Thursday, June 28, 2018

Vol VII No. 709 Part 1b

Who came up with #stayclassypuna ? Get real! Classy? Whoever came up with that term I guess does not know or wants to cover for the transient trailer trash protecting the drug dealers and addicts that have overrun the aina! The word should be #CleanuptheTrailerTrashAndDrugAddictsPuna
Judge Seabright’s Grand Jury-Constitution Rides in the Back Seat 2018-06-26 admin Politics Leave a comment Our Constitution rides in the back seat. Complete Audio text I spent many years as a police officer. I was sworn to adhere to and protect our Constitution. It was an honor. But after many yea...
And this is exactly WHY Maui Lani Partners' disgusting, disrespectful, abhorrent, immoral practice of "preserving in place" the Iwi Kūpuna with a cement cap WITHOUT ANY IDENTIFICATION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, BUFFER ZONE, OR BARRIER is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE.... Long after we are dead and SHPD staff have cycled in and out of the office: WHO WILL REMEMBER? Seems like for developers, it is perfectly acceptable to cap in cement the precontact ancient Kanaka Maoli burials and build on or adjacent with NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. This area abuts the Maui Lani Project Development where recently in December 2017, the Maui Lani archaeologist Lisa Rotunno Hazuka disclosed to the Burial Council that so far at Maui Lani Phase 6 Towne Parkways subdivision 79 Iwi and 35 burial pits were found... And where are they? We can only wonder if they are under roads, houses, etc, etc.... this practice MUST stop. Look at the Iwi Kūpuna and historic properties referenced in SHPD Review letter for MECO work on Wai'ale....(Find it in comments below). #PLEASESHARE Mahalo
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Posted by Kaniloa Kamaunu
Deldrene Herron They're hoping a generation from now no one will give a damn. Well I'm not going to let it happen. That's why our Aloha Aina group and Huis are constantly threatened or are arrested, sometimes we demand Contested Cases with the Courts and sometimes protecting our Kupuna by acts of Civil disobedience.
For me Kapu Aloha is not recognizing any of the Hawaiian Kingdom laws. It's a cop out. Our ancestors
stood up and fought for what is right. This fake State has no jurisdiction here or over us as a native people.

Remember that Protocol in handling and relocation is always an option. We didn't want our Punalu'u Kupuna left in place next to the BoWS new 36" pipeline, so we built a new heiau, moved all the bits and pieces of 64 men, wemon and babies in deep reverence and ceremony. We also didn't want them to leave their ahapua'a while waiting for SHPD and the Burial Council to make up their minds. We kept them safe, wraped them well in kapa, and keep them cool. It was a long process but we took care as best we could.

We Still need to reinter as many as 2400 Kupuna from Mokapu (military disturbed them when they expanded their base ), also, the many Kualoa Kupuna sitting on shelves and with. SHPD and other sites. All this crazy development and the rise in sea level it's a given that more and more iwi will make their presents known.

Please kokua. Inform your district Hawaiian Civic Club, consult with a local Kanaka elder or your clergy.

