Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Vol VII No. 705 Part 4


 Not For Profit - For Justice

100% Non Commercial, Fearless, Forthright & Independent 
May 26/27, 2018, 2018

"The industrial way of life leads to the industrial way of death. From Shiloh to Dachau, from Antietam to Stalingrad, from Hiroshima to Vietnam and Afghanistan, the great specialty of industry and technology has been the mass production of human corpses." -Edward Abbey
"The death of a single human being is too heavy a price for the vindication of any principle, however sacred." -Daniel Berrigan
"War paralyzes your courage and deadens the spirit of true manhood. It degrades and stupefies with the sense that you are not responsible, that 'tis not yours to think and reason why, but to do and die,' like the hundred thousand others doomed like yourself. War means blind obedience, unthinking stupidity, brutish callousness, wanton destruction, and irresponsible murder." : Alexander Berkman
"It seems that 'we have never gone to war for conquest, for exploitation, nor for territory'; we have the word of a president [McKinley] for that. Observe, now, how Providence overrules the intentions of the truly good for their advantage. We went to war with Mexico for peace, humanity and honor, yet emerged from the contest with an extension of territory beyond the dreams of political avarice. We went to war with Spain for relief of an oppressed people [the Cubans], and at the close found ourselves in possession of vast and rich insular dependencies [primarily the Philippines] and with a pretty tight grasp upon the country for relief of whose oppressed people we took up arms. We could hardly have profited more had 'territorial aggrandizement' been the spirit of our purpose and heart of our hope. The slightest acquaintance with history shows that powerful republics are the most warlike and unscrupulous of nations." : Ambrose Bierce, Warlike America
"COWARDICE, n. A charge often levelled by all-American types against those who stand up for their beliefs by refusing to fight in wars they find unconscionable, and who willingly go to prison or into exile in order to avoid violating their own consciences. These 'cowards' are to be contrasted with red-blooded, 'patriotic' youths who literally bend over, grab their ankles, submit to the government, fight in wars they do not understand (or disapprove of), and blindly obey orders to maim and to kill simply because they are ordered to do so-all to the howling approval of the all-American mob. This type of behavior is commonly termed 'courageous.'" : Chaz Bufe

Russian MoD: Missiles Shown By MH17 Investigators Were Decommissioned After 2011
By Sputnik
The whole operation is a farce, and an obviously politically motivated one at that.
America's Fifth Column Will Destroy Russia
By Paul Craig Roberts
Russia is doomed, because the country's economists were brainwashed during the Yeltsin years by American neoliberal economists
"Syrian Observatory for Human Rights" is Run by MI6?
By Moon Of Alabama
SOHR, despite being an intelligence outlet of a government hostile to Syria, can be regarded as a relatively reliable source
The U.S. and Israel Are Marching towards War with Iran
By Dr. Ludwig Watzal
Shouldn't Iran turn the tables and confront the US with the following questions
Trump's Iran Sanctions Are an Obvious Prelude to War
By Conn Hallinan
Most likely this would be a war of aircraft and missiles to destroy Iran's military and civilian infrastructure.
Trump Sells Peace Like a Dodgy Dealer
By Finian Cunningham
After decades of waging illegal wars and murdering millions of people, the US has the audacity to lecture others about "destabilizing activities"
Palestinians - 70 Years Of Suffering
By Eric Margolis
American Republicans have become a far-right theocratic party.
The Bully's Pulpit
By Paul Edwards
Multitudes would rejoice at Trump's downfall, imprisonment, even death
500 Years is Long Enough! Human Depravity in the Congo
By Robert J. Burrowes
Human depravity has no limit unless people like you (hopefully) and me take some responsibility for ending it
Imperial Recovery and "Disappearing Workers"
By James Petras
Workers have experienced declining life expectancy, the first time in American history!
Chris Hayes on 'Despicable' New Trump Policy
Must Watch
The US government is now taking children as young as 1 year old away from their parents at the border
The Pawns of War
By Philip A Farruggio
They honor the dead as ' fallen heroes ' when they should be apologizing for using them as pawns
The Century of the Self
Must Watch Video
How politicians and business learned to create and manipulate us

Hard News
Iraq: 11 Islamic State militants killed while trying to storm villages in Kirkuk

Iraqi warplanes kill 7 Islamic State members in Anbar

Iraq: Senior policeman, three Islamic State members killed in operations in Salahuddin

Newspaper: U.S. forces in Iraq increased, rather than reduced

Weapons Of The Islamic State: This report is the result of more than three years of field investigation into Islamic State supply chains.

