Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Bernice Pauahi Bishop Was NOT the "Last of the Kamehameha's"


January 14, 2014
January 14, 2014 Post also posted on Facebook, etc.:

by Amelia Gora (2014)
Our great grandmother, grandmother of my mother told her that her “name was as good as gold” and if she married Johnny (my father), her “name would be two times, three times as good as gold.”
So, thru genealogies, let me count just some of the ways….
These are our two (2) lines descending from Kamehameha III:
1) Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli son of Kamehameha
son: Opunui married Kapehe (w)
(siblings: Kekipi; Mahoe; Keawe; Papa; Kahalaoa; Nalimu)
his daughter: Kapopo
her daughter: Mele Keawe
her daughter: Mary Kauweloa (siblings: Charles Jr.; Annie)
her daughter: Mary Castro (siblings & stepsiblings)
her daughter: Amelia Gora (siblings)
2) Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli son of Kamehameha
son: Opunui married Kalaikini (w)
(siblings: Kekipi; Mahoe; Keawe; Papa; Kahalaoa; Nalimu)
his son: Charles Kauweloa aka’s married his niece Mele Keawe
their daughter: Mary Kauweloa (siblings: Charles Jr.; Annie)
her daughter: Mary Castro (siblings & stepsiblings)
her daughter: Amelia Gora (siblings)
These are some of lines that we are heirs of Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli known as hanai hookama who also “inherited sovereignty” documented by Samuel Kamakau historian and writer of THE RULING CHIEFS and documented in Probate, Testimonies, etc.:
Heir of Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli son of Kamehameha
son: Opunui married Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine (w)
(siblings: Kekipi; Mahoe; Keawe; Papa; Kahalaoa; Nalimu)
his son: Alenoho (k)
His daughter/hanai daughter: Kapopo (w)
Her daughter: Mele Keawe married Uncle Charles Kauweloa
their daughter: Mary Kauweloa (siblings: Charles Jr.; Annie)
her daughter: Mary Castro (siblings & stepsiblings)
her daughter: Amelia Gora (siblings)
Heir of Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli son of Kamehameha
Hanai: Peke Davis (siblings also hanai: Hueu Davis, and Kale Davis)
her son: David Keawe aka’s married Kapopo (w)
Their daughter: Mele Keawe married Uncle Charles Kauweloa
their daughter: Mary Kauweloa (siblings: Charles Jr.; Annie)
her daughter: Mary Castro (siblings & stepsiblings)
her daughter: Amelia Gora (siblings)
Heir of Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli son of Kamehameha
Hanai: Peke Davis (siblings also hanai: Hueu Davis, and Kale Davis)
her son: David Keawe aka’s married Kapopo (w)
David Keawe’s hanai brother/ true cousin: Opunui married Kapehe (w)
Opunui’s daughter: Kapopo (w) married David Keawe (k)
Their daughter: Mele Keawe married Uncle Charles Kauweloa
their daughter: Mary Kauweloa (siblings: Charles Jr.; Annie)
her daughter: Mary Castro (siblings & stepsiblings)
her daughter: Amelia Gora (siblings)
Heir of Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli son of Kamehameha
Hanai: Hueu Davis (siblings also hanai: Peke Davis, Kale Davis)
his son: Kailio (k) also a hanai of James Young Kanehoa oldest son of
John Young/Olohana, Counselor of Kamehameha
his son Paele (k)
His son: Kauhi (k) (siblings)
His son: Kuheleloa (k)
His daughter: Kalaikini (w) married Opunui
Opunui’s daughter: Kapopo (w) married
David Keawe (k)
Their daughter: Mele Keawe married
Uncle Charles Kauweloa
their daughter: Mary Kauweloa
(siblings: Charles Jr.; Annie)
her daughter: Mary Castro (siblings
& stepsiblings)
her daughter: Amelia Gora
Heir of Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli son of Kamehameha
Hanai: Hueu Davis (siblings also hanai: Peke Davis, Kale Davis)
his son: Kailio (k) also a hanai of James Young Kanehoa oldest son of
John Young/Olohana, Counselor of Kamehameha
his son Paele (k)
His son: Kauhi (k) (siblings)
His son: Kuheleloa (k)
His daughter: Kahananui (w) adopted
Charles Kauweloa from her sister
Kalaikini married to Opunui
Their son Charles Kauweloa married
his niece Mele Keawe and had
their daughter: Mary Kauweloa
(siblings: Charles Jr.; Annie)
her daughter: Mary Castro (siblings
& stepsiblings)
her daughter: Amelia Gora
Bernice Pauahi Bishop, who was NOT the “last of the Kamehameha’s” married Keawe brother in law of Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli son of Kamehameha and had hanai / adopted son Opunui. Keawe’s own son was David Keawe.
Opunui was the father of Kapopo (w); Charles Kauweloa (k); and Alenoho (k). Opunui also married Keaka (w) mother of Kapehe (w) his wife; and stepdaughter Keala (w) (that’s how locked in the genealogies are).
