Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Genocide Activities File for Ricki Aikau State of Hawaii employee - a danger to my person

Genocide Activities File for Ricki Aikau Employee at the Archives - Honolulu, Hawaii

Amelia Gora

4:45 PM (0 minutes ago)


Please add Ricki Aikau, Employee at the Archives - Honolulu, Hawaii to the Genocide Activities File which was assigned to me in 1998.  There are hundreds of names to date.

On this day, July 11, 2018, at approximately 3:55 PM, she did accuse me of taking books off the shelf and not returning it........I had given it to new researchers to look at and Xerox.

Ricki Aikau openly accused me of being the person who took it and didn't return it....basically yelled out loud in the Research Room accusing me of being the party who removed it.

I told her that I've been doing research for more than 30 years actually 40 because I attended the University of Hawaii and was researching since and there was no rule written that a person who removed a book from the
shelf was responsible for the book.

Ricki Aikau apparently has anger issues because the recent murder of her grandson and suicide of her son and her recent car crash has had some serious changes in her attitude/moods, and interactions with myself and

She has become brash, harsh, and nasty.

She basically announced to all in the Archives that the book was missing and I was the other words I was a thief  who stole the book..........

She checked the shelves and said, "No, it's not there".............I asked innocently, do you think the younger guy stole it?...............she said 'you were the last to take it off the shelf, therefore you're responsible for it'...... which led
to my saying that I was researching for 30 years, make that 40 years because of my attendance at the University of Hawaii (at Manoa)................and there's nothing that was said way back when until today.

Elderly person Ricki Aikau needs to be removed from her position because of her rants and accusing me of crimes that I am innocent of.................I didn't steal the book.........

From a distance, I spotted the book on the shelf that she had looked over and there it was.............

It appears that in her angry fit, and her loud yelling announcing to everyone that I was the one who removed the book from the shelf...............she failed to see the book in front of her face which means that she has anger
issues and is now incapable of interacting with the public could be that she's overloaded with drugs or some kind of pain medication that renders her hostile to myself/others.

Her grandson's recent murder by her own son, and now the recent accident which renders her partially unable to move her neck is affecting her and I see her as a danger to myself, which is why she is now on the Genocide
Activities File.

She has wrongfully accused me of theft and did not apologize at all.  The clerks in the office were appalled, and Troy said you found it?....told him yes, it was there.

I was wronged by the elderly employee who needs to be released from her public job.

This is cause for a suit.


Amelia Gora, a Royal person

Genocide Activities File for Ricki Aikau Employee at the Archives - Honolulu, Hawaii Click to teach Gmail this conversation is importa...

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