Friday, June 8, 2018

Pirates, Pillagers, Parasites, Puppets, Frauds Pan Pacific Club/Hawaii Tourism Authority Puts on a Show Claiming to Respect Kamehameha - It's for Profiteering, Piracies, etc. ===Wicked People

Pirates, Pillagers, Parasites, Puppets, Frauds Pan Pacific Club/Hawaii Tourism Authority Puts on a Show Claiming to Respect Kamehameha - It's for Profiteering, Piracies, etc. ===Wicked People

                           or the Rape of the Hawaiian Culture by
                      Conspirators/Identity Thieves and Supporters in the Hawaiian Islands or Documenting Fools /Genocide Activists

                                           Compiled by Amelia Gora (2018)


                                        - Overview -

                                                  by Amelia Gora (2016)

The films of Williamson Chang were made in March and he was criminally SLAMMED headon by a DLNR/Department of Land and Natural Resources TRUCK! 

Everyone supporting Williamson Chang needs to be watchful of the corrupt agents of the SHAM State....he suffered severe head injuries and is still recovering....he's actually a good guy who has been studying and researching for years finding out that the annexation is illegal, impossible act, illegal act to assume a foreign nation........ together with researchers  and other brilliant folks,  Williamson Chang had the gall to represent many 'Ko Hawaii Pae Aina' over time and was made to pay hefty fines fore believing in our people.... some knuckleheads even lied to him and yet he defended them.......i have also heard that he spent time in jail for believing in his fellow men and was shocked to find that even his bank accounts were drained by the corrupt servers of a SHAM setup  .....Premeditation of dethroning a Queen from a neutral, friendly non-violent nation is recorded, evidence found by many researchers; Piracy, pillaging, genocide activities, racketeering is documented, evidence found;  the United States did wrongs against our Queen b ecause they supported treasonous persons which means False Flag operations are on record; the permanent amity and friendship Treaty of 1849 ratified in 1850 by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli his heirs and successors with the United States of America President;  Kamehameha III did set up our alodio land system and fee simple for aliens/foreigners; this means that the U.S. has to respect the land laws of the Kingdom of Hawaii....; opposition to annexation was made; U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani before he left office, and having full knowledge that 40,000 subjects were agains Annexation...the new President McKinley ignored Queen Liliuokalani who maintained that she was the Queen and did Not legally abrogate the Constitutional Monarchy government ....her legal name was Liliuokalani Regina - Latin word for Queen....and she was forced to sign Liliuokalani Dominis; she was under stress, duress, usurpation, and coercion;  President McKinley the head over the Army, Navy, and Federal personnel and developed the Territory;  the President was shot and died of gangrene after a few days and it was claimed to be an assassination;  The Territory claimed to be the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii" - identity theft documented in the 1912 PA Pelekane case; American conspirators set up a Pan-Pacific operation which became the Hawaii Tourism Authority and placed the Queen back on the throne for a day in 1915;  they failed to show her that she was given Hawaii back by President Cleveland.  They celebrated a flag day and after Queen Liliuokalani died in 1917, they helped themselves to purchase real estate which was contrary to the laws of the land set in place by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli;  the conspirators set up a Sham entity and moved to become a State which was opposed by my great grandmother's cousin named Harold Abel Cathcart.....he had served notice to Judge King....and he was a Kamehameha....opposition was documented every step of the way....Williamson Chang showed us how illegal it was and an illegal manuever .......he was harmed for proving the fact.....several members of our Royal families were also harmed by car crashes recently......the State of Hawaii operates on fraud, piracy, pillaging, racketeering, identity theft....which means that the Royal Families exists and are part of the true government, and the entity State of Hawaii is a non-government a Sham setup which was also called a fraud, a fake government, fake State, etc.  The alodio, superior titles belongs to our "ko Hawaii Pae Aina" and cannot belong to aliens who were allowed only fee simple.  The Treaty of 1849/1850 continues and Article XIV was invoked which gives reasons to charge, prosecute for piracy, pillaging, etc.and 804 persons, entitiies have been tried, listed to date.  It is a contractual agreement with the United States of America President Zachary Taylor.  Treaties are the supreme law of the land according to the U.S. Constitution and the Judges must also respect that.  The Judges have failed to respect the Treaty and the U.S. Constitution which gives case for fines, etc. and operating in a non-government entity, etc.  Research incomplete. 