Return to the above genealogies to review who Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli’s families through Opunui…..and this is only part of the Opunui lines…..Opunui’s siblings lines are not covered here….his siblings from the same mother were: Kekipi; Keawe; Mahoe; Papa; Kahalaoa; Nalimu; Kihei; Keku; and Kuahine. Note: Kihei, Keku, and Kuahine had different fathers. There are stepsibling’s of Opunui who are not the bloodlines of Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli and Opunui’s mother because they were adopted or children of his mother’s other marriages to others.
As for Bernice Pauahi Bishop, her next of kin noted in her Probate was Kalola (w) yet another ancestor of ours. I, Amelia Gora descend from her on my father’s genealogy lines, and an heir of hers from my mother’s genealogy lines because her grandson was married to ancestors from both genealogy lines.
Four (4) of my ancestors are named in the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
Now do you see why the Bishop Estates/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates are and remain a corrupt entity, a Pirates, Privateer, Parasites, Conspirators, Treasonous batch of corrupt individuals who needs to be prosecuted, imprisoned, taken back by the U.S. government as Pirates, Racketeers affecting our families, our good people, and Innocents wrongfully plundered upon due to these investors of Goldman and Sachs Wall Street bankers, etc. who utilize our private assets, lands etc. of our neutral, non- violent, friendly peoples who includes the Kamehameha’s who uphold the Permanent Treaties which assists the American people to secure their U.S.Constitution?
All of the above genealogies have been researched, documents certified, etc. which validates that all the above are true, correct and documented by me, Amelia Gora, a 30+ year history, 25+ year genealogy, 15+ year legal researcher with a Bachelors in Science degree from the University of the State of New York – Regent’s/Excelsior College, a Paralegal Certificate (did not sign with the Bar – a Masons, Freemasons effort to break down Monarchy Governments worldwide) from Chaminade – University of Honolulu, Internal Revenue Service Training, U.S. Navy, U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, etc. training, a writer, author, publisher of more than 25 books, thousands of articles, and 477 issues of the IOLANI – The Royal Hawk news on the web.
Maka Ala Kanaka Maoli, Family(ies), Friends…..
October 31, 2017

Kamehameha’s Twenty (20) Grandchildren  and

A Chronological History of Kalaniopuu’s, and Kamehameha’s Families With A Focus on Kamehameha III’s Descendants/Heirs
                                                                             by Amelia Gora (2017)
The following is a brief overview of our Alii Nui lines.
After reviewing the following, there are many of our ancestors who have ‘dropped through the cracks’, disregarded, ignored over time but have recently surfaced through documented genealogy research.
Although the following is not complete, it may be useful for our families to study each portion and realize that our families names are part of the fabric of Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha’s, and Kaumualii et. als. lines……..
It appears that Kamehameha, Liholiho/Kamehameha II, and Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III appears to have many descendants/heirs defrauded by aliens after all.
The Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago has been settled by seafarers for 3,000 to 5,000 years and became recognized under International Laws in 1810 as a Monarchy Government since Kamehameha’s time.  For the purposes of genealogies and the continuity of connections to our ancestors, the years shown below includes our ancestor Kalaniopuu who also makes up the bloodlines of many Kamehameha descendants/heirs today:
1729 – Kalaniopuu born.
Ali’i Nui of Kaʻū
Aliʻi Aimoku of Hawaiʻi
A painting by John Webber probaby depicts Kalaniʻōpuʻu with his people
SpouseKalola Pupuka-o-Honokawailani
Keōua Kuahuʻula
Keōua Peʻeale
Bornc. 1729
DiedApril 1782
1758 – Kamehameha born.
Kamehameha I
King of the Hawaiian Islands
ReignJuly 1782 – May 8, 1819
SuccessorKamehameha II
Kalākua Kaheiheimālie
Namahana Piʻia
Kahakuhaʻakoi Wahinepio
Manono II
Kānekapōlei (unmarried)
Liholiho (Kamehameha II)
Kauikeaouli (Kamehameha III)
Kīnaʻu (Kaʻahumanu II)
Kahōʻanokū Kīnaʻu
Pauli Kaʻōleiokū, Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki, Kanekapolei, Kahiwa Kanekapolei, Keliiokahekili,
Stepchildren: Keoua Ahuula, Keoua Peeale, Kiwalao,
Hanai/adopted children:  Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis
Full name
Kalani Paiʻea Wohi o Kaleikini Kealiʻikui Kamehameha o ʻIolani i Kaiwikapu kaui Ka Liholiho Kūnuiākea
HouseHouse of Kamehameha
MotherKekuiapoiwa II
Bornc. 1758
Kapakai, Kokoiki, Moʻokini Heiau,KohalaHawaiʻi Island
DiedMay 8, 1819 (aged 60 or 61)
KamakahonuKailua-KonaKona,Hawaiʻi island
1797 – Liholiho/Kamehameha II was born.
Kamehameha II
King of the Hawaiian Islands(more…)
ReignMay 20, 1819 – July 14, 1824
PredecessorKamehameha I
SuccessorKamehameha III
Kekauʻōnohi , Liliha, and Pali
Full name
Kalani Kaleiʻaimoku o Kaiwikapu o Laʻamea i Kauikawekiu Ahilapalapa Kealiʻi Kauinamoku o Kahekili Kalaninui i Mamao ʻIolani i Ka Liholiho
HouseHouse of Kamehameha
FatherKamehameha I
Bornc. 1797
DiedJuly 14, 1824 (aged 27)
BurialMay 11, 1825[1]
Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum
1813 – Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III was born.
