Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Vol VII No. 701 Part 2aa - Tom Berg's Perspective: Out With the Demonics/Democraps - Tulsi(Gabalot), Mazie(Herbono), Brian (Shaft), and Coleen (Hanabata)

Historical Preservation BIA and ACHP (106)

Tom Berg Wed, May 2, 2018 at 7:59 AM
To: Amelia Gora
Aloha Amelia Gora-  

I ain't no scholar, nor very bright in general.....but gosh, the solution, rather what is fact, is so crystal clear in every breath consumed....

Why is it, that in general terms, Native Hawaiians continue to support
the Democrat Party in droves, blindly-- thinking justice can be had through such swindlers of a party?

The Democrat Party - every elected person within, refuses to demand justice, refuses to act with pono means who has the power and authority to act....

Akaka sold out all-  the Akaka Bill was to make Hawaiians WARDS of the State if it were successful/BIA ordeal.....hence, if there is to be justice, all need to
purge the sell-outs-   the Tulsi's, the Mazie's, the Brian's, and Colleeen's -  all of which, refuse to demand don't take much of a brain
to see that so long as the DEMS run the tables here, Hawaiians will always get the shaft. Always, plain and simple.

I pray Native Hawaiians get it this time-  and VOTE for congressional candidates that want truth, justice, and remediation.  And that means, anybody
but the above.

Hawaiians continue to make their own bed by supporting very bad actors at the polls - getting in return warped, corrupted minds only interested in self-preservation.

It may be time for an overthrow - the kind it will take to garner that truth, those rights, and honor again.  

Mahalo for hearing me out without wrath. 

Excellent email of content below-   is any congressional member from Hawaii giving a damn- reading such? Nope. 

If I were in Congress/Governor, I would do what Russell Means said to do, and that would be to OPT OUT from the Treaty.  


And that means, "We" revert back to the day before the Treaty-  restoring conditions
that existed prior- to a free and independent nation-


I am prepared to leave this State and ask for re-entry to Hawaii from the true Government, as it should be for all
not on the Roll.


On Wednesday, May 2, 2018, 4:57:03 AM HST, Amelia Gora <> wrote:

Hello Ruthie and others,

It's disturbing that the BIA is contacted when in reality, the Royal Families exists in the Hawaiian Islands and the conspiracies/piracies engaged in by the U.S. support of terrorists in the Hawaiian Islands gives no reason for the U.S. to further hide the facts that we are a separate, recognized nation.

It is issues of genocide.  It is issues of FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS, and kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli are NOT Tribal peoples as defined by a nations that have Treaties documented between the King his heirs and successors and the U.S. President Zachary Taylor.

People don't understand that we are a Constitutional Monarchy government and not an ill fated Bureaucracy fulfilling Indian Affairs............Oppositions are documented to the Minister of Interior as seen in the films below:

July 2, 2014 the United States Department of the Interior meeting in Keaukaha to take public testimony on 5 questions regarding
Leon Siu, a Native Hawaiian award-winning composer, recording artist, performer and producer, one half of Leon & Malia, Siu is
Department of Interior Native Hawaiian Recognition Hearing Seattle, WA August 1, 2014 The U.S. Department of Interior has no
Host Kaui Lucas speaks with Jonathan Osorio (Kamakakūokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, University of Hawai'i) about the
Department of Interior Native Hawaiian Recognition Hearing Seattle, WA August 1, 2014 The U.S. Department of Interior has no
The Department of Interior will be in the islands to meet about possibly establishing a government to government relationship
A fiery meeting took place at the State Capitol as the U.S. Dept. of Interior listened to public comment on est


Published on Aug 2, 2014
Subscribe 32
Department of Interior Native Hawaiian Recognition Hearing Seattle, WA August 1, 2014

The U.S. Department of Interior has no jurisdiction over the Hawaiian Kingdom and its citizens both Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian by ethnicity. Approximately 34 people were in attendance. 9 testified against Fed Wreck. 7 testified in favor of Fed Wreck which included the parents of Derek Kauanoe OHA Governance Manager. Both of them should have recused themselves from commenting to avoid any semblance of partiality or bias.

