Saturday, June 16, 2018

Vol VII No. 707 Part 2a

David Klein shared a post.
23 hrs
"Once you have them on the ropes you have to knock them out. No turning back now. Do not reward this old guard of “ignoring the public voice” with re-election. ...The argument that it was the court’s decision to block the moratorium is a moot point; the courts are controlled by the same plantation consciousness that says everyday people are servants, they have no voice.
Yes, I am proud to say the mold has been broken, people are waking up that they have the power to change the environment they live in." #HULI2018
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The old boy network in the crosshairs (The Maui News, June 3). Once you have them on the ropes you have to knock them out. No turning back now. Do not reward


Take a walk down 'memory lane' with me back to October 12, 2017 .
Today, June 7, 2018 Monsanto has 'ceased' to exist and will be known as 'Bayer' from this forward. Yet we will all remember Monsanto for their destruction of our food system so they could sell their herbicide, Glyphosate. If Glyphosate did not exist, our food would never have been made GMO. It's that simple.
" Carey Gillam’s presentation to the European Parliament glyphosate hearing
Posted on October 12, 2017 by Gary Ruskin
Carey Gillam is an investigative journalist and award-winning author who spent 17 years on the food and agriculture beat for Reuters. Gillam is now research director of the consumer and public health watchdog group U.S. Right to Know. These remarks were delivered Oct. 11, 2017 before a joint public hearing on “The Monsanto Papers and Glyphosate” before the European Parliament committees on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety; and Agriculture and Rural Development. "...
MY COMMENT: To watch Carey's presentation to the EU, regarding Monsanto's deception about Roundup/Glyphosate, click on the link below, and click on the first video rectangle you see.

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Video, slides, text of Carey Gillam's presentation about glyphosate, "Decades of Deceit: How Corporate Influence Has Manipulated Science and Safety Assessments"

..." As of April 18, 2004, Eurofins has been involved in the strict labeling law in the U.K. The GM foods that were labeled have been mostly grown in other countries, mainly the United States. All American manufactures selling their foods to English markets must label all of these food products with labels that state which ingredients are GMO. Testing is done in the Eurofins labs to determine if the labeling law has been observed. This would be in the case of a suspecte...d GMO food that is not labeled as being GMO. Remember this lab has over 130,000 tests to determine the composition of food and beverages. EU law has to be followed to the 'letter'. It is very strict. So far, American companies have complied with the EU labeling law. It would be so easy for these companies to comply with a labeling law in the United States because they are already complying with the strict labeling law set forth by the European Union. "...
Unfortunately this identifies only GMO foods that contain altered genetic material plus Glyphosate residues. The presence of Glyphosate residues that were sprayed on non-GMO food products such as sugar, oats, nuts and seeds to dry them out need to be tested specifically for Glyphosate residues.
We come down again to the fact that the only safe non-GMO food (sugar, oats) that may have been sprayed with Roundup at harvest time, is one that is labeled USDA ORGANIC.
Please read this article at 'see more' for the full Eurofins story.