1818 – Kaoleioku, oldest son of Kamehameha and Kanekapolei died.
1819.  Kamehameha died.
1819.  Kalanimoku/W.P. Kalanimoku assisted in maintaining the Hawaiian Kingdom along with Kamehameha’s wife Kaahumanu.  They were the kahu /caretakers of both Liholiho/Kamehameha II and Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III.  Kalanimoku married the widow of Kamehameha named Keopuolani, true mother of Kamehameha II – Liholiho, Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli, Nahienaena, et.als.
William Pitt Kalanimoku
Chief Minister of Kingdom of Hawaii
From a painting by Louis Choris
William Pitt Leleiohoku I
Bornc. 1768
DiedFebruary 7, 1827
1821 – Kalanimoku’s son Leleiohoku /W.P Leleiohoku was born.
Wiliam Pitt Leleiohoku I
Royal Governor of Hawaii
William Pitt Kïnaʻu
BornMarch 31, 1821
Kailua-KonaHawaii Island
DiedOctober 21, 1848 (aged 27)
BurialDecember 30, 1848
October 30, 1865
Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum
Queen of the Hawaiian Islands
Queen Consort of Hawaii
PredecessorVacant Last held by
Kekuiapoiwa Liliha
SuccessorQueen Kamāmalu
Titular Queen Consort of Kauaʻi
PredecessorDeborah Kapule
Kuhina Nui of the Hawaiian Islands
TenureMay 20, 1819 – June 5, 1832
PredecessorNew Creation
SuccessorKaʻahumanu II
SpouseKamehameha I
Kamehameha II (hānai)
David Kamehameha (hānai)
Keʻelikōlani (hānai)
All of Kamehameha’s, Kalaniopuu’s, and Kaumualii’ children/stepchildren
Hanai/adopted children:  Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis
Full name
Elizabeth Kaʻahumanu
HouseHouse of Kamehameha
House of Kekaulike
FatherKeʻeaumoku II Pāpaʻiahiahi
Bornc. 1768
In a cave near HānaMaui
DiedJune 5, 1832
Mānoa Valley near Honolulu,Oahu
BurialRoyal Mausoleum at Mauna ʻAla
Kamehameha III
King of the Hawaiian Islands(more…)
ReignJune 6, 1825 – December 15, 1854
PredecessorKamehameha II
SuccessorKamehameha IV
SpouseQueen Kalama, Fanny Kekela, Kekualoa
Keaweaweʻulaokalani I
Keaweaweʻulaokalani II, Opunui, Kekipi, Kahalaoa, Keawe, Mahoe, Papa, Nalimu
Albert Kunuiakea(illegitimate )
Kamehameha IV(hānai)
Full name
Keaweaweʻula Kīwalaʻō Kauikeaouli Kaleiopapa Kalani Waiakua Kalanikau Iokikilo Kīwalaʻō i ke kapu Kamehameha
FatherKamehameha I
BornAugust 11, 1813
Keauhou Bay at North Kona,Hawaiʻi island
DiedDecember 15, 1854 (aged 41)
BurialJanuary 10, 1855[1]
Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum
1825 – Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III became King after his brother Liholiho died in England from the measles.  He was 12 years old.
1826 –  Keelikolani/Ruth Keelikolani was born.
1827 – Kalanimoku died. He was married to Kuwahine,Keopuolani, Akahi, et. als. His wives married others.   Akahi married others.  His children were William Pitt Leleiohoku, and hanai/adopted daughter Kekauonohi.  His stepchildren were all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, Kaumualii’s children/stepchildren and hanai/adopted children.
*Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III appears to have had a son around this period. – research incomplete.
1830 – Lot Kamehameha/ later known as Kamehameha V was born.
1831 – Bernice Pauahi was born.
1832 – Kaahumanu died.
1834.  Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV born to Kamehameha’s daughter Kinau, daughter of Kaheiheimalie.
Kuhina Nui of the Hawaiʻian Islands
Queen Consort of Hawaiʻi
Regent of Hawaiʻi
TenureJune 5, 1832 – March 15, 1833
SuccessorKaʻahumanu III
Kuhina Nui of the Hawaiʻian Islands
TenureJune 5, 1832 – April 4, 1839
SuccessorKaʻahumanu III
SpouseKamehameha II
Kahalaiʻa Luanuʻu
Mataio Kekūanāoʻa
David Kamehameha
Moses Kekūāiwa
Lot Kapuāiwa, King Kamehameha V
Alexander Liholiho, King Kamehameha IV
Victoria Kamāmalu Kaʻahumanu IV, Stepchildren:  All of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, Kaumualii’s children, stepchildren, and hanai/adopted children.
Full name
Kalani Ahumanu i Kaliko o Iwi Kauhipua o Kīnaʻu, Elizabeth Kīnaʻu Kaʻahumanu II
HouseHouse of Kamehameha
FatherKamehameha I
Kawelookalani (hānai)
MotherKalākua Kaheiheimālie
Peleuli (hānai)
Bornc. 1805
DiedApril 4, 1839 (aged 33–34)
Honolulu, Oʻahu
BurialJune 7, 1839[1]:22
October 30, 1865[2]
Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum
1835 – William Lunalilo later known as King William Lunalilo was born to Kekauluohi/Auhea, widow of Kamehameha and Liholiho/ Kamehameha II, Kahea, and last husband Charles Kanaina.