No to Fed Wreck.

Long live the Hawaiian Kingdom


The Department of Interior has No Say, the Bureau of Indian Affairs has No Say.....

I have watched the ongoing comments about the requests for the Indian Affairs and I add ALL of you Have No Say.

There was No Annexation, Opposition is documented over time, and Piracy(piracies) conspiracies are documented.

Our King documented that the U.S., and Great Britain has disabilities and they cannot own lands in the Hawaiian Islands.

We have an alodio land system and pirates have maneuvered to change the descriptions of our alodio system to a mere American Fee Simple status.

A video about the present day plundering of the Kingdom of Hawaii.

25:52 - Imagine the surprise University Of Hawai`i Professor Williamson Chang got when he discovered the
The symposium, "I Ka Pono: The Future of Hawaiian Sovereignty," examines the resurgence of Native Hawaiian nationalism today

25:52 - Imagine the surprise University Of Hawai`i Professor Williamson Chang got when he discovered the
The symposium, "I Ka Pono: The Future of Hawaiian Sovereignty," examines the resurgence of Native Hawaiian nationalism today

Premeditation Evidence, Conspiracies, Piracies documented.............lots of Evidence showing the U.S. moved to Pirate our lands, assets, gold, etc.       We are occupied, and we now have our House of Nobles, Judicial System, etc. in place.   Deoccupation is one of the goals.            Aole Pono.  Thank you Ruthie for some of your efforts in helping to expose more criminal activities in the Hawaiian Islands.  aloha.

On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 2:34 AM, Ruthie Caudill <> wrote:
Dear William Dancing Feather,

Thank you for your answer.

Kanaka do not have BIA and have lost through illegal Conveyance, lands that are of significant  Historical value.

There is no Historic Preservation Officer to oversee this process.

Thank you for clarifying the BIA’s role.


Ruthann Caudill

On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 8:11 AM William C. Dancing Feather <> wrote:
Dear Ms. Caudill,

Thank you for contacting the ACHP. I don’t understand what you mean by “full BIA status”. The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has Section 106 responsibilities when it determines it has an undertaking that might affect historic properties. That determination then starts the Section 106 process where the BIA is required to consult with the appropriate Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and or the State Historic Preservation Officer and others to identify historic properties and to avoid, minimize, or mitigate any effects the undertaking may have on identified historic properties.

If you have specific questions about the Section 106 process the ACHP provides a citizens guide to the 106 process located at citizensguide.html with a pdf file available for download. The ACHP also provides various classroom, webinars, and on-demand E-Learning courses available at html. To understand how BIA’s maintains its Section 106 responsibilities you must direct your questions to BIA and contact the agency directly.

If you have any questions about the 106 process please let me know.
Thank you again for contacting the ACHP.

Wm. Dancing Feather
Native American Program Analyst
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
ACHP offers NEW free and low-cost e-learning courses for the public, applicants, and NEPA-106 practitioners.

From: Ruthie Caudill []
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2018 12:54 AM
To: William C. Dancing Feather; Ruthie Caudill

Subject: Fwd: Full BIA for 106

Dear William C. Dancing Feather,

Valerie is out of office and I am trying to find out about full BIA status and the effect that has with 106.


Ruthann Caudill

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ruthie Caudill <>
Date: Wed, May 2, 2018 at 12:38 AM
Subject: Full BIA for 106
To: Valerie Hauser <>, Ruthie Caudill <>

Hi Valerie,

I have been talking with the Kanaka about full BIA.

It is like pulling teeth.

I am trying to explain the benefits (Conveyance, Forming own Government, Burial Protections, etc.)

I am having some success but am also hitting walls.

The Kanaka I think get full 106 with BIA on their Federal Crown Lands, Royal Patents Conveyance.

Can you please help me better understand?


Ruthann Caudill

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