Sunday, July 1, 2018

Normalize used in this post from Leon Siu - The Hawaiian Kingdom Exists.....Discussion possibilities

June 2018
By H.E. Leon Kaulahao Siu - Minister of Foreign Affairs - The Hawaiian Kingdom
Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono.
On The International Front -
The following are items that Hawaiian diplomatic representatives are pursuing through international organizations such as the United Nations, to assert the Hawaiian Kingdom’s sovereign status and rights as an independent state -
Calling on the UN for a review and annulment of UNGA Resolution 1469, that was adopted by the General Assembly in December, 1959, based on a false report by the U.S. alleging the people of the Hawaiian Islands had freely exercised their right to self- determination by voting to be integrated into the United States of America as the “State of Hawai`i.” [This action also included the country of Alaska]
Stopping the century-long practices of “legalized” land-theft in Hawai`i by asserting the rights of the lineal Hawaiian Heirs and Descendants to protect their inviolable interest (as holders of original land-titles) from foreign speculators and developers, aided by the illegal courts of the “State of Hawai`i”/United States.
Exposing the myth of “annexation” to prove the United States’ claim to the Hawaiian Islands is fraudulent, making its presence in the Hawaiian Islands illegitimate, and its operations in the Hawaiian Islands a sordid criminal enterprise.
Exposing that the United States’ control of the Hawaiian Islands constitutes ongoing serious, violations of international laws, particularly those prohibiting the imposition of foreign (US) puppet institutions, laws, taxation, economic control, military bases, etc. These constitute foreign-state-instituted policies to pillage, abuse and extinguish the Hawaiian people’s civil, political and property rights as well as nationality.
Revealing the systemic discriminatory practices of the US against those of Hawaiian nationality (Hawaiian Kingdom subjects), resulting in persecution, arbitrary detention, confiscation of property, ruinous fines, penalties and punishments; the destruction of families and other violations of human rights indicative of genocide.
Protesting the extreme threat of nuclear annihilation of the Hawaiian Islands — all the inhabitants and places of habitation — caused entirely by the United States’ criminal hyper-militarization of our neutral country in clear violation of International Laws, Humanitarian Laws and customary moral conduct.
Petitioning the UN for non-member state status, based on the legal premise that the Hawaiian Kingdom is a nation in continuity with treaty relations with 173 of the 2
member states of the UN — 46 with direct treaties and 127 with indirect (successor) treaties.
Filing an international ‘disputed lands’ claim (against the US) encompassing the entire Hawaiian Archipelago, to challenge the United States to produce evidence of its acquisition, or abandon its claim of jurisdiction over the lands and territorial seas of the Hawaiian Islands Archipelago.
Forming a peaceful, “Free Hawai`i” movement to initiate and coalesce international advocacy for the reinstatement of the Hawaiian Islands as a sovereign state to resume its proper and equal station among the nations of the world.
Initiating a Treaty of Peace for the normalization and resumption of proper, friendly relations between the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America.
We welcome all who may want to help in discussing, formulating and implementing our plans to normalize and resume friendly, productive relations with the international community.
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