1836 – Kamehameha III married his sister Nahienaena.
Painting of Nāhiʻenaʻena by Barthélémy Lauvergne in 1836.
SpouseKamehameha III(uncanonical)
William Pitt Leleiohoku I
Lot Kapuāiwa (hānai )
Full name
Harrieta Keōpūolani Nāhiʻenaʻena
HouseHouse of Kamehameha
FatherKamehameha I
MotherQueen Keōpūolani
Bornc. 1815
Keauhou Bay at South KonaHawaiʻi
DiedDecember 30, 1836
BurialMokuʻula then
Waiola Church
David Kalakaua, later became King David Kalakaua, was born to Caesar Kapaakea and Ane Keohokalole.  Ane Keohokalole was the hanai/adopted daughter of  Nahuina, grandaughter of Pauli Kaoleioku, Kamehameha’s Oldest son.
1837 – Kamehameha III married Kalama.
Queen Consort of the Hawaiian Islands
TenureFebruary 14, 1837 – December 15, 1854
SpouseKamehameha III
Keaweaweʻulaokalani I
Keaweaweʻulaokalani II
Kamehameha IV (hānai)
Kaʻiminaʻauao (hānai)
Full name
Kalama Hakaleleponi Kapakuhaili
HouseHouse of Kamehameha
FatherHigh Chief Naihekukui
MotherHigh Chiefess Iʻahuʻula
BornMarch 17, 1817
Ka’elehulu near KailuaHawaii,
DiedSeptember 20, 1870 (aged 53)
BurialOctober 8, 1870
Mauna Ala
1838 –  Victoria Kamamalu daughter of Mataio Kekuanaoa and Kinau, daughter of Kaheiheimalie was born.
Lydia Makaeha/Namakaeha/Kaeha/Liliuokalani later became Queen Liliuokalani was born to Caesar Kapaakea and Ane Keohokalole.
Victoria Kamāmalu
Crown Princess of the Hawaiian Islands andKuhina Nui of the Hawaiian Islands
Hawaiian Head of State
ReignNovember 30, 1863
PredecessorKamehameha IV
SuccessorKamehameha V
Kuhina Nui of the Hawaiian Islands
ReignJanuary 16, 1855 – December 21, 1863
PredecessorKeoni Ana
Full name
Wikolia Kamehamalu Keawenui Kaʻahumanu-a-Kekūanaō‘a, Victoria Kamāmalu Kaʻahumanu IV
HouseHouse of Kamehameha
BornNovember 1, 1838
Honolulu Fort, HonoluluOʻahu
DiedMay 29, 1866 (aged 27)
Papakanene, HonoluluOʻahu
BurialJune 30, 1866[1][2]
Mauna Ala Royal Mausoleum
1848 –  Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III did hanai /adopt his cousins:  James Young Kanehoa; Keoni Ana; Grace Kamaikui; Fanny Kekela; Gina Lahilahi; Hueu Davis; Kale Davis; and Peke Davis.
Leileiohoku/W.P. Leleiohoku died.  He was married to Nahienaena, and Keelikolani/Ruth Keelikolani.  His surviving son was Kinau/ William Pitt Kinau.
1853 –  Kamehameha III was with his cousin Gina Lahilahi and had a son Albert Kunuiakea.  He was adopted by Queen Kalama along with Kaiminaauao, sibling of David Kalakaua/later known as King David Kalakaua, and Liliuokalani/later known as Queen Liliuokalani.
  A poet, she was skilled in the old allusive figurative style of her mother’s ancestors. She married Hawaiian Joshua Kaeo, a Judge of the Supreme Court, and great grandson of King Kalaniʻōpuʻu. Their son Peter Kaeo was born on March 4, 1836, attended the Royal Schooland was adopted by her brother John.[3] Son Keliimaikai “Alebada” Kaeo was adopted by her brother James but died as in infant in 1851.[4]
She later became a royal mistress of King Kamehameha III and bore him twin sons, Keoua and Albert Kunuiakea. Keoua died as an infant but Albert lived to adulthood (1853–1903). Her son Albert was raised as a hānai (adopted) of Kamehameha III’s queen, Kalamaand lived on to be the last of the House of Kamehameha.[5]:364
1854 – Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III died.  His successor was his hanai/adopted son Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV.
Kamehameha IV
King of the Hawaiian Islands(more…)
ReignJanuary 11, 1855 – November 30, 1863
InvestitureJanuary 11, 1855
Kawaiahaʻo Church
PredecessorKamehameha III
SuccessorKamehameha V
SpouseQueen Emma
Albert Edward Kauikeaouli
Full name
Alekanetero (Alexander) Liholiho KeawenuiʻIolani
HouseHouse of Kamehameha
Kamehameha III(hānai)
BornFebruary 9, 1834
DiedNovember 30, 1863 (aged 29)
BurialFebruary 3, 1864[1]
Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum
ReligionChurch of Hawaii
1864 –  Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV died.  His heirs follows:  Kekuanaoa and stepmother Kalima; siblings Paalua; David Kamehameha; Alexander Liholiho/ Kamehameha IV; Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V; Ruth Keelikolani; John Kapena; Sam Kapena; Umiokalani (w), Kapehe (w); Pau/ Kapau (k) et. als.