All district police officers have to report any iwi/bones you may stumble across or see being dug up. Get a police report number from the officer and GPS (Google earth and smart phones have apps). You may help solve a cold case or stop a dig of someone COMMITTING a Criminal Act. They may be visited by illness or even death for their desecrating a spirit. If you see someone breaking the NAGPRA Federal and State law, say something. Take photos. Voice record your conversation. Avoid confrontations and stay calm. Report, Protect, Educate.
E Malama Na Iwi Kupuna o Hawai'i nei.
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Posted by Really American
Really American
Don't you think the truth about America's 50th state should be taught in our schools?
Anna von Reitz
American Un-Intelligence Network -- All Actual White Hats Be Aware
I have just issued a short and scathing article explaining to everyone that the Norman happened.
I know it may be "Big News" to those who dropped out in the Sixth Grade, but if you are an actual "White Hat", then stop promoting self-interested British Bunko and remember basic historical facts.
King John was not "king" in Britain. That right was shared by all the Norman Barons who were the conquerors in 1066 and their progeny--- their great--great grandsons in the early 1200's when the whole issue of The Magna Carta and John's double-dealing with the Pope arose.
All John had was a title --- and a title is nothing more than a function of a trust, in this case, the Church's trust property in England at the time---the churches, monasteries, and other assets of the Roman Catholic Church, together with whatever "commonwealth" wasteland was given to the church's administration. It does not involve the rest of us then or now.
Those who are misinterpreting or deliberately spreading this gross disinformation about King John need to be shut down--intellectually-- with extreme prejudice, because they are knowingly or unknowingly promoting not only a gross falsehood, but are seeking to build a basis for equally false British claims in the present time against our nation.
Britain does not own us any more than "King" John owned the Norman Conquerors, and his actions do not undermine The Magna Carta then or now.
If the idea was not so pernicious, it would be laughable, so let's all laugh --- and tune up your Shinola Sensors and clue in "American Intelligence Network" that they have fallen on their noses and will be known as "American Un-Intelligence Network" and a storefront for the British Bunko Squad until they redeem themselves.
Remember that these Brits work under Roman Civil Law, and one of the main Maxims of Roman Civil Law is: "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived."
If they can fool you into thinking you are a slave or subject to them, then you are.
If you don't know the history of the Norman Conquest and The Magna Carta and you believe their false re-telling of it, then that becomes your reality and you naturally fall victim to all their other lies and the false assumptions resulting from them.
It therefore behooves everyone to crack the books and examine the circumstances and know the history and the law so that you recognize it when these people try to pass a Whopper like this whole "King John and the Pope" story off on you.
Remember Amos? "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Remember "Study to make yourself approved."
A man cannot be lazy and free.
As I explained earlier today, the actual circumstance is that the Britain doesn't actually own anything related to the United States and was only allowed to exercise "Delegated Power" in the Territorial United States. Britain acted in Gross Breach of Trust and Fraud and Usurpation against our actual Federal Government and so, abused our Delegated Powers for a hundred and fifty years.
One of its primary abuses was to misuse our Patent Office to create a system of Territorial and Municipal Governments that then "enfranchised" all the commercial corporations. This nefarious activity was staged out of our Patent Office in the (vain) hope and assumption that Britain would not be detected as the source of this foul scheme and we would be blamed for it, if it ever came to public knowledge.
Well, it has come to public knowledge. And so has the bankruptcy fraud. And so have the "Life Force Value Annuities". And so has the whole lousy, rotten, immoral, barbaric, fraudulent "Birth Certificate" system. And so has the "dollar for dollar" exchange rate. And so has the quasi-military court system. And so has the role of the "American" Bar Association. And so has the plot to undermine and vacate the constitutional agreements from the federal side of the equation.
It's all exposed. And the perpetrators responsible are not the Americans. The perpetrators are the Brits who usurped upon our Delegated Powers by means of fraud and semantic deceit.
Ironically, as Our Father would have it, because the Brits did all this evil "in our names" and used our Patent and Trademark Office and Copyright Office to do it, we are the actual owners of all the Territorial and Municipal Governments worldwide, and therefore also the owners of the charters of all the commercial corporations that those "governments" issued. Not the Queen.
Always remember that she held only delegated power. She never had any power of her own on our shores. She merely operated in Gross Breach of Trust and commercial contract and used our own powers to abuse us and everyone else.
And now that the rats have finally outsmarted themselves by rendering all three levels of the "federal government" incompetent, and by Operation of Law, all the delegated powers have returned to the Delegating Authority, The United States of America [Unincorporated], and we have acknowledged, accepted, and re-conveyed those delegated powers back to our control----Britain no longer has a word to say to our government, except perhaps --- "We're terribly, terribly sorry. We will be happy to return all the assets that are owed to you."
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All Residents of Kauai-- Get Out and Vote! Debra will clean out that filthy swamp!
We thought the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii was simply a natural eruption caused by earthquakes, however,…
Augustine Costantino Spot on. Easier listening than Alex Jones. #Fulldisclosure
Augustine Costantino Check BPearthwatch on YouTube. Brilliant guy. Says CERN fired up their efforts to heat the earths core.
Kauai Attorney Trask and Mayor trying to move the Kanaka from their own land to other parts of their own land. Desecration of Grave and US FWS Threatened and Endangered Species illegalities happened after the Kanaka were illegally removed from their own land at Coco Palms.
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Posted by Megeso Kou
Limited Showing Sneak Preview to Review Award-winning Filmmaker Dr. Leonard Horowitz's Latest Film
Barron Braden Thank you for your ongoing work.
In the spirit of the upcoming Supreme Court hearing in a couple days on the 21st I offer what the spirit has lifted up for me.
