Wednesday, May 23, 2018

A Perspective on the Mahele by Donovan Preza vs. the Truth Found Exposing Criminal Frauds, Piracy, Pillaging, etc. in the Hawaiian Islands through Research - a Review by Amelia Gora (2018)

A Perspective on the Mahele by Donovan Preza vs. the Truth Found Exposing Criminal Frauds, Piracy, Pillaging, etc. in the Hawaiian Islands through Research - a Review by Amelia Gora (2018)

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"1923 Kuykendall accepted a position as history professor at the University of Hawaii in Manoa. Kuykendall continued to serve as the executive secretary of the Hawaiian Historical Commission until its dissolution in 1932. He published a few more books, including the trilogy The Hawaiian Kingdom. Volume 1: Foundation and Transformation, 1778-1854, published 1938 is about the formation of the Hawaiian Islands under a single kingdom and the development of the Hawaiian nation. The book spans the first half of the Kamehameha Dynasty; Kamehameha I, Kamehameha II, Kamehameha III. Volume 2: Twenty Critical Years, 1854-1874, published 1953, is about the “middle period” after the establishment of the Kingdom. It is about international relations, immigration, changing economics and society. Kuykendall described this period as “neglected” by academics. The book spans the last half of the Kamehameha Dynasty; Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, and Lunalilo and his brief dynasty. Volume 3: The Kalakaua Dynastism, 1874-1893, published 1967, is about the decline of the Kingdom, Reciprocity Treaty of 1875, and eventual overthrow. The book spans the Kalākaua Dynasty; Kalākaua, Liliʻuokalani. Volume 3 was one of Kuykendall′s posthumous publications. Also, in 1948, Ralph Kuykendall and A. Grove Day published Hawaii: A History From Polynesian Kingdom to American Statehood.
Kuykendall was diagnosed with cancer in the early 1960s and he moved to Tucson, Arizona to live with his son. Kuykendall continued to work up until his death in 1963, he left several unfinished manuscripts. The University of Hawaii at Manoa named the building in which the English Department resides after Kuykendall."

"2018 - Donovan Preza is another Genocide Activists who promotes and perpetuates lies, fraud with the intent to injure the kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli, the Royal Families, heirs and successors of Kamehameha.

Preza fails to do a full exposure of criminal activities surrounding aliens who premeditated the usurpation of our Queen Liliuokalani, fails to do research on the concerted efforts by usurpers who engaged in manipulating, and maneuvering genealogies, history, laws, etc.


For more see:

Preza has half arse research and perpetuates fraud, genocide activities like Maurice Eha Rosette...…… ---genocide activists they are --onto the HPD list they go!

Genocide Activist/Activities List for Donovan Preza sent to HPD etc. for the records:
HPD/Honolulu Police Department


Please add Donovan Preza on the Genocide Activist List. Preza promotes and perpetuates fraud, deceit, lies, piracy, pillaging, etc.  Evidence is shown in the reference below.

Maurice Eha Rosette another Community College instructor was added recently for his promotion of fraud, lies, affecting many, including our Royal Families.


Amelia Gora, a Royal person


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

A Perspective on the Mahele by Donovan Preza vs. the Truth Found Exposing Criminal Frauds, Piracy, Pillaging, etc. in the Hawaiian Islands through Research - a Review by Amelia Gora (2018)

A Perspective on the Mahele by Donovan Preza vs. the Truth Found Exposing Criminal Frauds, Piracy, Pillaging, etc. in the Hawaiian Islands through Research - a Review by Amelia Gora (2018)

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"1923 Kuykendall accepted a position as history professor at the University of Hawaii in Manoa. Kuykendall continued to serve as the executive secretary of the Hawaiian Historical Commission until its dissolution in 1932. He published a few more books, including the trilogy The Hawaiian Kingdom. Volume 1: Foundation and Transformation, 1778-1854, published 1938 is about the formation of the Hawaiian Islands under a single kingdom and the development of the Hawaiian nation. The book spans the first half of the Kamehameha Dynasty; Kamehameha I, Kamehameha II, Kamehameha III. Volume 2: Twenty Critical Years, 1854-1874, published 1953, is about the “middle period” after the establishment of the Kingdom. It is about international relations, immigration, changing economics and society. Kuykendall described this period as “neglected” by academics. The book spans the last half of the Kamehameha Dynasty; Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, and Lunalilo and his brief dynasty. Volume 3: The Kalakaua Dynastism, 1874-1893, published 1967, is about the decline of the Kingdom, Reciprocity Treaty of 1875, and eventual overthrow. The book spans the Kalākaua Dynasty; Kalākaua, Liliʻuokalani. Volume 3 was one of Kuykendall′s posthumous publications. Also, in 1948, Ralph Kuykendall and A. Grove Day published Hawaii: A History From Polynesian Kingdom to American Statehood.
Kuykendall was diagnosed with cancer in the early 1960s and he moved to Tucson, Arizona to live with his son. Kuykendall continued to work up until his death in 1963, he left several unfinished manuscripts. The University of Hawaii at Manoa named the building in which the English Department resides after Kuykendall."