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Carol Garnier Dutra
Someone told me that there was a rumor going around that a lab that tests for the presence of GMO DNA and pesticides in food and beverage, was somehow connected... to Monsanto. I was curious about this possible relationship so I did some research on this lab, which is called "Eurofins", and has it's home office in Luxembourg, Europe.
Eurofins labs was originally founded to analyze the origin and the purity of several types of food and beverages (wine) and identify fraud that could NOT be detected by other methods, done in other labs. (In Europe there is fraud in the wine business.) The services offered TODAY by Eurofins can detect the presence of GMO DNA, and toxic pesticides in all foods and beverages submitted to their labs.
Eurofins is an international group with approximately 200 labs in 38 countries across Europe, North and South America and Asia-Pacific. They employ over 20,000 people. Eurofins has been in business since 1987. The company went 'public' October 24, 1997.
They use over 130,000 different lab tests to determine the composition of a food (GMO) or beverage (wine) submitted to their labs. The home office is located in the European country of Luxembourg.
Luxembourg is a member of the EU (European Union), and is subject to the laws of the EU. Luxembourg offers a high standard of living and a high protection of intellectual property so you will find many European based companies with established home offices in this country. There are also tax advantages to having a home office in Luxembourg. Companies with home offices in Luxembourg are allowed a tax credit of 7% on the acquisition price of investments they acquire (companies) exceeding EUR 150,000. In addition they are allowed a tax credit of 12% on all acquired investments made during a tax year. Unused credit can be carried forward for 10 years. This is an incentive for any business to locate in Luxembourg.
Giles Martin is the chairman and CEO of Eurofins and his worth is 1.57 Billion dollars. Forbes puts Giles Martin at #1605 on their list of Billionaires. His brother Dr. Yves-Loic Martin is chief technology officer of Eurofins, and he is a non-executive director of the company. He owns a 13% stake in the company.
As you must know, the U.K. has gone ahead with their GMO program this past spring 2015. Farmers in the U.K. are likely harvesting GMO crops as I type this paper. There is strong opposition to GMO or GM as the British call these crops. EU law is written in such a way to 'contain' all GM food crops to try to prevent cross contamination of conventional food crops from the GM food crops. This is one of the areas that requires a lab (Eurofins) to do testing of food crops being grown in the field, to determine if a conventional food crop has been contaminated, cross pollinated, by a GM food crop.
All GM food products sold in the U.K. are clearly labeled. The laws of the EU require this action so the consumer knows what they are buying to feed their family. This is another area that a testing lab (Eurofins) comes into play in the GMO market place. This is where non-GMO labels come in. Eurofins is authorized to issue non-GMO labels for food products that test to be GMO free.
In England, the law states that a 'polluter pays' for environmental damage, which would include cross pollination between GMO and conventional crops. This eliminates Monsanto's ability to sue conventional English farmers if cross pollinations between Monsanto's toxic GM crops should happen with conventional food crops in the field. Strict liability (liability without the need to show fault) applies in cases where GMO's are used and released, including during transportation of the crops. The farmer growing the GM crop is liable for all damage done to other crops grown by conventional farmers. A testing lab (Eurofins) does all tests to determine if GMO has contaminated other food crops. This EU law has been implemented in other countries. In England, as of 2005, there were no reported cases applicable to this law, BUT full blown cultivation of GMO food crops has NOT been done in England until this past spring 2015. Up to spring 2015, almost all GMO foods consumed in England have been imported. My information on English Law comes from THE LAW LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, which is the library in the United States.
As of April 18, 2004, Eurofins has been involved in the strict labeling law in the U.K. The GM foods that were labeled have been mostly grown in other countries, mainly the United States. All American manufactures selling their foods to English markets must label all of these food products with labels that state which ingredients are GMO. Testing is done in the Eurofins labs to determine if the labeling law has been observed. This would be in the case of a suspected GMO food that is not labeled as being GMO. Remember this lab has over 130,000 tests to determine the composition of food and beverages. EU law has to be followed to the 'letter'. It is very strict. So far, American companies have complied with the EU labeling law. It would be so easy for these companies to comply with a labeling law in the United States because they are already complying with the strict labeling law set forth by the European Union.

"GeneScan Europe AG" is a part of the "Eurofins" family of companies. Here is a quote that explains this companies role in the GMO issue. ..." As a company of the Eurofins Group, GeneScan Europe AG operates in the area of quality and identity control of food and animal feed. The focus of these activities is the detection of genetically modified organisms (GMO) in seeds, agricultural commodities, semi-finished and finished products. The company meets its customers’ global requirements by operating its own analysis laboratories in Europe, North and South America and by establishing networks of strategic partners and licensees. In addition to carrying out service analyses, it also offers the corresponding diagnostics kits to third party laboratories. The group’s portfolio also includes design, implementation and certification of customized control programmes and identity preservation systems along the entire production chain. "...
I searched several search engines for a connection between Monsanto or any other chemical company with Eurofins. I also included in my searches Giles Martin and his brother Dr. Yves-Loic Martin. There are NO connections. In fact, Eurofins works AGAINST Monsanto in the way that they verify foods to be Non-GMO. Monsanto does NOT want foods to be labeled. So in this way, identifying GMO foods and issuing labels, does work against Monsanto. This is how Eurofins has made a bundle of money.
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" Germany's Bayer will wrap up the $63 billion takeover of Monsanto on Thursday and will also retire the U.S. seeds maker's 117-year-old name. "... (June 7, 20...18)
..." "Bayer will remain the company name. Monsanto will no longer be a company name. The acquired products will retain their brand names and become part of the Bayer portfolio," it said. "...
MY COMMENT: It will not be difficult to hate the merged company name 'Bayer'. Bayer IS part of the original 'IG Farben Conglomerate' (surviving companies are BASF, Hoechst/Aventis, and Bayer), which was a group of chemical/pharmaceutical companies, which made it possible for Adolf Hitler to come to power, and retain his power, during WWII.
Add to all of this when Bayer and Monsanto merged back in 1954 calling themselves MOBAY, they created 'Agent Orange' .
..." Mobay was one of the suppliers of the dioxin-contaminated 2,4,5-T used to produce the Agent Orange sprayed in Operation Ranch Hand (1962-1972).[1] Prior to the Gulf War, in April 1990, Mobay and Occidental Chemical Corporation refused to sell chemicals to the Department of Defense for military use (particularly, with thionyl chloride, a chemical needed for the production of sarin.) The government unleashed the dogs upon the disobedient company, considering filing suit against Mobay and Occidental for violating Title III of the Defense Production Act of 1950, which gives the government the power to requisition supplies for warfare.[2] According to congresswoman Helen Delich Bentley (Rep., MD), when challenged, “they told the Army, ‘It is policy—so sue us.’”[3]..."
MY COMMENT: To put this evil merger in proper historical prospective please read more on IG Farben Conglomerate:
..." IG Farben a company we now know as Bayer was an enormous donor to Hitler’ electoral campaign. This company worked with the Nazi party to take over manufacturing plants when the German’s invaded other European countries. It has even been suggested that without the support received by IG Farben, Hitler would not have risen to power in the first place and the second world war would have never happened.
In the beginning stages of this company around the time, World War I has ended several chemical companies merged together in Germany to form IG Farben. They worked to produce things like pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and explosives.
Representatives met with Hitler in 1932 to see if he would support their agenda if he was given their support as well. You see, the company wanted to expand their plants and work on a synthetic gasoline program. A formal contract was actually made once Hitler officially came to power.
Auschwitz, the hell hole was more than just a concentration camp. It was the home of IG Auschwitz, the largest complex in the world manufacturing gasoline and rubber. IG Farben also tested their products here on prisoners who were considered ‘appropriate candidates.’ These people were used for human experiments and the others sent to gas chambers to be put to death in another IG Farben induced form, synthetic gas Zyklon-B. "...
Read more here:…/
..." In the Auschwitz files, correspondence between the camp commander and Bayer Leverkusen was discovered. It dealt with the sale of 150 female prisoners for experimental purposes:
“With a view to the planned experiments with a new sleep-inducing drug we would appreciate it if you could place a number of prisoners at our disposal (…)” – “We confirm your response, but consider the price of 200 RM per woman to be too high. We propose to pay no more than 170 RM per woman. If this is acceptable to you, the women will be placed in our possession. We need some 150 women (…)” – “We confirm your approval of the agreement. Please prepare for us 150 women in the best health possible (…)” –
“Received the order for 150 women. Despite their macerated condition they were considered satisfactory. We will keep you informed of the developments regarding the experiments (…)” –
“The experiments were performed. All test persons died. We will contact you shortly about a new shipment (…)” "...

