Saturday, July 28, 2018

Vol VII No. 713 Part 1b

Kalama O Ka Aina was live.
This Chicago business has aggressively threatened Kanaka Maoli families with legal action for the use of the word "Aloha" on Fb or businesses.
Friedlander currently has a gag order on a KANAKA MAOLI family and has ordered them to cease and desist from the use of a word in our language from being used.
When the lawyer was asked if his client even knew what the meaning of aloha was, "he said it was irrelevant and that they owned the rights to it and they were gonna come for anyone who had the word aloha in their business name and were selling poke or any other seafood"
Allies in Chicago for Indigenous families struggling to make a living, struggling to perpetrate our culture PLEASE Kako'o by going to the place of business and letting them know WE WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS.
Here is the owner's Facebook
Ok, we can go national Kanakas. There's locations all over the United States.

  1. -1:52
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    Eight Types of People at the Grocery Store
    So True, Y'all with Mosquito Joe.
    Who hasn't had an unplanned family/class/church reunion block the one item you need on the aisle? 😂

    Clarita Amante I'm not quite all of those....I just get what I need and go... well, maybe linger a little --- hahaha....With the reunion one, I would yell and say EXCUSE ME?? They have time; I don't....


  3. -5:58
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    How The Opioid Crisis Is Overwhelming Funeral Homes In West Vi...
    Road Trip: Listen To America
    The sharp increase of fatal drug overdoses in West Virginia has overwhelmed funeral directors, the medical examiner’s office and families trying to bury loved ones.

    Maria Taylor Damn that Trump - he's trying to curb this and fight this One of his methods is closing the border. How dare he....RESIST!!!


  4. -2:34
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    Trump's Policies Put Brutal Gang In Crosshairs - The Media And Pelosi Actually Defend Them
    More episodes of this show are available on Facebook Watch.
    DCNF Presents The Facts
    June 5
    MS-13 is responsible for decapitation and ripping the hearts from their victims during initiation killings.
    Trump says they are "Animals" but Pelosi says they have the "Spark of Divinity."
    The media twisted his words completely. The DCNF straightens them out to get to the facts.

    Maria Taylor MS 13 gang graffiti is showing up on Big Island. Dang that Russian spy, Trump? He's trying to close the borders to keep them out of the USA. RESIST!!!


  5. -7:20
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    Posted by Nature Videos

    Oahu, Hawaii
    More episodes of this show are available on Facebook Watch.
    Nature Videos
    Oahu, Hawaii

    Momi Vee Still Beautiful.!!!⛰️🌴🏊


  6. -2:35
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    FISA warrant approved based on hoax
    Experience Matters with Drew Berquist
    Is anyone surprised that a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign was approved using bogus information?
    The fake dossier created by the Clinton campaign was all the Obama administration needed to sanction the operation.

    Vince Johnson Audio tapes of tRump, boat loads of evidence, millions of pieces in filings, 35 indictments, 100 subpoenas, a dozen judges involved in the process, but you seriously believe they are ALL hanging their hats on one docier.

    Vince Johnson The #SteeleDocier was funded by the #GOP when 12 rivals were trying to get dirt on tRump. It was later turned over to the #Dems when the #familyvaluesparty decided raw dogging porn stars while his 3rd mistress wife was still breast feeding was acceptabSee More


  7. >> Tucker: WELCOME TO TUCKER
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    Tucker Carlson: You Can't Trust Government That Abuses Power
    More episodes of this show are available on Facebook Watch.
    Fox News Voices
    "For the first time in generations, Americans have reason to believe that our intelligence and law enforcement agencies gravely misuse the powers we have given ...them."
    Tucker Carlson talks about concerns that government agencies have violated Americans' civil liberties and have picked political sides.
    See More

    Ruthann Caudill And Dark Chocolate?? That is my favorite.Top 7 Dark Chocolate Health Benefits
    Antioxidant Benefits
    Cardiovascular Health
    Diabetes Protection
    Anti Cancer Benefits
    Bone Health
    Dental Health
    Brain Health
    Valentine’s Day chocolates are a giving and eating tradition. From antiquity to the present, chocolate has been a beloved food, one of the most popular in Western culture. Chocolate is the number one food craved by women, especially between the ages of 25 and 40. But is chocolate just junk food? Here is a glimpse of both the light side and dark side of chocolate.
    Chocolate comes from the cacao tree, Theobroma cacao, which literally means “cacao, food of the gods.” The most revered of all rainforest foods and the most pharmacologically complex food source in the Amazon jungle, the cacao bean contains about 12,000 natural chemical constituents. In ancient Central American cultures, raw cacao beans were used as the coin of the realm, and the Aztec Emperor Montezuma filled his treasure vaults with cacao beans, not gold!

    Chocolate Health Benefits
    For almost all of its 3500 year history, chocolate has been consumed as a beverage. The royal chocolate drink called Xocolati was valued for its ability to build resistance and fight fatigue. In modern times, there is growing scientific evidence that chocolate offers many other health benefits -- from decreasing dental cavities and increasing brain energy, to providing cardiac support, strengthening bones, and preventing cancer.

