Saturday, May 26, 2018

Urgent Message to All on the Big Island, etc. - from Jack Iaukea

  1. Three Kupuna filled with ike,
    Uncle Jack I'au'kea, Uncle Liko Martin &
    Aunty Laulani Teale
  2. Listen & share.
  3. -6:08
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    Posted by Laulani Teale
    Laulani Teale
    Urgent message about Moku Pele from Jack I'au'kea. He asks that this be heard and shared. He called us to come because his need to share was strong. Liko has... been having dreams, too.

    Summary (for those who cannot hear good): The potential for a very major volcanic and/or seismic/wave event is high. They have seen visions of a potentially great catastrophe. There may be very little warning. They are not ruling out all islands being affected. People need to be aware and prepared as long as this eruption/activity is going on. Have things ready and ways to get to high ground quickly at all times. Don’t fool around. Because anything could happen, and the POTENTIAL is definitely there for something very major. Get out if you can get out.
    After note: Liko strongly suggests keeping a bag packed and in your car, just in case. Know your route to safety and high ground at all times. He suggests that everyone leave a radio on all the time. Listen to your naau also, and do not ignore ANY warnings, internal OR external. He emphasizes that there may be very little warning. The low-lying areas of ALL islands might be affected. So please be prepared accordingly.
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    Joan Haskett Haney Wow! It is important to heed our "elders" warnings where ever we live. Their mana is truly strong.
    Maria Taylor And not just on Big Island. All the islands must be aware and support each other and unify in prayer even if it isn't affecting you on your island right now.
  5. NTD Life
    Rainbow Eucalyptus tree in Hana, Hawaii These are the coolest trees I have ever seen in my life...oh please take me back to Hawaii 😌
    Freeman Clarkbar They'll send up keiki hundreds of feet from the mama tree

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