Kamehameha V
King of the Hawaiian Islands(more…)
ReignNovember 30, 1863 — December 11, 1872
PredecessorKamehameha IV
Full name
Lota (Lot) Liholiho Kapuāiwa Kalanimakua Kalanikupuapaikalaninui Aliʻiolani Kalani-a-Kekūanaōʻa
HouseHouse of Kamehameha
Ulumāheihei Hoapili(hānai)
Kalākua Kaheiheimālie(hānai)
BornDecember 11, 1830
DiedDecember 11, 1872 (aged 42)
BurialJanuary 11, 1873[1]
Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum
1866 – Victoria Kamamalu died.  Her heirs were:  her father and stepmother Kekuanaoa and Kalima; siblings  Paalua; David Kamehameha; Alexander Liholiho/ Kamehameha IV; Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V; Ruth Keelikolani; hanai/adopted Bernice Pauahi; stepsiblings: John Kapena; Sam Kapena; Umiokalani (w), Kapehe (w); Pau/ Kapau (k) et. als. /descendants/heirs.
1868  – Kekuanaoa/Mataio Kekuanaoa died.  He had been married to Kalehua; Pauahi; Kinau; Kaloloahilani; and Kalima.  His heirs follows: wife Kalima; children:   Paalua; David Kamehameha; Alexander Liholiho/ Kamehameha IV; Ruth Keelikolani; hanai/adopted Bernice Pauahi; stepsiblings:  John Kapena; Sam Kapena; Umiokalani (w), Kapehe (w); Pau/ Kapau (k) et. als./descendants/heirs.
1872 –  Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V died.  His heirs follows:   sibling Paalua;  Ruth Keelikolani; hanai/adopted Bernice Pauahi; stepsiblings:  John Kapena; Sam Kapena; Umiokalani (w), Kapehe (w); Pau/ Kapau (k) et. als. /descendants/heirs.
William Charles Lunalilo/King William Lunalilo was elected as King.
King of the Hawaiian Islands(more…)
ReignJanuary 8, 1873 – February 3, 1874
PredecessorKamehameha V
Full name
William Charles Lunalilo
HouseHouse of Keoua Nui
House of Kalaimamahu
BornJanuary 31, 1835
DiedFebruary 3, 1874 (aged 39)
Marine Residence, Waikiki,HonoluluOahu
BurialFebruary 28, 1875[1]
Mausoleum in front ofKawaiahaʻo Church
ReligionChurch of Hawaii (Church of England/Anglican)
1874 –  King Wiliam Charles Lunalilo died.  He was the son of Miriam Kekauluohi/Auhea.  Miriam Kekauluohi/Auhea was the widow of Kamehameha and Liholiho/Kamehameha II.  She did marry Kahea/Kaheakulani and Charles Kanaina who was an heir of Queen Kalama one of the wives of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III.  Charles Kanaina was also married to Miriam Kekauonohi, a younger sister of Kekauluohi/Auhea Kekauluohi/Auhea widow of both Kamehameha and Kamehameha II – Liholiho.  They were the step parents of all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, Kaumualii’s, et. als. children, stepchildren, and hanai/adopted children.
Queen Emma widow of Kamehameha IV/Alexander Liholiho said that she was designated to the throne and there was a conflict with David Kalakaua, a Mason/Freemason put in place by the Masons/Freemasons, conspirators of the Hawaiian Kingdom.  Note:  Emma was not a descendant or a hanai/adopted daughter of the Kamehameha’s.  King Kalakaua, King Lunalilo, and Queen Liliuokalani were part of the Kamehameha Dynasty because King Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani were the hanai/adopted family of Kamehameha’s Oldest Son Kaoleioku’s Family.  King Lunalilo’s mother was married to Kamehameha and Kamehameha II and was the stepsibling of all of Kalaniopuu’s, Kamehameha’s, Kaumualii’s et. als. children/ stepchildren and hanai/adopted children.
Queen Consort of the Hawaiian Islands
TenureJune 19, 1856 — November 30, 1863
SpouseKamehameha IV
Albert Edward Kauikeaouli Kaleiopapa a Kamehameha
Full name
Emalani Kalanikaumakaamano Kaleleonālani Naʻea (Hawaiian)
Emma Alexandrina Francis Agnes Lowder Byde Rooke Young Kaleleokalani (Anglican)
FatherHigh Chief George Naʻea
Thomas Rooke(hānai)
MotherHigh Chiefess Fanny Kekelaokalani Young
High Chiefess Grace Kamaʻikuʻi Young Rooke(hānai)
BornJanuary 2, 1836
DiedApril 25, 1885 (aged 49)
BurialMay 17, 1885[1][2]
Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum
ReligionChurch of Hawaii
David Kalakaua succeeded with the help of his Mason/Freemason friends and became King David Kalakaua (see reference article).  Charles Reed Bishop, Mason/Freemason, called for American military assistance to support King Kalakaua’s election.  King Kalakaua attended the Royal School meaning those who attended were successors to be King or Queen.  King Kalakaua was part of the hanai/ adopted family of Kaoleioku’s Family, the Oldest Son of Kamehameha.