Five White Helmets killed by masked gunman in Syria's Aleppo

US warns of 'firm measures' if Syria launches attempt to liberate Daraa in new assault

Israel Bombs New Military Positions in Syria and Missiles Fire Back

Israel Attacked Syria From Lebanon, Hezbollah's Nasrallah Says

Another 86 people shot by Israeli occupation forces in Gaza

Israel's top court approves use of live fire against Gaza protesters

Guatemala: US billionaire arranged Israel trip for embassy move:
Sheldon Adelson provided a plane for a delegation's trip to Israel to attend the embassy relocation ceremony

Palestinians risk losing Jerusalem ID over Israel loyalty law:
Israel revoking residencies of Jerusalemites over 'breach of loyalty' is rendering them stateless, rights groups say.

Israel to demolish entire West Bank Bedouin village

Proposed Israeli Law Criminalizes Filming Soldiers' Human Rights Violations

These Are the 20 Groups Whose Members Will Be Denied Entry to Israel:
The American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker organization honored with the 1947 Nobel Peace Prize for assisting and rescuing victims of the Nazis, is among the list of groups whose activists Israel has announced it will bar from entering the Jewish State

In French poll, majority say Zionism is a Jewish conspiracy

Why Trump's small-handed plan to strangle Iran will fail

U.S. House Makes Clear That There is No Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iran

The Saudi Lobby's Scheme to Destroy the Iran Deal:
They gave Obama their tepid approval, then poured millions into a three-year campaign to kill it-and won.

Is Saudi Arabia's 32-Year-Old Crown Prince Dead?

Are reports of Mohammed bin Salman's death greatly exaggerated?

Exiled Saudi Arabian Prince Calls for a Coup Against King Salman.

Saudi Arabia to exclude German firms from government tenders: Spiegel

Over 120 Saudi-Backed Militants Killed in Yemen's West Coast: Source

Yemeni Forces Inflict Heavy Losses on Saudi-led Mercenaries

Saudi soldier killed near Yemen border

U.N.: Another 10 Million Yemenis At Risk of Starving to Death by Year's End

Medical group says many migrants shot and killed in Libya escape

Car bomb attack in Benghazi leaves seven dead, 20 wounded

Congo clashes kills 30 people

Dozens of soldiers killed during clashes in Somalia

US airstrike kills 10 alleged militants in Somalia

In Uganda, Groups Offering Contraception and Family Planning Have Lost Millions in U.S. Aid Thanks to Trump's Global Gag Rule

Indian troops kill five Kashmiri youth in Kupwara

India: Soldiers Kill 4 Militants Near Pakistan Border

North and South Korean leaders hold surprise 2nd summit

Donald Trump Has Liberated Koreans From the Illusion That America Is Helping Them

Putin denies Russia responsible for MH17 downing

Secretive Russian Surface-To-Air Missile Test Is World's Longest Ever

Putin: We're held hostage to political strife around Trump

Putin, Macron bond over shared unease at Trump's actions

Putin warns of financial crisis the world 'has not yet seen'

Russian central bank boasts of alternative to SWIFT as ready-made defense against US sanctions

George Galloway on Sergei Skripal's release from hospital

UK 'chasing a fantasy' in Brexit talks, top EU official warns:
Senior official says EU will not negotiate under threat, after a fraught week in Brussels

Brexit: UK official warns EU over talks 'insult'

Thousands across France protest President Macron's 'brutal' policies

Zuckerberg set up fraudulent scheme to 'weaponise' data, court case alleges

Julian Assange could be forced out of Ecuadoran embassy soon

Assange willing to testify on alleged Russian hacking:
The claim that Assange is willing to speak to congressional investigators was made on Friday by his long-time associate, Randy Credico

Santos Announces That Colombia Will Join NATO:
For the first time in history, a Latin American country will be part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Ex Colombian President Uribe Campaigned on Cartel Money: Report

Brazil's truckers protest drags on despite dispatch of military

Indigenous Guatemalan woman shot dead by US Border Patrol

Border Patrol Kicked, Punched Migrant Children, Threatened Some with Sexual Abuse, ACLU

El Salvador Responds After Trump Calls Immigrants 'Animals'

Government Has 'Lost' 1,475 Children It Separated from Immigrant Parents:
Innocent kids are bearing a terrible cost to "make America great again."

As ICE separates children from parents at the border, public outrage grows

Fred Reed : Mexican Wall Blues: And Some Other Stuff

Naked unarmed black man shot dead by Virginia police in disturbing video (GRAPHIC)

One Teen and Three FBI Operatives: Was the Government Behind a 17-Year-Old's Terror Plot in Texas?

Exclusive Video: Vice President Pence Tells Pastors: 'Share The Gospel!'

