Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Great Coverup - the U.S. and American Empire vs. the Hawaiian Kingdom

Theresa Keohunani Taber and Maelani Lee shared a post.
Laulani Teale
Q: why do so many Kanaka oppose federal recognition?
Short A: US occupation of Hawaii is illegal and that is now being recognized internationally.
The US has a major problem: neither the Kingdom nor its people ever agreed to its rule. This is the core of what makes it illegitimate.
Federal recognition would be used by the US to claim that the matter is settled. It puts the Kanaka “nation” under the plenary power of Congress, and prohibits recognition as an independent nation-state.
We want our neutral, independent country back in full. Period. Anything else is not peace.
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    Amelia Gora Maelani Lee shared a post.
    1 hr ·

    And right now Hawaiians still have control over the land due to the Great Mahele and metes and bounds, but the “State of Hawaii” corporation and the US government tries to interfere with that. If we become federally recognized, the US and the SOH will have total control over all our lands. And remember: Land is everything (we live on land, eat off the land, drive on land, etc) so we must continue to fight for our land in Hawaii Nei. Today, we can still argue that we own the land, if we become federally recognized, we can’t fight for our land. We would have no say.



    Amelia Gora don't forget....Royal persons are Not subject to the laws..... and they are not from this nation an already recognized "most favored nation" status...….the Great Cover is the lies intended to conceal the truthful events showing the concerted efforts made by Americans who claimed to be part of the citizenry of the Hawaiian Kingdom and colluding with the United States which operated as two nations the United States and the American Empire...…. the U.S. representative had asked for loans from the Hawaiian Kingdom during King Kalakaua's time and were denied because they wouldn't pay back for thousands of years....only small bits of interest would be paid, that means all the outstanding loans made by other nations are being paid back in small amounts of interest...….and reasons for War is that the U.S. wouldn't have to pay back to the losing countries who own their I.O.U.s !!! - a comment, observation, and overview of what has transpired over time.....the Jews for example were owed 10% interest.....and what happened to the Jews?....the Germans killed off thousands....perhaps many holding I.O.Us!!! The Jews belongings were destroyed, burned, etc...…, WHO WAS REALLY BEHIND HITLER?!……...then, what about the Middle Easterners who were cheated out of their monies?, etc...……..the picture doesn't look nice at all...….the looting of nations - terrorist nations ended up with who being the stealers, the pirates?, in the case of a neutral, friendly, most favored nation who has done no wrong with paid off scoundrels pushing recognition shows those in collusion with the U.S. for a recognition of the usurpers organized people who operate on identity theft when in reality a Coverup made up of scum, scoundrels, pirates, pillagers, etc. operating still....while the real Royal Families exists stepping forward with truth......well, with Trump taking the U.S. out of the United Nations Human Rights Committee after the former head recognized the Hawaiian Kingdom in existence certainly says something...…… running from the truth.... all nations need to take heed...…..after all, the United Nations was formed by the CFR//Councill of Foreign Relations which was made up of the United States, Great Britain, and the bankers - JP Morgan, et. als……… but wait, doesn't that mean if the three groups created the organization...doesn't it mean that they cannot remove themselves from ANY committee/program created by themselves...……..doesn't that mean that the basis is the Law of Nations as ccreated by Vattel continues to exist? see: the law of nations protects governments ….corporations are not included...or am I wrong? the Constitution was not made for corporations but for the American people...and Article VI secures the laws of the lands with treaties are the supreme laws of the lands....our 1849/1850 treaty is a permanent, friendship, amity, a forever treaty with nation to nation...… the Coverup is that there is no cause for the U.S. to have planned the dethronement of a Queen from a neutral, friendly nation and is now looking for ways to war with our Hawaiian people ----just observing what is... all nations should watch, look, listen and be carefuil when operating with business minded CEO's who wants wealth and will WAR at all costs. aloha.

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