Monday, May 14, 2018

CORRUPTION IN HAWAII IS NO LAUGHING MATTER......Identity Thieves, Piracy, Pillaging, Excessive Frauds Perpetuated by Criminals Occupying the Hawaiian archipelago

know the latest? heard the attorney for Mauna Kea was found murdered? also, Williamson Chang had a stroke? what's happening? think all kanaka maoli needs to know... have only heard tidbits....thank you beforehand for sharing...

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Ruthann Caudill Oh my. What is going on in Hawaii?

Amelia Gora lots of ugly stuff...whistleblowers have been killed, hit by cars....

Amelia Gora even President Kennedy was assassinated shortly after having a conference in Hawaii....he gave the authority for the people to vote for their own representatives rather appointed by the President............President Johnson was from was the sugar planters from Hawaii moved onto Mexican territory and assumed their lands with the help of the U.S. calvary......same group of pirates.......Johnson and his wifes family made monies off of war machines,, Kennedy began to print his own coins and moved away from the Federal Reserves....... he was assassinated by those people......with the help of the Hoover group/CIA etc.

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