King of the Hawaiian Islands(more…)
ReignFebruary 12, 1874 — January 20, 1891
February 13, 1874, Kīnaʻu Hale
February 12, 1883, ʻIolani Palace
Full name
David Laʻamea Kamanakapuʻu Mahinulani Nalaiaehuokalani Lumialani Kalākaua
HouseHouse of Kalākaua
FatherCaesar Kapaʻakea
MotherAnalea Keohokālole
BornNovember 16, 1836
DiedJanuary 20, 1891 (aged 54)
Palace HotelSan Francisco
BurialFebruary 15, 1891[1]
Mauna Ala Royal Mausoleum
1877 –  Ruth Keelikolani hanai/adopted David Kalakaua/later became King David Kalakaua,  Liliuokalani/later became Queen Liliuokalani, Miriam Likelike and Kaiminaauao sibling named W.P. Leleiohoku II.  Her own son Kinau passed away, and her husband W.P. Leleiohoku passed away.
W.P. Leleiohoku’s family existed then and their descendants/heirs exists today.
Issues remain because our families are part of Kalanimoku’s families.  Kalanimoku was the father of W.P. Leleiohoku, hanai father of Kekauonohi, who was called the oldest sister of W.P. Leleiohoku.
It was Kalanimoku and his cousin Kaahumanu who helped to run the Hawaiian Government after Kamehameha died in 1819.
Both of them had many descendants/heirs existing then and their descendants exists today.
Kalanimoku’s siblings were:  Boki, Wahinepio (mother of Kekauonohi), Manono (w), Keoua (k), Kahikona (k), and Kekoa (k).
Kaahumanu’s sisters were also married to Kamehameha.  Their names were:  Kaheiheimalie, mother of Kekauluohi who was the mother of William Lunalilo/King William Lunalilo, and Namahana/Piia who also married Kaumualii of Kauai and was the mother of Haupu/Kahekili, Kuheleaumoku, Kaulia, Kanekoa, and Kahai.
Namahana/Piia’s last husband was Laanui/Gideon Laanui who became the konohiki in Waialua, Oahu.
Leleiohoku II
Crown Prince of the Hawaiian Islands
Full name
William Pitt Leleiohoku II Kalahoʻolewa
HouseHouse of Kalākaua
FatherCaesar Kaluaiku Kapaʻakea
MotherAnalea Keohokālole
Ruth Keʻelikōlani(hānai)
BornJanuary 10, 1854
DiedApril 9, 1877 (aged 23)
BurialApril 25, 1877[1]
Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum
W.P. Leleiohoku II  died shortly after being recorded as her hanai/adopted son in the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
1883 –  Ruth Keelikolani died.  She was survived by Paalua’s descendants, heirs, their hanai/ adopted sibling Bernice Pauahi and many stepsiblings because Ruth’s claimed father Mataio Kekuanaoa was married to Kalima who had children.
Ruth Keʻelikōlani
Princess of the Hawaiian Islands
SpouseWilliam Pitt Leleiohoku I
Isaac Young Davis
William John Pitt Kïnaʻu
Keolaokalani Davis
William Pitt Leleiohoku II(hānai)
Full name
Ruth Luka Keanolani Kauanahoahoa Keʻelikōlani
HouseHouse of Kamehameha
FatherKahalaiʻa Luanuʻu or
Mataio Kekūanāoʻa
MotherKalani Pauahi
BornFebruary 9, 1826
DiedMay 24, 1883 (aged 56)
BurialJune 17, 1883
Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum
1884 –  Bernice Pauahi died.
Bernice Pauahi had been married to Keawe and had a hanai/adopted son named Opunui.  Keawe had a son named Davis Keawe, David Keawe.  Keawe had a sister named Kekualoa/Kekua/Kuahine/Kaaumoana/Kahakuakoi/Kahakuhaakoi.
Bernice Pauahi Bishop had many cousins who were also descendants of Kamehameha.  See below for the 13 grandchildren of Kamehameha found in research.
Note:  Bernice Pauahi Bishop was Not the last of the Kamehameha’s which was a lie maintained by those who moved to assume our Kamehameha identity, lands, assets, etc.
Our ancestors lived among Pirates, and we too live among Pirates now documented.
Bernice Pauahi Bishop
SpouseCharles Reed Bishop
Keolaokalani Davis (hānai)
Full name
Bernice Pauahi Pākī Bishop
HouseHouse of Kamehameha
FatherAbner Pākī
MotherLaura Kōnia
BornDecember 19, 1831
ʻAikupika, HaleākalaHonolulu,OʻahuHawaii
DiedOctober 16, 1884 (aged 52)
Keōua HaleHonoluluOʻahuHawaii
BurialNovember 2, 1884[1]
Mauna ʻAla Royal MausoleumOʻahu,Hawaii
1885 – Queen Emma died.  Queen Emma was survived by her adopted sibling’s/descendants/ heirs including Hueu Davis, Kale Davis and Peke Davis.
