Saturday, June 23, 2018

FEMA BARGES---ANYONE KNOW OF ANYONE WHO GOT OFF THE BARGES? ---It was in Texas, Puerto Rico...People Taken...Where Are the People?

Well folks...…..don't Get On Those Barges!  Use alternative methods to safety!  

Explore the information available...………then make up your minds...………...

Fema Camp Coffins Investigated

Published on Sep 11, 2008
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Fema Camp Coffins Investigated
Start burying wire cutters, weapons, and supplies inside and around these camps to prep those who are trapped by a tyrannical force. Thumbs up if you agree and pass on the message!
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repeat this prayer: heavenly father I come to you in prayer and I ask you to forgive me of all my sins, I accept your Son Jesus Christ the Messiah into my heart and life, I believe he died and rose again on the third day and may you write my name in the book of life so when I die I can be with you forever.. and from this day I forgive those who sinned against me and I'll never be the same in Jesus name Amen.... if you said this prayer than you have the Holy Spirit and he lives inside of you go to a Christian church and serve Jesus with all your heart and don't look BACK!!!
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AMERICA WAKE UP NOW! These coffins are not designed for their conspiracy purposes! They are designed to house dead people, let me explain. For years, David Rockefeller and skull and bones, have been planning a 'new world order'. The Georgia guide stones are the ten commandments of the NWO. Read his quotes if you don't believe me. David Rockefeller has enough money to fund everything for his visionary image because he owns EVERYTHING from banks to politicians. Why do you think Obama has spent so much money in 1 Term then all the US presidents that ever lived combined! Why do you think that the economy in America is increasingly worse every year. (See the youtube video, Americas Ideal Distribution) This was all PLANNED. Still don't believe me? 9/11 was a propaganda, an 'inside job,' there is proof if you research 'operation Northwoods.' it was even signed off by all the US presidents EXCEPT for JFK. Why was it done? To create a conspiracy that Cuban was the heart of this crisis so that the military can go in there and kill everyone. The federal reserve is OWNED by David Rockefeller in secrecy, this is why he is so corrupt, everyday the federal reserve pumps FAKE money into his 'credit card', also reasons why the economy is bad. JFK, had a mission of shutting it down, but it was cancelled because.. wait for it, HE WAS ASSASSINATED! JFK was the only noble American president bold enough to stop this. The NWO is a one-world and it is being planned and being built left and right. There Georgia Guidestones first commandment out of the ten is to maintain humanity under 500million, which is 1/14th of the population we have now (Assuming we have 7B people). Meaning over 6.5B people will die, and that's where the coffins come in. Haven't you heard? The founder of CNN has recently donated 1B dollars for this crisis to happen! RESEARCH IT FOR YOURSELF. In the bible (Ephesians 6:12) it says an event like this occurring. My final warning is, if you haven't already, Soon a dot will be placed on your mail box marking you in 3 categories judging by your texts, emails and Google searches you have made, watched by the NSA. Blue dot - Take to the FEMA camps where you will be re educated for the new world order. Red dot - you know about the conspiracy and you are accused of a 'prolonged rebel' against the constitution, result is DEATH. Pink dot - you support the constitution and will be a good slave. All proof was taken by a recent whistle blower from the Government. (Noble people like him is what saves us from humanity's most horrible tactics) My friends please SHARE THE MESSEGE. Call me crazy but know this, It is the lie that is easier to believe then the hard truth. It is also the lie that imprisons you, and its the truth that frees you.
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