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Germany's Bayer will wrap up the $63 billion takeover of Monsanto on…

Thank you Nick Meyer for this new important video from Germany on the merger of Monsanto and Bayer. What I found strange was the narrator saying that Bayer has... a good reputation. Bayer is a survivor of 'IG Farben Conglomerate', the group of companies that made it possible for Adolf Hitler to rise to rule Germany and parts of Europe during WWII. Millions of human beings perished during WWII from chemicals that Bayer created.
In 1954 Bayer and Monsanto merged to creat 'MOBAY' the company that created Agent Orange. The US government dismantled MOBAY sometime afterward.
To watch the video scroll down the inside of the post to the very bottom of the page where you can click on it.

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‘Harvest of Greed:’ A Must-Watch New Film About the Monsanto-Bayer Mergerby Nick Meyer | June 1, 2018  Picture: Video capture/DW-TV Germany   The Monsanto-Bayer merger could be the biggest development in the world of health and agriculture since the introduction of genetically engineered crops...


Dajaun Jones shared a post.
"PONO CANDIDATES" IN 2018...!!!!
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Posted by Kamalani Pahukoa

Kamalani Pahukoa
Is YUKI-LEI the kind of Upcountry Maui County Council Member we need? A Member who votes to poison our ‘ฤina, poison our keiki, & kลซpuna?!
Pl...ease WATCH the first 5min of this film.
Original film link:

A&B are not diversified FARMERS, they are a REAL ESTATE corporation, with minor agriculture interest to continue stealing waters from East Maui.
***East Maui Water Contested Case is still ongoing. Sugar cane is pau. We will only support organic farming endeaveurs to feed our people!
A&B, once again, these ARE NOT YOUR LANDS!!!
These are CROWN LANDS for the benefit & perpetuity of the Hawaiian People.
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This clearly is an important step for France.
Italy the UK and Canada also feed their food animals GMO grains, which puts both Glyphosate residues and (BT) Ba...cillus Thuringeiensis pesticide into food products derived from the animals. It would be a good idea for Italy, the UK and Canada to do the same as France is doing.
At the University of Sherbrooke Hospital Center in Quebec, Canada, blood tests proved that 93% of the women tested had Bacillus Thuringeiensis pesticide circulating in their blood, and 80% of new-borns tested also had this pesticide in their cord blood. No one knows what the long term results will be for both the women and the children. Will the presence of this pesticide create more allergies or even down the line, cancer?
The form of Bacillus Thuringeiensis used in GM gene editing is NOT a stable form of this pesticide so saying it is already used in agriculture, where it can be washed off the food plants, is not a good argument to put this pesticide INTO the food plants.
Thank you Jonathan Latham for this news article.

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Sustain member Beyond GM believes that labelling isn’t enough - we need to start producing food that people can trust.

56 years after Rachel Carson published "Silent Spring" this is what it has come down to?

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By harvest time, we'll know if the drone-pollinated trees fared as well as the rest.


The Ramazzini Institute 13-week pilot study on glyphosate and Roundup administered at human-equivalent dose to Sprague Dawley rats: effects on the microbiome
Glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) are broad-spectrum herbicides that act on the shikimate pathway in bacteria, fungi, and plants. The possible effects of GBHs on human health are the subject of an intense public debate for both its potential carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects, including its....

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