Feds Hid Edits in Right-Wing Video Used to Prosecute Anti-Trump Protesters

Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley

Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,801

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,430
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Phone:San Diego USA 619-407-7054
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Information Clearing House, Po Box 365, Imperial Beach, CA 91933


 Not For Profit - For Justice

100% Non Commercial, Fearless, Forthright & Independent 
May 29/30, 2018, 2018

"They have always taught and trained you to believe it to be your patriotic duty to go to war and to have yourselves slaughtered at their command. But in all the history of the world you, the people, have never had a voice in declaring war, and strange as it certainly appears, no war by any nation in any age has ever been declared by the people." - 

Eugene Debs: - Socialist candidate for president, June 16, 1918 - The speech led to Debs's being stripped of his citizenship and sent to jail for 10 years. 
 "One death is a tragedy, but a million deaths are a statistic."-  

Josef Stalin - (1879-1953) Communist leader of the USSR 
 "If I were the president, I could stop terrorist attacks against the United States in a few days. Permanently. I would first apologize to all the widows and orphans, the tortured and impoverished, and all the many millions of other victims of American imperialism. Then I would announce, in all sincerity, to every corner of the world, that America's global interventions have come to an end, and inform Israel that it is no longer the 51st state of the USA but now -- oddly enough -- a foreign country. would then reduce the military budget by at least 90% and use the savings to pay reparations to the victims. There would be more than enough money. One year's military budget of 330 billion dollars is equal to more than $18,000 an hour for every hour since Jesus Christ was born. That's what I'd do on my first three days in the White House. On the fourth day, I'd be assassinated."  

- William Blum, author of "Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II," and "Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower"


The United States Is a Force for Chaos Across the PlanetBy Mark Karlin
Who ever imagined that Americans might fight their wars (unsuccessfully) to the end of time without most citizens paying the slightest attention
U.S. Military Seeks to be More Lethal, Including in Space: Mattis
By Lisa Ferdinando
"We want to make the military more lethal in outer space and cyberspace, at sea, on land, and in the air," Mattis said.
MH-17 Probe Follows Frame-Up Process of Skripal Poisoning
By Finian Cunningham
The MH-17 case has been prejudiced from the outset by wild allegations of Russia's guilt.
Will Putin's Policy of Concession Succeed?
By Paul Craig Roberts
Neoconservatives will have Russia in a corner where Russia has to fight or surrender. Russia will fight, and it will be the end of us all.
Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest For Global Dominance
By Noam Chomsky
Chomsky speaks out on U.S. hegemony, controlling the domestic population through fear and the historical parallels of current U.S. foreign policy.
Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine
This Is A Must Watch Video
A brief and crucial history of the United States.
Saudi Wahhabism Serves Western Imperialism
By Andre Vltchek
Wahhabism works - it works for the mining companies and banks with their headquarters in London and New York.
Fathi Harb Burnt Himself to Death in Gaza. Will the World Notice?
By Jonathan Cook
Harb doused himself in petrol and set himself alight on a street in Gaza City.
Along The Gaza Fence, They Shoot Medics (too), Don't They?
By Amira Hass
A total of 13,190 people, including 1,136 children, were injured in the protest along the Gaza fence.
How the Gaza Massacre Exposed International Cowardice
By Andrew Mitrovicaby
As Palestinians were getting killed in Gaza, political leaders around the world switched to their usual doublespeak.
Iran Bracing For All-out Economic War
By Pepe Escobar
While the dogs of war bark, a civilization with a long and proud history gets on with life.
Interfering in Italy's Democracy... and It's Not Russia By Finian Cunningham
Huge geopolitical interests are at stake if the Italians are allowed their democratic freedom to form a populist government.
Open Letter to Ambassador of Ecuador : Re Julian Assange
By Kersasp Shekhdar
In view of the alarming news emanating from your estimable embassy, as a concered 'world citizen' I am writing to you.
The Trail of Tears
Short Video
The forced removal of the Cherokee Nation from the SE United States reveals one of the darkest chapters in American history.

Hard News
Iraq: More than 40 bodies found under rubble, west of Mosul: source
 Eight Islamic State members killed in army airstrike, west of Anbar

 Four Russian soldiers killed in Syria: Report

 Syrian State-Run Media Accuses US Intel of Staging Fake Chemical Attacks:
Citing its sources, US intelligence services are continuing to organize staged operations with chemical weapons against Syrians.

 Islamic State-related groups surface in US-controlled area of Syria, Lavrov says

 Russian, Turkish leaders reaffirm commitment to Syria's sovereignty, territorial integrity - Kremlin

 Israel, Russia said to reach secret deal on pushing Iran away from Syria border

 Russia: Only Syrian forces should be stationed on Israel border

 Moon of Alabama: Syria - Israel Falsely Claims Iran Pull-Back Deal With Russia - Again:
 Israel loves to pretend that it is an important country which can move other governments to do its bidding.