    This activity is especially due to pure chocolate's rich content of minerals like magnesium and antioxidants like flavonols. Researchers at the University of California Davis and Pennsylvania State University found a direct relationship between certain flavonols in cocoa and a beneficial effect on cardiovascular function, notably improved cholesterol ratios, lowered blood pressure, reduced arterial plaque, and increased blood vessel flexibility.

    Wicked Dark Chocolate Blank
    Cocoa and dark chocolate contain a wide variety of powerful antioxidants, way more than most other foods. Raw, unprocessed cocoa beans are among the highest scoring foods in terms of ORAC values. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) is a measure of the antioxidant activity of foods. Dark bittersweet chocolate, as opposed to milk chocolate or white chocolate, containing cacao levels of 60% -90%, is much richer in antioxidant flavonols.

    These beneficial compounds neutralize dangerous free radicals that damage cellular DNA and cause disease. Studies indicate that people with high blood levels of flavonols have lower risk of heart disease, asthma, and diabetes. Dark chocolate can reduce insulin resistance, another common risk factor for many diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Dark chocolate also has one of the lowest glycemic indexes of sweet foods.

    Dark Chocolate Nutrition
    Besides antioxidants, dark chocolate is rich in fiber and minerals. Although consuming a full bar at one time is not necessarily a good idea in terms of sugar and calorie intake, it is interesting to note that a 100 gram bar of dark chocolate with 70-85% cocoa contains:
    11 grams of fiber.
    67% of the RDA for Iron.
    58% of the RDA for Magnesium.
    89% of the RDA for Copper.
    98% of the RDA for Manganese.
    Other minerals like potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium
    Anti Cancer Benefits of Dark Chocolate
    Studies show that dark chocolate can help lower risk of lung, prostate, and skin cancer. According to Dr. David Servan-Schreiber in his book Anticancer, dark chocolate containing more than 70 percent cacao is loaded with potent antioxidant flavonols, polyphenols and proanthocyanidins, all of which help to slow the growth of cancer cells. The higher the percentage of cacao, the higher the content of these beneficial components.

    In addition to antioxidant activity, other anti-cancer benefits have also been found in chocolate. Researchers from the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University found that natural pentamer compounds in cocoa deactivate certain proteins that encourage cancer cells to continually divide (Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, April 18, 2005).

    A Note of Caution

    Chocolate is controversial, so let’s define our terms. In an amusing dichotomy, the dark side of chocolate is light but the light side is dark! Never consume milk chocolate or white chocolate, which are low in beneficial compounds and high in fat, dairy and sugar -- some of cancer's favorite foods --and which can cancel out the cacao benefits.

    Dark Blackout Chocolate Blank
    However, even in the case of dark chocolate -- despite all of its benefits -- we need to exercise restraint. Make sure you consume organic chocolate that is free of cancer-causing pesticides. Chocolate is highly acidic, characteristic of an environment in which cancer thrives. Chocolate may dehydrate, causing constipation in some persons -- a known risk factor for various cancers. In large quantities, caffeine-like substances in chocolate can raise the levels of cortisol and other stress hormones that can contribute to disease. Chocolate is part of the caffeine family, and two major long-term women's health studies suggest a connection between high caffeine intake and precancerous or high-risk breast lesions (Mayo

    Bottom line, moderation is the key. Dark chocolate is not only a healthful food, it is also good for the soul -- and that alone is worth the indulgence! So enjoy your dark chocolate and have a happy Valentine’s Day!

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    Join Our Health E-News Community Free Download of Top 12 Fruits and Vegetables to Only Eat Organic
    Brylle German yes the beegees

    Ruthann Caudill The Genealogies you are keeping are invaluable. Thank you for your work. I cannot wait for the Kanaka to sue to reclaim their lands.

  9. Workout music...……...till cool down music...…. enjoying some kool music......excercizing……….aurite!
    "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" was the first short film of Michael Jackson's solo career, filmed in…

  10. Thank you Amelia

  11. enjoying some kool music......excercizing……….aurite!
    "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" was the first short film of Michael Jackson's solo career, filmed in 1979 for…

    Amelia Gora memories from finishing and modeling school ….workout just ramp walking, spins, lol...……….now to be used for Workouts! lol...…...have a good one everyone thinkin about startin a class when we have a Hawaiian cultural center built...…....…. now from fast music to cool down music..... aloha.

  12. -4:40
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    Cuomo: 'I think we hit bottom'
    Cuomo Prime Time
    Chris Cuomo: "Many are saying that this is a day that will live in infamy… and that's true.
    I think we hit bottom. If so, there is a blessing in that because there can be no more debate about which way is up"

    Ruthann Caudill We here in DC have been saying this for many months.

    Maria Taylor Yes, CNN's ratings have tanked. He's right - he did hit rock bottom.

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