Professor Williamson Chang part 2 of his take on the Na'i Aupuni 'Aha. Here he talks about why their illegitimate constitution does not meet DOI Qualifications.
1. Lays claims to water channels that is under the Federal jurisdiction.
2. President of this fake nation would be able to make treaties.
3. Reserves all National rights as if there is a pre-existing nation.
All of the above the DOI will/cannot agree with.
He also stated that it seems that:
1. The leadership was afraid to define the issue
2. Its written more like a law than a constitution
3. Requires a majority vote of 500,000 Kanaka Maoli which is 250,000 to be ratified.
Part 2 of 3... Mahalo Professor Williamson Chang for your due diligence and valuable exit mana'o...

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Healani Sonoda-Pale Need to watch again.
Pearl Avilla Key Love you brada
Amelia Gora The films of Williamson Chang were made in March and he was criminally SLAMMED headon by a DLNR/Department of Land and Natural Resources TRUCK!
Everyone supporting Williamson Chang needs to be watchful of the corrupt agents of the SHAM State....he suffered severe head injuries and is still recovering....he's actually a good guy who has been studying and researching for years finding out that the annexation is illegal, impossible act, illegal act to assume a foreign nation........ together with researchers and other brilliant folks, Williamson Chang had the gall to represent many 'Ko Hawaii Pae Aina' over time and was made to pay hefty fines fore believing in our people.... some knuckleheads even lied to him and yet he defended them.......i have also heard that he spent time in jail for believing in his fellow men and was shocked to find that even his bank accounts were drained by the corrupt servers of a SHAM setup .....Premeditation of dethroning a Queen from a neutral, friendly non-violent nation is recorded, evidence found by many researchers; Piracy, pillaging, genocide activities, racketeering is documented, evidence found; the United States did wrongs against our Queen b ecause they supported treasonous persons which means False Flag operations are on record; the permanent amity and friendship Treaty of 1849 ratified in 1850 by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli his heirs and successors with the United States of America President; Kamehameha III did set up our alodio land system and fee simple for aliens/foreigners; this means that the U.S. has to respect the land laws of the Kingdom of Hawaii....; opposition to annexation was made; U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani before he left office, and having full knowledge that 40,000 subjects were agains Annexation...the new President McKinley ignored Queen Liliuokalani who maintained that she was the Queen and did Not legally abrogate the Constitutional Monarchy government ....her legal name was Liliuokalani Regina - Latin word for Queen....and she was forced to sign Liliuokalani Dominis; she was under stress, duress, usurpation, and coercion; President McKinley the head over the Army, Navy, and Federal personnel and developed the Territory; the President was shot and died of gangrene after a few days and it was claimed to be an assassination; The Territory claimed to be the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii" - identity theft documented in the 1912 PA Pelekane case; American conspirators set up a Pan-Pacific operation which became the Hawaii Tourism Authority and placed the Queen back on the throne for a day in 1915; they failed to show her that she was given Hawaii back by President Cleveland. They celebrated a flag day and after Queen Liliuokalani died in 1917, they helped themselves to purchase real estate which was contrary to the laws of the land set in place by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli; the conspirators set up a Sham entity and moved to become a State which was opposed by my great grandmother's cousin named Harold Abel Cathcart.....he had served notice to Judge King....and he was a Kamehameha....opposition was documented every step of the way....Williamson Chang showed us how illegal it was and an illegal manuever .......he was harmed for proving the fact.....several members of our Royal families were also harmed by car crashes recently......the State of Hawaii operates on fraud, piracy, pillaging, racketeering, identity theft....which means that the Royal Families exists and are part of the true government, and the entity State of Hawaii is a non-government a Sham setup which was also called a fraud, a fake government, fake State, etc. The alodio, superior titles belongs to our "ko Hawaii Pae Aina" and cannot belong to aliens who were allowed only fee simple. The Treaty of 1849/1850 continues and Article XIV was invoked which gives reasons to charge, prosecute for piracy, pillaging, etc.and 804 persons, entitiies have been tried, listed to date. It is a contractual agreement with the United States of America President Zachary Taylor. Treaties are the supreme law of the land according to the U.S. Constitution and the Judges must also respect that. The Judges have failed to respect the Treaty and the U.S. Constitution which gives case for fines, etc. and operating in a non-government entity, etc. Research incomplete. aloha.
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Artist: BigEveryTime Song: Liliuo Free Album: Universitile


Notice "Joe Japs" Using Queen Liliuokalani's Washington Place without granted authority?