 Report: Israel, Iran engage in indirect negotiations over Syria fighting

 Iran denies reports about Iran-Israel indirect talks over Syria

 7 rebels killed in central Yemen clashes: Official

 Scores of Houthi militants killed and wounded in clashes in Yemen's Al-Jouf

 2 Saudi Soldiers Killed in Skirmish With Yemen's Houthi Rebels
 China to host Iran to avoid project disruption amid nuclear deal doubt

 China and Russia Push Into Iran, Exploiting Europe's Caution

 Israeli official says now's the time to drive wedge between Russia, Iran:
 Intelligence ministry director says Kremlin coming to realize it will have to thwart Tehran or see its plans in Syria 'blown out of the water'

 Watch: Noam Chomsky - Is Iran a Threat?
 Israeli jets bomb Gaza after mortar shells fired from strip

 3 Israelis lightly injured from rocket shrapnel

 Israeli Media Exposes Identity of IDF Commander Whose Unit Kidnaps, Assassinates Palestinians

 Israel navy seizes Gaza protest flotilla, organisers say

 Hassan Nasrallah: Trump, Netanyahu and Bin Salman want to liquidate the Palestinian cause
 Israeli bill to ban filming soldiers on duty condemned

 Roman Abramovich granted Israeli citizenship:
 Russia-born Chelsea FC owner to move to Tel Aviv after delays in renewing UK visa, Israeli media reports

 Cameroonian army kills scores in Anglophone region

 Libyan factions commit to Dec. 10 elections at Paris talks

 US: at Least 50 Killed in Strike on Alleged Taliban Leaders

 U.S. kills 11 alleged IS militants in eastern Afghanistan
 Afghan forces' night raid kills civilians

 Trump confirms N. Korea's ex-top spy heading to US for summit talks

 Trump plans 25% tariffs on Chinese tech:
 The White House also announced plans to apply broad limits on Chinese tech investment.

 White House says it will unveil list of $50 billion worth of Chinese goods that will be subject to a 25% tariff

 Trade wars costing hog farmers $2.2 billion so far:

 U.S. to continue trade actions against China: White House

 China rages over US warships sailing near disputed islands: Move 'seriously infringed' its sovereignty

 Two police officers and civilian dead in Belgium:
 The man's motive is not yet clear but the incident is being treated as terrorism.

 Moment Belgian gunman dies in a hail of police bullets caught on camera (GRAPHIC VIDEO)

 Credible report alleges US relocates ISIS from Syria and Iraq into Russia via Afghanistan

 Poland offers US up to $2B for permanent military base

 Kremlin on US Base in Poland: Moscow Ready to React to NATO's Expansion

 Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko is murdered in Kiev

 Gavin Williamson cut off by TV interviewer for dodging questions
 German FM hits back at U.S. plan to raise tariffs on imported cars

 Italy : How country ended up with ex-IMF chief it never voted for as its PM
 What is Italy's political crisis all about?:

 Italy is embroiled in a power struggle between Eurosceptic populists - winners of the March election - and pro-EU establishment politicians.

 Deutsche Bank plummets as Italy crisis rocks global banks
 Italy crisis: Euro could be destroyed ALTOGETHER, German economist warns

 Second Brexit referendum would see UK vote to remain in EU, new poll analysis shows

 George Soros: 'The European Union is in an existential crisis':
 'Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong,' says storied investor

 Illegality of Drugs Killing People': UN Urges Legalization in Latin America

 Claudia Gómez González Wasn't Killed by a Rogue Border Agent-She Was Killed by a Rogue Agency:
 It is time to rein in Customs and Border Protection by demanding accountability and transparency.

 The hunt for Xiemen: The mysterious Vancouver firm at the centre of a C$3.3M Trump-fundraiser payment

 Hurricane's Death Toll in Puerto Rico Almost 5,000: Study
 Trump's comparison of Hurricane Katrina's and Puerto Rico's death tolls just backfired:

 Trump's hurricane response has failed - if we go by the standard he himself set.

 America's 'War on Terror' Has Cost Taxpayers $5.6 Trillion: And it's earned us absolutely nothing.

 Ivanka Trump won China trademarks days before her father's reversal on ZTE:
 Watchdog group says the timing of the approvals 'raises significant questions about corruption'

 US Officials Warn They Can't Get Kaspersky Software Off Gov't Networks - Reports

 Louisiana evangelical asks followers for $50 million for private jet-says God told him to

Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley

Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,801

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,430
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Phone:San Diego USA 619-407-7054
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Information Clearing House, Po Box 365, Imperial Beach, CA 91933

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