Thursday, July 12, 2018

Vol VII No. 711 Part 3 New York is scarey...only liked the lights, and the police on the horses....

I disagreed with Ron Williams and was responding to a question he posed, but he unfriended me before I could post it. My disagreement wasn't personal but I guess he took it that way. So I'll post my response here.
1. Breastfeeding is healthier as a medical fact. It would be ridiculous for anyone to disagree with that. That is what makes me think there is way more to the true story than what was written.
2. Without a link to the source document, i.e., the transcri...pts, we are left to the opinion of a biased media which says US blackmailed Equador. Seems ridiculous to do that over a mere policy statement of the UN, but if true, evidence should prove it. The author should have posted a link. If true, that would be alarming. I agree with Ron on that point.
3. WHO IS an UN special agency. Minor research will confirm that. I'm sorry he didn't know that.
4. Yes, I did read the article and not just the headline. It doesn't make any sense to me. The article seems riduculous. Common sense requires skepticism in this case. Trump denies it.
5. Russia sponsored it? Good. So what? Russian mother's also breastfeed. No source of contention there.
6. There has to be more than meets the eye...attributing intent without evidence, i.e. US objected because it wanted to preserve corporate profits, is irresponsible. How about... some woman need formula... even those who breast feed, which is manufactured by a company.... common sense... people buy formula which is sold for a profit. Most "for profit" companies try to make a profit. I don't think Trump was protecting one out two companies. I think he wanted mother's to have access to formula... that's all.
7. Without links to transcripts or documents, this piece is written to be "sensationalized"... which the media does all the time. It is an anti-Trump article.
For someone who constantly reminds us all to seek out source evidence, I'm surprised Ron defended an author who provided none, at the expense of unfriending me.
Sorry for the loss of Ron's posts, I enjoyed them. Didn't think contrary opinion would get me unfriended, especially from an educator. Thought it was as encouraged, but I guess I thought wrong. I didn't even have time to give him the reason for my opinion. I was outta there so fast....I feel devalued and dismissed.
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Maria Taylor Thank you Gary. I can give intelligent reasons for my opinions... done ppl don't want that. I may have embarrassed him by disagreeing when he wanted "yes" men. Didn't intend to...
Gary Calentino Maria Taylor Some “educator”... Close minded teachers are worthless IMO...
Donna Blevins Willard Ron Williams is not a closed minded educator. Ron Williams is a highly educated person with a love for truth and enlightenment with it. I think it might be better to try and correct the misunderstanding, if there is one than bashing
Donna Blevins Willard Ron doesn't unfriend people because they disagree...I know because if he did I would have been gone many a time...he doesn't like to have untruths posted on his FB. The reason is he has worked so hard to get where he is so that he could tell the truths that have been I think when that happens it goes against everything he has sacrificed and worked for...I dont know what Maria's post was but I am sure that he found her comments to be untrue, not based on fact and it has nothing to do with her as a person but everything to do with truth only in his discussions...if we make a statement we should have solid evidence of its truth...personally I think that should be true always.....
Maria Taylor Donna, you don't have to defend him to me - it's his page, he can do what he wants. I wrote that I found the post ridiculous and it didn't make sense. If he thought my opinion was based on untruths, he has that right, except he didn't let me explain why I held that opinion. We differ politically, but it's not my first rodeo. XO
Donna Blevins Willard I am not trying to defend him...I am trying to help understanding occur...thats thing I have learned in my years of making statements is to include my why when I make helps understanding......aloha have a gorgeous day
Ku'ulei Perez Maria, I had my moment with him too, dissapointing, I think he does not like to be wrong or have debatable comment coming at him as he said to me, " to infect his thread with negativity" on his post. lol, well he did not un friend me I just do not comment on his posts, waste of time. He lost my respect, something about him does not feel right, I hope I am wrong for the sake of all the people who strongly admire him. And thats the kind of posts that seems to make him happy. hmmm
Mark Miller Really. Now something does not feel right about the guy because he unfriended someone?
Trish Shaner Kelekoma Knudsen Mahalo Ku'ulei...I had similar encounter
Mark Miller So have I. I have been unfriended by several people. It happens...even Ron himself but we managed to get past it. I admit I was pretty strong in my wording when talking about something. Look, it isn't like there is fault to find here.
Ku'ulei Perez This is social media if you don't want anyone disagreeing with what you post then, create a private group an fill it with people that are most agreeable with you, if thats what you need.
Amelia Gora yep, yep....sometimes yes men are good to have around lol
Maria Taylor Remember, Bilderberg members who own the media have dubbed this a "post truth" era that we live in - the ideology of which is to get people to change their opinions by way of emotional outrage instead of facts. This is a UN, NWO scheme and all articles/news should be viewed with this in mind. If a story is used to incite an emotional response, and the content just seems unusually "right or left" it probably is... The article on the US being anti-breastfeeding because it objected a WHO (UN) policy statement appears to be the perfect example of a POST TRUTH (or HALF TRUTH) article and I just don't believe the content of it.
Mark Miller Perhaps all of that is meaningless when you consider the original claim in either the post or the meme. As I recall this was not about breast feeding but a political claim of fake news and Donald Trump. Red flags go off when I see people sharing Donald's insane claims of fake news.

Sorry, I understand that it is difficult to be unfriended. This has happened to me as well but some people have a sort of line in the sand over that kind of thing. In some cases, you just cannot continue to make an argument when you expand the explanation so broadly.
Maria Taylor Well, Mark, you and I disagree politically all the time. Yet here we are.
Maria Taylor Dr. Ron Williams, Jr.
Patrick Dempsey Maria Taylor An expert on breast feeding without breasts. Must be a liberal.
Mark Miller Ya know he unfriended me once but are Facebook friends now but Ron is passionate. So are you Maria Taylor.
Melissa Leina'ala Haa Moniz Passionate people are just that passionate. Just don’t take it personally. When the dust settles we often nod our heads and move on. Its okay to agree to disagree. I look at the names in the comments......... I have had passionate kukakuka with several of you, good strong conversations where we did not agree but boy did you make me think and that is what it was all about you made me think.............and at times you got me rethinking how I think!

Imagine how boring my life would have been if some of you have never been part of my life.

I learned from each and everyone of you.


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