Remember that the U.S. bombed the hell out of Japan and the so called Royals of Japan are kowtowing to PIRATES!S

Remember that the Pan Pacific Club are International Pirates who also used Queen Liliuokalani's signature to accommodate themselves in illegally claiming they could own lands in the Hawaiian Islands...……..they are legally documented as Genocide Activists, Pirates, Parasites, etc. and parties to the crimes...…

Piranhas banking off of aloha...…….very sad.



  1. Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : The Truth About Our Queen ...
    Oct 29, 2016 · Queen Liliuokalani remained the Queen of the Kingdom of Hawaii as shown above, and remains the legal Monarch till this day.
  2. Queen Liliuokalani's True Trustees Information - Part of ...
    Apr 09, 2017 · Queen Liliuokalani's True Trustees Information - Part of Pamphlet Left at QLCC - Halona Street Address The following Information was Left for the Liliuokalani Trust Office from the True Trustees, also showed on the film posted by Keli Akina: * Cover Page - Royal Twins Stamp - P.O. Box 861781 Wahiawa, Island of Oahu, US Occupied Territory, Kingdom of Hawaii Attn: Amelia Gora, a Royal …
  3. The Truth About Our Queen Liliuokalani - She Was Given ...
    Oct 15, 2017 · Queen Liliuokalani remained the Queen of the Kingdom of Hawaii as shown above, and remains the legal Monarch till this day. Issues of fraud, truth, Genocide Activities documented, Conspiracies, premeditation, etc. is revealed in this article.
  4. Remembering the Criminal Dethronement of Queen ...
    Jan 17, 2018 · Remembering the Criminal Dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani - 125 Years Ago or The Kingdom of Hawaii Exists 125 Years of Wrongs, the Wicked Conspiracy (ies) Affecting Hawaii's Queen and Our People is remembered on this Day, January 17, 1893. Many Kamehameha descendants, heirs/successors are expected to show up at the Iolani Palace Grounds today. Some will be walking …
  5. Vol I No. 2 - Updated Chronological History of Our Queen ...
    Jan 06, 2015 · I Amelia Gora am one of the great great great great grand daughters of Queen Liliuokalani through two of her "daughters" / hanai adopted daughter named Princess Poomaikelani and Kaaumoana aka's who was designated to be her Trustees and her children of her blood to be the ongoing Trustees. Note: Queen Liliuokalani denied signing into the Trust with those who conspired and …
  6. Why was Queen Liliuokalani imprisoned? | Yahoo Answers
    Jul 01, 2009 · When Hawaii became part of America, Queen Liliuokalani as she was suspected of being involved in a rebellion - fire arms were supposed to have been found in the gardens to her palace.
    • Status: Resolved
    • Answers: 7
  7. Hawaiian Kingdom: Important Historical Events - Keep for ...
    1791 - Our lands put in perpetuity by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, and the United States recognized it. ... 1915 - Queen Liliuokalani was placed on the throne for one day. (Paradise of thePacific Magazine) 1921 - Hawaiian Homelands illegal. Kuhio was only a Prince Regent. 1933 - "The United States went “Bankrupt” in 1933 and was declared so by President Roosevelt by Executive Orders 6073 ...
  8. OpEdNews|The Royal Families In The Hawaiian Islands and ...
    They hurriedly put together a "purported Constitution" which they claimed was signed by Queen Liliuokalani and placed it in the U.S. Congressional Records. The supposed heirs to the throne was Masons/Freemasons Kuhio Kalanianaole and David Kawananakoa. Both were not related to the King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani's genealogy lines.


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Amelia Gora Making monies off of our Kamehameha family? everyone respecting our Royal Families should watch the parade on TV and refrain from supporting their pirate displays...……… All Nations should take heed..... the State of Hawaii are Identity thieves and gain support by other wanna be pirates...… message gotten?Manage
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Amelia Gora our ancestors also ruled Japan for nearly 300 years....the Daimyo with the help of the U.S. changed the government...great grandfather fled because they would castrate him and others to be used in the Palace....yes folks, am one of descendants of the Heike and Tokugawa families of Japan too.... our ancestors married into the Royal Families which included being connected to King Kalakaua, his wife Queen Kapiolani....and Queen Liliuokalani.... the entity territory turned State documented our ancestor "Joe Jap" which is why we can freely use the term Jap too.....besides isn't Ige Okinawan... a long time enemy of Japan? most interesting what money does to people.... those interested in theory is that like marries like..... and then our John Young lines have some interesting info too...and that's for another time....aloha to our own families and friends only.Manage
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