"2018 - Donovan Preza is another Genocide Activists who promotes and perpetuates lies, fraud with the intent to injure the kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli, the Royal Families, heirs and successors of Kamehameha.

Preza fails to do a full exposure of criminal activities surrounding aliens who premeditated the usurpation of our Queen Liliuokalani, fails to do research on the concerted efforts by usurpers who engaged in manipulating, and maneuvering genealogies, history, laws, etc.


For more see:

Preza has half arse research and perpetuates fraud, genocide activities like Maurice Eha Rosette...…… ---genocide activists they are --onto the HPD list they go!
Amelia Gora

More information:

The Great Mahele of 1848

APA Hawaii Chapter

Friday, August 2, 2013
10 a.m. - noon HST
Hilo, HI, United States
CM | 2


This presentation introduced the principles and mechanics of the Great Mahele of 1848, providing a clearer understanding of the legal process in its proper historical context. The presentation was based on Mr. Preza’s MA Thesis, which argues that the Great Mahele, representing the establishment of fee-simple private property rights in Hawaii, was necessary but not a sufficient condition for the dispossession of Hawaiians from land. It hypothesizes that the overthrow of 1893 was the sufficient condition for dispossession.


Donovan Preza

Confirmed Speaker
Donovan Preza is a PhD student in the University of Hawaii at Manoa’s Department of Geography. He previously received his Master’s and Bachelor’s Degrees in Geography from UH Manoa. Donovan won the 2011 Norman Meller Research Award, which is given annually to the best MA research paper with a focus on the Pacific Islands that is produced at the University of Hawaii in the social sciences or humanities and. His thesis title was "The Empirical Writes Back: Re-examining Hawaiian Dispossession Resulting from the Mahele of 1848". Donovan’s current PhD research also focuses on the Mahele of 1848 and looks at the “genealogy” of the Mahele and its social and legal implications for today. He also currently serves as a lecturer in a Geography of Hawaii course at UH Mānoa. He has given presentations on the Mahele of 1848 in various classes at UH Manoa, Windward Community College, Kapi‘olani Community College, for the Department of Education’s Kupuna Program, UH Law School and at the annual Hawai‘i Land Surveyors Association conference


found on the internet:

The Great Mahele of 1848

APA Hawaii Chapter

Friday, August 2, 2013
10 a.m. - noon HST
Hilo, HI, United States
CM | 2
Add to My Log


This presentation introduced the principles and mechanics of the Great Mahele of 1848, providing a clearer understanding of the legal process in its proper historical context. The presentation was based on Mr. Preza’s MA Thesis, which argues that the Great Mahele, representing the establishment of fee-simple private property rights in Hawaii, was necessary but not a sufficient condition for the dispossession of Hawaiians from land. It hypothesizes that the overthrow of 1893 was the sufficient condition for dispossession.


Donovan Preza

Confirmed Speaker
Donovan Preza is a PhD student in the University of Hawaii at Manoa’s Department of Geography. He previously received his Master’s and Bachelor’s Degrees in Geography from UH Manoa. Donovan won the 2011 Norman Meller Research Award, which is given annually to the best MA research paper with a focus on the Pacific Islands that is produced at the University of Hawaii in the social sciences or humanities and. His thesis title was "The Empirical Writes Back: Re-examining Hawaiian Dispossession Resulting from the Mahele of 1848". Donovan’s current PhD research also focuses on the Mahele of 1848 and looks at the “genealogy” of the Mahele and its social and legal implications for today. He also currently serves as a lecturer in a Geography of Hawaii course at UH Mānoa. He has given presentations on the Mahele of 1848 in various classes at UH Manoa, Windward Community College, Kapi‘olani Community College, for the Department of Education’s Kupuna Program, UH Law School and at the annual Hawai‘i Land Surveyors Association conference

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