Thursday, May 3, 2018

Vol VII No. 701 Part 1a - Eye Openers...the Good, the Wicked, and Beyond Evil - God Watches!

    Kill that Bear! the bears gouging at his stomach, intestines.......Hope that person is still alive...must've gotten several broken bones, internal injuries......he's already out of it which means that some asshole was only filming for kicks.......... what the hell is that Monk doing there? was it a planned thing?.............there were some haoles that showed travel films and I hated them for even showing us the films of a small child who fell into the water and all they did was film the little boy get eaten by piranhas..his bones surfaced and the people in the canoe didn't even try to get him....can only think that they must've gotten loads of money for the innocent sacrifice..........thanks for the memories....made me remember how hateful, wicked people are in this world who do not go to the aid of others in need.............dam pisses me off.............the stupid travel photographers were dropped from showing more films...they were callous, evil, and just laughed it off.....for all we know these ignorant people probably throw in a human or two just for fun....notice the victim is the only one with no clothes? he was wearing a slipper.... Track down the zoo and charge them under international laws due to violations of human life.....and feed the bear to the photographer too...whose most likely a Wasp getting kicks in foreign aloha for dumbasses, godless shitheads, think Gods not watching?

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