Monday, June 25, 2018

Royal Tidings No. 2018-0624 Royal Families news on the web - FEMA Barges: DO NOT GO WITH THEM....SEEK ASYLUM WITH OTHER NATIONS!

Royal Tidings No. 2018-0624 Royal Families news on the web - Sharing a Preview of What's to Come...

Royal Tidings No. 2018-0624  ROYAL FAMILIES news on the web 

Monday, June 25, 2018

FEMA Barges In Hawaii : DO NOT GO WITH THEM!......Seek Asylum /Safety With Other Nations,....

Justin Witham
There are questions about the FEMA barges that went to Texas.
Some say that many went on the FEMA barges but were not heard from again...….
Would you know of anyone who relocated safely...…….or even if the stories may be true?
Thank you...……… suspecting that those stories may be true because there are currently FEMA barges outside of the Hawaiian Islands 10 miles out...……….
want to find out if it's true or fake news...……..
Thank you for your expeditious reply...……

Benny Ramos
Benny Ramos Good Guestion for channel 2 News!

· Reply · 1d
Mark Miller
Mark Miller false story


· Reply · 23h
Mark Miller
Mark Miller There are only three barges of this type and one is docked in Brooklyn and it's image is being used to state that it is ten miles off the coast of Hawaii.

Two others were sent to Texas....See More
Michelle Grow-Waikiki
Michelle Grow-Waikiki I need to know too


· Reply · 20h
Ruthann Caudill
Ruthann Caudill Please confirm the barges so I can send an email to David Passey FEMA.

· Reply · 31m
Amelia Gora
Amelia Gora confirmed tonite by credible kanaka maoli….he said that the people were told to give up their cell phones....the men gathering them up have guns.....

· Reply · 18m
Amelia Gora
Amelia Gora I have contacted Texas friends and waiting for their response......

· Reply · 17m
Ruthann Caudill
Ruthann Caudill is almost 3AM here.

· Reply · 16m
Amelia Gora
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Amelia Gora
Amelia Gora I have contacted Puerto Rico friend and no response yet.....

· Reply · 16m
Ruthann Caudill
Ruthann Caudill OK I hope everything is going to be OK and everyone is safe.

· Reply · 15m
Amelia Gora
Write a reply...
Amelia Gora

A flotilla of FEMA barges, each able to hold 2000 people in cramped conditions, set sail from a secret staging area near San Diego and is currently en route to Hawaii, says a FEMA employee speaking under condition of anonymity.
The vessels, he said, departed California on June 5 and, travelling at a speed of 20 knots, will arrive in Hawaii on the eleventh. Rather than berth at Port Allen or Hiwo Harbor, the ships will drop anchor ten miles offshore and use powerboats to ferry displaced persons to one of three FEMA housing ships. But FEMA is on no mission of mercy; anyone escorted onto a FEMA barge will be incarcerated and transported to a mainland FEMA internment camp in Region IX. There, they will be held captive by a controversial agency with a long history of imprisoning people against their will.
FEMA is trying to avoid the same mistakes it made during Hurricane Harvey, which caused $125 billion dollars in damages to the Houston metropolitan area. Floods inundated hundreds of thousands of homes and displaced over 50,000 people. In the storm’s aftermath, FEMA sprang into action, but not to help. FEMA barges the size of container ships were spotted near Port Arthur and Corpus Christi, and agents acting under the authority of the United States Government herded 17,000 dispossessed people into floating prisons.
“FEMA wants to be discreet in Hawaii. They don’t want to leave a big footprint like they left in Texas. That’s why they’re keeping the big ships ten miles offshore. I hope people are smart enough to avoid us and not get on the boats. Otherwise, they’ll be carted off to camps just like what happened to the people in Texas who haven’t been heard from now in over a year. I don’t know what happened to them—I don’t want to know. I know everyone put on a boat is micro chipped and pretty much imprisoned in the worst of possible conditions,” our source explained.
Single prisoners, he added, are housed in six-by-nine foot compartments with a cot and a toilet. Families are given slightly larger accommodations, but the atmosphere still reeks of a jail cell. Doors remain locked twenty-four hours day. Everyone receives cold cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and lukewarm soup or other surplus entrées for dinner.
“There is no consideration for hygiene or sanitary conditions,” our source said. “Lice infestations are common. There are no shower facilities. Rats are everywhere. I’ve heard stories of people getting gnawed to bits in their sleep, but that might be hyperbole. There’s typically only one doctor and one nurse aboard each ship, and they don’t even want to be there. If I were in Hawaii, I’d rather deal with the lava and volcanic ash than my own people.”
He said FEMA will likely trick Hawaiians onto the ships. “They’ll say there’s a cruise ship waiting offshore to shuffle them to safety, or some other outlandish lie. By the time anyone sees the FEMA coffin carrier looming on the horizon, it’s too late. What will they do? Jump into the water and swim for it seven or eight miles from land?”
In closing, he offers a few words of wisdom to any Hawaiian encountering a FEMA agent: Run, hide, but do not get on the ship.
(Visited 7,714 times, 67 visits today)


· Reply · 6m
Ruthann Caudill
Ruthann Caudill I know about this, Amelia Gora

· Reply · 6m
Ruthann Caudill
Ruthann Caudill I am going to bed and I hope everyone is OK. After 3AM here.

· Reply · 2m
Amelia Gora
Amelia Gora "flotilla" flo·til·la

a fleet of ships or boats.
"a flotilla of cargo boats"
synonyms: navy · naval force · (naval) task force · armada · flotilla · squadron · convoy · column

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