1891 –  King David Kalakaua died.   He was elected in the position.  He signed many Fraud Deeds including Pearl Harbor.  He deeded already deeded alodio /ano alodio lands to two (2) ancestors who had died 7-9 years previously.  The two (2) ancestors were Grace Kamaikui, and Mataio Kekuanaoa.  Descendants/Heirs existed then and their descendants exists today.
He was succeeded by his sister Queen Liliuokalani.
Queen Liliuokalani attended the Royal School meaning those who attended were successors to be King or Queen.  Queen Liliuokalani was part of the hanai/ adopted family of Kaoleioku’s Family, the Oldest Son of Kamehameha.
Queen Liliuokalani had been married to several (Kaumauma, Keawe, Maulili, Koolau, and John Dominis) and had children/hanai/adopted children.  One of them was named her Trustee whose descendants of her body was to continue on as Trustees after she died.
Queen Liliuokalani had denied that she signed a Trust with the usurpers, and she documented that Colburn, also a usurper, was to make corrections.
Colburn, and Prince Kuhio didn’t make corrections.  Prince Kuhio did take an out of court settlement to Queen Liliuokalani’s claims and settled for the Waikiki properties.
Queen of the Hawaiian Islands(more…)
ReignJanuary 29, 1891 – January 17, 1893
SuccessorMonarchy abolished
SpouseJohn Owen Dominis
Full name
Lydia Liliʻu Loloku Walania Wewehi Kamakaʻeha-a-Kapaʻakea
Lydia Kamakaʻeha Paki (adoptive and legal name)
HouseHouse of Kalākaua
FatherCaesar Kapaʻakea
MotherAnalea Keohokālole
BornSeptember 2, 1838
HonoluluOahuKingdom of Hawaii
DiedNovember 11, 1917 (aged 79)
HonoluluOahuTerritory of Hawaii
BurialMauna Ala Royal Mausoleum
1893 –  Queen Liliuokalani was criminally dethroned by conspirators, treasonous persons who were Americans supported by the U.S. government, President, Congress, businessmen, bankers, Masons, Freemasons.  (See Premeditation articles about Pearl Harbor – standing order to take over Pearl Harbor/Hawaiian Islands by Congress, U.S. President; and Masons/Freemasons article admitting plans/collusion/participation, etc.)
U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani:
“When Mr. Willis started he (U.S. President Cleveland) gave him two letters. One was addressed to Dole, President of the Provisional Government, in which he addressed Dole as “Great and good friend,” and at the close, being a devout Christian, he asked “God to take care of Dole.” This was the first letter. The letter of one President to another; of one friend to another. The second letter was addressed to Mr. Willis, in which Mr. Willis was told to upset Dole at the first opportunity and put the deposed Queen back on her throne. This may be diplomacy, but it is no kin to honesty.”

The Inter-Ocean, Chicago, February 2, 1894.  Author:  Orator, Lawyer Robert Ingersoll
U.S. President Cleveland Again Gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani.
see:  President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani……
Opposition to Annexation by the United States was documented by Queen Liliuokalani and her 40,000 subjects.  Signature opposing Annexation was found in the Library of Congress.
1915 –  Queen Liliuokalani was made Queen for a Day – Balboa Day.  She was made to sign illegal contracts and was under stress, duress, usurpation and coercion.
1917 –  Queen Liliuokalani died.
Her issues remain unresolved.  She designated her hanai/adopted daughter to be the caretaker of her Trust/her Trustee and they were to be only the bloodlines, from her body only.  There were problematic issues even within her designated Trustees families which were made up of her four (4) true bloodlines, and many adopted ones.
2013 – There are many unresolved issues and the above directly affects all that is happening in the Hawaiian Islands today.
It appears that the genealogies above will truly affect all moves going on.
It’ll be a full on confrontation, etc. when these genealogies are truly proven.
A cousin has shown his claims to being Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III’s descendants through chants, land documentation……thru the Meek line saying that his ancestor was conveyed properties from his Will, etc.
Another cousin’s Kamehameha line was recently documented through genealogies, documents found at the Archives, and the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu.
As of today, there are 20 documented grandchildren of Kamehameha.
These are their names:
1)  Pauahi – Ruth Keelikolani’s mother
2)  Konia – the true Bernice Pauahi’s mother
3)  Hanuna (k) – Kapule(k); Kini (w); Poohina (w); and Hookahe’s (w) father
4)  Keola (k) – research incomplete
5) Abner Paki
6) Kalaniulumoku
7) Kikau
8) Kepilino
9)  Kahue (w)
10) Pohihi (w)
11)  Keawe
12) Mahoe
13)  Kekipi
14)  Nalimu/Kailakanoa
15)  Kahalaoa
16)  Opunui
17)  Papa
18)  John Kapena
19)  Sam Kapena
20)  Umiokalani
Note:  This is an incomplete list.
The Crown Lands has documented owners (see list above – Kamehameha’s moopuna/grandchildren), and whose descendants/heirs existed in 1893, and now with evidence of Piracy(ies), Racketeering, Fraud, Identity Theft, etc.
