone's soapbox for a private campaign. I'm hurt
Inez Zoyla Larson I should've listened to you i didn't think it was possible to run for king
Lawrence Ha'ae Protesting is one thing. Everybody loves a good Rumble. Preparing a Kingdom will not happen unless Volunteers are willing to put long Hours of Hard Work into it.
Medical Issues
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Amelia Gora Read the case REX vs. BOOTH, Hawaiian Reports, then think about it again....
Lawrence Ha'ae Ah yes. The selling of Liqour to Natives Case. Deemed unconstitutional.
Amelia Gora importantly read the part about how the Hawaiian government was made etc..3 parts in our government 2 permanent parts and the third is where the usurpers laid...the House of Representatives all voted in and temporary...meanwhile the 2 permanent parts remained throughout time since Kamehameha III and most were descendants/heirs of Kamehameha!

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