"Change your fucking story"
B Kamahana Kealoha (aka Kealoha Kahunaaina Iona)
...Continue Reading
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Posted by Wonder Wombman
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Posted by Melveen Leed
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Posted by Mileka Lincoln
Mileka Lincoln is in Leilani Estates, Hawaii.
#LeilaniEstatesEruption #KilaueaVolcano UPDATE (June 15 at 8:15 PM): Any guesses on how quickly this river of lava is racing?! This is another unbelievable vide...o taken about an hour ago by Ken Boyer inside #LeilaniEstates from Pōmaikaʻi Street of what #Fissure8 is producing. This footage hasn’t been altered in any way as you can tell by the voices in the background and the sound of coqui frogs. Experts are still trying to determine how quickly this flow is moving — possibly 20-45 mph — but an assessment from USGS HVO geologists earlier this week indicates fissure 8 is producing a lot of volume as it continues erupting with no sign of stopping or slowing. Scientists believe it’s pumping out about 100 cubic meters per second — which is the equivalent of about 26,000 U.S. gallons per second or enough to fill 12 commercial dump trucks per second!! According to the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory: “Today, lava fountains from Fissure 8 reached heights between 100 and 130 ft with bursts up to 180 ft while the cinder and spatter cone that is building around the fissure is now about 170 ft at its highest point. Lava is flowing through the well-established channel from fissure 8 to the ocean at Kapoho. Occasionally, lava spills over the channel levees. The ocean entry remained fairly broad with laze blown onshore. Fissures 16 and 18 continue to ooze lava. The early afternoon overflight found the Fissure 8 vent, channel, and entry stable with a small amount of expansion at the southern boundary of the flow near the coast and south of Vacationland. Fissure 24 (southeast of Fissure 8) seemed to be steamier and emitting more fume. Fissure 9 (southeast of Fissure 24) appeared hotter and will be checked on the ground this afternoon. At the Kīlauea Volcano summit — between 6 am and noon, more than 180 earthquakes occurred in the summit area, 18 of which were stronger than magnitude-3.0. An explosive event occurred at noon today that produced an ash and gas plume to nearly 10,000 ft. Seismicity dropped abruptly after the explosive event but is expected to build up slowly over the next hours. Inward slumping of the rim and walls of Halemaʻumaʻu continues in response to ongoing subsidence at the summit. Sulfur dioxide emissions from the volcano's summit have dropped to levels that are about half those measured prior to the onset of the current episode of eruptive activity. This gas and minor amounts of ash are being transported downwind, with small bursts of ash and gas accompanying intermittent explosive activity.” Stay tuned to Hawaii News Now for the very latest developments #HInews#HawaiiNews#HNN#HawaiiNewsNow#WeAreYourSource (Video taken today by Ken Boyer Photography)
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Land Grab/ Exchange! They're also targeting "Absentee Landlordism" (vacation rentals)
Russell Ruderman — Hawaii State Senator for District 2
Once again, Big Island Video News provides the most complete coverage. Mahalo Dave Corrigan and BIVN for discussing the Relocation Proposal.
The first 8 minute...s are reflections on the lava situation in general. Rest is about Relocation Proposal.
Proposal summary:
I am proposing the use of vacant state land for a new community. It is DLNR land with no plans for it. Not DHHL, not Crown lands. The law exists to do so, HRS 171.93. This law was passed and implemented after the 1960 Hilo tsunami, and a couple times on Oahu.
I want to help everyone who lost their home. While we could not replace acre for acre, we could provide a safe place to rebuild. It’s possible to include an agricultural portion to replace some lost farms. I suggest a lease ( not sale) to a non-profit such as Habitat For Humanity who can make this happen faster than government. Those who lost homes would be first in line, and would have to give up rights to the lava-inundated land. Those who lost property or businesses would be next in line. The non-profit would implement the rules and allocate the land in a fair process.
It’s just a proposal, and all details are up for discussion.
I understand that many other homeless need help, and that many Hawaiians have waited decades for their land. I hope this can help with these issues also, but it is primarily aimed at helping the thousand or more neighbors who've lost everything in the lava flow.
I hope to respond with compassion to the massive crisis of so many of our neighbors losing they’re homes. I see that as my job and also the right thing to do as a neighbor and a good human.
I have a vision of responding with Aloha to this, making things better, setting an example, and taking care of people the best we can.
I am still seeking support and recommendations. I’ll be talking to leaders in our community including Hawaiian leaders as I build support for this vision. I hope you’ll help me.
I welcome ideas to make this proposal better, and I welcome better ideas as alternatives. I believe we need to do something.
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PUNA, Hawaii - State Senator Russell Ruderman has envisions a new community for Puna residents displaced by the eruption in the lower East Rift Zone.
Megrez Mraz I said full time. Meaning this isn't your vacation home.
James Ater By whose authority? The British crown ?
This was our favorite place to swim. Pele is cleaning house. Interesting that she flowed over the wealthiest areas on this side of the island in the area of PunaGeoThermal. In case you have not seen our latest documentary. Visit and sign up for our newsletter to view it. The password is on the website. Mahalo
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Jason Tucker Hills
A little taste of everything that was taken today. Such incredible beauty. So many homes. I just can’t believe it’s all gone. Beautiful Kapoho is forever changed.
Debra KekaualuaDebra and 3 others manage the membership and posts for Report Corruption In Hawaii. Thomas "forest fire" ventura cali, then stalled storm santa barbara "raining boulders" 12/2017, youtube video says, Hawaii is next! voila, in-coming missile, stalled Hanalei storm destruction, and tutu pele due to freaking FRACKING. REsearch people, AMERICA is trying to displace peoples, so CHINA can move to their new lands via Eminent Domain
How come you don't hear about the Kilauea pirates from Kauai flood anymore? The pirates must be paying people to stay quite. So corrupt
The surge in volcanic activity in the lower Puna region of the Big Island of Hawaii is concentrated in the area surrounding the Puna Geothermal Venture. Scientific data clearly links the unacknowle…

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