There was no Annexation. The United States claims to Hawaii being a State is a lie.  The executive order making Hawaii a State was illegal.
The Kingdom of Hawaii exists.
Issues of fraud, conspiracy, piracy, pillaging, genocide is documented.  All the Trusts are fraudulent setups supported by the United States.
Aliens cannot own alodio/alodial lands as documented by Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli, only kanaka maoli can.  Aliens have only fee simple rights or 30 year leases, less than freehold.
Kamehameha’s descendants/heirs exists which means that the Crown Lands, Government lands, Royal Families heirs and successors exist, and are the true owners.
Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli declared that the Crown Lands were for himself, his heirs, and successor forever.
                        Kamehameha’s Descendants, His 20 Moopuna/Grandchildren
                                                                                                            Documented Today

Kamehameha I
by Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha’s descendants (2013 updated 2017)
The following are Kamehameha’s grandchildren found in research:

Children of son Pauli Kaoleioku/Kaoleioku:
1)  Pauahi – Ruth Keelikolani’s mother
2)  Konia – the true Bernice Pauahi’s mother
3)  Hanuna (k) – Kapule(k); Kini (w); Poohina (w); and Hookahe’s (w) father
4)  Keola (k) – research incomplete
Children of Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki:
5) Abner Paki
6) Kalaniulumoku
Child of Kanekapolei (w):
7) Kikau
Child of Kahiwa Kanekapolei (w):
8) Kepilino
Children of Maulili:
9)  Kahue (w)
10) Pohihi (w)
Names found recently under the “moopuna” of Kamehameha:
11)  Keawe
12) Mahoe
13)  Kekipi
14)  Nalimu/Kailakanoa
15)  Kahalaoa
16)  Opunui
17)  Papa
Children of Kanakaole/Keliikanakaole (k)
18) John Kapena
19)  Sam Kapena
20)  Umiokalani
Not listed
Children of Keliiokahekili (w)
There are 20 of Kamehameha’s grandchildren documented today.  Research remains incomplete.
The ramifications of finding/documenting the above is that Abercrombie, Lingle, Ige, Governors, the Courts, the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools Trustees, OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustees,  etc. should not be too eager in  claiming what is not theirs.
The descendants/ heirs of all listed above are the true land owners, true Title owners of the Crown Lands, the Alii Nui lands, etc. and all are directed to sue the Title Companies, the Banks, the State of Hawaii, etc. to recoup monies paid to occupiers, etc.
The above are part of the Royal Families, and Royal Families are not subject to the laws.
The above are also protected by the Treaty of 1850, International Laws through the Minister of Foreign Relations/Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs/Relations/Department as accorded in the Landais Case and the Flanchet Case(s) documented in the Supreme Court Law Books, Volumes I, and Volume II.
Treaties supersedes State laws, etc.  The Treaty of 1849 applies only to Kamehameha’s family(ies) including Kamehameha III’s families, and his descendants are part of the grandchildren listed above.
The Treaty of 1849 locks in the U.S. Constitution of 1849 also.  30 States are locked in to the U.S. Constitution of 1849.
Queen Liliuokalani was given Hawaii Back by U.S. President Cleveland twice (2x).
U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani:
“When Mr. Willis started he (U.S. President Cleveland) gave him two letters. One was addressed to Dole, President of the Provisional Government, in which he addressed Dole as “Great and good friend,” and at the close, being a devout Christian, he asked “God to take care of Dole.” This was the first letter. The letter of one President to another; of one friend to another. The second letter was addressed to Mr. Willis, in which Mr. Willis was told to upset Dole at the first opportunity and put the deposed Queen back on her throne. This may be diplomacy, but it is no kin to honesty.”

The Inter-Ocean, Chicago, February 2, 1894.  Author:  Orator, Lawyer Robert Ingersoll
U.S. President Cleveland Again Gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani.
see:  President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani……
The non- annexed (No Treaty of Annexation) State of Hawaii, OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs,  Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees/Kamehameha Schools, etc. are truly Not the land owners, not the Title owners in the Hawaiian Islands, the Hawaiian archipelago.
Cease and Desist.
Rents and Lease are due/overdue, etc.
The U.S. government needs to take back their Pirates under International laws.
This posting is made so that the whole world can see that the true land owners, the true Title owners, etc. are here, were here at the time of the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, and we are peoples of genocide activities by belligerent, aggressive occupiers who have done wrong to our people over time through genocide, rape of our environment, mucking up our lands, water, etc.
This posting documents the facts that we are surrounded by Pirates occupying our neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.
The criminal occupation has affected our ancestors and our families over time and we continue to be surrounded by Pirates who have continued their lawless approach on a neutral nation whose gold, resources have been a gain to bankrupt nations namely the U.S., England supported by the J.P. Morgan bankers, the Bank of England, etc.
Rents and leases are due to the true land owners, the true Title owners who exists today, descendants of those who existed in 1884 (the death of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, etc.), etc.
No Rail.  No GMO’s. No Depleted Uranium, No weaponry in a neutral non violent nation, No mucking up of lands, waters, seas, waterways, etc.
All of the above are true, correct to the best of my research, best of my knowledge.

Contact e-mail:
Contact address:  P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii  96786


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