Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Squatters, Pirates, etc. in the Hawaiian Islands

Royal Families Representative Rent Notice No. 2018-0628 Subject Lands of our Royal Families Has Alodio Owners: A...

Ruthann Caudill Kuleana lands belong to Kanaka.

Mahealani Martin KSBE quiet title our land and is selling leasehold calling themselves fee owners. I'm putting together my palapala to submit to BOC without title search because the title companies were giving me the run around for 3 years. Will this help me or hurt me...See More

Amelia Gora Mahealani Martin If the land was given to your ancestor by Kamehameha III and it is an alodio/allodial title then get your Royal Patent, Land Commission Award, and Survey.... that would be your prima facie evidence of ownership...… KSBE was the first case in the Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court recently..... they own NOTHING.....guilty of fraud, piracy, conspiracy, etc. All who bought from them are now documented squatters because the Royal Families exist.... keep in contact with us because more instructions are available... hawaiianhistory@gmail.com DHHL part of the state are Identity thieves...and legally not even a government....Queen Liliuokalani was given Hawaii back twice by U.S. President Cleveland.... reclaim your tutu's aina! http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/.../us-president...Manage
Ruthann Caudill Mahealani Martin These illegal Quiet Titles happened longgggg ago...illegal Deeds were made in San Francisco.

Ruthann Caudill Mahealani Martin do you have an email from DHHL?

Ruthann Caudill Mahealani Martin if you have the email, could you please send to me ruthiejim13@gmail.com. Thanks

Ruthann Caudill Mahealani Martin Quite Title Land is usually changed to Fee Simple and sold. This is nothing new, but is illegal.

Mahealani Martin Ruthann Caudill that's what KSBE did. In 2015 two acres sold leasehold and KSBE states they are the fee owner. I know that isn't true. I also believe they sold 24.7 acres off the same land. Altogether my ggg grandfather had 27.9 acres.

Ruthann Caudill Mahealani Martin sounds like what has been done since the Fake Deeds in Hawaii.

Ruthann Caudill Mahealani Martin if she did not receive an email, or anything in writing, then she (or any Kanaka) needs to start demanding “evidence” in writing, please.

Mahealani Martin Mahalo Ruthann Caudill. My friends mama was told the same thing they ended up buying the lease. They put down $190,000 on a house in waimanalo took out a loan for $100,000 with First Hawaiian Bank and they are charging my friend PMI for the duration of the 30 year loan which is illegal. They put down more than 20% down payment. The bank told her that they do that because most Hawaiians default on their mortgages. She has the name of the Hawaiian homes employee that told her that and possibly the name of the person at FHB when she went to inquire about the PMI.


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